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Come on Lynn, do we really need ANOTHER day of dance rehearsal, we’ve been doing this every day for the past three weeks.” Sugar and Skeeto both grumbled, as they took a seat on the hard wood floor.
“Girls, you’re going to be opening for one of the hottest new groups in the country, you can’t lag behind them, you have to prove that you’re just as good.” Lynn grabbed Skeeto’s hands, and tugged hard to get her to stand up. Sugar followed her lead, and endured herself to get up. Misty started the music once again, and Mellie took that as her cue to begin the once difficult routine.

“Are the girls in the rehearsal hall again. Their schedule is worse then ours.” JC pulled a sandwich out of the fridge as he strained to hear the music coming from down the hall. Justin sat very relaxed in the chair, as he took a long sip of soda.
“Well, remember how many hours we spent perfecting out dances when we first started, I guess mom just wants them to be good.” Justin closed his eyes, letting the music penetrate his mind.
“By the way JC, how is your nose?” As soon as the words escaped his mouth, Chris burst out laughing.
“I find this in no way humorous. It hurt.” JC reached up and carefully touched his nose.
“The fact that you hurt your nose isn’t funny, it was the look on her face. She was so shocked, she turned white, and you would have thought she’d seen a ghost.” Chris and Justin begin to laugh again. JC flashed them a disapproving look, which some how made them shut their mouths. The quieted once again, straining to hear the music.
The door to the break room opened, and in strutted Joey and Lance. Both with looks of approval on their faces.
“What are you two so happy about?” Chris commented, not even looking up from his sandwich.
Without even hesitating Joey announced, “girls in tight leotards, that’s always something to smile about.”
Lance choose the seat next to Justin, and made himself comfortable. Joey watched a piece of paper fly by his head, as a short laugh escaped Chris’ lips.
“Come on Chris, if you had seen, what I just witnessed, you’d be thrilled out of your mind.” Joey pulled out the chair next to Chris, propping his feet up on the table.
“I’m sure I would Joey, but do you have any idea who those girls are?” Chris without looking up, waited for Joey’s answer.
“No, who are they?” Joey was hooked.
“They are our new opening act.” Justin finished what Chris had started.
“Wait, was it one of those girls, that smashed JC’s nose.” Chris and Justin once again launched themselves into a fit of laughter.
“I think I’ll take that as a yes.” Joey watched his friends in amazement.

Finally the music has stopped.” Misty collapsed, rubbing her aching feet.
“I cannot do this every day, can I just quit now.” Skeeto leaned up against the wall, stretching out her long legs.
“Skeet, you can’t quit, we promised each other, we’d be in this till the end.” Sugar, was lying down, her eyes closed, and her breathing heavy.
“Yeah, but if I don’t stop, this will be the end.” Skeeto reached for her bag, pulling out her notebook and immediately begin writing.
“I don’t know about you four, but I’m in the mood for a nice cold drink, anyone with me.” Mellie made her way towards the door, with all of four of them at her heels.
Before they opened the break room door, Skeeto stopped them, hushing them so they could listen. They heard mumbled voices coming from the other side, and instantly Skeeto’s face twisted into a sour glare. Mellie didn’t seem to care what Skeeto thought, she just pushed past her, and gingerly opened the door.
All five heads inside the room changed direction to stare at the girls coming through the open door. Skeeto glared at Justin and Chris as she stepped past them, opening the fridge door for her friends. All five guys didn’t breath a word, until the girls were safely out of hearing range. A rush of released breaths echoed throughout the room, as they all breathed a sigh of relief.
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but it seems to me that they don’t like us much.” JC who had been hiding his face the whole time, looked up.
“Ya know Einstein, you could be right.” Chris threw an empty cup in his direction, missing on purpose.
“Chris, watch where you throw things, you might have hit my nose.” JC whined, but soon stopped, realizing he was sounding a lot like Justin.
“Maybe we should go try and be friends. We don’t even know their names, besides Skeeto’s.” Chris begin to stand.
“Which one is Skeeto?” Joey looked confused.
“The one that looked like she was going to kill me and Justin.” Chris threw his trash away, standing near the door, waiting for the others to follow him.
“Oh.” Was all Joey would say.

“All I want now is a nice warm shower, and my comfy pj’s.” Sugar completed the task of putting everything in her bag, and zipping it shut.
“I just need to get off of my feet. Is it possible for feet to ache this much.” Misty once again begin to rub her feet.
“If your’s hurt that much, then yes it is possible.” Skeeto fished through her bag, looking for her car keys. “Okay, now I can’t find my keys. Where could I have left them?”
“Oh no, not again. Last time you lost something, you tried to break someone’s nose.” Skittles looked around on the floor, then grabbed Skeeto’s bag, and begin looking through that.
“Skeet, they’re right here. Goodness, can’t you keep track of anything?” Skittles handed her bag back to her, before picking her own up off the floor.
“I seem to keep good track of you Skittles, however I wouldn’t mind losing you once in a while.” Skeet pushed the heavy glass doors open, and walked out into a blast of hot air. “How can it be this hot already?”
“Skeet, its always this hot.” Mellie opened Skeeto’s car door, and threw her stuff into it. I say we have a girls night out at our place. We’ll rent Johnny Depp movies, and pig out on nothing but junk food.”
“Sounds good to me Mellie, I’ll be there as soon as I’m clean.” Sugar opened her car door, closing it behind her, and waving as she pulled out of the lot.
“Same with us, we’ll be there in a couple hours, don’t have any fun till we get there.” Skittles opened up Misty’s trunk and threw in her bag.

“Well slick, looks to me like we missed them.” Joey slapped Chris on the back, before going back inside.
“They are quick little gals aren’t they. Seems to me though, Lou keeps files on every single one of his artists. We could find out where they live, and just happen to stop by.”
“Chris, I wouldn’t want to be in Skeeto’s path if we just happened to end up on her door step. I think she’d probably spit fire at us.” Justin took a seat next to Joey on one of the lobby couches.
“You guys never back out of a challenge, just think of this as that.” Chris glanced in JC’s direction and could tell he wasn’t up for the idea. “JC, I promise you, we’ll keep her away from all doors.”
“I’m not sure about this, we know the rules about those files, we’re not supposed to go through em.” Lance leaned up against Judy’s desk. Chris ran behind the desk, and carefully fingered his way through the files.
“Ha, I found it. One file for the group KRAZY. Hm, seems to me, that two of the girls don’t live to far from Justin. We could just say we were out for a drive and happened to notice their car in the driveway.”
“Chris, one problem.” Justin rubbed his temples.
“Yes my young friend.” Chris’ brown eyes, looked over at him.
“What if their car isn’t in the driveway?” Justin still didn’t bother looking up.
“Then I’ll think of something else. Do we have anything better to do. I think not.” Chris hopped over the desk, and dashed down the hall, to grab their belongings. “Well, what are you waiting for, let’s go.”

Chapter Four
On That Krazy Day