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New Beginnings

I'm not sure how this page will go over, but I'm giving it a good try. What you will find here are some early writings, things we've written that we've pushed away...tossed aside, and left to collect dust...stories we're ashamed of, stories we wish we never would have written. However, we're bringing them out, blowing off the collected grim, and letting you read them. Now just try not to laugh too hard, some of these stories are quite pitiful...but they are what started our love of writing. They will all be posted as they were written..there may be some spelling mistakes..etc, but I think that is what makes them was a new beginning for us. I'm working on getting them all ready to post, so it shall take me a couple of days to get them up, but bear with me, and you shall have new stories to read. Also, if any of you have first stories that you'd like to share..feel free to email them to me, and I shall post them....don't be scared, every story has a right to its time in glory.
Email them to me

This is the very first story that I ever wrote, and well, I hate to say this..but it sucks. Now Faith would disagree, but since it was my first attempt at fanfiction, and I'd never even read any before I wrote this...I basically just jotted down whatever came to mind. This short story is about a girl who sets her two best friends up with members of either Nsync or BSB...I think in this story both guys are from the Backstreet boys. Now Now, before you laugh at me..I used to like BSB...however I don't now. Read, tell me what you think..but try not to be to harsh.
RoadTrip - SARA

This is my second story, but it's still a frist. Now at this time, I had read some fanfiction, so I had a better idea of what I wanted to write, and what I guess was expected. Very few people have read this, Faith likes it...but who knows why. :) It's still one of those very cheesy stories, where everything goes right, the guy gets the girl, the girl gets the guy..everyone is happy. This is just an Nsync story...there is no BSB involved..(for those of you who hate BSB, you can all breath easier now.)
Angel of Mine - SARA

Heaven's Missing Angels