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“I can’t find my backpack anywhere. I’ve looked under my bed, I’ve looked on top of my bed, I’ve looked in the closet. How can I tour all over this country without it?” Skeeto started to throw things around, trying her hardest to find her bag. Mellie and Skittles just stood in the door way laughing.
Skeeto looked up at them, not thinking that this was humorous. “What the hell are you two laughing at? You could help me here.” She begin her mad search once again.
“Skeeto, have you ever tried asking one of your friends, where your bag is?” Sugar held a over stuffed bag out between Mellie and Skittles. Skeeto spotted it and grabbed it out of her hands. “I don’t think its funny to play tricks on me.” Skeeto huffed, sitting down on her bed, to look through the contents of the bag.
“We didn’t take it, you left it in my car.” Sugar let out a small laugh, and Skeeto looked up at her and smiled, admitting defeat.
“Come on girls, lets get going, or we’ll miss our bus.” Misty called down to them from up above.
“We’re coming.” Mellie looked back into Skeeto’s room, the young girl was already grabbing the rest of her bags, and was ready to go in a short time.
Everything was in the limo and Skeeto and Mellie once again looked back at their house. It would be four months before they would see it again, a very long four months. With long sad sighs they joined their three friends in the limo, which soon left for TransCon studios.
Five buses and three semis lined the parking lot of TransCon, people were rushing in every direction, getting everything in its place before they finally pulled out. As soon as KRAZY stepped out of the limo, people collected their luggage, and loaded it onto one of the many look alike buses. Skittles and Skeeto were getting excited by all that was going on. They had both dreamed of his moment for a long time, and now the time was upon them. They noticed Jordan Knight not far away talking to Lou, Skittles pointed out the group 3rd Storee. Even though they didn’t care to much for these artists, the thought of being on a real tour, was to much for them to take in.
“Hey you two, get on this bus, and see what we get to live on for four months.” Mellie sounded so enthused.
. Skittles and Skeeto looked at each other, and dashed towards the large bus. They gazed at the spacious living area, and Skeeto quickly got dibs on one of the top bunks. There was a huge sound system, and two TV’s, not to mention about a million channels. Misty opened the fridge and noticed it was already stocked with their favorite drinks and snacks.
“I think I can get used to this.” Misty took a seat at the table, and looked out the large window. Skeeto popped in one of her many CD’s and blasted it loudly over the speakers. The five of them begin to dance around the bus, happier then they had been in a long time. Thrilled to death that they were on a real tour bus, and that they would soon be preforming in front of many fans.
“Joey would you look at that. I thought for sure that these ladies didn’t know how to be joyous.” Chris snickered under his breath as five very stern looking glances were shot in his direction.
“Girls, its called a joke. You know, I was just kidding.” Chris was beginning to sweat, seeing that this crowd was a hard one to amuse. Joey found this whole thing quite amusing, and begin to laugh. He was laughing so hard, he didn’t noticed Mellie walking up to him, that is until he felt a light tap on his arm. He looked up at her, and they held each others gazes until Mellie turned Joey around, and pushed him down the stairs of the bus. Chris seeing he was defeated, quickly followed his friend outside. Skittles watched as Chris ran after Joey, trying hard not to laugh at his humiliated friend.
After a short meeting with Lou, everyone was loaded back onto the buses, and they pulled out, heading for the first date on this long tour.

Chapter Eight
On That Krazy Day