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Chris bounded out of the car, his braids flying in all directions. Justin looked at his older friend in awe. He had no idea where all of his energy came from, but he wanted to know why he wasn’t sharing. Lately Justin had felt like doing only one thing, and that was sleeping. He dragged his feet as he walked through the large glass doors. The strong sent of the building filled his nostrils as he practically crawled to the couch. He stretched his long legs out, and closed his eyes. He breathed in deeply, hoping that he could stay this way, and never move.
“Hey JC, what is up with him?” Chris pointed to the younger boy, falling quickly asleep in the cool air of the studio.
“I have no idea, he’s not been acting like himself.” JC picked up the new tour schedule from the top of Judy’s desk, and looked over it. “Hey Chris, looks like we’re going to have another group on tour with us.”
“Another one, how many groups does Lou think he can book for this tour.” Chris grabbed the paper out of JC’s hands. “KRAZY huh, sounds, well...interesting. They’re on the main stage, whoa.”
“I noticed that too, Lou never books unknown acts on the main stage, I wonder who they are.” When Lou entered a room, it was never quiet. So Chris and JC looked in his direction, and Justin even slightly opened his eyes.
“So I see that three of you have finally made it. Where are the other two?” Lou removed the paper from Chris’ hands. “This my young friend, isn’t for you to be looking at. I can tell though, that you’re dying to ask me something.”
Chris nodded his head, and JC went on to answer Lou’s question. “Lou did you forget that Lance and Joey are in Mexico, and won’t be back until tomorrow. Who is KRAZY?”
“They are five young girls from this area, they went to Lynn wanting to become a group, and she in turn got me involved, how could I turn away such sweet faces, I couldn’t. Together we’ve been molding them into a new singing sensation.”
At the sound of his mom’s name, Justin’s eyes popped open, and he actually sat up.
“Justin, you finally decided to join the real world.” JC rolled his eyes, and went back to talking to Lou.
“Lou, what about my mom?” Justin stood up, and slowly made his way to the group of men.
“Your mother decided to give Innosense over to better hands, and has decided to go on tour with this new group.” Justin’s eyes opened wider, as Lou continued. “They will be opening for you on the main stage, and I know that I never book unknown acts for the main stage, but these girls are good, really good.”
Chris and Justin looked at each other. The last time Lou booked a girl with them, rumors sprung up everywhere. How would the media handle a whole group of girls? They both sighed, before walking down the hall towards the recording studios.

“Skittles have you seen my notebook?” Skeeto started throwing papers every which way. “I can’t seem to find it anywhere.” Skeeto started to whimper as she soon discovered that her notebook was no where to be found in this room.
“Skeet, maybe you left it in the break room, you had it out there.” Skittles zipped up her bag, before opening the door for her very nervous friend.
Skeeto bolted down the hall towards the break room, not even noticing the three young men walking in her direction. She grabbed the door knob, and swung the door open, only to be embraced by a very loud, and horrible sound. Skeeto stopped in her tracks, reaching for the door knob carefully and slowly pulling it towards her. There stood a young man who looked to be in tremendous pain. All she could see was the top of his head, his brown hair rumpled and sticking out in all directions, but by the way he was bending down, she knew he was hurt. She took off running in the opposite direction, trying to find Lou in a hurry. In her haste she nearly caused another accident, by making Judy spill hot cups of coffee.
“Sara, you need to be more careful, sweetie. Why are you in such a hurry?” Judy steadied the cups, before trying to walk around Skeeto.
“Judy, come with me please, someone is really hurt.” Skeeto grabbed her hand, and tried to pull her in the direction of the victim.
“Sara, I’m carrying hot coffee, let me set it down first, please.” Skeeto released her hold on Judy, and she set down her tray, then once again, let Skeeto pull her down the hall.
The closer they got to the young man, the nervous Skeeto got. She was so sure that she had hurt him badly. He was now curled up in a ball, holding his nose. His curly headed friend bended down to hand him another tissue. He pushed it up his nose, trying patiently to stop the bleeding. Judy reached him, and helped him to his feet, leading him down the hall to the rest room. Skeeto watched in horror as he staggered, lost his balance but quickly regained it. She sighed, sinking down to the floor, placing her head in her hands. A cheery looking face with lots of braided hair, lifted her head up, making her look him directly in the face.
“So you’re the young one who smashed my friends nose. It’s nice to meet you.” He stuck out his hand, but Skeeto refused to take it.
“Come on, it won’t bite. At least I don’t think it will.” He studied his hand, making weird twisted faces as he did so. This only made Skeeto giggle, and when he looked back at her, she was smiling.
“Justin, call the newspaper, look she has teeth.” The braided one leaned in closer to get a better look at Skeeto’s teeth. She pushed him away, and stood up, not accepting his hand in helping her. “I’m Chris, and you are...” His hand was still out stretched, and she knew she better shake it, or else he may never go away.
“I’m Sara, but everyone calls me Skeeto.” Skeeto opened the door to the break room once again, only this time, she was more cautious. Both of the young men followed her in, but she didn’t pay much attention to either of them, that is until they decided to speak.
“So are you part of that new group that Lou has signed.” The one that Chris called Justin addressed her.
Skeeto only nodded her head, before turning to glare at the two of them. “Yes, I am part of that group.” She begin looking under chairs, and once again begin to throw papers everywhere.
Justin and Chris just stood back and watched, astonished at the behavior she was demonstrating.
Skittles popped her head into the room, oblivious to the two young men in the room with Skeeto. “Hey Skeet, I found your book. I stuck it in my bag, lets go.” Skittles still hadn’t noticed that Skeeto wasn’t alone in the room.
“Bye Chris, and, and, Justin wasn’t it?” Skeeto stared at Justin, until he just nodded. Skittles grabbed her hand, and towed her down the hall.

Chapter Three
On That Krazy Day