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“I can’t be perfect Justin. I don’t know how.” Brynn’s teary voice sounded from behind the door. Faith looked over at JC as his hand found hers as their eyes met, each’s own pain shining through; they’re best friends were killing what was obvious to everyone but themselves.

“I’m not askin you to be perfect Brynn! I just don’t understand why you’re running from this. Why are you pushing me away??” Justin said forcefully, his heartbreak evident in his voice, the pain growing.

Justin’s last words pierced through the silence as Brynn looked away, a tear strolling down her cheek. “I’m sorry…..I just….I can’t.” She said as Justin took a deep breath and tried one more time, tears brimming in his eyes but the masculine side of him refusing to let them fall..

“Can’t what?” Justin said lightly but frustrated. He had told her he loved her, he knew she was the one, the only one who could love him how he needed to be loved, the only one he would ever love the way he did…and she was running away from him. He knew she’d been hurt, but why couldn’t she see he wasn’t everyone else?

“I can’t love you.” Brynn’s words were so soft Justin had to strain to hear her before she quickly stood up and bolted out of the room, leaving Justin reaching for her hand.

Brynn ran through the bus, tears streaming down her face, streaking past JC and Faith and out the front of the door past Lonnie and Mike, who stood checking things off before letting Wade and Sara step onto the bus.

“Ummm is she okay??” Wade asked as he stepped up onto the bus, his head spinning around as Brynn pushed past he and Sara and ran across the parking lots, her face red and wet from her tears. Faith stood up as she shook her head lightly and started toward the door of the bus.

“Sara, will you tell Lonnie that I went to go find Brynn and we’ll be back ASAP?? I know we’re rollin outta here in a couple of minutes.” Faith asked as Sara lightly nodded her head.

“I’ll tell him and be there in a few.” She said as she squeezed Wade’s hand, leaving him and JC to tend to the broken-hearted Justin while she and Faith chased down Brynn. No one was sure exactly what had happened.

Brynn took a deep breath as she sprawled across the starchy hotel sheets 5 days later. It’d been a horrible week. They were in Hawaii for a special promotion…..this was the place of dreams, the one place couples go for a romantic time, the one place where even the dark gloomy sky felt her pain as she lay heart-broken and confused while Justin attempted to understand the un-understandable.

Deep down she knew he wouldn’t deny her, she trusted him with all her heart and soul. But she’d been hurt. Every guy that had ever remotely made his way to her heart had broken it, lifted it up just to tear it to shreds and leave her there alone to pick up the pieces. Why would Justin be any different than the rest?? Why had she let herself get so involved…..why would someone attempt to deny the logic…..why was she doing exactly to Justin what she was afraid of Justin doing to her.

The fact hit her like a brick as she lay on the starchy hotel sheets. Trying not to think about the pain she’d induced, she stood up slowly and walked to the window, softly sliding open the glass door and stepping out onto the balcony….the cool ocean air hitting her, the cotton candy clouds just forming in the distance as the sun began to set.

Leaning her elbows on the white railing, she supported her head with her hands and took a took breath before looking down onto the beach and spotting an undeniable figure.

Her breath caught as she saw him, sitting there on the cool sand in his hawaiin print shirt and khaky cargo shorts, his arms wrapped around his knees, supporting his weight. His chest heaving lightly with every sob, his masculine hand wiping tears from his cheeks every few moments, his breaths getting deep as his broken heart sunk lower into his chest.

Brynn’s heart stopped with every sob that came from Justin. “He’s crying.” She whispered lightly to herself and she realized, for the first time ever, that she would do anything in the world at that moment to make everything okay for him, make the crying stop, mend his broken heart- theone she’d caused.

“I love him.” She said aloud as she looked down at her hands, realizing how perfectly they fit into his, and how empty they were without his protective grip.

Taking a deep breath and feeling a tear run down her own cheek, she watched Justin on the beach until she heard Lance calling his name. He sat there for a moment- frantically wiping away tears from his face, trying to repaint the manly aura he hold that made her feel so safe- before standing up, and slowly traipsing across the sands, hands in pockets, head held low.

This wouldn’t be easy. She’d broken his heart. He was as good as gone. But she loved him. Now she knew it, now she trusted not only him, but herself to love him how he needed to be loved. Somehow, someway, she needed to get him back.

“Can I talk to you guys about something??” Brynn asked in a whisper to Faith and Sara as the three sat, eating breakfast at the hotel, overlooking the ocean. Faith and Sara nodded obligingly, knowing what this more-than-likely involved.

Both girls smiled as Brynn explained exactly what she’d been feeling. “I’m an idiot for not listening to you guys, I’m an idiot particularly for not listening to him….but I’m begging you with all my heart, please help me get him back.” She said lightly as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I need him.” She added as she looked from Faith to Sara.

“Of course we’ll help. That’s what we’re here for.” Faith smiled as Brynn felt an instant rush of gratitude. They were the best friends anyone could have.

After explaining her plan, Sara smiled at her with confusion. “Brynn I thought you didn’t like to sing.” She said as Brynn took another deep breath.

“I don’t like to break people’s hearts but I already took care of THAT one.” She answered, bringing a tinge of humor to the situation.

“Well then, you bet. We got your back.” Sara said as they stood up from the table and went to talk to the management about how to complete their plan. No one wanted to see Justin or Brynn hurting anymore, and just that would get them through this.

“Knock um dead Joshie, I wanna see some UMPH in those thrusts.” Faith said with a giggle as she patted JC’s butt before he leaned over and kissed her lips, wiggling his eyebrows, and running off down the hall for the start of the promotional concert in the cool Hawaiin breeze.

Faith took a deep breath as she glanced over at Justin, his blue eyes watching the display of affection longingly, before he tried to shake it off and took off down the hall.

Faith turned around in time to see Sara walk up the hall behind her.

“Where’s loverboy?” Faith asked as Sara giggled.

“He did some of Britney’s choreography for this and supposedly she doesn’t seem to quite…..well she sucks… he’s working on it with her before she hits the stage. Is everything set up for you know what??” Sara asked as she looked around for Brynn.

“Good to go I’m told. The guys are last, so right when the broadcast ends, and the guys are getting ready to leave, she figured she’d surprise him.” Faith answered. “JC said he’ll make sure Justin’s close to the vicinity.” She added as Sara nodded knowingly.

“Wade too. I pray this works. I can’t see those two like this much longer.” Sara said as Faith nodded her head and an announcer started to announce the early fall concert.

“Selfish” seemed to echo off the ocean as the guys sang at the top of their lungs, belting out each and every heartfelt word that seemed to touch everyone’s hearts, primarily Justin’s. Brynn couldn’t help but notice the way Chris looked at Justin when his voice cracked toward the end of the song, his voice almost pleading through the entire thing, and couldn’t help but feel discouraged at what she’d done.

Turning around to face Faith and Sara as the guys exited the stage, her eyes filled with tears. “What if this doesn’t work? I killed every chance I had and hurt him in the meantime.” Brynn said as Faith opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by Mike, handing them each a microphone as the sound crew hooked an ear-piece into each girl’s ear.

Pulling Brynn into a tight hug, Mike whispered lightly. “He loves you. Show him you love him too.” He said as Brynn swallowed deeply, hearing the announcer thanking all the musical guests before saying good-bye to the cameras, but not exiting the stage.

Not saying anymore than “take it away girls……”, the announcer stepped off the side of the stage, and hands pushed Brynn, Faith, and Sara up onto the stage. Brynn flinched as her eyes adjusted to the bright lighting before stepping forward, knowing Faith and Sara were right behind her.

Justin had always communicated his heart through music, so, Brynn figured, the best way to communicate TO his heart would be through music also. Hearing the light music playing, Brynn lightly raised the microphone to her lips and let her heart take over.

I’ll always remember…..
It was late afternoon
It lasted forever…………
And ended too soon
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark gray sky

At the sounds of her voice, Justin stopped in his tracks behind JC, slowly turning his head to look at a smiling Joey. “What’s goin on…..She doesn’t like to sing.” Justin spoke softly as Joey took Justin’s head in his hands and turned him to look at Brynn on stage.

“She’s doin this for you dude.” He said as Justin took a deep breath, watching as Brynn’s eyes closed with the words, and even Faith and Sara were behind her, singing along in the background.

In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside…(deep in-side)
Was then that I real-ized
That forever was in your eyes….
The moment I saw you
(cry, the moment that I saw you cry)

The words hit Justin hard as he felt warm tears rising to his soft blue eyes. “Listen to her man.” JC said from behind Justin as he unconsciously stepped toward the stage where Brynn stood in her yellow tank top and dark denim shorts in front of Faith and Sara, who were watching Justin.

The crowd was lovin her, yet they had no idea how much emotion this song conveyed. Her eyes opened back up momentarily to make eye contact with Justin before launching into another verse.

It was late in September
And I’d seen you before
(the two of us)
You were always the cooled one……
But I was never that…suuure
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark gray sk-y

In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside…(deep in-side)
Was then that I real-ized
That forever was in your eyes….
The moment I saw you

Brynn’s eyes opened back up as Justin looked up at her, her eyebrows creased the way they did when she got really worried about him, when he was sick or she thought he was feeling lonely. Her eyes locked his, driving the next words directly to his heart.

And I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it…go away
And I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything…..

The music slowed for a moment as Brynn walked further down the runway of the stage, and tear rolling down her cheek. Her voice got softer with the next verse.

I’ll always remember…..
It was late afternoon…
In places no one will Fiiiiiind
Forever was IN your eyes…..
Was then that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you….
Cry, Baby cry
(Cry…the moment that I saw you cry)
Forever was in your….eyes

Tears were streaming down Brynn’s face by the time the song finished and Faith and Sara pulled out of the last verse, leaving Brynn to sing the last few words. The music stopped but the microphone didn’t leave Brynn’s lips.

“I’m so sorry Justin. I love you.” She said in a teary voice as Justin watched her for a moment before a huge grin broke out on his face and he dropped his bag, running up the steps and pulling her into a huge hug before meeting her eyes.

“I love you Brynn.” He said as a huge smile adorned her face, his thumb lightly wiping away the happy tears that were streaming down her cheeks. “I love you too.” She whispered as the crumbled world seemed to be pieced back together….all because she saw him cry.

Justin Timberlake