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*Two Months Later*
The tour starts in a week..and you know what that means...Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance and JC are leaving once again. I love watching them perform...don’t get me wrong, but I really hate it when they go on tour. It’s really hard to deal with friendships and relationships over the phone, but I’ve dealt with it through countless tours I think I’ll be able to live through one more. Faith is taking it really hard though..she stayed at Justin’s house talking to Brynn and I for hours..until she finally just feel asleep. She’s afraid that because of Joey’s reputation..he’s not gonna be faithful to her....we both tried to convince her that Joey wouldn’t cheat on her...he may be a playa, but he’s not a bad guy. I have no idea if we did our job right or not, but I guess time will tell. I do think that I’ll have to talk to Joey...tell him that he needs to discuss a few things with Faith.

Justin has been trying for the last two months to get Brynn and Lance together...only problem there...Brynn doesn’t like Lance like that. She thinks that Lance is a great guy, and he’s fun to hang out with, but as far as she’s concerned..they’re just friends. I feel bad for Lance in that situation though, because every time she turns him down, he gets this really hurt look on his face. He works really hard on covering it up, but you know exactly how he’s feeling..for his green eyes scream pain. I’m not sure if Brynn knows that or not, if she does...she’s doing a damn good job at pretending she doesn’t..and if she doesn’t...I hope she wakes up soon. That boy would treat her right. Something else that’s been going on is the fact that Ashli has been hanging around Justin’s place a lot. I do think that only Justin knows exactly what is going on between them, because he’s not saying anything to me. I asked Javan if he knew anything about, but he sort of smirked and shook his head no...oh really is none of my business..but it would be nice to know what the curly one is up to. If you want my opinion on Ashli...I think she’s well...not right for Justin. Granted Justin isn’t as innocent as he plays himself to be, but he’s also not like Joey..and what a girl like Ashli wants with Justin is beyond me....or what Justin wants with her. I do have to give them credit though..they don’t fight all the time...they actually get along really well. I’m just afraid that Justin is gonna end up getting hurt...he’s had his heart broken far too many times, and it’s a fragile thing...I don’t want to have to get violent with the girl if she decides to mess with his head..and his heart. Brynn totally agrees with me...but the weird thing is..Javan thinks that Ashli would be good for Justin. Normally three or all four of us will agree on everything...especially things concerning the others.

The guys are down in Lakeland doing final run through’s of their show..and thankfully we all get to drive down and see it. I personally think that the week before the show is more entertaining to watch then the actual show...but you also have to be prepared for all the emotion involved. I was trying to drag the garbage can to the corner before we left, but the dang thing was too heavy...and I kept getting it stuck.
“Ugh...” I threw up my hands in frustration as Brynn came walking out of the front door. “Having stress Sar?” She laughed while putting a few final things in the car.

“Oh don’t you even start with me...will you please come help?” I tried once again to pull on the stubborn trash can....only to have it tip over on me. “I give up this time...and I mean it. JAVAN!!!!!!!!!!”

His spiked blond head shot through the front door.... “What”

“Will you please come deal with this...?” I collapsed down on the grass, kicking the stupid can as I went.

“Girl, you take the simplest jobs and turn them into the hardest tasks. This isn’t that difficult.” He propped the can back up, and proceeded to drag it down to the end of the driveway. His laughter rang through the air as he stood over me..hands extended down to help pull me up.

“Just make me look like a fool.” I grabbed his hands and pushed with me feet to stand up right.

“Sar, you really don’t need any help from me for that one.” He winced as I smacked him in the arm, but his smile never left his face.

“Are you two ready to go...we’ve got to get out of here and pick up Faith and Ashli....and I do think that we’re already late.” Brynn ran back in to grab her keys and a few last things.

I dusted myself off..and sighed as I made my way back towards the house. “Why does Ashli have to come?”

“Give the girl a chance before you throw her out on the street. None of us judged Chris before you threw yourself all over why don’t you give Justin the same benefit.” Javan followed close behind me...stepping on my shoes to annoy me.

“Oh knock that off..and I didn’t throw myself at Chris...besides that’s not the point..Chris was already one of Justin’s friends....Ashli’s well....she’s not exactly well liked by some people.” I stopped in my tracks...turning around quickly to kick Javan. “I said stop that.”

“You need to lighten up some...and if you’re referring to Joey not liking Ashli...that’s only one person..unless you include yourself, but I don’t think your opinion counts.” Javan grabbed my waist, bending down slightly to hoist me up onto his shoulder.

“PUT ME DOWN!!! And my opinion does too count..he’s my friend too.” I pounded lightly on Javan’s back as he bounded through the open door..throwing me down on the white couch in Justin’s pristine living room.

“No it doesn’ should let Justin do what ever Justin wants to do...and butt out. Oh and by the know you’re not supposed to have shoes on in here.” He turned and ran quickly as I jumped to my feet to race after him.

So we picked up Faith and Ashli and drove the short distance to Lakeland. Ashli talked non stop the entire way..talking about how exciting it was gonna be to see the guys see them in their world....their realm. Javan who was sitting in between the two girls at one point turned his head phones up so loud it actually drowned out Ashli’s rambling. I sort of ignored them both and went back to staring out of the window. My mind drifted....back towards wonderful memories of Brynn, Justin and I as kids...all the pranks we used to play on Javan. I giggled quietly in my seat, and Brynn turned her attention towards me....I immediately placed a hand over my mouth to keep myself concentration back on the road. The world seemed to flash by I remembered my childhood doing. It all seemed to go by so fast...yet here I was..on my way to watch my best friend...doing what he did best...entertaining the masses. Ashli’s irritating voice penetrated my head..and I turned in my seat to see what she was going on and on about....

“Sara...Brynn...ya know I’ve never seen Justin actually preform..I mean I watched Joey and Lance at something..but well...that was Joey..and this is well Justin. What is he he wonderful...does he know how to work the I even gonna enjoy it.” Ashli just kept going and going, and I didn’t even think that her annoying questions were worth my time or breath. Javan however felt otherwise...

“ are on you’re way to watch *Nsync rehearse..and you’re asking mindless questions..but to answer them.... Yes Justin is great...Yes he knows how to work a crowd and Yes you will enjoy will you please just shut up, and let me sit here in peace.” Javan pulled his headphones back over his ears, and ignored Ashli’s sideways glance.

The commotion in the back seat died down, and I turned back around in time to catch Brynn taking the Lakeland exit. The road became shorter as the Lakeland Center loomed above us. I shifted in my seat...looking behind me to see Faith’s grin grow brighter. Brynn turned down the radio...Javan had turned off his cd player...and Ashli’s stupid comments had finally stopped. Everyone was focused on the towering building and the five wonderful guys that were inside. When Brynn finally stopped the car, I was the first one out of it...and as fast as I could run..I raced towards the entrance to that building..jumping into Lonnie’s arms as I reached the door. The two of us were laughing so hard, he almost dropped me..but regained his self-control long enough to set me down on my own too feet.

“I see that you finally made it, it’s a damn good thing too..because a couple of those boys have been asking for you non you better get in there and make em happy.” Lonnie patted me on the head as I pushed past him into the expansive arena. The heavy bass of the loud music pierced my senses, and as my eyes moved upwards, I gazed upon the dancing figures of five beautiful coming into focus more quickly as the others. I studied his shape as he moved smoothly across the floor...and no I’m not talking about Justin. Chris screamed to everyone of my senses...and I’m still not sure why I’m so attracted to him...but he just fills all those voids that for some reasons..great friends just couldn’t. Brynn walked up next to me...smiling at the dreamy look on my face...

“He really does bring out the cheesy grin of yours doesn’t he?” Brynn pushed my shoulder, and I rocked back and forth.

“Ya know Brynn...I really and truly do love that man.” I turned to grin at her...before returning my gaze towards the stage.

“Look at that boy move..I could never have imaged how perfectly he dances, and I mean I really am going to enjoy this show. Brynn aren’t there any seats around here...I do think I need a front row view of his action.” Ashli’s voice broke through my wistful thoughtfulness.

I groaned out loud, before whipping around to face her. Her smile made me ill, and as I opened my mouth to say something..Justin’s sharp voice invaded my evil thoughts.

“Sara, sweetie you made it....Brynn how’s my favorite girl.” He picked us both us, squishing us to his firm chest. I wrapped one arm around his neck the other around Brynn’s back..and the three of us stayed like that for a few seconds. “I’m glad you’re both here.” He whispered in both our ears, his hot breath traveling down my neck.

“Justin...I came too..I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see you work that body of yours...” Justin let go of Brynn and I when Ashli spoke up. Once again the girl ruins everything good.

I felt two arms slip around my waist and I couldn’t let Ashli bring this moment down. I spun around and hung onto Chris for all I was worth...he straightened, lifting my feet off the ground, holding me to him.

“Hey baby.” His soft voice sent shivers down my neck..and made me tighten my arms around his neck. I leaned in to kiss his soft lips, tasting the drops of sweet sweat that lingered on them. I pulled back to look into his hypnotizing brown eyes and watched them dance with the light in the room.

“Hey....I missed you.” I slide back down his body, my feet landing softly on the ground.

“Now that you’re ain’t missin’ me any longer.” He rubbed his forehead on my neck as I struggled to get out of his grasp.

“You ready to see first hand what the world is dying to get a glimpse of?” He took my hand and led me over to a row of chairs..set up right in front of the stage.

“Oh you know...there is nothing that could drag me away from fine lookin’ thing you.” I could hear Chris’ laughter as he made his way back up onto that stage...the lights dimmed and the music once again pumped through my system.. I looked down the row of chairs to see the smiling faces of Brynn, Ashli, Lizzy and Faith...all of us with only one thing on our mind...enjoying what those five had to offer.

Chapter Two