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Her hand scanned his stomach, tracing the definition of each fine muscle. She loved this man, with everything that was in her, and all she wanted was to stay next to him...forever. She lightly brushed her fingers across his soft skin, looking up briefly to see the smile that danced on his lips. His teeth straight and white, shown through his perfectly shaped lips. Her heart fluttered as his eyes bore into hers, glowing with nothing but love and appreciation for her. She knew he loved her, as much as she loved him.....why couldn't things stay this simple.

Her fingers begin to move up, across his firm chest, lightly grazing each nipple, himself allowing a small sigh to escape those lips. She leaned down and let her lips and tongue take over what her fingers had started, her teeth scraping over his tender skin.

His long fingers ran through her hair, inching down towards the nape of her neck. His grip tightened slightly as her tongue smoothly played across his neck. His chin was rough from early morning growth, but that didn't matter to her, she liked it. He was pure male, and he screamed that fact. Girls loved this man in front of her, but none loved him as much as she.

She brushed her eye lashes on his cheek, a small giggle flew from her mouth, making his smile grow larger. His hands spanned her small back, traveling yet still lower. Her lips found his, and his hold on her became tighter, as his tongue found its way into her mouth. He pulled her tongue into his mouth, sucking on it lightly, before invading hers once again. He explored every part of her mouth, memorizing it, making sure he would remember everything about it. He never wanted to let her go, and holding onto her like this was his only comfort. In a few short hours, he would be on board of a plane, headed towards some remote city, someplace where he was needed. As far as he was concerned, he was needed only here, with her in his arms.

His strong hands went around her arms, gracefully flipping her beneath him, pressing his mouth stronger into hers. The passion between the two heated the small room, and grew with each breath. There was no sound expect for the small muffled signs that departed from the lovers lips as their kiss grew. He carefully pulled from her full lips, his eyes scanning her features. Her strong green eyes were full of desire and love, her chin quivered for she knew what was to come, and she awaited anxiously. Her lips were beautiful, and something he took full advantage of often. Her hair cascaded around her, framing her perfect face. He couldn’t get enough of her, yet she was more then he had ever expected.

He took his eyes off her face long enough to slip out of his boxers, throwing them causally to the floor. Her clothes had already been removed earlier in the evening, so he wasted no time in entering her gingerly. His movements were slow and steady, the way she liked it. Her climax would come, but not for a while, as they both enjoyed the feel of one another. Her fingernails clawed at his back, urging him to move just a little faster. She was delicate in the way she pushed him, always going the way she wanted them to go. He didn’t mind, because as long as she was happy, he was content. He glided in and out of her with ease for they knew exactly what the other wanted, they had been together many times. She opened her eyes to look at him, and spoke softly, forcing him to look at her. She smiled up at him, whispering his name. He moved quicker, forcing their release to come for he just wanted to hold her, have her naked body against his. He loved the feel of her, nothing else made him feel so safe, yet so protective at the same time. She made him feel like no other person had made him feel before. She was nearing her climax for her breathing had quickened, pushing him to go faster, quicker, yet smoother, softer. He never hurt her, he only pleased her, he did everything for her. Her hands grabbed at the soft curls at the base of his neck, he strained his head in order for her to gain better access. She pushed her hips up into his, making the contact stronger and more sexual. She was grinding into him, prompting him to push even harder. He felt her tighten around him and he held onto her tightly as her muffled cry escaped from beneath his shoulder. Her breathing was quick and labored, as he pushed one more time, ensuing his own release.

He stretched out next to her, running his fingers across her arm and down between her breasts. She pulled at his fingers, bringing them to her lips, kissing the tips of them as only she could. He leaned into her once again, kissing her fully, letting their tongues once again explore each other mouths. He pulled away, seeing the sleep invading her intriguing eyes. He pulled her close to him, stroking her soft hair, insisting that she get some sleep.

It would be hardest on her when he left, for he knew that she wasn’t the same without him. Hell, he wasn’t the same without her, but he had a job to do, one that required him to leave her, sometimes for months. He had asked several times if she would like to go with him, but each time he was turned down, giving the same excuse that she wouldn’t be welcome. He knew she was avoiding going with him, for she hated being the cause of his problems. She wasn’t, but she wouldn’t listen to him when he told her that. He could have a girlfriend, nothing about his contract said he couldn’t, but his fans....the ones that had gotten him to the top...wouldn’t accept it.

He carefully listened to her, noticing that her breathing had deepened, telling him that she was indeed asleep. He hugged her more tightly, knowing that he would soon have to let go. A tear slide down his cheek, and he hadn’t even realized that he’d been crying. He only let his emotions plage him when she was asleep, because she would worry if she knew what he was thinking. He had once thought that letting her go would be easier for the both of them, but he wouldn’t survive without knowing that she was waiting for him.

He felt her snuggle closer to his chest, kissing it softly. He ran a hand through her hair again, relaxing her tired body, as she went limp in his arms. If only the people he worked so hard to please would just see the beauty in her, and just accept her like he had. He loved her, and he wanted his fans to love her too, for if they did, he would never have to leave her alone.

He looked at the clock sitting on the table next to the bed.....only two more hours. He wouldn’t be able to sleep, for if he slept, he’d miss precious time watching her sleep. He loved the way she slept, so peacefully. Her eye lids would flutter when she was dreaming, whether good or bad. Her arms would tighten around him when she needed to know he was still there, and her nose would crinkle as images played in her head. She was becoming restless, no doubt dreaming about having to let go of him, and watch him walk down that skyway. He shook his head, humming quietly to her, for he knew that it calmed her down. He had one song spinning through is head, and it described their relationship better then any other song. He parted his lips, singing softly to the words that buzzed in his head...the music played beautifully, and even though she couldn’t hear it...he knew that she wouldn’t care. He grazed her cheek with his hand, running across the smooth skin, touching each of her delicate features..his singing grew louder, as she moved in closer to him. She was awake, and he knew it, for she didn’t want to waste their few precious moments either. She opened her eyes, his singing stopping. Her look saddened......”please...go on.” Her soft spoken words touched his heart, and as he pulled her closer, touched his lips to her forehead......

Its amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may, I can never explain
What I hear when you don’t say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There’s a truth in your eyes, saying you’ll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me when ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold near, you drown out the crowd
Try as they may they can never defy
What’s been said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There’s a truth in your eyes, saying you’ll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me when ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There’s a truth in your eyes, saying you’ll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me when ever I fall
You say it best (you say it best) when you say nothing at all

She looked up at him, not needing to speak a word, for he knew what she was saying in her heart, however for herself she needed to speak the words. “I love you Justin.” His smile came back, and he pulled her even closer to himself. “I love you too baby...I love you too.”

Justin Timberlake