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“Tell me again, why are we here?” Skeeto dragged her feet as Sugar and Mellie pushed her along the sidewalk.
“We’re here because, it might be a good idea if we get to know these guys a little better.” Skittles glanced at her watch. “Besides that Skeet, did you have any better plans?”
“I could think of many other things I’d rather be doing then this. Like pulling out my eye lashes, or burning my hair. That sounds quite amusing.” Skeeto once again tried to run, but Misty was to quick for her.
“Damn, why do I have to be the young one?” Skeeto leaned against the porch rail, glaring at her four friends.
“Well, until you stop acting like the young one, we won’t stop treating you like one.” Skittles pulled a mirror out of her pocket, and studied her reflection.
Skeeto watched as her four friends chatted until the door was opened. Not to her surprise Justin answered it, and with a genuine smile, invited them all in. Skeeto stood outside the door, waiting for Justin to move.
“Come on in Skeeto.” Justin ushered with his hand for her to move past him.
“Not until you move away from the door.” Skeeto held her ground, and waited patiently for him to get out of her way. Justin took that as a hint, but he wasn’t to pleased about it. He moved for her, but tried to stare her down as she waltzed past him. Misty noticed the whole thing, and just shook her head. Lance came up behind her, putting his hand lightly on her shoulder, making her jump.
“Opps, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Lance removed his hand, looking down at the ground shuffling his feet nervously.
“Don’t be sorry, I wasn’t paying any attention to anything behind me. I was too busy not believing how Skeeto treats Justin.” Misty leaned up against the wall, and glanced over in Justin’s direction.
“He’s trying hard, but he’s getting no where with her.” Lance snuck a peek at Misty, before turning his attention back over to Justin.
“So does he like her?” Misty was having a hard time putting together the words Lance had just said.
“He’s not usually this scared about what a girl thinks, unless he wants to impress her.” Lance’s eye’s met Misty’s, but she quickly turned away, not wanting to even begin falling for Lance.
“I think I’m gonna find Skittles, I’ll catch up with you later.” Misty quickly left the room. Lance watched her as she left, not noticing Justin walk up behind him.
“You can’t tell me you’re falling for her.” Justin put an arm around Lance, and Lance just looked at him. Justin could see in his eyes, that spark of a crush forming. How could girls so intent on keeping them out of their lives, become so intriguing. They both decided that the best thing to do, was to go out back and join everyone else.
After spending a couple hours with the girls they discovered that Skittles, Sugar and Mellie were the most open to them. However Skeeto and Misty kept themselves shut up behind some large unbreakable walls. Justin wanted so bad to be able to talk to Skeeto, without her glaring at him, but that just didn’t seem to be happening. People started to leave, and Mellie was looking everywhere for Skittles and Skeeto. She turned a corner and bumped into Justin, knocking herself to the floor.
“Seems to me, that whenever we meet you girls, one of us ends up getting hurt.” Justin reached down for her hand, and helped her up off the floor.
“Thank you Justin, have you seen Skeet or Skittles?” Mellie looked out the big picture window behind him, and didn’t notice him shake his head. “Never mind, I found, them, I should have known that they would be out there.”
Justin turned around, and watched Skeeto and Skittles playing a little one on one. “Well, look at that, a woman after my own heart.”
Mellie didn’t even bother listening to Justin, she just ran outside to tell them that it was time to leave. She ushered all four of them out front into the cars, where they pulled out of the driveway and down the road. All this time, a certain pair of eyes watched, sighing when he knew that he was no closer to one of the girls then he had been the first time he met her.

Chapter Six
On That Krazy Day