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Justin Timberlake

You have reached the almightly Justin Timberlake section. For Faith's sake I'll say, he's the second sexiest member of Nsync :) I've got quite a few short stories posted, so check those out, and two long stories written by yours truely. ENJOY...remember that the * means mature content..proceed at your own caution. :)

Short Stories
Nothing At All* - Sara
One Kiss At A Time - Faith
Finding It All In A Dance - Faith
Seduction - Faith
Hold Me* - Sara
Say It - Faith
Anytime - Sara
Shadows of The Moonlight - Faith
If I Was The One - Sara
Love and Basketball - Faith
Cry - Brynn
Bound With A Hug - Sara
Everything I Own - Sara
Hope - Sara *NEW*

Long Stories
On That Krazy Day - Sara
Promises (Sequal to On That Krazy Day) - Sara

Heaven's Missing Angels