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Her eyes fluttered open as the bright morning light filtered in through the window. She looked to her left and a bright smile lit up her face. It wasn’t a dream, he really was there. His beautiful blue eyes were covered by his delicate eyelids as he slept so peacefully next to her. Everything about him entranced her as she lay there just gazing at him. Never had she found so much beauty in one person in her life.

She looked at him resting on the pillow and smiled again, his curls were mussed from their wonderful night of passion. Her eyes shifted down to his eyes, his nose, and finally to his lips. His lips begged for her to kiss him. She could almost taste the sweetness of his kiss, and she could almost feel his tongue massage hers slowly. She closed her eyes as she imagined the sensation in her body when he whispered her name. She opened her eyes and focused on him again as his lips curved into a smile.

Her eyes trailed down to his bare chest. She watched as it would raise and lower with each breath. She was almost jealous of that air. She couldn’t help but run her finger along the swirly hairs before moving on to his rippled stomach where his right hand rested. She took in all the features of his fingers, the way each one seemed to be perfectly sculpted just for him. She could still feel his soft caress against her bare skin. As masculine as he was, his touch was silky soft. She intertwined her fingers with his and noticed how well their hands fit into each other’s.

Her eyes continued their decent down his body until they reached his knee. It poked out from under the satin sheet that lay draped across his bare body. She leaned across him and laid her head on his chest. His arm instantly tightened around her instinctively, overwhelming her with a sense of comfort. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest and the thump of his heartbeat in her ear. She kissed his chest above his heart, his heart that belonged to her. She felt his fingers begin to lightly massage her bare shoulder before his lips touched her forehead.

She looked up and their eyes met. "Good mornin’," he whispered before leaning in to kiss her softly. The same sweet taste of love was left on her lips when they parted. She licked her lips before leaning in for another. His hands found their way into her hair as his long fingers massaged into her scalp. His tongue swirled against hers as she scooted up to be closer to him. He rolled over, pinning her beneath him, as his kiss deepened. He used his tongue to spread her lips farther apart before gently sucking on her tongue. She ran her left hand down his back as her right hand made its way into the hair at the nape of his neck. She massaged the sensitive hairs only causing the intensity of his kiss to increase. He pulled his lips away from hers and took a deep breath before placing a trail of kisses down her neck. She moaned lightly as his tongue grazed her bare skin. He lifted his eyes up to meet hers once again and she lost herself in him. He leaned forward and pecked her lips again before pulling back and licking his lips seductively. "Well, good mornin’ to you too," she whispered causing him to chuckle. He intertwined his fingers with hers and held them against the pillow above her head.

Their eyes locked once again before he began his decent of kisses. He slid his hands down her body, caressing her softly as he moved. He began just below her ear, moving down her neck, across her bare chest, and down her stomach. When he reached her belly button she took in a deep breath as his tongue made circles around it. He looked up at her with a sly grin as she closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. Being able to pleasure her that way was pleasure enough for him. He needed to taste her lips again so he moved back up, hovering just above her.

She opened her eyes when she felt his fingers intertwine with hers again. He looked at her left hand and a bright smile lit up his face when he saw the ring, a symbol of his undying love for her. She followed his gaze over to her finger and smiled up at him. "I love you Mr. Timberlake," she whispered in his ear. He leaned towards her again and her lips instinctively parted. When he spoke she felt his bottom lip brush hers and his warm breath filter over her lips, "I love you too Mrs. Timberlake." Their lips met once again in a fiery burst of passion as they began their life together, one kiss at a time.

Justin Timberlake