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“We are adding this song Mike, the music is on this tape, will you have the band play it through a few times.” Skeeto handed him a tape, and he nodded, before fiddling with something new. She sighed, not truly knowing if adding the song would help her. The past few days, the only thing she could think about was that night in New Orleans. Feelings pulsed through her veins, feelings she couldn’t comprehend. She walked over to the piano and quietly played a few bars of her new song. As the soft music played, Justin’s face begin to fill her mind. His smile, his golden curls, his soft hands. Everything about him was so touching, so charming, so, so perfect. She had wanted to keep these feelings inside, to not express them at all, but a much greater force wasn’t allowing that. She kept playing, letting her thoughts wander into the unknown, letting them explore her inner most desires, and wants. She was so focused on the music, that she didn’t notice a tall, curly headed boy sneak up behind her. He wanted so bad to just let her continue what she was doing, but he made himself tap her lightly on the shoulder.
“What?” She flew around to face him, her eyes turning stone cold. He became afraid of what she might say, so he begin to back off, noticing as he did, her eyes soften, and her head moved to look at the ground. He barely heard the next words she spoke.
“I’m sorry Justin, I didn’t mean to blow up at you.” She begin to walk away, but he stopped her, turning her to face him.
“Skeeto, don’t worry about, I was just going to ask you, if you’d seen my necklace. Her face brightened a little, before trying to cover it up. She shook her head, but she so badly wanted to tell him that Chris and JC had hid it. He patted her shoulder, and turned to walk away. Skeeto reached out to stop him, but immediately pulled her hand back, forcing herself to pay attention to her music once again.
“Skeeto.” She turned to gaze up at Mike. “Do you want to run over this song, before we have the band play it.” She nodded, and the music of her song filled the entire arena. Justin stopped, listening intently to the music, soon to be followed by some powerful lyrics. Skeeto’s small but sure voice made the music only more precious, and as the words followed made him stop to think.

I’m trying so hard
To get over you
And have you as part of my past
'They hadn’t known each other very long, was being part of the past an option already?”
Some days I think I am
But others you change my mind
'I've tried so hard to be kind to her.’
And all these feelings last and last
You hurt me with things you don’t even know
’Harsh words, Justin, harsh words.’
You touch my heart with simple things
And everyday I try and get over it
but I cannot break through
And I’m asking you now
‘If only she could get close enough to her, to make things right between you.’

How do I get over you?
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
so timidly and true
‘Wait, can what I be hearing true. Does she really love me?’

His mind begin to spin, with memories from their times together. He had to admit to himself that neither of them had made good first impressions, and they hadn’t been very close, in fact they still weren’t close, but there was something there. An unspoken connection, an unmentioned feeling, he felt it, but did she.

Everyday I see you
I want to tell you everything
But I know that you’d just laugh at me
And turn and walk away
‘I’ve never walked away from her, she’s always the one to turn and run from me.’
Then I’d never see you again
But I won’t ever let you do that
Because its happened so many times
And I can’t take any more pain
So I stay quiet and keep it inside
‘But I wish you’d talk to me, tell me what’s on your mind, let me know what you feel. I want to be apart of you, to share all your happy, and touching moments.’

Tears begin to form, but he closed his eyes to keep them from coming. She wasn’t just speaking her feelings, she was thinking his, and touching his soul. He wanted to run up on stage, and hold her in his arms, to explain to her, that they could be together, that things would be wonderful between them.

How do I get over you?
‘You can’t get over me, I won’t allow you to.’
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
‘You don’t understand, that I love you too.’
so timidly and true

I’ve give my voice
If I could stand beside you
Just to watch you move and blink and breath
‘I’m right here waiting for you.’
I’d give my eyes
If I could listen to your soft words
Whisper gently in my ear
‘All my words will be for you.’
I’d give my ears
If I could stand so close
And breath in the sweet air around you
‘I’d give anything to have you that near to me.’
And I’d give my nose
If I could have one simple kiss
One soft and gentle kiss from your lips
‘My lips are waiting to meet yours.’
And I’d give everything
To have you actually want to be around me
And I’d give all that I ever cared about
For you to take my hand and let me know
You are here now and I’m going to be fine
erything will be fine, if you let me close enough to hold you.’

Justin couldn’t take it anymore, he had to get away, as far away from the words and the music as he could. He rushed past a bewildered JC, outside into the dimming light. He let the tears that had been building, flow freely, as he sunk to the ground, placing his tired head, in his strong hands. Skeeto continued to sing, as the music faded, leaving her surrounded by nothing but empty air. She was longing to be held, to be touched, to be told that someone loved her. The last words played over again in her mind, as she sat on the edge of the stage, gazing, weary eyed over the empty seats.

How do I get over you?
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
so timidly and true

Chapter Thirteen
On That Krazy Day