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*Later that evening
“You look wonderful Skeeto.” Sugar admired her friend, as she twirled around.
“Do I have to wear this?” Skeeto pushed her lower lip out, and glanced over at Sugar. Sugar just laughed, nodding her head. “So where are we going to eat?”
“I have no idea, this whole thing is put together by JC and Justin, its up to them.” Sugar helped Skeeto fix the hem of her skirt.
“I still don’t understand why I have to go.”
“Skeet, just go along with this, it won’t kill you, I promise.” Sugar finished. “I’m going to go get dressed now. Stay here.” Sugar made Skeeto sit on the couch.
Skeeto waited, and waited. She picked at her dress, messed with her hair, and flipped through the channels. Sugar came out, dressed in a short skirt, and tight black shirt. Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders. She modeled for Skeeto, and all Skeeto could do was whistle. Sugar laughed, and sat down, so they could both wait for the two guys to come get them. A knock sounded on the door minutes later, and Sugar stood to answer it. Skeeto stayed in her seat, not daring to move. Sugar greeted the two young men, letting them into the room. JC was dressed in a pair of kakhis, a white T-shirt, with a white Gap button up shirt over the top. Skeeto had to blink twice, to make sure that she was seeing Justin in true light. He looked incredibly good, decked out in a pair of Tommy Jeans, with a matching red Tommy sweater, the sleeves pushed up halfway to his elbows. He bowed politely in front of her, extending his hand displaying a yellow rose.
‘Good, at least I know he only wants to be friends.’ Skeeto accepted the flower, and took his arm, somewhat unwillingly, but she swallowed those feelings quickly.
The horse drawn carriage snaked its way through the tight streets of New Orleans, stopping in front of a tiny restaurant called The Secret Garden. Skeeto breathed in deeply as she watched the sun set behind the tall buildings. Justin helped her out of the carriage, and they both followed JC and Sugar into the building, towards the back, where they had their own private table. The flowers were in full bloom, and they hung down from the ceiling, adding their own touch of class to the place. They ordered their drinks, scanning the menus for what sounded good. Skeeto was weary about what to get, and how much to spend, but decided that it didn’t really matter. Small chit chat was made while they waited, but Skeeto couldn’t bring herself to get deep into the conversation, instead she seemed to focus on Justin, and how he behaved when so few people were around. He surprised her, because he appeared to be a perfect gentleman. She was silent all through dinner, and Justin didn’t bother her, he just let her be. She couldn’t understand it, he was usually so quick to get on her nerves, but tonight was so unlike every other day she’d spent with him. After JC and Justin paid for dinner, they took Sugar and Skeeto outside for a nice walk along the river. The evening was nice and warm, and the setting seemed to put them all in a romantic mood, all that is expect Skeeto. She twisted the steam of the rose between her fingers, and watched as Sugar and JC placed their hands in each others. She felt a small tug at her heart, as she glanced over at Justin, his profile looking as charming as he had been all night. She didn’t know what to say, or how to act around him, for some reason everything was so different. She turned to face the river, and didn’t notice Justin turn to look at her, sighing deeply, for he knew he had once again failed to reach her heart. Words begin to run through his head, and at first he tried to dismiss them, but they only grew louder, he listened to them carefully, discovering that they were something of a song, written out so he understood them. He shut his eyes, stopping, just to get the full affect of the words, they grew louder, and louder, so soon he could hear them perfectly.

I play my guitar
I know enough for me
To play a few songs
And sing my melodies
Most of them about you
And some about me
And how I think about you
Look into my eyes
There’s something you need to know

You love me
I know it
Why don’t you

I’m not obsessive
I’m not chasing after you
I’m just sitting here waiting
For you to discover

What you always knew

You love me
I know it
Why don’t you

It might not be tomorrow
But someday
I promise you
Someday you’ll understand
That you always knew
Because my love will continue on
Till you wake up and realize
What I’ve been saying all along

You love me
I know it
Someday you will too

You love me
You love me
I know it
Why don’t you

The words caused Justin to begin to shake, for he knew that deep down they were true. He jotted down a mental note to write the words down when they got back to the hotel. He hurried to catch up with the others, stopping behind Skeeto, hoping she wouldn’t notice he had been gone. “Why did you stop?” She didn’t even turn around, casually asking the question.
“Umm, I thought I dropped something.” He said it too quickly, and he knew it. She nodded her head slowly, turning back towards the water. As he watched her, the words came flooding back to his mind. He knew he had to do something, or he’d loose her forever.

Chapter Twelve
On That Krazy Day