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“Peace and quiet, away from the dancing, the music, and most of all Nsync.” Skeeto propped her feet up on the coffee table, as she grabbed the remote from her sister’s hands.
“Excuse me, did I say you could have that.” Mellie yanked it out of her grasp, before sticking her tongue out.
“You say I’m the one that acts like she’s two. Ha.” Skeeto grabbed the nearest movie they had rented, and stared at the handsome man on the cover. “Now why can’t we get guys that look like this.” She shoved the picture into the eye sight of her sister.
“I have no idea why, but you’ve made an admirer out of a certain young man.”
Skeeto made a gagging noise, “oh, don’t even go there. He’s not worth my time.”
“Skeet, that’s just harsh. What did he ever do to you.?” Mellie stared at her younger sister, wondering what was going on inside that head of hers.
“He breaths, is that a good enough answer.” Skeet took a long drink from the glass in her hand. “He think he’s so much better then he is. Besides that, we’ll be on tour with em, I find no reason to be friends.”
Before Mellie could answer, she heard a loud knock on the door. “Sounds like they finally decided to make it. Mellie raised herself up off the couch, but turned to say something else to her younger sister before she left the room, “Skeet, ya never know what can come back to haunt you. It won’t kill you to at least be nice.” She then disappeared up the stairs.
“Be nice, ha, he’s never show me enough politeness to even begin being nice to him.” Skeet mumbled under her breath, flipping the channels, until she landed on MTV. Just her luck, the video she wanted to see so much had just ended, and in its place, Nsync’s pretty little faces flashed across the screen. She groaned and quickly switched the channel. Finding nothing on, she climbed over the table to turn on her playstation. She become totally engrossed in her game, and didn’t notice her friends and sister appear at the bottom of the stairs.
“Once a kid at heart, always a kid at heart.” Sugar laughed, reaching for the second controller. “Reset it, I want to play.”
Skeet laughed, and did as her friend said.
“What will I ever do with you two.” Misty shook her head, taking a seat next to Skeet.
“You can just let us be kids forever.” Sugar laughed as she dodged Skeeto’s bullets.
“Turn it off, so we can begin the hunk fest.” Mellie stuck a tape in the VCR, and Skeeto switched her game off.
They had become quite indulged in their movies, when another loud knock sounded from upstairs. Skeeto looked at Mellie, and Mellie back at Skeeto.
“Skeet, are you expecting anyone.” Skeeto just shook her head.
“No, but I was just going to ask you the same question.” Both Mellie and Skeeto stood from their positions, and carefully made their way upstairs. Skeeto peeked through the small peep hole only to be staring at the heads of five guys. She back off instantly and put her back to the door, shaking her head. Mellie looked at her, baffled to what she saw.
“Skeet, open the door.” Mellie tired to push her out of the way.
“Oh hell no. They are not coming into our house.” Skeeto held her ground, not moving for her life.
“Who isn’t coming into our house?” Mellie was now totally confused.
Skeeto just looked at her sister, before blurting out rather loudly. “*Nsync.”
“What, are they the ones outside?” Mellie pushed Skeet out of the way enough to look through the peep hole. Sure enough there stood Justin, Chris, JC, Lance and Joey. “What are they doing here.?”
Skeeto only shook her head, but now that she was out of the way, Mellie swung the door open. “What a surprise, what brings you five here on this lovely evening?” Mellie plastered a fake smile onto her face.
Joey couldn’t help but stare at her. Even if she hated the fact that they were on her door step, she looked gorgeous. Mellie could feel his stare, and shifted uncomfortably under it.
“We were out for a drive, and noticed your cars in the driveway. So we thought, what the heck, why not come visit em.” Chris returned Mellie’s smile.
Skeeto stuck her head around the door, and glared once again at Justin, who only backed down the stairs and hid behind Lance.
“Well, I don’t see to why you can’t come in.” Mellie pushed the door open wider, holding Skeeto back while she allowed the five of them to pass by her.
“Mellie, what are you thinking, are you out of your mind.” Skeeto whispered harshly.
“Skeet, it won’t kill you to be nice, and to open up to them some. We will be on tour with them for three or four months, get used to seeing them.” Mellie shut the door, and walked up behind the guys. “Hi I’m Mel, but to my friends I’m Mellie.” She stuck out her hand, and shook each one of theirs.
“I’m Joey, this is Lance, Chris, JC and Justin.” Joey held her gaze for quite some time, and would have been longer if Skeeto hadn’t broke the moment.
“I take it you all know Skeeto.” Mellie introduced her, even though she wanted nothing to do with the five young men.
“Actually Joey and I haven’t met her yet.” Lance’s hand found Skeeto’s, and he shook it firmly. “By the way, where did you get the name Skeeto from?”
“It’s because she’s an annoying little insect like a skeeter. Get it Skeeto.” Mellie laughed at her own stupid joke, and Skeeto just rolled her eyes.
“Mellie, Skeeto, are you ever coming back down?” Sugar’s loud voice came rising up the stairs.
“Looks like you already have company, care if we join you.” Chris took a step towards the stairs.
“Yes, I do mind.” Skeeto moved in to block his path, but Mellie shoved her out of the way.
“Sure, go down and make yourselves at home.”
Before Chris could go any further, Justin grabbed him from behind. “Wait, I just remembered, I promised my mom, I’d be home to help with dinner. I think its time to go back.”
Chris couldn’t believe the words coming out of Justin’s mouth, but he could tell that Justin was uncomfortable in this house, so he gave up, and started towards the door.
“Well Mellie, it looks like we’ll have to take you up on that offer some other time. See you around. Bye Skeeto.”
Once again, Skeeto just rolled her eyes, turned around and stomped her way downstairs.

“Skeet, remember what I told you?” Mellie glared at her younger sister.
Skeeto nodded, before pulling her headphones back on and cranking up her music. Two weeks before the tour started and still no sign of improvement between her and any of the guys. Mellie had to admit they were quite annoying, the way they were always trying to impress them, but she saw no reason for Skeeto’s abrupt outbursts. The other three girls still had not formally met the guys, they just passed them in the hall. Winks and whistles were a common place around TransCon. Mellie rumpled up Skeeto’s hair, which only made the younger girl swipe at her hand. Mellie tried to hide a laugh, but it came out full force, causing Skeeto to glance up at her sister. As Mellie laughed, Joey, Lance and Justin walked into the lobby. Justin upon seeing Skeeto, turned around and walked out as quickly as he had come in. Mellie however was a little more polite and friendly.
“Hey there, what brings you two here this morning?”
Lance yawned, covering his mouth before speaking. “Rehearsal, we leave in two weeks ya know.”
Mellie nodded, and stirred under Joey’s stare. Skeeto looked up and noticing the two guys, quickly got up and left. Her leaving broke Joey’s stare, and Mellie relaxed.
“We’re having a party tomorrow night, you’re welcome to come.” Lance extended an open invitation to her. She was about to reply, when Sugar and Misty walked in.
“Mellie, could you help us.....Oh sorry, we didn’t know you had company.” They were about to leave, but Lance stopped them both.
“I’m Lance, and you two are?” Lance held out his hand, and Sugar was the first to accept it.
“I’m Joy, but to my friends, I’m Sugar, and this is Nicole, or as we call her Misty.”
“What is it with you ladies and going by nicknames?” Joey couldn’t help but ask.
All eyes turned to Mellie, and she shifted uncomfortably. “We’ve called Sara Skeeto for a very long time, and since we all had nicknames, we decided to use them. It made sense especially when we decided to become a group. It’s different, and its personal for us.” Mellie felt proud for answering their question so well.
“Oh, I’m Joey.” He reached for Sugar’s hand, and she shook it politely.
“Mellie can you come help us now. Skittles in the studio, and she’s stuck on one part.”
“Sugar, who’s Skittles?” Lance’s eyes were locked on Misty as he spoke, but she was too busy talking to Mellie to notice him.
“Skittles is Kalli, she’s the oldest out of us. And she needs our help.” Sugar grabbed Mellie’s attention, and she nodded, while following them down the hall.
“A strange bunch of girls indeed.” Lance and Joey stared after them, shaking their heads.

Chapter Five
On That Krazy Day