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“I can definitely get used to this lifestyle.” Sugar propped her feet up on the couch, stretching out. “We just hang out here, while other people wait on us, hand and foot.”
“It won’t be as private as living at home though.” Skeeto stuck her head out between the curtains that separated her bunk from the rest of the bus.
“More then likely, the only place you’ll ever be is right there in that bunk.” Mellie snatched a soda pop out of the fridge and held it up to her forehead. “Now that feels good. Isn’t there air on this bus?”
“As a matter of fact young lady there is.” Ray the bus driver could be heard from the front of the vehicle. “The switch is right near the microwave.”
“Mellie looked up, and sure enough there was a little switch that said AC. “Look at that.” She turned it one, and they immediately felt a blast of cold air circulate throughout the bus. “Now that’s better. Thank you Ray.”
“No problem. If you need anything else, just yell.”
The trip dragged on, and the girls soon found out that even with a bus full of toys, amusement ran short. Skeeto kept herself busy but staying up in her bunk writing away in her notebook, she was soon joined by Sugar though, who had nothing better to do.
“What are you always writing about in there Skeet?” Sugar tried to look over the top of the book, but Skeeto pulled it away.
“I write about whatever is running through my mind at the moment. Sometimes I write down lyrics, sometimes just rambling. It all pretty much depends on how I’m feeling.”
“What has it been about lately? Skeet you can tell me.” Skeeto looked up a Sugar, and slowly let her notebook slide out of her hands.
“Just promise me Sug, that you won’t tell another soul what’s in that book.”
“Skeet, I would never do anything like that to you.” Just to make her feel better though, Sugar made a x sign over her heart. Skeeto smiled, and released the book all the way. Sugar started to flip through the pages, her eyes landing on some lyrics that for some reason caught her attention.

I’m trying so hard
To get over you
And have you as part of my past
Some days I think I am
But others you change my mind
And all these feelings last and last
You hurt me with things you don’t even know
You touch my heart with simple things
And everyday I try and get over it
but I cannot break through
And I’m asking you now

How do I get over you?
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
so timidly and true

Everyday I see you
I want to tell you everything
But I know that you’d just laugh at me
And turn and walk away
Then I’d never see you again
But I won’t ever let you do that
Because its happened so many times
And I can’t take any more pain
So I stay quiet and keep it inside

How do I get over you?
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
so timidly and true

I’ve give my voice
If I could stand beside you
Just to watch you move and blink and breath
I’d give my eyes
If I could listen to your soft words
Whisper gently in my ear
I’d give my ears
If I could stand so close
And breath in the sweet air around you
And I’d give my nose
If I could have one simple kiss
One soft and gentle kiss from your lips
And I’d give everything
To have you actually want to be around me
And I’d give all that I ever cared about
For you to take my hand and let me know
You are here now and I’m going to be fine

How do I get over you?
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
so timidly and true

“Wow.” Sugar let out the breath she had been holding in. “Skeet, are these feelings real?
Skeeto just shook her head, but Sugar noticed that it wasn’t a confident head shake.
“They are just some random thoughts that I decided to write down. They would make a good song I think.” Skeeto relaxed back against her pillow, and looked up at Sugar, who just continued flipping through the note book. Skeeto soon drifted off to sleep, and despite what Sugar had said, she felt that someone else needed to see these lyrics.

“I can’t get this right, no matter how many times I try, it just won’t work.” Justin was so frustrated that the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. “Ugh.” He threw the towel that he was holding to the ground. “Mike, play it again.” Justin held the microphone up to his mouth, and sang the cords with his eyes closed. He was trying so hard to get the feel for the music and the words, but for some odd reason the weren’t flowing together. “Stop Mike, stop.”
JC came up onto the stage, and saw Justin literally pulling his blond curls from his head.
“Yo, JJ’ what are you doing?” JC forced his friend to sit down, before anymore damage was done to his fro.
“JC, I can’t get this. I’ve tried, and tried, but for some reason this song doesn’t work.” Justin handed JC the sheet of music, and JC looked it over.
“Justin, haven’t you been working on this for months now?” JC glanced quickly over at Justin, and watched him nod his head. “Then explain to me, why you don’t have it down yet.”
“Like I said, the music and words won’t flow together.” Justin ripped the paper from JC’s hands, wadded it up into a ball, and threw it across the stage. It landed near a pair of small feet.
Skeeto picked the paper up, and uncrumpled it, looking over the words carefully. She mustered up enough courage to walk out onto that stage to talk to Justin.
“Excuse me.” Two pairs of eyes turned to look at her, and she begin to feel very uneasy, but she forced herself to keep her ground. “I might know what your problem is. Mike, will you start the music.” Skeeto took the microphone from Justin’s hands, and sang a soft melody to the music.
Justin and JC seemed totally amazed at her ability. Justin listened carefully and when she was done, she handed the mic back to him. She turned to leave, but he extended his hand out to stop her.
“Skeeto, thank you.” She just nodded her head, and left without another word.
Sugar and Mellie had witnessed the whole thing, and Mellie beamed with pride for her younger sister. Not only had she given some great musical hints to the guys, but it was the first time she hadn’t been mean to Justin since they’d met. Maybe there was hope for her after all.

Chapter Nine
On That Krazy DAy