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“Faith..can you tell us how our mom and dad met?” McKayla sat on the over stuffed sofa, her younger brother Jayden in her lap.

“Why don’t you ask them? I think maybe its something that parents should tell their children.” Faith reached for the small blanket that lay near her feet, wrapping it around the tiny baby in her arms.

“But Aunt Faith....we want to do something special for mom and we need to know.” McKayla shifted the young child off her lap, placing him on the floor. “Please.”

Her small hazel colored eyes shown up at Faith, causing her to just give into the little girl. “Alright, I will tell you.....See it all happened...long time ago.......”

*Ten Years Ago*

“I seriously can’t believe you’re making me go on this thing again....” Sara stared up at the towering building, before following behind her friend though the windy pathway.

“Oh you know you enjoy it.” Faith laughed as her friend let out a loud sigh.

“Do I have to go?” Sara begin to whine as their foot steps brought them into the chilly, old building.

“Oh just be know exactly what’s going to happen.” Faith stopped behind a few people, waiting for the ride to begin.

“I think that’s what scares me the most.” The line begin to move, Sara and Faith followed closely behind them....the doors closing before they could enter. “They just love to make me suffer.”

“You complain a lot...did you know that?” Faith started laughing harder, as Sara’s hard gaze hit her.

“Oh just shut up.” Sara folded her arms. “Faith, why aren’t there any other people in line with us?”

“I was wondering that myself...maybe no one is interested in this ride.” The doors opened once again, a young man in a bell hop suit ushered them in.

“Wait..if mom didn’t want to go on it..why did you make her?” 5 year old TJ had joined in on the story.

“She was just whining about it..she really wanted to go.” Faith laughed at his confused expression, but McKayla seemed impatient, so she continued with the story.

*The Story Continues*

The doors remained open, but no one else entered. The young man was still standing there, so Faith decided to ask him what was going on. “Excuse there any reason as to why we’re still sitting here?”

He looked at her for a minute, he seemed to be debating with himself on whether or not to tell her. “Well, you see....we’ve been asked to hold this ride for a group of people..they should be here any moment.”

“Now wouldn’t it be ironic if Nsync just happened to step on to this ride..with us...all alone. I think JC better watch himself.” Faith had retold Sara what the boy had said...and they both started laughing at the stupidity of things that good happening.

Minutes passed, both girls getting tired of waiting...the could be doing so many other things....they weren’t sure what..but they knew they would think of something. The young man had left his position, but returned moments later, followed by a group of guys. At first they were just faceless strangers, but as our eyes adjusted, they soon discovered that they weren’t so much strangers.

“Oh my you realize....I mean..Sara you....well do you see that.” Faith’s stuttering had caught the mens attention, their eyes looking over both girls.

“Oh great, just go and make a fool out of the both of us.....goodness girl..BREATH.” Sara spoke loudly, causing the group of men to laugh quietly to themselves.

The doors shut, the room became dark. The lightening went off outside the small window, and the TV begin to blare, telling use we had entered the TWILIGHT ZONE. Sara and Faith were no longer drawn to the television, but to the six or seven young men that filled up the rest of the room. Faith whispered quietly to Sara, both girls picking out each man by name.

“You’re telling me that mom and dad met in a dark room....that’s not romantic. They go into dark rooms all the time together.” McKayla had sprawled out on the couch, pushing on TJ with her small feet.

“Be quiet Kay...I’m trying to listen to the story.” TJ swatted at his sister’s feet, forcing her off balance, causing her to tumble to the floor.

“Alright you two, behave, or I won’t go on.” Faith placed the sleeping baby she held, onto the couch beside her.

“Aunt Faith...can I hold Jace?” McKayla held her arms open, allowing Faith to place the baby in her arms.

“Go on please Aunt Faith.” TJ’s eyes pleaded with her, so she made sure McKayla was fine with the baby, picking up her story where she left off.

“Sara...that’s JC...Joshua Scott Chasez, and he’s standing right there.” Faith leaned in close to Sara’s ear, allowing only her friend to hear her excited rambling.

“I know Faith...shhhh, just act...well act different then what you’re acting.” Sara glanced over at the men again, focusing on the one that Faith had been going on and on about. “Maybe if you’re nice..they’ll let you sit by him..then you can grab onto him when we fall.”

“AWWWWWWWW.” Faith’s outburst filled the room, the men’s attention brought back to the girls once again.

“Oh good going.” Sara turned quickly, forcing Faith out of the newly opened doors.

“You were the one that had to add that little bit about JC, me and grabbing him.” Faith laughed at Sara’s expression, before turning all wide eyed, as she realized that JC was standing right behind Sara.

“So you feel the need to grab me as we fall.” JC spoke for the first time, Sara spinning around to face him, as Faith stood still in her place.

Sara having her back to Faith, hadn’t noticed she stopped...slamming right into her. “Look what you I’ve got to un freeze her..or we’ll never get on this ride.”

“Would you like me to help?” JC extended his hand, allowing Faith to numbly reach for it. They walked off towards the waiting elevators, leaving Sara in her place, mouth hanging open.

“You do realize, you are holding up the line.” A strong male voice spoke near her ear, causing tingles to race down her back. She spun around, coming face to face with the prettiest blue eyes.

“Maybe if you could give me just the tiniest shove...I’d actually move my feet. Did you just see what happened.........that’s” Sara felt a large hand on her back, gently guiding her along.

“I’m Justin.” She already knew who he was, but she figured he felt the need to formally introduce himself.

“Nice to meet you Justin...I’m Sara.” She waited until they had stopped, him now standing beside her, before sticking her hand out, waiting for him to take it.

His hand was firm, but very soft....the texture of it sending those tingles shooting all over her body. “Looks like your friend and my friend have become acquainted.”

“You noticed that too huh...looks like I’ve been deserted.” It was a harmless statement, but Justin seemed to take it as an invitation.

“You are more then welcome to just hang out with me....” His smile was directed at her, which only caused her to blush. She knew he was cute, but standing here this close to him, having him flirt with her....well he became sexy.

“Mom thought dad was sexy.” McKayla begin to laugh, followed by the playful giggles of TJ. “I don’t think dad is sexy.”

“You’re not supposed to think your dad is sexy....and it doesn’t matter what you think anyway, its all about how your mother feels about him.” Faith leaned back against the couch, watching the young children in front of her.

“Mommy loves Daddy....doesn’t she?” TJ’s innocent question brought a smile to Faith’s face. “Of course she does sweetie, she loves him very much.” Faith closed her eyes, bringing back that day so long ago.

“Look, just to warn you...I scream on this ride.” Sara stepped into the scary looking elevator, followed closely by Justin.

“I’ll make sure to cover my ears.” Faith, who stood in front of Sara, laughed at Justin’s comment.

“Well, you should have brought ear plugs...this girl has got some lungs.” Faith ducked behind JC’s arms, as Sara took a quick swing at her.

“Girl, its not fair when you hide behind someone else. Get over here and fight like the girl you are.” The elevator burst into a fit of laughter, as Sara jumped around, trying to get Faith to play along.

“I think maybe dropping you 13 stories would be a good thing.” Faith ducked again, sitting down quickly on the other side of JC.

“Yeah, yeah..just hide behind him....I’ll get you later. We’ll take this outside.” Sara sat down, allowing the bar to close around them. Sara grabbed onto the bar, but Justin tugged on one of her hands, holding it in his own.

“ when we can just squeeze my hand.” His warm hand brought a lot of warmth to Sara. She glanced over at him, his bright eyes turning to look at her once again.

The doors to the elevator closed, and the ride started to move up. Sara gripped Justin’s hand, he only gave her a reassuring squeeze to comfort her. The ride stopped, doors opening...allowing the passengers inside to witness the flashes of light...the outlines of five people taking shape. Justin never let go of Sara’s hand, but her attention wasn’t on the darkness that now took over the long dark hallway. She watched Justin...his reaction to what was going on, making her smile grow a bit bigger. The window at the end of the hall, started moving towards the group of people, shattering into pieces with a loud crash. The doors closed again, moving up once more....this time stopping at another floor..the doors re opening once again. The car they were riding in, begin to move, taking them past shadowy figures, towards a starry curtain. Sara knew what was coming..this was the part she hated the most. She didn’t want to hurt the hand that was on the bar, gripped tighter, taking all the pressure from Justin’s hand. He knew also knew what was to come, so he released Sara’s hand, placing his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him...closing her eyes..waiting for that moment when the floor would leave beneath them.

“Wait..hold on....they’re gonna fall.” TJ’s eyes had grown larger, small tears begin to build in the corner of his eyes.

“It’s a ride’s not real. Goodness...what a baby you are.” McKayla’s head rested on a pillow...she stroked Jace’s small fingers.

“I’m not a baby...I’m a big boy now. You’re just mean.” TJ folded his small arms across his chest, glaring down at his older sister.

“ know better then to call your brother names. Now hush up, so I can finish, and TJ...don’t one gets hurt.” Faith smiled as TJ wiped at his small blue eyes.

The passengers heard the cart roll over some bumps, felt themselves jostle in their seats..then silence. Sara opened her mouth to scream, feeling her stomach rise up into her throat....the fall always seemed to last forever...and when she thought it was over...the elevator rose again...sending its occupants back down 13 stories. Laughter escaped the mouths of the people sitting in and around the two girls...mostly they laughed at Sara’s ear splitting screams that came in short burst. Some laughed at the thrill of the ride..while others just laughed at their fellow riders. stopped. Sara took a few deep breaths to steady her racing heart. Faith’s heart felt laughter rang in Sara’s ears, but all she felt was her hand still encased in Justin’s.

“I told you I screamed.” Sara looked at his boyish face, taking in all the details..for she didn’t want to forget them.

“Huh...could you maybe speak into my good ear?” The people around her laughed, while she only lightly punched Justin in the shoulder.

“That was so not funny.” The doors opened, allowing them to leave their seats, and exit the frightening ride. “Thank you.” Sara didn’t look at Justin as she spoke those words, but he didn’t need to see her eyes to know that she was sincere.


“That’s it...that’s how they met?” McKayla sat up, looking at Faith with question in her eyes.

“Don’t you think that’s a sweet story. He made her feel safer on a ride she hated so much...he protected her.” Faith stood as the door bell rang...leaving the two young children to form their own ideas on the story.

“So were they good?” Sara entered the large sitting room, glancing around at her three little angels.

“Of course they were.” Faith walked over to pick up Jace, as Justin entered the room.

“Where’s my little girl?” Justin knelt down, his arms open..allowing McKayla to run to him.

“Mommy?” Sara looked down..seeing little TJ tug at her pant leg.

“What is it baby?” She watched as Justin let go of Kay, stepping over the toys to pick up young Jayden.

“Can we go to Disney World?” TJ’s small voice cause Sara to turn and look at him.

“Now why would you want to go there....” Justin had turned at his wife’s question, staring down at his young son.

“I want to go on that ride where you and daddy met.” TJ looked at McKayla, who jumped in with her to cents.

“Maybe you two can hold hands like you did for the first time. Wouldn’t it be fun to go back with us everything?” Sara couldn’t help but smile at her oldest daughter. She turned to her husband.

“I think she has a’s been a long time since we’ve been. I do remember you saying you’d hold my hand on that ride anytime.” Sara’s eyes met Justin’s bright blue ones...the love for each other radiating from them.

“I did say that didn’t I. Well baby....I think it’s time that I make good of my word. What do you two say about a trip to Disney World.” McKayla and TJ begin to jump around the room. Justin looked at Sara again, reaching for her hand. He pulled her to him....wrapping his arm around her. “Anytime...Sara...anytime.”

Justin Timberlake