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“Wow, we’ve been on the road for a whole month now.” Misty looked at the tour book, checking to see where they would be next. “Get this, we’re going to be in Minnesota for the next three days. That means we can do a little shopping.”
“Do we have a day off?” Skittles looked up from the book she was reading. Misty studied the book again.
“Yeah we do, we have one tomorrow actually, well most of tomorrow. We’re in the studio from 9 until 4, then we are off until the next day. So that means shopping spree.” Misty reached for her purse, checking to see if she had enough money.
“I do need some new shirts, besides that, I need a new notebook.” Skeeto poked her head out from her bunk once again.
“Get down here and join us will ya.” Mellie yelled to her younger sister. Skeeto climbed down from the bunk, not making it very far when she heard her cell phone ring. She reached back to grab it, answering it quickly.
“Hi Skeeto, wassup?”
“Hi Chris, do you want to talk to Skittles?” Skeeto was about to hand the phone to her, but he interrupted her.
“Wait, I wanted to talk to you.” Skeeto didn’t understand why, but she walked towards the back area, shutting the door behind her. The four girls watched in disbelief, not knowing what to make of Skeeto actually talking, without a fight, to one of the guys. She was back there for quite some time, before Skittles decided to find out exactly what all the talk was about. She knocked on the door, once....twice....three times, before she finally answered.
“Oh hi Skittles, hold on one second.” Skeeto ducked back into the room, saying something that Skittles couldn’t quite make out. “Here, Skit, he’s all yours.” Skeeto handed her the phone, walking past her to meet up with the other three girls. Skittles put the phone to her ear, and listened to Chris breath heavily.
“What are you doing?” She laughed at his strange sense of humor.
“Do I make you horny baby?” Chris couldn’t help but laugh at that himself, which only caused Skittles to laugh harder. She pushed the door closed, preparing herself to talk to the bizarre one. Misty and Mellie watched as Skeeto took a seat next to Sugar. They wondered what the whole conversation was about, but they were almost afraid to ask. Mellie finally decided that not knowing was worse then knowing, so she mustered up enough courage to ask.
“Skeet, what did Chris want?” Mellie could barely be heard over the chatter in the bus, but she was just loud enough for Skeeto to pick up on her name.
“What did you say Mellie?” Skeeto gazed over at her sister.
“I asked you, what did Chris have to say?”
Skeeto only shrugged her shoulders, “nothing really, he just wanted to ask me a few questions.”
She turned back to Sugar and the two continued talking. Misty and Mellie gave each other ‘will we ever know’ looks, and went back into a conversation of their own.

“Chris stop. I have to get back to my room. Okay, that tickles, now knock it off.” Skittles tried to wrestle out of the hands of Chris, but he had a tight hold of her waist. “Come on, please.”
“No, not until you promise me something.” She turned around in his arms to look at him.
“And what might that be?” Their eyes met, and Chris held her gaze for quite some time before actually speaking.
“Promise me, that tomorrow, you’ll go out with me.” Skittles carefully slipped out of his grasp, before answering his question.
“Chris, I can’t, and you know that.” He hung his head, as she turned him down once again.
“You keep telling me that, but I don’t understand why.” He looked over at her, as she pushed the elevator button.
“Because, if would look bad for both of our groups, besides that, why get into something that we’ll only have to break up in three more months.” Skittles eyes held a sort of sadness as she spoke those words. She didn’t want to say them, but she had to hold off as long as she could. There was no need for her, or any of the other girls to get hurt, and this would be one way of putting them directly in the line of fire.
“Skittles, please.” He was on his knees now, begging her, and for some reason, she just couldn’t hold back. She gazed into his eyes, the brown puppy dogs eyes that she had grown to love and trust.
“Alright, I will, but you have to promise me, that you won’t tell the other girls.” Chris nodded his head, as he leaned in to give Skittles a quick but sweet kiss on the cheek. She blushed, smiling back at him, before getting in the elevator. All the way up to her floor, she thought about what had just happened. Chris seemed so interesting, so intriguing to her, and she just couldn’t shake the feelings she got when she was around him. He always knew exactly how to make her laugh, and he knew her soft spots. She loved that about him, how he always made her feel special. Just as she was about to turn the knob to her room, it flung open with Skeeto running out of it at full speed.
“Yo Skeeto, where do you think you’re going?”
“Downstairs Skittles, there are fans out there, for us.” Skeeto jumped up and down with excitement. Skittles begin to feel it too, and together the two went back down to the street level, where they signed autographs for what seemed like hours.

“Okay, tell me something, how did we ever live without a mall of this size.” Misty spun around in circles, trying to take it all in at once.
Skeeto snickered under her breath, watching Misty with total amusement. “Hey, I’m gonna go down to that store, anyone want to join me?” Skeeto took off in the direction of the nearest sport shop, with Sugar right on her tail. Misty and Mellie decided to just look around, they’d worry about finding the other two later.
“It’s too bad that Skittles is missing all this.” Misty sighed as she looked through racks and racks of shirts and skirts.
“Well, whatever it was that made her stay back at the hotel, I’m sure it was important.” Mellie grabbed a pair of shorts, rushing to the dressing room to try on.
The girls spent hours in the mall, and didn’t make it back to the hotel until after midnight. They thought for sure no one would be up when they returned, but just as they walked through the doors, they spotted Skittles and Chris, talking quietly together on the couch.
“I wonder if that could be the reason to why she didn’t join us tonight.” Sugar smiled as she walked past the two, deep in conversation. Skeeto kept one eye on them, as she passed them, heading towards the elevators. She just shook her head, wondering how Skittles could find him charming enough to actually begin to like. She wasn’t paying any attention when the doors opened on her floor, and she ran right into Justin, who fell backwards, landing hard.
“Ya know Skeeto, you could find a nicer way of saying hello.” Justin smiled up at her from his position on the floor.
“Sorry Justin, I guess I just didn’t see you.” She reached down to grab his out stretched hand, pulling him to his feet.
“Where have you been all afternoon?” Justin wouldn’t let her pass, so she leaned against the wall, preparing to answer the questions he would throw her way.
“I was at the Mall of America with Mellie, Sugar and Misty, why?” Skeeto yawned, covering her mouth with one hand.
“Why didn’t you invite me to go along?” Justin grew serious as Skeeto continued to yawn.
“I didn’t think you’d want to go, besides that, it was sort of a girls night out. Now if you’d excuse me, I have to get back to my room, I need sleep.” Skeeto pushed past Justin, and waltzed down the hall. Justin stared after her, wondering when she would stop blowing him off, and just pay more attention to him.
Skeeto shut her door, and let out the breath she had kept in for so long. The times she spent around Justin sent her into a tug of war game. On one hand she wanted to run away, to get away from him, and on the other hand, she wanted to sit near him, and get to know him better. The run away part always won though, and Skeeto found herself running in all directions.

“Of course Lance, you and me tonight.” Misty giggled into her phone, causing Skeeto to roll her eyes. One by one her friends were falling prey to the guys, falling hook line and sinker. First Skittles and Chris, now they were a serious item. Lance and Misty, they were just starting out, but it was turning into something more. Even Mellie and Joey seemed to spend a lot more time together. Skeeto was beginning to spend more time in her bunk with her notebook, but none of the other girls seemed to care, all expect Sugar. Skeeto picked up her belongings, and crawled up into her bunk, closing her eyes, trying to let the world disappear. Performing was rough, especially on girls that weren’t season vets at this, but she was loving every minute of it. The best part was that she had just gotten word from Lou that there was serious talk about KRAZY headlining their own tour. Skeeto’s heart lept, as she thought about what Lynn had told her. Her thoughts deepened, but were disturbed as Sugar popped her head into the bunk.
“Hey there girlie, guess what we get to do.” Sugar’s smiled widened, as Skeeto opened her eyes.
“You and I get the lovely privilege of eating dinner with JC and Justin.”
Skeeto’s eyes shot open, starring hard at Sugar. “You have got to be kidding me.”
Sugar only shook her head, and Skeeto let out an exasperated sigh.
“This is totally not fair, just because three of us are totally falling for those guys, why do the other two of us have to suffer.”
“Come on Skeet, it won’t be all that bad.” Sugar patted her friend on the knee, letting her know that she was with her through all this.

Chapter Eleven
On That Krazy Day