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He had told her she was beautiful. He has told her she was special. He had told her she was amazing in so many ways. He had even told her that she had a good and wonderful heart. No matter how much she wanted to believe him, no matter how hard she tried, something always kept her from accepting it. Time had passed and she was building a wall, hiding safely behind it, despite the begging and cries for her to open up. She brushed away any attempt of help, holding her hand up to words of comfort, compliments. She was slipping further from everyone, avoiding physical contact, declining offers to spend time with only one person. Her friends were clueless on how to go about helping...trying desperately to keep a tight grip on the little hope they had left. There had to be something they could do, they just needed to figure out what that was.

*Two Months Later*

“Sar, baby...are you sure you’re okay?” Justin watched his girlfriend, concerned about her emotional state.

She didn’t look up from her book, a typical thing for her lately. “I’m fine.”

Justin flinched at the two words. She didn’t speak to him much anymore, she seemed to just tolerate his presence. “I have a meeting to go to...I’ll pick up dinner on my way back. Is there anything you want?”

She shook her head, shrugging her shoulders...her subtle response, letting him know she didn’t care.

“Yea...well, I’ll see you later.” Grabbing his jacket on his way out, pausing to glance back at her almost lifeless form. Shaking his head, his strong hand pulled the door open.

The drive to Johnny’s was filled with questions...all of which buzzed around Justin’s head. Most questions asking what he had done wrong. Deep down he knew it wasn’t his fault, but nothing he did now, no matter how much or often he tried to help....nothing worked and she was only getting worse.

His head hung low as he was greeted by cheerful voices.....familiar voices that brought him some sense of peace...of comfort. His head never lifted as he sat down in one of the soft plush chairs that lined the office walls. His friends grew concerned, their hopes sinking just a little, for they knew the cause of his pain.

“Is she still.....well...” Chris spoke through the thick silence that enveloped the massive room.

Justin nodded his head.... “She’s not getting better, in fact....I’m afraid she’s worse.”

“How can that be..I thought she was getting help?” Confusion registered across Lance’s face, his fingers crossed, hoping for a bit of good news.

“She is...well she’s supposed to be. I don’t take her there personally, I’ve been busy.” Pulling his knees up to meet his chest, Justin wrapped his arms tightly around them. “What if she never gets better.....all I want is my Sara back.”

“We’ll all do whatever we can to help man...but maybe she just needs some space to figure this all out on her own.” JC leaned over to pat his friend on the back, hoping to give him some reassurance.

“Maybe....” Justin looked up as Johnny entered the room, flipping his brain over to business mode, even though she still managed to grasp all this thoughts.

*Three Weeks Later*

“Sara..don’t do this...” Justin grabbed a hold of her bag as she stuffed more clothes inside of it.

“ just wouldn’t understand.” Sara stood still, avoiding his gaze, her fingers running along the bottom of her shirt. “I’m bringing everyone down..if I go....things can go back to normal for you.”

“Nothing could be normal without you here. Please, baby...don’t leave me.” Justin pushed her hands away from her shirt, his fingers gently lifting her chin...her eyes working overtime to avoid his stare. “Baby..look at me.”

“Justin....I have to leave.... Nothing is right anymore..just let me go.” She refused to let herself break down...she knew that he was hurting, but all she saw was her pain, and her anger. She shrugged his hands off her arms...pushing him away from her body. “Just back off, I don’t want to hurt you Justin, but I can’t be here anymore. You say you care for me...then just let me go. I promise its best for all of us.”

“How can this be best? You packing up and leaving....this is your home...don’t leave me.” He rushed to shove the drawer closed, stopping her packing momentarily. “We can get you help, things will go back to the way they were before. Let me help you.”

She shook her head, reaching for the dresser. “I don’t need help, I need to leave. You can’t do anything...we’ve tried it all, starting over is best.” Swatting at his hands several times, she succeeded in prying open the drawer.

“Sar....” Justin was losing this battle quickly, and the panic was taking over his body.

She held up a hand, pausing his sentence... “No Justin.....”

He stood in the middle of the room, searching his brain for something..anything to make her stay with him.... His friends..they would know what to do...or at least he hoped. Dashing from her sight, he grabbed the nearest phone, dialing the familiar numbers. Ringing sounded loudly through his pounding head, screaming at him......

“Hello?” Her soft voice took over....the pounding eased up.

“Faith...she’s leaving....packing right now.” Justin stuttered....every emotion, every word wanting to be spoke at once.

“Who’s leaving....Sara?” She was concerned, scared for him..and for her friend.

Justin nodded....pausing for she couldn’t hear his movements. “Yes....she wants to start over, says its better for all of us...Faith please help.”

Placing a hand over the receiver she yelled for JC to grab his shoes and car keys. “Justin..we’re on our way...don’t worry, we’ll do what we can.”

“Hurry..please.” He placed the phone back on the hook, rushing back into their bedroom. “Sara, just give it more time...give us another chance.”

“There isn’t an us anymore Justin, don’t you see that. I can’t be close to you, you can’t get close to happens to everyone. Things just aren’t as perfect as you want them to be.” She locked her suitcase, heaving it off the large bed.

“What do you mean there isn’t an us? You won’t let me near you’ve pushed me so far away from you’re heart, you’ve refused to let me love you.” The pounding in his head grew worse with each step she took...distancing herself further from him. “Sara please..” He grabbed her hand again, holding her still. “I love you....I won’t be the same without you here. I need you.”

“You need me? Justin what could I do for you..other then drag you down with me. I’m nothing to you, or to your friends...and as for what I do for your career, that’s only a joke. Everyone sees me as a bad seed...the one that stole Justin’s heart from the youth of America. Well you know what...they can have it back.” She pulled on his grasp, fighting to be released. “Let me go.”

“I don’t care about the fans, or my career....all I care about is you. There has to be something I can do for you?” Tears begin to tickle down his red cheeks, but making no attempt at brushing them away. “Why have things gotten so bad?”

“You should know that answer....when you started having less time for me. I know I sound selfish, but I never asked you for much. Look, I realized long ago that I was doing nothing, but holding you down....” She struggled as she dragged her bag down each stair, hearing it echo through the large foyer.

“Sara, I know I’ve been bad lately in setting aside time for you...but I was scared. I wasn’t sure what to do anymore. I wanted so bad to give you just give it all up so I could only be with you.” Justin sunk to the floor at the top of the stairs, his eyes pleading after her to stop.

“Justin, I never wanted you to stop what you were doing....that would have only made you miserable. I just wanted to be apart of everything, but even that wasn’t going to work. We weren’t the perfect couple, in the eyes of the world, you were with Her...and I was just a thorn in your side. Don’t you see, now that I’m leaving, things can be the way they were meant to be, and you can be happy. You won’t have to worry about how I’m doing, you won’t be so tired with trying to help all the time, and you won’t have to fight to get back into my heart. I’m drowning Justin, and even you can’t save me this time.” Her forward motion stopped on the tiled floor, her bag resting on its side, as she pulled her coat from the closest.

“Where are you going to go?” His voice was distance as he called to her from the top of the stairs.

She pulled her jacket on, zipping it up tightly around her small frame. “I’m not sure...but I will let you know when I get there, just so you won’t worry.”

“Sara....” Justin crept his way down each stair, his eyes never leaving her body.

“ will be much easier, if you go back up those stairs, and climb into bed. When you wake up, it will be a whole new day....the start of a new life. Be a bachelor, be young, be free....I want you to be happy.” She hoisted her heavy bag towards the tall oak door, her tiny hands resting on the silver knob. “Good-bye Justin.” She didn’t look back as she pulled the door open, her movements taking her down the few cement stairs. He was watching her from the window, for she could feel his eyes boring into her back. At least he had stopped fighting with was easier this way. She struggled with lifting the bag into her Jeep, fighting with the stubborn object, until she managed to rest it in the back. As she shut the door, her eyes were blinded with a bright light...the light coming to a stop near her.

“Sara....” Faith’s voice could be heard over the hum of an engine. “What are you doing?”

Trying to ignore her friends concerned voice, she walked calmly to the driver’s side door, unlocking it. “I’m going away.”

“You can’t just pack up and leave...there are too many people here who would miss you.” Faith stood near her, hoping that maybe she would change her mind.

“I doubt you’ll miss me....I’ve been nothing but a burden to you all. Look, you won’t be so worried about me anymore, about my well being. I’m sorry that I haven’t been the friend I once was, but I’m not that person anymore.” Sara climbed into her car, reaching out to grab the handle of the door.

“What are you talking about? You’re still that same person, you’ve just buried yourself deep inside of a shell. There are always ways of breaking those shells, crumbling the just have to want it bad enough.” Faith’s hand and body stood in Sara’s way, blocking her access to door handle.

“Well, I guess I just don’t want it bad enough. Will you please move? Justin’s already fought with me about this...he couldn’t stop me..and you won’t be able to either. I promise will be better this way.” Sara slammed the door shut, incasing herself in another world.

Faith watched as Sara backed out of the driveway, wanting to run after her, but knowing that it would do no good. JC stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. She rocked with him, her emotions bubbling to the surface as she wiped tear after tear away from her eyes.

*One Month Later*

“How is he doing?” Chris leaned against the door frame of JC’s apartment, throwing small objects in Faith’s direction.

“Will you stop that...” Faith glared up at him... “You’ll have to ask JC when he gets back, Justin isn’t really talking to me.”

Chris gave up his rampage on Faith, taking a seat next to her on the plush sofa. “He’s not talking to me fact, I don’t think I’ve seen him more then three or four times since she’s left. I’ve never seen him this bad before, and it really scares me.”

Faith patted his leg, trying her best to be strong for all the ones around her. She was hurting just as bad as they all were, if not in some ways worse..for she had lost her best friend. “I know Chris..I’m worried about him too...we really need to get him some help.”

“Have you heard from her?” Chris’ tired eyes met Faith’s, sadness and confusion laced through them.

Shaking her head, she wiped away a lone tear. “Not for about three weeks...I don’t think anyone has heard from her. She’s gone Chris, and I think it’s time we all realized and accepted that.”

Chris didn’t believe a word she said, and he knew that she didn’t believe it either, but it was her way of trying to calm everyone else, to ease their pain. “Faith, it’s okay to hurt over this...she was closer to you then to any of us...we understand that you lost something huge that night.... Nothing will ever make up for that, and it’s something that can never be accepted.”

She sniffled a few times, her head resting on his strong shoulder. “I know Chris, but I just don’t want to realize that things have changed..that she’s gone..... I wake up every morning, hoping that if I go over to Justin’s...her car will be there..or that she’ll call. Anything to let me know that she’s okay, that she’s still around. I just want something...anything.”

The door opened slowly, the figure standing on the other side, watching the scene with tears in his own eyes. “He found out where she’s at.”

The two on the couch turned their attention quickly to the person by the door. “What do you mean he found out where she is.....” Faith jumped up from the couch, rushing over..taking JC’s hand in hers. “Is he gonna go get her back?”

JC grasped her hand, walking with her into the kitchen, pouring himself a drink. “You know that detective that he hired...well I guess he called Justin today. From what Justin told me, Sara’s living in Miami, and it’s not a good situation. Money problems, drug problems..the detective picked her up on a street corner..which means she’s having sex for money. Justin’s in bad shape right now...he wasn’t handling the news well.”

Faith fell into one of the stools that sat near the counter. “She’s a prostitute.”

JC nodded his head, looking over at Chris who was staring blankly at the wall. “Justin and I went to see a psychologist....we told her all about Sara, everything that’s been going down the last few months. She said that this is all normal behavior of a person severely depressed. Blocking everyone out, running away...turning to sex and drugs now that things are so far out of her control. The doctor couldn’t tell us how Sara got so bad in the first place, but she had a feeling that it had something to do with Nsync...Justin being gone so much...Sara not knowing what to think or do about that. The media painting her out to be some horrid person...then placing Justin with Britney as often as they did. She just couldn’t control it, and it got to be too much for her to handle.”

Chris’ voice was quiet as he spoke to them in a hushed voice. “Was there anything we could have done to prevent all of this happening?”

“Justin asked the same question....the doc said probably not. Once she got the idea planted in her head, there wasn’t a lot any of us could have done.” JC drowned the last of his drink, setting his glass on the marble counter top. “I dropped Justin off, and he’s in bad shape man....I don’t know what to do for him.”

“Is he gonna go find her?” Faith’s blue teary eyes lifted to meet JC’s dark blue orbs.

“I couldn’t bear to ask him that question...if he wants to find her bad enough, you know he will. He’s worried about her, he’s scared for her...but I think he’s just as scared for himself. He’s not sure how to process all this new information, and he really isn’t sure on how he’ll react when he sees her.” JC reached for Faith’s hand, gently stroking the back of it with his thumb. “Right now we all just need to be there for him.”

*Two Weeks Later*

“Are you sure you want to add this song...Justin’s...well...” Joey held the lyrics closer to his face, skimming over them once again. “It’s sad.”

Justin nodded his head, looking at his four friends..forcing himself not to break down once again. “It’s the only way for me to get out some sort of frustrations...all my questions. I want to know why she left...and no matter how many times I ask myself, I never can figure it out. Music heals the soul, I want to at least try this.”

JC took a good look at his friend, keying the producer to start the background music, as they all prepared to lay the tracks. Justin’s voice was filled with emotions that none of them thought the young man possessed, but he had been crushed...and the more they listened to him sing, the more they felt what he did.

There's a thousand words that I could say
To make you come home (yeah)
Seems so long ago you walked way
Left me alone
And I remember what you said to me
You were acting so strange
And maybe I was too blind to see
That you needed a change

Was it something I said, to make you turn away
To make you walk out and leave me cold
If I could just find a way
To make it so that she'll be right here
Right now

I've been sittin here
Can't get you off mind
I’ve tried my best to be a man and be strong
I drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
Your gone (gone)
Gone (baby your)
Gone (your gone)
(Baby girl you’re) Gone

I don't wanna make excuses babe
Won't change the fact that your gone (no, no)
But if there's something that I could do
Won't you please let me know
The time is passing so slowly now
Guess that’s my life without you
And maybe I could change my every day
Baby I don't want to

So I'll just hang around and find some things to do
Take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)
Yes I know in my heart you can't say that you don't love me too
Please say you do

I've been sittin here
Can't get you off mind
I’ve tried my best to be a man and be strong
I drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
Your gone (gone)
Gone (baby your)
Gone (your gone)

What will I do
If I can’t be with you
Tell me where will I turn to
Baby who I will be
Now that we are apart
Am I still in your heart
Baby why don’t you see
That I need you with me


I've been sittin here (sittin here)
Can't get you off mind (Can’t get you off my mind)
I’ve tried my best to be a man and be strong (My best to be a man)
I drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
(The truth remains you’re gone)

I’ve been sittin here (sittin here)
Can’t get you off my mind (can’t get you off my mind)
I’ve tried my best to be a man and be strong (my best to be a man)
I drove myself insane
Wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains
Your gone (gone)
Gone (baby your)
Gone (your gone)

The song left Justin drained of all energy, and he slouched further down into the stool as they wound the vocals, checking to see if they needed to go another take. JC knew that Justin wouldn’t be able to do that song again, so he held up another hand.....letting the ones behind the glass know that they were done for the day. Lending a shoulder for his friend to lean on..they walked through the large studio, out into the bright sun of the fading day. “Are you going to be okay?” JC opened the car door for Justin, as he slowly slid behind the steering wheel.

Justin nodded, his eyes closed as he relaxed against the cool leather. “I think so..that was just harder then I thought it would be. I miss her JC, and she’s gone.”

“Go home...sleep it off. You’ll be better in the morning.” JC watched as Justin pulled off into the distance...but a nagging feeling pulled at the back of JC’s mind...he knew something wasn’t right..and that it involved all of them in more ways then he wanted.

*Later That Evening*

“I can’t sit here anymore....I have to know how she’s doing..I have to see her.” Justin placed the last of his luggage in the back of his sports car, jumping over the door to position himself in the drivers seat. “You can either come, or you can just sit here and wait for me to call.”

Faith looked from her car to Justin’s...debating on whether or not to just take off and leave...her bags were packed and placed at easy reach in the front seat of her car. She looked at Justin again, holding up a hand as she dashed towards her vehicle. “We have to call JC and let him know that I’m coming with you, but Justin I want to see her as much as you let’s go.” Faith pulled the seat belt tightly around her, grabbing the phone as she dialed JC’s number.

Justin faded in and out of her conversation, his heart breaking slightly for he wanted a relationship like that again...and the girl that still held his heart tightly was so far from him. As Faith placed the phone in her bag, Justin reached over to turn the radio up. “Well, what did he say?”

“He said good luck.” Faith smiled as Justin’s fingers drummed against the steering wheel. “We’ll get her back Justin..we just have to.”

“I hope so Faith..I really do hope so.” Justin shifted in his seat, preparing himself for the long drive, and for what was to come when they arrived in Miami.

Justin was tired, his muscles ached from sitting for so long, his eyes stung with the night air rushing over them....and his heart broke with each minute that passed, and they still hadn’t seen her. It was a mistake driving all the way search a huge city, for one small person. Stopped at a red light, he scanned the corners, girls in tight skirts paraded up and down the sidewalk, getting their much needed attention, and even a few jobs. Justin’s eyes landed on Faith, curled up in the seat of his car...glad that she was safe next to him, and not one of those girls. Sara safety crossed his mind again, and panic soon encompassed his emotions...the need to find her was a terrific drive, one that would not let him back down. Lights flashed suddenly all around him, police officers stopping the women on the street, Justin watching with interest.

“Faith....wake up..that’s it.” Justin shook the sleeping girl...rousing her from her deep slumber.

“Uhhh...what Justin?” Her eyes still closed, her head turned in his direction. “Did you find her yet?”

“No, but I might know where she’s at...pull out that map, see if you can find out where the prison is.” The light now green, Justin drove through the intersection, his eyes focusing on the road ahead of him..a new mission in mind...a new determination.

“What do you mean prison...why would she be in jail?” Faith sat up, stretching her arms above her head. “Being there would imply that she’d hit bottom..gotten in more trouble then she could don’t honestly think....” Her words were cut off when she turned her attention towards him..his jaw locked in concentration. “You are serious.....well, let’s see if I can find it.”

With her guiding him...they drove through the night time streets of Miami, watching for their exit, keeping an eye out for anyone that looked mildly familiar. The brights lights and the high fences soon came into view, and both Justin and Faith shuddered to think that Sara could possibly be behind those walls. They figured there wasn’t much they could do so late at night, but asking the guard wouldn’t hurt. Justin pulled to a stop next to the guard gate, rolling down his window so he could ask a few questions. Talking quickly with the guard...Justin discovered that even though it wasn’t visiting hours...his fame and status would get him inside the building...just to see if she happened to be there.

“I don’t like this place Justin...I really hope she isn’t here.” Faith clung to Justin’s hand as they walked through the main entrance...white walls reflecting the high flourescent lights. A man in a blue uniform sat at the circular desk, his feet propped up against another chair, his eyes closed, hands places peacefully across his chest. “Maybe we shouldn’t wake him.”

“We need to know if she’s here...we either wake him, or break into the computer pick.” Justin’s footsteps quieted as they neared the sleeping guard. “Well, what are you waiting for..go wake him up.”

“Me....excuse me..this was your idea buddy.” Faith stamped her foot in retaliation to Justin’s statement..the guard jerking awake at the loud echoing sound.

“May I help you?” Both Faith and Justin turned suddenly to look at the red faced guard. “Now that I’m awake, I might as well find out what you’re doing in here.”

Sara sat in the corner of her small bunk, her fearful eyes avoiding the women that slept around her. Terrified was a feeling that encompassed her entire body, her arms and legs shaking violently. How had she let herself get this bad? How had she come to end up here? She wanted nothing more than to crawl into a nice warm, cozy bed, and to have Justin’s strong arms protect her weak body. It was her fault that she was here, instead of there, her fault that she had pushed him so far away...that he probably wasn’t even worried about her. The lights were off, the darkness brought no comfort, no peace, and Sara would not let herself rest. She needed to get out of here, she needed to get help. The stirring in the bunk above her, caused her to jump...the squeaking of her own bed, paralyzing her in fear. Her mind screamed at her, the muscles in her arms and legs begin to ache as she clenched them tighter to her body. Her eyelids drooped, her head wobbled, but she forced her senses to full alert, not letting her guard down at any time.

“Do you need me to ask you again....can I help you with anything?” The guard regained his position in the black chair, his eyes remaining locked on the two that stood before him.

Justin took a deep breath, stepping forward cautiously. “Is there any chance that you can tell us if there’s a girl here?”

The guard actually laughed at them. “Young man, you’re in the women’s division, there are lots of women here, what’s the name...we’ll see if she’s here.” Justin told him Sara’s name, as Faith grasped his hand...watching and waiting anxiously for the computer to finish searching. “Well, looks like you came to the right place after all. She was brought in about three nights ago...drug charges...” The man hit a couple buttons, the printer hummed.....handing Justin a sheet of paper. Reading it over and over, he couldn’t pry his eyes off her name, drug charge written underneath it. “Is there anyway we could see her?” Being this close, he wasn’t ready to leave her again.

“Well, visiting hours aren’t for awhile...but....” The man scratched the stubble that had grown on his chin... “Wait in there, I’ll see if she’s awake.”

Faith let out a small squeal, as her and Justin positioned themselves behind a wall of glass. “We get to see her Justin..we finally get to see her.”

Justin remained quiet, placing a smooth hand against the cold plate of glass. How could he bear seeing her so close to him, but not be able to hold or touch her? Faith glanced over at him, his posture slumping just a little, his eyes darting from the glass before them, to the door on the far wall. She placed a hand on his firm back, his muscles relaxing underneath her fingers. “She’s gonna be okay...right?”

Faith only nodded her head, continuing to rub his tired shoulders. “She’s tough Justin, she’ll be fine.”

Their attention was drawn to a loud clicking, the heavy metal door slide open....her small frame came into view, her tired eyes met the ones she had left behind. A small smile appeared, but was gone just as quickly, tears begin their decent down her pale cheeks. Justin was on his feet, nose pressed against the glass, fighting to get as close to her as possible. She hesitated in coming closer...their presence being too good to be genuine. As she reached the glass her hand extended, gently touching the pane where Justin’s hands were placed...tracing each finger, taking in every detail.

“Sara...” He spoke first, afraid that if he waited much longer he wouldn’t have a voice. She only nodded...his attempts didn’t seem to be registering. “, we’re here.”

More tears escaped her eyes, falling unto the table below. “Justin..I’m so...” Her words halted, her head placed in her hands, her sobs rocking her frail body.

“What is it? I’m here, no worries anymore. I’m here.” Justin fought the urge to break through the barrier, his need to hold her growing rapidly.

“Justin...I’m so scared.” Her words barely heard over their muffled surroundings. “I want to go home.” Her red teary eyes locked with the softness of Justin’s blue ones.

“We’ll take you home, don’t worry Sar, we’ll get you back.” Justin brushed his tears away quickly, not wanting her to see his weakness.

They sat there in each others presence, not doing much talking, but none wanted to leave for fear of never seeing the other again. The guard finally returned, stating he could not allow anymore time, but that they needed to start the process of getting her out...setting bail. Sara fought not to go back to the dark bunk, but Justin sent her reassuring glances, trying his best to give her some comfort...setting in her a sense of knowledge that things were going to go uphill from now on.

*Three Days Later*

“We’re supposed to meet them where again?” Chris grabbed the last of Sara’s things, pushing them into a duffle bag, before slinging it over his shoulder.

“In Daytona, I’ve got the address in my pocket....we’ve still got to call Joey and Lance, so hurry up..and I’ll run downstairs and give them a call.” JC picked up the smaller bag that lay at rest on the giant bed. Grabbing the handheld that was perched on the dresser, he dialed the familiar number as he trotted down the long flight of steps. The phone rang in his ear as he entered the kitchen, flipping on the switch... illuminating the large room.

“Hello?” Joey’s raspy voice answered, his breathing labored.

“Running to the phone Joe, or did I interrupt something important?” JC laughed as he reached into the fridge, grabbing himself a bottle of water for the trip.

“Funny man, I was out swimming....don’t think that I’m always in bed with someone.” Joey strolled into his bathroom, grabbing a towel off the nearby shelf.

“Who said you had to be in bed. Anyway, we’ve got to meet Justin, Faith and Sara in Daytona, you coming?” JC opened the garage door, placing the small bag and bottle into the back of his car.

“Yea, I want to come....I’ll be ready in about ten minutes, just come get my on your way out of town. You called Lance yet?” Joey walked up the stairs to his bedroom, the dark room encasing him quickly.

“Not yet..I called you first. Look man, we’ve got to we’ll be there in a bit.” JC waited for the good-bye, hanging up the phone....only to dial Lance’s cell number. The phone kept ringing, and JC tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Lance to pick up.

“Lance here....” JC could hear the radio in the background, and the sound of rushing cars blended in nicely.

“We’ve got to meet Justin, Faith and Sara in coming along?” JC was making things quick and to the point, for they were running very late.

“I’m actually on my way there now...give me five minutes.” JC heard the phone click off, as he reopened the door into the kitchen, calling up the stairs for Chris to hurry up.

“Where are they....they should be here by now.” Justin paced up and down the sidewalk, Faith sitting patiently on the bench, watching him carefully.

“Justin..sit down...they’ll be here. They wouldn’t let you down at a time like this....” Faith patted the bench next to her...waiting for him to come take a seat.

“I told them five o’clock, Faith...they’re late.” Justin walked past her...his feet dragging just a bit as he stopped, staring up at the long red bricked building. “Are we doing the right isn’t going to be easy leaving her here.”

“I know Justin...but this is the only way she can get better. You want her back don’t you?” Faith watched him nod his head slightly, his eyes never leaving the front doors. “We need to let her find out who she is now....the person she used to be...just give her the time she needs.”

Justin glanced over at her sitting on the bench....he knew she was right..but it was still hard to let her go. “I know Faith....I’m still so....” The sound of an approaching car caught his attention, his sentence left hanging in mid air. “They’re here....finally.”

Racing to the edge of the sidewalk, Justin jerked open the door....JC laughing at his helpless expression. “I know man..we’re late. Sorry.”

“At least you’re here....we don’t have a lot of time left, visiting hours will soon be over, and she needs to see all of you before she goes through with this.” Justin opened the back, taking out the two bags that lay there....slinging them both over his shoulder, hurrying his friends quickly into the building.

“He’s a little anxious, I see.” JC took Faith’s hand in his, giving it an extra squeeze, letting her know he was glad to see her. “How is she?”

“Not good...but she’s scared, and she needs us. That’s at least a step from where she was when she left all of us. There is some hope..and I really think she’ll get it here...we just need to keep telling Justin that. He didn’t want to bring her here..but he knows it’s best.”

“I can understand his desire to hang onto her...she has been gone for quite a while now. He’s afraid that if she leaves her, he won’t get her back again.” JC held the door open for Faith, the two entering the expansive lobby.

“This place looks nice.” Faith sat down next to Chris on the soft couch. “Where did Justin go?”

“He went to get her..and to take her the things we brought.” Chris placed an arm around her shoulders, hugging her close to her body. “How was Miami?”

“Funny was depressing. I’m home now though...and Sara’s home..I think that’s all that matters.” Faith’s head rested on his shoulder, her hand tucked gently into JC’s lap. The five of them waited for Justin to return..the minutes slowly ticking by.....

“Well there he is.” Lance’s voice caused everyone to look up...their faces brightening when they watched Justin walk into the room..hand in hand with Sara. They all stood, prepared to greet her with a hug, but as they neared closer...she seemed to shy away.

“Sara....” JC held his arms open...waiting for her to make the first move....if she was going to open back up to had to be done on her own time. She looked him over...eyeing him carefully...taking in everything about him. Slowly her feet moved nearer, inching towards his outstretched arms, until she felt them wrap around her back...pulling her into the comfort she had missed so much. “It’s good to have you back sweetie..its really good to have you back.”

Tears started to slowly trickle down her cheeks as she felt more arms wrap around her frail body...enveloping her in love that she hadn’t felt in such a long time. It had been so stupid of her to ever leave this..for everything she had thought she needed to find..was always right there in front of her. Justin had brought her back home...just like she had always wished he would..and now she was surrounded by the friends that loved her..cared for her...and wouldn’t let her hurt anymore.

*Two Months Later*

“This is the last session for many of you, and I just wanted to allow each of you to say something you have learned about yourself during your stay here.” Dr. Gordon placed her clipboard on her lap, staring around at each of her patients....people she had grown to respect over their short stay here.

Sara watched as one by one, each person told the one thing they had learned most about themselves...and each one made her a bit happier. She had thrived on their support, on their struggles...they had all bonded together in order to get through their tough situation..and each had grown considerably because of it. She brushed a few tears away as the last person told their remarkable tale, finally it being her turn. She breathed in deeply, preparing herself mentally and emotionally. “Let’s see, the one thing I’ve learned most about myself... that no matter how hard I tried to push them all out of my matter how well I shut them friends were always there for me. Just knowing that helped me get over my depression, helped me get over my addiction, and it made me see that no matter where I go in matter how I turn out..they will always be there for me. They are my support group, and my family. I’ve learned that I can love, and that I don’t need to shy away from people...that I need my friends for so many different things, and that through everything..somehow I managed to fall in love for the first time. The one thing that I’ve learned the most...was that I could open up to people...and that it’s the best, most wonderful thing that I could have ever learned.” Sara stopped, her hands trembling slightly as she placed them gently in her lap. She glanced around the room, not a dry eye in the place..her heart swelled a bit more...and she knew that she was now ready to return the people that had waited so long to see her.

Sara sat next to Justin...her heart pounding in her chest. She was nervous, but she knew that she had to do was her way of showing him how much he’s meant to her. She surveyed the room, seeing all the faces she had stuffed away into the back of her mind. All these people were here for her, they were celebrating the fact that she was returning back to her old self again, but with some minor improvements. Her hand was wrapped up tightly in Justin’s...both resting peacefully in his lap. She truly loved this man...and it was time she proved to him just how much she did love him. Excusing herself from the table, she made her way towards the bathroom..but once out of his sight..doubled back, heading straight for the stage. Climbing the steps slowly..the lights around her blacked was dark enough so no one could see her. The soft melody of the song she was about to sing, echoed through out the club, settling on the ears of each person that it captivated. Taking a deep breath, and bending down to pick up the microphone that lay at her feet...she flipped it on...letting the music take over all her emotions.

Don't pretend you're sorry
I know you're not
You know you got the power
To make me weak inside
Boy you leave me breathless
But it's okay 'cause
You are my survival
Now hear me say
I can't imagine life
A without your love
Even forever
Don't seem like long enough

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help itYou keep me
Drowning in your love
Every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter
Late at night
'Cause I long for the safety
Of flowing freely
In your arms
I don't need another lover
It's not for me
'Cause only you can save me
Oh can't you see
I can't imagine life
Without your love
And even forever don't seem
Like long enough

'Cause every time I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

Go on and pull me under
Cover me with dreams, yeah
Love me mouth to mouth now
You know I can't resist
'Cause you're the air
That I breathe

Every time I breatheI take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
And baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning your love

Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning
In your love
I keep drowning
In your love
Baby I can't help it
Can't help it no, no

Cause every time I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Every time I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

She held her breath, as the last of the song died down...the sound of applause rang in her ears. Her eyes blinked open..focusing in on Justin’s smiling face. Happiness filled her as he came running up onto the stage...his arms wrapping around her body, bringing her close to his heart. Her arms were around his neck, pulling him down gently..their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that was very long over due. The kiss healed her soul, bringing her that much closer to healing completely.

Justin pulled away, his eyes locked on hers..the love for her radiating through them. “I was so afraid that I had lost you forever, but now I know that you’re back..and that you’re back with me for good. I never gave up hope Sara....I couldn’t give up hope....I needed you, and I still do need you. You make me complete, you make me who I am, for I’m noting with out you. I love you Sara, now and forever.”

A tear escaped from the corner of her eye as she closed them, the feeling of Justin’s lips once again pressed upon hers. She loved him....she really loved him. Hope kept them alive, and hope would keep them going and forever.

Justin Timberlake