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Skeeto lifted the microphone to her mouth, and glanced quickly over at Skittles who begin to speak to the crowd of young admirers. Skeeto couldn’t quite believe that after only three months of being out on their own, their popularity had grown this much. She thought of their beginning, and of the first tour they ever were a part of. Skittles begin to introduce the next song, and Skeeto’s mind came back to reality.

“This next song, is a sweet love song. A song that was written after a certain young girl, met a charming young man. I know that you all know this song, so I want to see every single one of you singing.”

The soft opening cords begin, and Skeeto swayed gently to its enchanting tones. She opened her mouth and the words rang true and clear.

I’m trying so hard
To get over you
And leave you as part of my past
Some days I think I am
But others you change my mind
And all these feelings last and last
You hurt me with things you don’t even know
You touch my heart with simple things
And everyday I try and get over it
But I can not break through
And I’m asking you now

How do I get over you?
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
So timidly and true

Everyday I see you
I want to tell you everything
But I know that you’d just laugh at me
And turn and walk away
But I won’t even let you do that
Because its happened so many times
And I can’t take any more pain
So I stay quiet and keep it inside

How do I get over you?
When I’d give all that I am
How do I show you?
When you can’t even see
That I want you to notice me
How do I get over you?
When I love you
So timidly and true

I’d give my voice

At this point in the song Skeeto choked on her words. She felt tears begin to build in her eyes, but she pushed them back. Skittles moved over to her, and gave her a reassuring look. Skeeto couldn’t understand why a song she had sung so much was affecting her in this way. She regained control and continued best she could.

If I could stand beside you
Just to watch you move and blink and breath
I’d give my eyes

The image of Justin’s arms around her instantly popped into her head. She hadn’t thought of him for what seemed like days, and now all of sudden at the worst time, he decided to invade her mind. She tried to get the image to disappear, but not succeeding, continued singing.

If I could listen to your soft words
Whispered gently in my ears
I’d give my ears
If I could stand so close
And breath in the sweet air around you
And I’d give my nose
If I could have one simple kiss

Skeeto’s mind was starting to swarm with old memories of her and Justin. Now it went to their first kiss. How soft his lips were pressed against hers, how his hand felt on the back of her head, pulling her closer to him. How her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, as they shared their first intimate moment together.

One soft and gentle kiss from you lips
And I’d give everything
To have you actually want to be around me

She remembered the time she admitted to Justin that this song was about him. The time they had spent together locked in the back room. The time she knew she had fallen head over heels for him.

And I’d give all that I ever cared about
For you to take my hand and let me know

She remembered Justin telling her that he would try his hardest to keep their relationship strong. She thought about the time she never wanted to leave his side, and about the time she realized that she may not love him forever. She didn’t know exactly where they stood with each other, but maybe it was time to find out.

You are here now and I’m going to be fine.

Skeeto let out a sigh of relief as she pulled the mic away from her mouth. She heard the screams of the crowd rush though the large arena. Her smiled grew, as all thoughts of Justin were pushed away, and the crowd, the rush, and the rest of the concert took his place.

Skeeto sat in her bunk as the bus rolled along the deserted highway, she flipped through her now neglected notebook. Her eyes skimmed over the many pages that contained Justin’s name, and all the poems she’d written when he had been on her mind. A couple tears slid down her cheeks, before she brushed them away with the back of her hand. She needed to get him off of her mind, she hadn’t talked to him in what seemed like weeks, to her, he just didn’t seem interested in keeping their relationship alive. Skittles carefully parted the closed curtains, peeking her head inside to look at her young friend.

“Skeet, are you okay?” Skittles patted her on the leg, trying to comfort the friend she knew was hurting.

Skeeto nodded her head, before looking up at Skittles. “I’m fine, I guess I just need to know if he cares or not anymore.”

“He’s on the phone Skeet, he wants to know if you’ll talk to him.” Skittles causally pushed the phone towards Skeeto’s open hand, but she closed it before she could her fingers had enclosed around it.

Shaking her head, she pushed the phone away from her. “I can’t Skittles, I just can’t talk to him now. Tell him I’m busy, or tell him I’ll call him back, just tell him something.”

Skittles slowly nodded her head, her thoughts flying through her mind. Justin called every week, but for some reason Skeeto wouldn’t talk to him. Skittles was tired of giving him excuses for Skeeto, and she begin to think that Justin was going to give up on their relationship.

“Justin.” Skittles positioned the phone over her ear.

“Yeah Skittles, I’m here. What did she have to say this time?” Justin’s voice dropped when he heard Skittles voice, instead of Skeeto’s.

“The same thing she’s been saying since we’ve been on our own tour. Do you want me to repeat them for you, or are they embedded in your mind?” Skittles hated to put him though this, for she cared for the boy. However, she was going to stand by Skeeto in this one, no matter how much pain it caused all three of them.

“No, just tell her that I love her, and that I hope to catch her at a better time.” Skittles heard him sigh, as he hung up the phone. She carefully placed it back in Skeeto’s bag, and went into the back lounge to watch Sugar and Misty battle each other in a video game.

Chapter Two