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Justin relaxed back into the plush couch of his father’s living room. He was home, on vacation, visiting friends, spending much needed time with this dad and step mom..watching his two younger brothers grow before his eyes. He missed the quiet life..the life he had never really known...closing his eyes..he let the solitude take over...his body adjusting to doing nothing, after months of hard touring.

The door bell rang, bringing him out of his peace, back into reality. He sighed quietly, pushing himself out of the couch. He was greeted by one of his closest friends, Adam....stepping aside letting him in. The two of them laughed of old times...reminiscing over things that were done...things that were said. Justin laughed, his mind drifting back to his childhood in this quiet neighborhood...smiling..he leaned back into the couch once again...letting his friend talk.

The door bell rang....again. Justin glanced at his friend..who stood. Moments later he was back, followed by another of their friends, and a girl Justin knew from his past. A girl he had almost forgotten, but had somehow remained in his memory through his hectic life. Her small hand tucked into the stronger one of his friend. Hugs were given...Justin never once took his eyes off the girl. She had always grabbed his attention..and even still...he could not look away from her.

Her boyfriend...his friend..Jason sat her down on the couch, making himself comfortable next to her. He never allowed her to speak, even though Justin could tell she wanted to say something. Every time she’d go to join in on the conversation...Jason would turn to her..and she would sink back into the couch, once again not saying a word. Justin knew his friend was very hard on his girlfriends, but he didn’t remember him being this bad.

Talking continued, finally deciding that cruising the town would be fun...they all piled into Jason’s car, Justin and the girl taking the back seat. She looked at him, turning away before eye contact could be made. They hit all the old hang outs...walking around the park, talking as if nothing had ever changed. Jason allowed his girlfriend to walk behind them...Justin had decided that he’d had enough.

“Hey...” He slowed to a stop, allowing her to catch up with him. She seemed so shy....something he did not remember her being. She walked right on past him, not even turning or wondering what he wanted. Justin figured this had something to do with Jason, but he didn’t ponder on it...he caught up with her...slowing her down by grabbing her arm. “Why don’t you join us?”

“I can’t.” the point...nothing more. Her eyes once again never met his.....she never even stopped walking.

“Sure you can....come on.” Justin took her hand in his...pulling her along, until they were walking next to his friends again.

Jason turned, noticing that she was standing next to him...his face growing slightly red with anger. Justin watched as he grabbed her...motioning for them to go on..that he would soon catch up. Justin and Adam continued walking...getting out of hearing distance, but Justin turned...he wanted to know what Jason would do to her.

I see the way he treats you,
I feel the tears you cried,

He was gesturing, his hands and arms flying everywhere...her face pointed towards the ground...her body begin to tremble slightly. His hands clenched both her arms, shaking her...her eyes never meeting his. Her mouth moved, her feeble attempt to calm his anger, but it seemed to do no good. Justin never remembered him like could he possibly treat her this badly.

And it makes me sad, and it makes me mad,

Justin clenched his hands into tight fists, his blood beginning to boil. Justin always put his friends before their girlfriends, but this girl had always held such a special place in his heart..that it was killing him to watch Jason treat her in such a way.

There's nothing I can do baby.
Cause your lover is my best friend,

Justin wanted so bad to just run out and pull her out of his grasp, but Jason had been one of his closest friends since they were both in Kindergarten, he would be stepping on a very fine line if he tried to get involved. He could only watch....and the more he watched, the more he hated not only himself, but Jason as well.

And I guess that's where they story ends.
So I've gotta try, to keep it inside.
You will never be, never be mine but,

Adam tried to draw Justin’s attention away from the scene in front of them, but Justin was glued to his spot. Being in the music business..Justin had seen a lot of things....most of which he was ashamed to admit he’d been entangled in, but for some reason what Jason was doing....was worse then anything Justin could ever have imagined.

If I was the one who was loving you, baby.
The only tears you'd cry would be tears of joy.

When she had first moved into their neighborhood, Jason and Justin had both been attracted to her...they had both forced their way into her life....becoming friends right off. They all spent a lot of time together, by each others sides through good and bad times...promising that no matter what happened in their lives...they would remain close. Then Justin had gone off and gotten a job in Florida, moving down there...being home for only short amounts of time...forgetting close friends, making new ones..his life changing. She managed to get pushed back with most of them...but every so often nudging her way back to the surface. Jason kept going..ripping into her...not even being phased by the tears that streamed down her face.

And if I was by your side,
You'll never know one lonely night
And if it was my arms you were running to,
I'd give you love in these arms of mine.
If I was the one in your life.

Justin’s heart went out to her, if only he could open his arms, and allow her to run to him. He’d hold her close, run his fingers through her long silky hair, and whisper in her ear, that everything would be alright. No one would be allowed to hurt her...he would never allow it. He’d take her on tour with him...spending time with her what he knew she needed.

If I could have just one wish,
I'd wish that you were mine,

Jason always got the girls, for some reason he was the ladies man...even now most of the girls that knew them both, always went for Jason..for Justin..not even being famous could get him this girl. He wished that she would see what Jason was doing to her..and come running to him...

I would hold you near,
Kiss away those tears.

He closed his eyes, trying to block out the pictures of Jason abusing her...of making her feel worthless. If only he could hold her..if only he could make her feel better..if only....Justin knew that wishing about it would do him no good, not even doing something would do any good.

I'd be so good to you baby.
You're the one I want next to me,
But I guess that's just not meant to be.

If he thought back...she was always with Jason...even if she was his friend...she always hung on Jason. Justin knew that one day they would be together...for she worshiped the ground he walked on...never doing anything to make him mad...doing everything to make him notice her. Jason knew it...he thrived on the attention, but he always enjoyed making her wait for him..making her beg for him. He used to flaunt his girlfriends in her face....Justin remembered Jason telling him all about he had used all that she wanted against her. Yet now she had him...and now he treated her this way. Justin didn’t understand girl deserved it....and Jason....Justin was very much hurt to see his friend treat someone like that.

He's there in your life,
And he's sharing your nights,
It'll never be, never be right.

Jason had her..Justin wanted her...that’s the way it went. Adam tried to tell him that things were the way they were...that Justin shouldn’t try and get involved. Things were like this before he came, and they’d go on being like that..after he left. Justin nodded his head..knowing Adam was right, but still knowing in his heart that all of this was wrong. Jason had her....Justin wanted her.

If I was the one who was loving you, baby.
The only tears you'd cry would be tears of joy.

She dropped to her knees....and Jason’s eyes only followed her. His hands on his hips...his mouth still spitting out hateful words. Justin couldn’t take it he turned, and stormed off. He wanted to stop her tears, wanted to make her smile...he wanted to love her....he wanted to be loved by her.

And if I was by your side,
You'll never know one lonely night
And if it was my arms you were running to,
I'd give you love in these arms of mine.
If I was the one in your life.

She needed someone to take hold make her feel like she was loved and wanted. Justin knew that seldom did Jason tell his girlfriends that he loved them..that he cherished the time they spent together..that he did anything special for them. The two friends were like night and different people doubted they’d stay friends...most suspected that Jason would end up hating Justin for the simple fact that Justin was known world wide..that Jason was still just a small town guy...but Jason and Justin only become closer as friends...Justin relying on Jason for a normal that the music world could not bring him.

Yeah, baby.
I wanna reach out and view you beside me,
Right here beside me, babe.

Waking up in the morning with her lying beside him, brought a small smile to Justin’s lips. He could smell her, the perfect scent that would linger in their bedroom. Justin sat on a bench, placing his head in his hands..Adam sitting next to him...telling him to just forget about it...Justin only shook his head. He’d never forget what he saw here....he could never see Jason as the same friend.

Take you in my arms right there,
Scream 'I love you' right out loud.
Some day I pray, that I'll find the strength,
To turn to you and say,

If only he could find the strength to tell her that he’d always loved her...that she was the right one for him..not Jason...for he could never give her what she needed. If only he could find the words to tell her to move to Florida with take shelter in his home find tranquility in the comfort he could bring her.

If I was the one who was loving you, baby.
The only tears you'd cry would be tears of joy.
And if I was by your side,
You'll never know one lonely night
And if it was my arms you were running to,
I'd give you love in these arms of mine.
If I was the one in your life.

Justin watched at Jason kneeled down beside her...placing a finger under her chin...saying something to her, watching her wrap her arms around his neck. He watched them kiss...he watched as Jason wiped away her tears. She had forgiven him...she would go back to loving him...she would never see Justin as he saw her. She was with Jason..and as much as that hurt..Justin had to realize that this is the way it would always be. Jason had her...Justin wanted her.

If I was the one who was loving you, baby.
The only tears you'd cry would be tears of joy.
And if I was by your side,
You'll never know one lonely night
And if it was my arms you were running to,
I'd give you love in these arms of mine.
If I was the one in your life.

The two joined them...Jason’s arms wrapped tightly around her waist..the only trace of her tears were her slightly red eyes. A smile lit her face as Jason placed small kisses down her neck. She was happy with him...but Justin wanted to wake her up...make her see that things would never be different..that he would continue to hurt her. It wasn’t any of his business..he must just go on with his life. He had a whole world to deal with....why did one girl matter so much to him.

If I was the one, if I was the one,
In your life.

Justin Timberlake