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Do you know that feeling of closeness you get when you are surrounded by your closest truly loved you feel just because they are there...well that’s how I’ve felt basically all my life. See my three dearest friends live or have lived with in a block of my house my entire childhood. When one of them decided to up and move, the rest of us kept in touch religiously. We were never apart for more then three or four months at a time, and we always made sure to let the others know how we were doing. That is until that same friend decided to become famous....I know what you’re can’t be all that bad...but it is. Justin went off to Florida to become part of that famous group * that left Brynn, Javan and myself without him for months on end....actually at one point in time..I don’t think we saw him for a whole year. Now those were tough times, because the fearsome four, was now down to the ‘missing Justin’ three. When the three of us graduated high school we all applied to colleges in Florida, and luckily got into the same Justin’s hometown. Well, this is all starting to sound good, but I think that’s where all the trouble begin...being back in Justin’s life regularly was a good thing, but his life had become so much bigger since his popularity had exploded. Not only didn’t he have a private life, but as soon as word got out that his three friends were all attending UCF, we no longer had a private life. Dorm life turned into a living night mare....girls wanted to be friends with Brynn and I in order to get near to Justin, and those same girls wanted a piece of Javan for the exact same reasons. You can guess we didn’t stay in the dorms soon as Justin bought his own place, the three of us moved in with him. The fearsome four was back together again..with the exception of Justin being gone most the time.

We got to know the four other guys that made up *Nsync pretty good, considering they were always over at Justin’s house, and JC’s girlfriend Lizzy became another good friend of mine. Her name is actually Elizabeth, but JC started calling her Lizzy when they first began dating...and the nickname just stuck. She’s a very sweet girl...who just happened to fall in love with the wrong type of guy. Before you jump all over me for that comment..let me explain....see Lizzy was shy...well not just shy..very shy. She’s wasn’t outgoing, was basically scared of large crowds, and cherished her private life so much, she’d would have a fit before ever giving it up. Then she fell for Mr. Joshua Scott Chasez or JC as we all call him..and all of that went out the window. Sure she’s still shy, and not very outgoing..and she’s still scared of public settings..but she’s willing to sacrifice all that for him. All in the name of love..or as Meatloaf would say... ‘And I would do anything for love....’ I know..he adds the ‘but I won’t do that’ part but I only needed the first for my example. So JC has Lizzy, and I know you’re wondering who the other guys are dating..well I’m getting to that part. See Lizzy set her cousin Ashli up with Joey, thinking that since the two are party having sex and basically would do anything for a good time..they’d be perfect for one another.....she couldn’t have been more wrong. There wasn’t a time when they weren’t arguing or bickering or just plain picking at each other. We never took them anywhere together..and the rest of us couldn’t be in the same room with them for more then 15 minutes. Things couldn’t have been least to the naked eye. See in the midst of all that..Joey discovered that Ashli had a best friend, and from the moment he laid eyes on her...he was hooked. Only problem, Joey never told Ashli this, so its simple to say that when she found out..she was upset. Joey talked it over with her, and since Ashli didn’t get along with him all that well...she got over being mad and let Joey and Faith date freely.

Well that’s two of em, and I know you’re dying to know more...but only one more of the guys actually has a girlfriend..and well that’s Chris. Who you might ask...well that’s a very simple question...ME. Yes, I know he’s a lot older, but the boy is so loveable. I fell in love with him soon after meeting him, right after he made me laugh so hard I sprayed Dr Pepper all over the front of his new shirt. He’s so funny, so very down to earth, sweet as chocolate, and have I mentioned the fact that he’s damn sexy. I started dating him shortly after moving to Orlando...and that’s been....well 2 years ago. I know he’s said that he’s never been good at commitment, but I do think I’ve got that boy wrapped around my little he says that there couldn’t be another girl out there for can all sigh now..because I do every time he looks at me. In the words of Brandy and Monica.... ‘That boy is mine....’ and they are so very right.

See, now you know the history, and well that’s all that’s happened up to this point..see there haven’t been any fights or arguments between any of us, and well, we’re all happy. Javan and Brynn are out shopping..for my birthday of all things...which is why I’m here and not with them. Justin and Chris and the rest of the guys are at the studio..working their cute little butts off...they do that so well. Lizzy is coming over to help get the house ready for my party.....and tonight...we party. It’s my 20th birthday, and everyone has something different planned for it. Chris is taking me out tomorrow...he has something up his sleeve..which I always end up enjoying. Justin is taking me boating this weekend, because we haven’t gotten to spend any time together. Brynn and Javan and Lizzy are throwing me a party...and well..everyone else I’m sure has something that they want to do for me. I hardly ever seen Ashli anymore unless it’s a special occasion, because her and Joey still can’t be in the same room together without fighting. Faith is a pretty staple feature in my life now, so I know for sure that she’ll be here tonight. I just need to run upstairs and get changed, but I’m stalling...I don’t want to change out of my Levi’s, and I’m just too lazy. What can I say, getting to it, has never been one of my strong points..if something needs to be done, I leave that up to Brynn or Justin. They are so on top of things, that I don’t even need to be near the top in order to be caught up with everything. Another reason why I won’t go upstairs..I’m waiting for Justin to call...he calls me every year at the same time....exactly 5:54...that was the time I was born. So since that’s only a few minutes away, its easier to just sit here by the phone, instead of running for it half dressed, and totally unprepared. My eyes were glued to the clock as it ticked closer to the time he would call.....5:52.....5:53......5:54... The phone started blaring in my hand as I quickly pushed the talk button....

“Well, once again you were waiting for my call weren’t you?” Justin’s boyish laughter filled my head, and made me smile.

“You know it, I’m always eager to hear from you.” I listened to him giggle, and couldn’t help but laughing myself.

“Happy birthday’re another year older. Gonna do anything fun tonight?” He always asked me that question, and I always gave him the same answer.

“First I think I’ll eat lots of cake and ice cream, open up all my presents, and dance the night away. You gonna join me?”

“I wouldn’t miss something like that for the world. Does seven sound about right? Before you ask, Chris is fine, and yes he says happy birthday and that he loves you. Ya know, it would be so much easier to just give him the phone...but then that would shorten my time with you..and he gets you enough. I do have to go though...however you get else you won’t be ready for everyone when they show up. See ya tonight sweetie.” I slowly pushed the talk button after saying my good bye’s...I don’t know how he did it..but he always seemed to know exactly what I was doing..and how badly I was procrastinating.

An hour later I was showered, dressed and had helped Lizzy put up a few decorations, even though she insisted that it was my day, and that I shouldn’t help. I was sitting on the couch with Javan and Brynn walked through the big double doors. I heard them laughing in the hallway, and quietly peeked around the corner hoping to catch a glimpse of what they bought me. However, Brynn, being quicker then I am....caught me before I could see anything.

“Sar, you know that never works, you should have given that trick up a long time ago.” She placed her bags on the floor, taking off her wind breaker to place in the closet.

“I should at least get points for trying, if I did, I’d be way ahead in this game.” I slumped back down into the couch, springing up slightly as Javan flopped down next to me.

Placing a long arm around my slender shoulders, he pulled me too him... “You get points for trying in my book, but I have nothing to hide. My present is for you...before the party.”

He handed me a small velvet box, which I carefully took. I looked at him, and smiled at the twinkle that danced in his eyes. Lifting the lid I gasped but then quickly regained my composure to throw my arms around him and hug him tightly. “Thank you Javan...its just want I wanted.” I lifted the small silver chain up out of the box, and I held my hair back as Javan placed it around my neck.

“You’re so welcome girl, and it matches so well.” He laughed as I playfully pushed him before once again wrapping my arms around him for a hug.

Everyone arrived shortly after that, but still no sign of Chris or Justin...I was beginning to think that they wouldn’t show up, but I should have known better....for the lights in the rec room slowly dimmed and music blasted from all around us. A lone light shown on the stairs as Chris and Justin decked in coat tails and top hats pranced down the stairs...serenading me with one of my favorite songs...

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper I love you
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a Little Dream of me

Say Nighty Night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you miss me
While I’m alone and blue as can be
Dream a Little Dream of me

Stars fading, but I linger on
Still craving your kiss
I’m longing to linger till Dawn
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams, whatever may be
Dream a Little Dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on
Craving your kiss
I’m longing to linger till dawn
Just saying this

Sweet Dreams till sunbeams find you

Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you

But in your dreams, whatever may be

Dream a Little Dream of me

Dream a Little Dream of me

When all the lights came back on, the room exploded with cheers and cat calls for more entertainment...but I was too caught up in the arms of Chris and Justin to hear the others around me.

Chapter One