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Love and Basketball The buzzer on the clock sounded, sending both Sara and Justin into a screaming frenzy. JC joined in on the excitement as I sat back in my seat, smiling to myself. I watched Justin pull Sara into a tight hug as they jumped around excitedly. Those two and their basketball. It was just like old times.

I felt JC’s arm wrap around my shoulders, turning my attention away from the couple in front of me. "Are you OK," he asked, his eyes scanning my face. I leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on his lips before snuggling down into his arms. "I was just remembering our first basketball adventure." He chuckled, wrapping his arm tighter around me as I rested against his chest. "All because of Kobe..."

"Sara, throw on that Suns jersey...the guys will be here any minute," Faith called from behind the door just moments before it opened. "Ready," Sara giggled as she closed the door behind her. "Penny and Justin....," Faith paused, shaking her head, "I’m not sure if you can handle it." Sara giggled, turning Faith around and giving her a light shove to get her moving. "OH, I can handle it," she cooed, making Faith laugh again.

"Got the Dr. Pepper," Sara asked. Faith turned to look at her, placing a hand on her hip and cocking her head to one side. "Sar...who are you talking to here? Do I ever forget your Dr. Pepper?" Sara giggled and nodded her head, "As a matter of fact you forgot my Dr. Pepper last weekend at JC’s party." Faith shot her a look before giggling again. "Like I could think straight. Do you have any idea how distracting JC can be?" Sara shook her head, holding a hand up to silence her. "Please don’t go into details. He’ll be here in a few minutes and I would really like to be able to look him in the eyes."

Both girls broke into a fit of giggles as a knock sounded at the door. "They’re heeeere," Faith whispered as she darted towards the door before stopping, smoothing out her shirt, and slowly opening the door. Sara shook her head, muffling a quiet giggle at her best friend’s antics. "Well hello gentleman," Faith cooed as she opened the door wider for them to step in. "Hello yourself," Justin replied, smiling as he watched her glance over his shoulder at JC.

"Hey Suga," JC whispered as he stepped in behind Justin, giving her a gentle peck on the lips. "You ready to watch the Suns kick some Laker butt," Sara called as she stepped up to give Justin a hug. "Kobe and’s gonna be a hell of a game," Justin replied kissing her softly before pulling away. He couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on her face. "What," he asked, watching her shake her head. "I just know you didn’t say Penny and Kobe in the same breath," she replied cockily. "Oh, here we go," JC interjected, "can we watch the basketball game before we have a boxing match?"

Everyone laughed as they turned to make their way towards the large TV. "Oh, you have GOT to see this," Sara piped up, grabbing Justin’s hand and dragging him into the room. Faith laughed and shook her head. "Sara liked her birthday present," she whispered to JC as he looked at her sideways, "you’ll hear all about it in about...." "Isn’t it the coolest thing in the world," Sara said happily. "," Faith finished, laughing along with JC.

"Jace, check this out man. Sar has a Suns table," Justin called. JC slipped his arm around Faith’s waist, leading her into the room. "The new addition to the family," Faith giggled, glancing over at Sara as she proudly displayed her new table. "We thought you might like that. Now can we cover it with snacks," JC asked, "I’m starved." Justin and Sara, flopped down on the couch...claiming their spots for the game. "I’m sure I can find ya something to snack on," Faith said, turning to head for the kitchen. "I’ll help," JC said, smiling mischievously as he took her hand.

"You two don’t get lost. The game starts in about five minutes," Sara called over her shoulder. "Ten minutes," Justin said, looking at Sara. "A good fifteen at least," she said, both of them laughing. The pregame ended and both Sara and Justin settled into the couch to prepare for the game. About twenty minutes into the game Faith and JC came strolling in the room, snacks in hand. "Or more," Sara giggled as the two of them sat down.

"What...did you have to grow the corn and then make the chips yourself?" Faith smiled slyly at Justin’s question before dipping a Tostito into the cheese dip. "Nah, those nice Tostitos people took care of that. We just melted the cheese, but we didn’t even have to use the microwave." Justin just shook his head, chuckling as Faith fed the chip to JC.

"I wonder how many points Kobe will score this game," Justin said. "Oh no, here we go again," JC mumbled as he licked the cheese off his lips. "Justin, you know I love you, right?" Justin turned to look at Sara, unsure of where her question was leading. "Yeah..." he replied, watching as her eyes turned to meet his. "Good. I want you to remember that before I very seriously ask you this question." JC and Faith exchanged confused glances as Justin nodded his head.

"Did Trace shave too close to your BRAIN when he shaved all your hair off?" JC buried his face against Faith’s neck to keep from laughing outloud at her question. Justin looked from Faith to Sara before replying with a confused, "Umm...what?" "Kobe Bryant is THE biggest MOST conceited JERK in basketball!! What is so great about him?!" Faith slid closer to JC as the conversation between the two grew more heated. "Come on can’t tell me that Kobe..."

Sara didn’t give him time to finish, she stood from the couch tossing a chip at him before interjecting, "Isn’t an EGO MANIAC!!" Justin stood and turned towards her as they went head to head over this argument. "Look at what he’s done for the Lakers. He’s..." "Got an ego as big as California!! I would just like to know how they have any room in the arena for fans and the other team. His head is so big I’m surprised he can fit through the door!!"

"If they start scrappin’ for real...I don’t want any blood on me," Faith whispered to JC, getting a dirty look from both Sara and Justin. "Uh oh...I’m in trouble," she said, jumping up and moving over behind JC, "protect me Baby." JC laughed as she wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Don’t worry...I won’t let em get ya. If you promise not to let them get..."

"Faith, will you tell Sara that Kobe is an asset to the Lakers," Justin said, interrupting JC and grabbing Faith’s attention. "Uhh, Fuzzy...ya know I love ya and all, but I know when to keep my mouth shut. Kobe who?" JC laughed as Justin rolled his eyes and turned back to Sara. "Oh please don’t let her..." JC started. "JC, will you tell Justin that Kobe’s head is the size of a hot air balloon and he IS NOT nor will he EVER BE THE best player in the NBA!!" "Bring me in this," JC finished as Sara’s eyes landed on him.

"Uhh...I...uhh...NO HABLA ENGLIS!!!" With that said, Faith burst into a fit of giggles. She rested against JC’s back as he laughed along with her. Sara looked at the laughing couple on the couch before looking back at Justin, who wore a matching expression. "They’re insane," Sara whispered, only making Faith and JC laugh harder. They once again looked from the couple back to each other before realizing just how petty their argument had been.

Justin smiled, shaking his head. "What are we arguing about?" Sara shook her head and laughed, "Kobe Bryant." He stepped towards her, opening his arms as he pulled her in for a hug. "I’m sorry," they both whispered at the same time as Justin pulled back and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "We get a little into our basketball," he joked as she giggled. "Yes we certainly do."

He leaned in and kissed her gently, hugging her again. "No more Kobe war," he asked, looking into her eyes. "Just one more thing. What the hell is that thing he always does with his lip?!" The crowd on the television went wild, pulling Sara and Justin’s attention back to the TV as JC excitedly announced that somewhere during the "Kobe War" the Suns were now up by six.

"GO GO GO!!!!" I heard them screaming beside me, bringing my thoughts back to the present. "KOBE MOVE YOUR FAT HEAD," Sara yelled, as she tried to catch a glimpse of Penny as he bounded across the court. "SHOOOOOOT!!!" Justin’s voice boomed from beside Sara as I watched the game in front of me. The buzzer sounded, signaling half time just as the ball swooshed through the net. "YES!!!" Sara yelled as she bounced around happily. "The Suns are winning...I’m here watching Penny play and the Suns are winning," she chirped happily as she flopped down in the chair beside me, "can this night possibly get any better?"

I looked up at Justin, who simply smiled. He looked a little nervous. I gave him a reassuring smile, as I heard JC’s voice beside me. "I’m gonna go up and get us some sodas. Justin, wanna give me a hand?" He leaned over, softly pecking my lips as he and Justin made their way up the stairs. "Are you enjoying yourself," I asked Sara, as her excited eyes met mine. "Girl, I honestly don’t think I could’ve gotten a better present." "Oh we’ll see about that," I whispered, watching her eyes scan my face for an answer to her silent questions.

Just as she was about to ask, the house lights went down. A lone spotlight shone out onto the empty court, a figure slowly coming into view. "Faith is that..." Sara’s words trailed off as the person...rather persons...came into view. "What is he..."

"Sara Rochelle Kerbs...COME ON DOWN," Chris boomed into the microphone that Justin held in his hand as applause rang up through the arena. I slipped from my seat, gently taking her arm and giving her a gentle push to get her going. "Faith, what is..." "Uh uh," I interrupted, "just go with it." I quickly escorted her down the stairs and out onto the court where Justin anxiously waited.

I placed her in front of him before stepping back beside JC and one of the tallest people I had ever stood next to in my life. I glanced up at him, smiling as I realized it was Penny himself. I leaned towards JC, quietly whispering, "Pray she doesn’t see him before Justin gets done." JC muffled a quiet chuckle as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Sara, the last couple of years have been some of the best of my life. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve shared joy and heartbreak. You’ve taught me so many things about myself, about the kind of person that I want to be. You’ve given me your love unconditionally...even at times when you probably wanted to kill me..." A low laugh echoed across the audience, but silenced as Justin slowly slid down on one knee. "You’ve made my life worth living, and I would be honored if you would allow me the privilege of being your husband. Sara..."

As he said her name the scoreboard lit up behind him, the lights flashing brightly. Four words displayed across the screen in bright red letters....WILL YOU MARRY ME. Sara’s tear filled eyes moved from the flashing board to the man kneeling before her. "Will you marry me," he whispered. "Yes," she whispered her reply. Cheers and applause echoed throughout the crowd as Justin sprang to his feet, pulling her into his arms. "I love you," he whispered over and over to her as he held her. "I love you too," she replied, kissing his lips passionately. "I promise to stay by your side," he whispered, "in love and basketball."

She smiled, kissing him again as the soft music filled her ears. "Good, cuz I still don’t like Kobe." He chuckled, kissing her cheek softly. "More surprises," he whispered as he took the microphone that JC held for him. His voice slowly drifted through the arena, his loving words written just for her. She couldn’t help the tears that fell in steady streams from her eyes for she had never been as happy as she was at this very moment.

I slipped over beside her, taking the hand of my best friend. "Congratulations," I whispered, wiping at my teary eyes. She smiled, as we pulled each other into a tight hug.

"Just so you that you said yes to Justin. Penny is standing behind you." I felt her squeeze me tighter, before she slowly turned to see Penny offer her his hand...a bright smile on his face. Justin smiled as Penny led her to him, placing her hand softly in his as he sang.

I stood there, watching the guys as they sang. The happiness that flooded both Sara and Justin. The love that positively radiated from them. It was just amazing how things happened. Two hearts were joined in the name of love and basketball.

Justin Timberlake