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Raindrops falling
Making the earth silvery green
Silently I watch the rainbow
Expanding miles to be seen
This is a promise to us
I’ve read about and believe

Storm Clouds and Rainbows
Paint the sky of our lives
Which do you let shine?

People have a heard time believing
Things that can’t be seen
If our minds can’t make sense of it
They were not going to believe
When there is a dark cloud
People only feel the grey
They can’t understand the color
That some others live through everyday

Storm clouds and Rainbows
Paint the sky of our lives
Which do you let shine?

Live the different colors
Not a grey hopeless life
Feel the love inside of you
Have faith you’ll survive
And you’ll know that through the clouds
The sun shines on the other side

Storm clouds and Rainbows
Paint the sky of our lives
Which do you let shine?

Misty’s voice ran true and clear, and Skittles sang the melody strongly. The crowd cheered as the song neared the end, and the girls hearts raced inside their chests. They loved the climax of their show, and every night the audience would be moved. Skeeto pulled the girls into a quick huddle, reminding them that they would be adding a new song for that night. The music of How Do I Get Over You, played loudly, and Skeeto’s eyes begin to mist over. She sucked her feelings back in, and begin the song, singing from her heart and soul. Back in the dressing room, Justin listened to the music of the song that haunted him. Once again his eyes clouded over, and he quickly closed them, so Lisa wouldn’t see. JC walked up behind him, seeing the expression on his face. Concern flooded through this body for his young friend, but something stopped him from comforting Justin. Instead he turned and walked out of the room, mindlessly walking towards the stage, glancing up at the five girls. As he listened to the song, he knew what was getting to the curly headed one, and a plan begin to form in his mind, a plan that would bring two young people, who were meant to be with each other, together.

“Sugar, you have to help me.” JC was practically on one knee, as he relayed his plan to the one he had grown to adore.
“JC, I’m not sure if Skeeto is going to like us doing this so her.” Sugar was very unsure about this whole plan, but something tugged at her to say yes.
“Sugar, she will thank us both in the future, once they discover their feelings for one another.” Sugar gazed into JC’s big blue eyes, and she couldn’t hold back any longer.
“I’ll help, but only because you begged.” Sugar laughed as JC picked her up, spinning her around.

“The idea is evil, and I love it. I’ll help anyway I can.” Mellie grinned evilly. “Are you getting the others in on this too?”
Sugar looked in JC’s direction, and he looked back at her. They both nodded their heads. “We need to make them realize what the rest of us already know.” JC winked at Sugar, who only blushed. Mellie just rolled her eyes.
“So exactly how do you plan on getting them alone together, neither one of them will get with in 10 feet of the other, without having too.”
“Well, that’s the part of the plan we’re a little stuck on.” Sugar pushed her hands deeper into her pockets. “See we have to get them in a room together, where they can’t get away.”
“I got it.” JC jumped up from his position on the couch. “We get into the back lounge area, and lock them in there.”
“Which bus though?” Sugar’s eyes caught JC’s.
“Your bus of course, the only question is, how do we get Justin onto your bus?”
“I promised Skeeto I’d play a few games on the playstation with her. That gets her back there.” Sugar sat down on the floor, stretching her legs out.
“Alright, now for Justin. Wait, didn’t you borrow a few of his CD’s?” JC sat back down on the couch, putting his head in his hands, trying to think.
“Yeah, but that was only a couple days ago, its not even close to time to giving them back. How about using food, he does love to eat.”
“That’s more then true, so what do you suggest.” JC put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them lightly.
“The last time our bus was stocked, we got all sorts of chocolate treats, ice cream, cereal, cans and cans of pop. I could just say that it was stocked again, only with more this time.” Sugars moaned quietly, as his rubbing increased.
JC thought for a few minutes, knowing full well that Justin loved to eat, especially when it came to pigging out on junk food. “All we need to do now, is decide when to put this plan into motion.”
“We travel all day today, why not get him on our bus at the first stop.” Mellie jumped in on the plan, at her first chance.
Sugar thought for a moment. “What time will that be?”
Mellie pulled out her tour book, and looked through it quickly. “About 12:30, right about pigging out time.”
All three laughed, as they put their heads together to formulate their sinister plan.

“Really, you promise Sugar?” Skeeto looked at her older friend, waiting for the answer she hoped she’d get.
“Yes Skeet, I’ll play those playstation games with you today.”
Skeeto jumped down from her bunk, throwing her arms around her friends neck. “Thank you, it will be just like old times again.”
“I’ll meet ya in the back lounge at about 12:30, right after lunch, okay.” Sugar watched Skeeto climb back up into her bunk, she turned and nodded her head, before shutting the curtain.
Sugar closed the door to the lounge, dialing JC’s number on her cell phone. “Love sick girl is in, now onto fallen for her hard boy.” Sugar laughed as she tried to tell JC that Skeeto would be in the back room.
“I’m gonna go get Justin, you can talk to him, and tell him about all the “treats”. It was JC’s turn to laugh. They both knew that they were going to do their friends a great deal of good, however it was too much fun playing match maker.
“Well, hurry and go get him.” Sugar tapped her foot impatiently. JC yelled for Justin, and she could hear shouting, and footsteps running.
“Hello?” A breathless young man breathed into the phone.
“Goodness, been running the marathon?” Sugar giggled at his deep breathing.
“Hey Sugar, what do you want?”
“What a way to greet me, the least you could do is say, All hail to the mighty Sugar, how may I please you this morning.”
“Um, I don’t think I’m gonna go that far.”
“A girl can try, can’t she? Anyway, I was just wondering if you would like to come over for a bean feast?”
“A what feast?”
“A bean feast, you know pig out on nothing but junk food. Our bus just got stocked, and well, we have everything one could desire.”
“Hold on Sugar.” Sugar listened as Justin told someone what he was talking about on the phone with her. “Sounds good to me, but I’m bringing a long a few friends.”
“Namely Chris, Joey and Lance, right.”
“Man you’re good, how did you ever guess?” Justin laughed as he handed the phone back over to JC. “I’ll talk to you later Sugar, here’s lover boy again.”
Sugar said her good-byes to Justin, and said a few more things to JC before hanging up. She sighed, sitting down on the couch, looking out the window.

“Hurry up Sugar, I don’t have all day.” Skeeto yelled out the door to her friend.
“I’m coming, start without me, I’ll be right there.” Sugar carefully climbed down the steps, walking along the row of buses to the guys bus. She peaked her head inside, yelling Justin’s name.
“Yo, chill will ya, let me put my shoes on.” Sugar laughed at how annoyed he sounded. JC stuck his head around the corner, blowing kisses at her. She smiled, and reached her hand out towards him. His arms encircled her waist, and he hugged her close to him.
“So are we ready to do this?” His lips met hers. The soft kiss grew into one of passion, as they both became caught up in the moment.
“You two need to get a room.” Sugar and JC turned to look at four heads peeping around the corner.
“And you four need to butt out of other people’s business.” JC scowled at them, but they pranced down the stairs, ignoring him.
“Well, lets go.” Justin turned around and motioned for the rest to follow him. Sugar rushed ahead of the others, stopping them after Justin climbed on the girl’s bus.
“Everything is set up in the back, I just have to grab a few other things.” Justin looked at Sugar confused, but shook his head, heading back towards the lounge. He spotted Skeeto totally engrossed in a playstation game, and when he turned to leave her alone, he ran smack into a closed door.
“What the?” He turned the knob, but the door wouldn’t budge. Skeeto looked up, and grimaced at the sight of Justin.
“What are you doing here?” Her voice was cold, and he turned around to look at her.
“I was told that we were gonna have a bean feast.” Justin slid down to the floor, pulling his knees to his chest. “Only I think we’ve both been tricked.”
“What?” Skeeto stood to try the knob for herself, finding it was locked kicked the wall next to Justin’s arm.
“Watch it please.” He grabbed his arm, pulling it away from her attacking foot.
“I’m sorry.” She slumped down on the couch, staring coldly out the window.
Justin looked at her, his heart started to beat faster, and his pulse quickened. This was his chance to tell her everything, but for some reason, the words wouldn’t come to this throat. Skeeto eyes wandered away from the window and onto Justin. He looked so innocent, just sitting there, rubbing his hands together.
“Justin, I wanted to....” Her voice trailed off as he raised his head to look at her.
“You wanted to what?” His voice was filled with comfort, but she couldn’t bring herself to finish her sentence.
“It was nothing, just mindless rambling.”
He just nodded his head, looking back down at his feet. He knew that he needed to say something to her, this was his chance, he might not get another one.
“Skeeto?” She looked over at him, and he almost lost his train of thought. “Was that new song of yours written about someone you loved?” He knew it was an awful question to ask her, and she’d probably blow up at him, but he had to know. She looked out the window, down at her hands, she fiddled with the controller that lay near her. She did anything, but look at him. The silence lasted for what seemed like years, but she finally lifted her head, and spoke.
“It was written about you.”
It was a simple answer, yet it sent his head spinning into all sort of possibilities. He had so hoped she’d say that, and now that she had, he didn’t know how to react. She had expected him not to answer, so when he didn’t, she only calmed down. Her eyes gazed out the window, to the passing cars. Her mind raced as fast as the cars, she took advantage of the silence, but she longed for him to say something. He opened his mouth, but closed it again, searching his brain for the right words. He finally decided that the only way to put how he felt was to say three simple words.
“I love you.” The words fell from his lips, and he watched as her eyes met his. His arms craved to embrace her, to hold her near his body. Her stare locked onto his, and neither one of them needed words, for he had said what both had been feeling. Skeeto no longer needed to pretend to hate him, she couldn’t. Her heart yearned to be loved, and he was the only one who could do that for her. Best of all, he loved her back. Her heart leaped for joy, and she inched her way closer to Justin. She extended her hands towards him, and he took them gently, pulling himself up onto the couch next to her.

“I can’t hear anything, will you please tell Chris and Joey to shut up.” Sugar whispered down the line of people, to the two in the back, making all the noise. Skittles put her hand over Chris’ mouth, only to have him kiss it, making her laugh.
“It’s impossible trying to be sneaky, when no one can be quiet.” Sugar and JC leaned closer towards the door, pressing their ears hard against it. JC accidently turned the knob enough to unlock the door, and when Sugar leaned against it, the door flung open, causing Sugar and JC to fall flat on their face, right in front of Skeeto and Justin. Skeeto instantly put on her famous sour glare, stomping out of the room, before any of them could say anything. A small smile crept onto Justin’s face, as he watched her leave, but Sugar and JC could only stare in disbelief.

Chapter Fourteen
On That Krazy Day