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“Storm clouds and rainbows,
Paint the sky of ours lives.
Which do you let shine?”
Misty and Skittles held out the last note a long time, stopping only when Lou burst through the door, into the recording studio.
“Girls, I have great news.”
Misty slipped the head phones off of her ears, glancing over at the very zealous Lou Pearlman. “What would this good news be Lou?” Skittles leaned back against the wall, folding her arms across her chest.
“We have booked you girls on the Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Tour. You’ll be one of *Nsync’s opening acts. Doesn’t that sound great?”
Misty looked at Skittles, before they both turned to look at Lou.
“Excuse me Lou, but if we are tour with them, no one will even notice us. Besides that you’ll probably have us playing on the side stage. Oh Yippie.” Skittles let out a sarcastic sigh, before putting the head phones back on.
“If you don’t mind Lou, we have a lot of work to do.” Misty adjusted hers over her ears, and gestured to Richard to start the music.
Lou watched the girls, amazed at how much their hearts were in this for the music. He however wanted them on tour with *Nsync, and he would do no matter what it took to get them there. He was so deep in thought that he didn’t see Skeeto or Sugar walking down the hall. He nearly collided with them, if not for their loud laughter which woke him from his spell.
“Hey Lou.” Skeeto placed a small hand on his arm. “You better watch where you’re walking, or else you might discover what pain feels like.”
“Hurry Skeeto, we’re going to be late, and its our turn to record.” Sugar grabbed her hand, and pulled her along. Lou studied them as they glided down the hall. Five girls like this didn’t come along every day, and he was very thankful that he had the chance to work with them.


“Hurry up Justin, we have to be at the studio in ten minutes and yet we’re thirty minutes away. Do you see a problem here?” JC ran around his bedroom, trying to get the last of his belongings together. Justin just relaxed on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling.
“JC, let’s just not go.” Justin inhaled loudly, before glancing up at JC.
JC glared at Justin, not believing what he had just heard. “Excuse me Justin, but did I just hear you correctly. Did you just say you didn’t want to go?”
“Yes JC, that’s exactly what I said. Are you getting old on me? Or have you spent to much time around our fans?” Justin closed his eyes, letting the privacy of the room engulf him. “JC, this is just to peaceful.”
JC yanked Justin off of the bed, and dragged him out of the room. “Justin we have a job to do, no matter how peaceful it is just to lay here.”
“You’re no fun JC.” Justin pushed his lower lip out, giving JC that pouty look he was so good at.
“Justin, how old are you again?” JC shot Justin an evil glare, as he grabbed his bag, and shoved Justin out the door.
“What?” Justin glanced in JC’s direction.
“I asked how old you were again?”
“JC, you know that answer, I’m 18.” Justin was dumbfounded to why JC would be asking such a question.
“Well then Justin, act that way.” JC opened the passenger side door to his car, and forced Justin into the seat. “Now put your seatbelt on.”
Justin buckled his seatbelt, and stared down at the floor of the car.
JC climbed up into the seat next to Justin’s, shaking his head at the young boy.


“Come on Skittles, we have to get this done before the other group gets here.” Misty and Mellie were patiently tapping their feet as they waited for Skittles to sing the last few cords.
“There, I’m done. Play it back will ya Richard.” Skittles removed the head phones, and waited for their music to fill the small sound studio.
Skeeto walked in and quickly shut the door behind her. She hummed along to the music, while pulling up a stool next to Skittles.
“Sounds good girl. Is this Storm Clouds?” Skeeto leafed through the papers in front of her. Skittles just mumbled a small yes.
“Skeeto, have you sung your part yet?” Misty could be heard through the speakers.
Skeeto looked up, and only shook her head.
“Come on girl, you promised you’d get your piece done before the day ended, our studio time ends here really soon.” Mellie begin to lecture her.
“Mellie, stop now. I’m not ready to record my part yet. I’m working on something, it will come. Besides that Lynn and Lou said I could take my time, so take that.” Skeeto pushed away from her stool and walked into the booth, playfully shoving Mellie out of her way.
“Sara, I thought you were older then two. Didn’t someone tell me once that you were 18.”
“Mel if I wanted to hear it from you, I would have asked you to yell at me.” Skeeto flopped down on the old couch.
“Come on Sara, you’re too old to act like this. What is so important about your piece that has to wait until later?” Mellie looked at her sister with a motherly stare.
“Mellie, I’ll tell you when I have it finished. It’s not that important, I promise.” Skeeto grabbed a near by magazine and quickly flipped through it. Mellie just sighed and went back to listening to Skittles voice fill the whole room.

Chapter Two
On That Krazy Day