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“Skeet sit still.” Mellie grabbed her hand, pulling her back down in the chair. Lisa the hair stylist worked quickly on pulling Skeeto’s hair up in a twist, adding a few tendrils for a touch of class.
“I thought I was supposed to be the sporty looking one. How can I be that, when my hair looks like this?” Skeeto swatted at Lisa’s hands, but Mellie only told her to knock it off once again.
“Skeet, you can’t have your hair just pulled back into a ponytail, this is our first official photo shoot, Lou and Lynn want us to look our bests. You can still wear your jerseys and overalls if you want, just have your hair nice.” Mellie watched as Claire curled her hair, making large spirals.
Skeeto slumped down into the chair, and let Lisa continue, not liking it, but knowing she had no choice. After hair they were ushered into wardrobe, where they got to choose the clothes they thought fit their image. Skeeto grabbed a pair of overalls and a tight baby doll shirt. Sugar liked the looks of a certain pair of blue leather pants and a tight black shirt. Skittles thought the Tommy Hilfiger dress in her hands would look good for this shoot. Misty loved to wear long skirts, so that’s what she went for. Mellie took more time, she wanted her own style, but wasn’t exactly sure what to pick. Skeeto came up behind her, placing a friendly hand on her back.
“Go for this sis.” Skeeto saw a pair of glittery tight pants and tube top. She handed it to Mellie, who decided that she would put it on. She walked out of the dressing room to ohhs and awws, and she knew that she had found her look. Classy, yet not to sleazy. Next the girls were pushed into a big open room, focused on a center point. Cameras were set up all around a small stage, and the girls were soon escorted in that direction.
Camera’s flashed, they were positioned, camera’s flashed again. It seemed like hours before they were finished. Skeeto ripped off the clothes she had on, and rushed into the bathroom to wash herself off. She was hot and sticky, and tired of bright lights. Sugar was next to her, washing her face. Skeeto leaned down, looking at the sink full of water.
“Sug, is it going to be like this, always.” Skeet didn’t even look up, she just waited for her older friend to answer.
“I do think so Skeet, I wish I could tell you otherwise, but remember, this is what we wanted.”
“I don’t think I want this anymore.” Skeet dunked her head into the water, letting it run down her neck and back. “I’m not sure I can handle all this pressure, all the lights, all the sticky hotness.”
Sugar patted her on the back. “Yes, but then we get the chance to get up on that stage and preform, doing what we love to do, and sharing that with everyone.”
Skeeto thought about her answer for a minute, nodding her head. She knew that Sugar was right, Sugar was always right. She grabbed a near by towel and dried her hair, walking back into the wardrobe room, putting on her own clothes, ready to go home and take a nice warm bath.

Chapter Seven
On That Krazy Day