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“Do I have to tell you again, get out.” Skeeto tried her hardest to push Justin out the door, but he planted his feet firmly into the carpet, not budging under her weight.
“Please Skeet, just this once, and totally as a thank you for helping me.” Justin got down on one knee, to beg her to join him for a quiet dinner.
Skeeto’s eyes bore a hole right though him, the anger filling her head. She wanted nothing to do with him, yet he was standing, or better yet kneeling in her dressing room. “Justin please, just leave. What I did early was nothing but one artist helping another. And don’t call me Skeet.” She folded her arms, and once again glared at him. He knew he was beat, so he threw up his arms in defeat, and left the room quietly. Skeeto watched him go, a sudden pain hitting her heart. She wanted him back all of a sudden, but immediately shook that feeling. Misty had heard the yelling and had poked her head into Skeeto’s room.
“Are you okay Skeet?” Misty eyes were full of concern as she watched Skeeto sadly nod her head. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Skeeto wouldn’t answer, she sat down in her chair, pulling her knees up to her chest. Misty left her alone, but not before telling her that they had 20 minutes before they had to get ready. Skeeto’s mind being to churn, and her thoughts needed to be written down. She picked up her notebook, and begin to write, fast and furious. The words flowed like honey, but all of a sudden she stopped. She looked up and saw a pair of beedy little eyes staring at her through a crack in the door. She flung it open, exposing Chris falling face first into the dressing room carpet.
“What are you doing?” Skeeto tried to hide the laugh that was beginning to form.
He looked up at her from his position on the floor. “Right now, I’m lying here, but I was wondering what you were doing?”
“I was jotting down a few notes, if you care to know.” Skeeto left Chris lying on the floor, as she curled herself back up in her chair.
“Writing what?” Chris pushed himself up, keeping his eyes focused on Skeeto, as she wrote like mad.
“Just things that come to my mind.” She didn’t even look up, or notice that he was now behind her, looking over her shoulder.
“Are those lyrics?” Skeeto pulled the book to her chest, looking up at Chris. She only nodded, and he took the hint, and backed off. “They were good Skeet.”
She smiled at him, but instead of going back to writing, she put it face down in her lap. “Chris if I show you something, will you promise not to tell anyone?”
Chris looked at her bewildered at the fact that she was trusting him with something. “I promise I won’t tell or show anyone Skeeto.”
She sighed, turning the pages to the lyrics she had shown Sugar the day before. “I call it How Do I Get Over You? I want to know if you think it would make a good song.” She let the book pass from her hands to his, and she tried not to hold her breath as he read it. His eyes widened, then narrowed as he went on, he would smile, then frown. She couldn’t tell by the looks on his face if he liked it or not, and she was becoming more nervous by the minute. When he finished, he looked up at her.
“Whoa.” Was the only that escaped his lips.
She looked at him, her eyes getting bigger the longer he was silent. “Well, do you think that it would make a good song?” She studied him carefully. He looked back down at the words, then up at her.
“Yes, this would make an absolutely wonderful song. Can I ask you something though?” Chris’ eyes locked with hers, as she nodded her head. “Do these words hold any truth to them at all?” “No.” She said it a little to quickly, and Chris didn’t quite believe her, but he let it slide.
“You better get ready Skeeto, and good luck tonight.” He stood, giving her arm a gentle pat, before handing her back the notebook. “Sometimes holding feelings in for too long isn’t that good of a thing. It might be good to let them fly free.” He left without saying another word, and her mind spun with what he could have meant.

You turn around and you’re standing in your dream
Your fantasy’s come true
You are flying or dancing on the seas
You can do what you want to do
You can say what you want to say
You can see what you want to see
Everything will go your way
You can be what you want to be
Are you looking through a glass
At the way to live your life
Not knowing your dreams can come true
If you just try, try, try!

You turn around and you’re standing all alone
On a stage in lights
You are ready, in your hand a microphone
And a sparkle in your eye
You’re living in a dream
Do what you want to do
Be what you want to be – now
Only you can make it come true
You are reaching for the stars
Climbing higher everyday
You know that you can succeed
Reaching the top in every way.

You are flying above the trees
On the wings of a song
You are loud as thunder
Crashing hard where you don’t belong
You turn around and you can’t believe your eyes
Are you in reality?
You are standing in the midst of a dream
Flying high on eagles wings
You are what you’ve wanted to be
When you speak people hear you
You think its all a crazy dream
But the world’s full of dreamers like you
You see yourself in a mirror
Though you feel high above the clouds
You are just a simple person
Keeping your feet on the ground
You turn around and you finally realize
Being you is all you need to be.
Being you is all you need to be.

The last notes of the song faded out, as the five girls who had put their whole life into that song faced the crowd. Skittles smiled as the crowd screamed, and Mellie felt the rush she had so longed for. Sugar and Misty danced around on the stage, feeling the energy the crowd was pushing out. Skeeto just stood in the middle of the stage, squinting through the lights to see the faces of the many fans. She saw smiles and some even had tears in their eyes. She slowly lifted the mike, and spoke loud and clear to the many ears that were held captive by this new group.
“Did you all like that song?” Skeeto pointed the microphone towards the audience, and they screamed even louder.
“That song was written by Skittles and myself months ago, before we even pictured ourselves up on this stage. Tonight we’d like to dedicate that song to you, the many dreamers that make up this world. There are plenty of stages out there, just waiting to be filled, and you have the same chance as we did. Now, I know that y’all came here to see one thing, so are you ready to party.”
More screams filled the air, as Skittles and Misty laughed. “We’re KRAZY, and we’d like to thank you for being apart of our first live concert.” The five girls bowed, running off stage, as screams filled the atmosphere once again.
Out of breath, but beaming with happiness the five girls stood in a circle, hand in hand, staying quiet, letting the events of the last 45 minutes soak into their brains. It had all be so real, yet still so much a dream. They hugged, then split up, going in their own directions to shower and change, before meeting up again, stage left.

“They aren’t bad.” Skeeto watched as they danced to an old Jackson 5 number. Chris hitting the high notes sent chills up their spines. Misty laughed at Lance’s black curly afro wig. She pointed at it, as it bounced around, making him look like the biggest nerd. The show continued, as confetti fell from the ceiling as Joey belted out Celebration. The crowd seemed to love this part of the show, and the girls were enjoying it themselves. As Nsync harmonized above the heads of the fans, the girls of KRAZY watched in amazement.

Chapter Ten
On That Krazy Day