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He couldn’t take his eyes off of her...the way she moved, her hair flipping across her face, her short skirt inching up her long legs. He wished that she knew he was there, that he could make himself known, but sitting up on the top bleachers, hidden beneath a baseball cap, and light blue sunglasses...he knew that this crowd would eat him alive. This was the first time in a couple months that he’d seen her..could watch her move..see that smile...and those eyes. Her eyes were his favorite feature...for she showed every emotion in them. He always knew what she was feeling, or thinking...he could always tell when she was lying to keep from hurting him. He loved her for it..that protectiveness she felt she needed to keep him from having his heart keep that smile on his face.

He had been on tour for a few long months..seeing her only when he was in town. She was always waiting for him at his hotel room..perched on top of the bed, ready for whatever they would think of that night. He loved those times together...just him and her, underneath the starchy hotel each others arms...relishing the moment...never wanting to let go. He always did have to let her go...for he was needed by the public, and she was needed in school. Why did he have to find the girl of his dreams...yet he couldn’t be with her as much as he would like. Life just didn’t seem fair, but as his mother would isn’t fair, deal with it.

His attention drifted back towards the center of the court...the music blaring from all directions..the girls on the floor dancing....entertaining the crowd. If he focused on her long enough, he could fade out everyone around would just be the two of them..and her in that skirt. He laughed quietly to himself..knowing that he wanted her, that she wanted him. He groaned again, feeling that sensation start down in his thighs, working its way up. He crossed his legs, hoping that the people around him wouldn’t notice his discomfort. He tried to keep his mind off of it, but as he watched her again...he couldn’t keep the thoughts from floating back to his brain.

The music ended, and he breathed a short sigh of relief..he could focus on basketball..and not on her. He watched as the young teams dribbled up and down the court, missing easy shots, making stupid mistakes, but enjoying every moment. All of this made him realize how much he had missed out by not attending high school. He missed the crowds cheering because he made the winning shot..flirting with the cheerleaders that stood on the side lines..the hours of team practices that would wear a young man down. Actually that sounded a lot like his own life..only the screams were louder, the cheerleaders wanted him to flirt with them..and the dance rehearsals could wear anyone out.

He must have been lost in his thoughts..for the loud buzzer sounded the end of the game. Her team won, and the home team fans ran onto the court to give the players their much needed appreciation. He stayed in his seat, his eyes directed towards the ground, avoiding contact with anyone and everyone. He knew that she would soon be heading towards the locker shower and change...for a night of celebration. He had to bypass her, grab her attention before she left, or he wouldn’t get to see her. She didn’t know he was in town, this was all supposed to be a surprise...a little something special for her, since she was always there when he needed her.

The crowd begin to thin, and he raised his head to glance back down at the court. His eyes landed on her..there she was, surrounded by many..her ever present smile plastered on her face. He studied her face a little more closely, moving slowly down the bleachers. Something about her eyes touched him....she didn’t look fact she looked very lonely. If only he could reach out and hold her, bring her to his chest, and tell her that he was there. Damn his famous face. He sat back down, waiting for her to be alone, waiting for her to walk away from the crowd towards the locker rooms. She talked, moved her legs back and forth, her boredom becoming more evident the longer she stayed there.

She smiled, and waved as she turned her back to the crowd, grabbing her bag, and walking towards the heavy double doors. He knew that this was his he took the steps by two as he raced towards her..his footsteps pounding on the wooden flooring. Her forward movement stopped as she turned slowly to face him. Her eyes recognized him, and that smile that had been there all day, returned..only this one shown in her eyes. Her bag slipped to the floor, as she ran towards him, her arms extended...wrapping around his neck when she was brought close to his body.

“Justin....why didn’t you tell me you were coming.” She breathed out quickly, between kissing his cheeks, neck and lips.

“I wanted to surprise you. Surprise.” His lips couldn’t get enough of hers, and he knew he was risking being seen, but at that moment, he didn’t care.

“I don’t think I could be happier.” She let the feel of his arms around her, warm her all over..the thought of having him here..made her smile again..and what was to come that night made her giggle.

He pulled back to look at her. “What are you laughing at?”

“I was just thinking about you being here..and how happy I am.” She pressed her lips to his again, savoring all the emotions that coursed through her body.

“Do you have to go out tonight?” Letting her down softly, knowing that they couldn’t stand on the court all night.

“For a little while..but I promise I’ll be at your hotel as soon as I can get away.” She stood on her toes to touch his lips again.

“I’ll be waiting.” He watched her walk off, hating to let her go, but knowing that she would soon be back in his arms.


The candles were lit, sheets on the bed were turned down, the lights were low, the music was perfect....all that was missing was her. He paced back and forth across the plush carpet, a chill running down his arms. Where was she..he was ready..she was late. It had been hours since he’d left her in the gym, hours since he’d smelled her lingering perfume, hours since he’d looked deep into her eyes. God he missed her so much, his heart ached just thinking about her being so close. He unbuttoned his shirt, letting it slip to the floor. If she wasn’t here soon.....well he didn’t know what he would do. His growing excitement for her was once again becoming to much to handle, but he knew he had to wait.

He tried watching some tv, but landing on a channel with two people making love, only made him crave her the tv soon went off. He flipped through a sports magazine that he had stuffed in his bag, but sports meant basketball, which meant cheerleaders, which meant he wanted her more then he realized. He closed his eyes, getting the perfect mental image of her to form in his head. Her cute feet, extended up to her long slender legs...legs that his tongue loved to caress. He grinned as he continued his journey....from her legs, up to her flat stomach..that his hand so perfectly spanned across. Her cute perky breasts were always a stop on this trip, taking time to fondle them carefully, twisting each nipple between his long fingers. From there, he would run his tongue up to her neck, sucking lightly on it, not hard enough to make a mark, but enough to enjoy it throughly. Her long neck met her ear lobes, something else to suck on, to whisper naughty things into. As he worked on her ear and neck, his fingers would smoothly brush along her skin, back down towards her stomach...skimming every so lightly over her sensitive spot, just enough to make her squirm. He knew exactly what she liked, and exactly how she wanted it, that’s what he loved most about their time together...both of them knew how to please the other.

He begin to sweat just thinking about them being together, and he was so lost in his fantasy, that the knock on the door escaped him. The person on the other side got louder though, breaking him out of his daydream. He groaned, pushing himself up out of his chair, and quickly walking to the door. He threw it open, expecting to see someone besides her..but there she was. Dressed in a tight shirt, and a short skirt..perfect for him to remove..he grabbed her, capturing her lips with his, and taking her back into the room.

They’re lack of being together caused them to hurry things along, much quicker then he wanted them to move, but he needed her...he wanted her..and he wasn’t going to stop until he had her. Her outer clothing items were strewn across the room, followed by his pants and wife beater. Her underwear was soon to follow, his mouth taking full advantage of her now bare skin. Living out his earlier vision, he let his tongue take over....following the journey he had plotted out. Her fingers worked their way beneath the waistband of his sport shorts, pushing them down....trying her best to get them away from his skin. She craved to feel him inside her...the feel of the two of them becoming one. He caught on to what she was doing, removing his tongue from her skin, briefly to extract himself of his last piece of clothing.

He wasn’t moving fast enough in her opinion...she had waited far to long for this wrapping her legs around his waist..she urged him to move faster, creating that friction and that bond that she so craved. He glided in and out of her with ease...finding the rhythm that they both could be happy with. She sighed his name, sending chills up and down his spine...the sweat forming once again on his forehead..he bent down to kiss her soft lips. She became louder as she grew closer to her release..his indication to move faster....she grabbed at the curls that grew around his neck...pulling him to her, so that he could muffle her cries. They climaxed at the same time....both holding on to the other for support, for warmth..and to stop the shaking of their bodies. He cradled her to him, brushing the wet strands of hair off her face.

“I’m glad you came to surprise me.” She kissed his cheek tenderly, letting her lips linger there for a bit. “Were you at the entire game?”

The smile on his face grew just a bit, his eyes telling her the answer.

“Why didn’t you come down’re the only face I’ve wanted to see for months.” She pulled back a little to look at him.

“I didn’t want you to know I was there...I wanted to watch you.” He studied her closely, reading her eyes for any sign of what she was feeling.

“You’ve seen me dance before...Justin I’ve missed you so much.” She nuzzled her head into his neck.

“I’ve missed you to Brynn..and it was hard for me to just sit there and watch you...when all I wanted was to have you here with me.” He tightened his hold on her, taking in a deep breath...that lingering smell still present.

“Just hold me Justin....”

“That I can do....” He closed his eyes again, letting his memory wander back to when they first met...all the times they’d been happy..and the times they’d been sad...everything sort of combined into one. This moment made all the others look bleak..for this was the moment he had lived for..had waited for..and now all he wanted to do...was just hold her.

Justin Timberlake