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“Home sweet home, at last.” Mellie stretched her legs out on the worn out sofa, before looking up casually at her sister. Skeeto just looked around the room, bags in hand, looking like she was lost.

“Skeet, are you alright?” Mellie sat up, now overly concerned for her younger sibling.

Skeeto didn’t look at her, the only thing she could manage was a small nod of her head. Mellie rose from her comfortable position, and took her sister in her arms, embracing her with a loving hug. Skeeto let her sister hold her, but soon backed out of the position.

“I’m sorry Mel, but I just can’t be here, I have to go for a drive.” Skeeto dropped her bags, rushing to the kitchen to grab the keys to her car. She shoved a CD in the stereo and blasted it loudly as she rolled the top down. The sun hit her face as she sped along the highway, angrily wiping the tears from her eyes. She was mad at herself for not talking to Justin when she had the chance, she was mad at him for not making more of an effort, and she was just mad at the whole industry for tearing her and Justin apart. Her car seemed to have a mind of its own, as it turned down a quiet street, filled with large houses with nice front lawns. She glanced carefully at each one, knowing full well where she had ended up. The guys were home for the week, she knew that, but was she brave enough to stop her car, and walk to his front door. She eased off the gas peddle as she neared his house, thoughts flooded her mind and tears poured out of her eyes. She pushed the brake, bringing the car to a complete stop, peering up at the house she knew so well. She thought of him sitting in his room, or outside by the pool. She wanted so bad to be in his arms once again, but her hands wouldn’t release the steering wheel. Her feet wouldn’t lift off the floor of the car, and she knew that she wouldn’t have the guts, nor the heart to walk up to his front door, let alone knock on it.

Justin gazed out his front window, noticing the all too familiar car parked near his driveway. With all his heart he wanted to rush out the door, and jump into the car beside her, but something kept him from moving, as if his feet were suddenly filled with lead. He couldn’t move, and his eyes begin to water as he watched her slowly pull away. He had tried to keep things the same between them, but all attempts had failed. She had pushed him away, and they were back to where they had started. Him desperately trying to get near her, and her pushing him away with all her strength. He thought of one of their last nights on tour together, and the memories only made him feel worse about their current situation.


“Justin can I ask you something?” Her voice was lowered so much, that he had to strain to hear her over the pounding music that surrounded them.

“Sure, you can ask me anything.” He tightly held her hand, giving her the courage she needed. She looked up at him, meeting his eyes with hers, and she lost her train of thought. She always became distracted whenever she stared into his sea of blue.

“Skeeto?” He rubbed her hand lightly, bringing her out of the ocean.

“I just...I just...just wanted to know if we’ll still be...a...a...”

He watched her stumble over her words, and his heart sank, for he knew what she was going to ask. He wanted so bad to tell her yes, but he knew that he would be lying, for he didn’t know the outcome of the future, or if they would still be in love.

“Will you still love me?” She stared at the floor, not wanting to hear, or to see the answer in his eyes. When he didn’t answer, she pulled her hand out of his, and felt like sinking to the ground.

“Sara, I want you to know that I want to keep loving you, and will do all I can, but we can’t fight fate.” Him saying her real name, made her look back up at him. It wasn’t want she wanted to hear, but it was the truth, and that was all she could except.

“Justin, you are the only guy I’ve learned to trust, the only guy I’ve ever fallen in love with, I don’t want to leave you, ever.” Her eyes clouded over with mist, and she leaned her head against his firm stomach. He rested his hands on her head, running them softly through her hair.

“We still have at least another week or so together, and we’ll make the most out of that. Sara, you are truly an amazing girl, the only one that has gotten to know me for who I am, and not fallen for my charm. I adore that about you, I love your spunk, I love everything about you. I will work as hard as I can to keep loving you. I promise you that.” He kissed her on the top of her head, and felt her shake underneath him. He knew she was crying, and that tugged at his emotions. He sniffed a few times, forcing the tears back, not allowing them to fall. She lifted her head, and slowly stood, hugging his neck, burying her head into the crook of his neck. He pulled her to him, breathing in the beauty that was her. A few tears fell into her hair, but he made no effort to stop them. She looked up at him, leaning in closer until their noses touched.

“You always know exactly what to say to make me feel 100 times better. What did I ever do without you in my life?”

It wasn’t a question to be answered with words, but with a kiss, so Justin leaned in to cover her lips with his, making the moment last for what seemed like a lifetime.

*End Flashback

‘You would have been much happier without me causing you so much pain.’ Justin scolded himself for not trying harder, and for not being there for her when she needed him the most. The only thing he could do now, was make an effort, and get her back.

Skeeto pulled the car back into the garage, and looked at the ceiling, brushing the last of her tears away. She had wept so much her eyes were bloodshot, and her nose was beginning to run. Her hair was wind blown from the driving, and she was without any make up, but she didn’t care about any of that, she only cared about one thing, and that was to be with Justin, the only guy to make her truly happy, once again. She climbed out of the car, slowly making her way to the door that lead into the kitchen of her home. She stopped, looking back, as if looking back on old memories, memories she didn’t want to get rid of, memories that would haunt her forever, ones that would bring her pain and joy. She turned the door knob, only to be greeted by the sound of the phone ringing loudly. She made no attempt to answer it quickly, but since it hadn’t been answered, she picked it up slowly.

“Hello?” Her voice shook, since she was still filled with emotion, but nothing seemed to matter to her.
“Skeeto?” A familiar voice rang clear through the receiver.
“Hi Joey.” Skeeto breathed in deeply.
“How have you been? You’re the only one I haven’t talked to since you five left.”
“I’ve been doing okay, about fair I guess.”
“Have you talked to Justin?” It was the question she had been dreading, but she knew he would ask.
“No Joey, I haven’t, I’ve just been too busy.” She lied, she flat out lied to one of her friends, and her heart sank when the words escaped her mouth.
“I see.” Joey sighed, as if disappointed with her answer. “Is Mel at home?”
“Yeah, I’ll go get her. Hold on.” Skeeto set the phone on the counter, as she ran downstairs to retrieve her sister.

“One more time girls, I know you can do this. Skeeto put more into the last cords, hold them out as long as you can.” Mark’s frustrated voice rang through the headphones atop the five girl’s heads. The music started, and they begin the song again, only this time with more vocal power. Skeeto wasn’t into the music, she wasn’t into the song, she wasn’t into being at the studio. She wanted nothing more then to go home, and hide under her covers, but she had a job to do, so she tried her hardest to give it her best.

The lobby of Lou’s magical musical building greeted four fresh new faces. Faces that contained eyes that had never seen the inside of this complex. They breathed in deeply, as if savoring every moment. They feared to sit on the couch, for no reason other then if they moved, this bubble of happiness might burst. Judy looked up from her computer, and smiled at the new comers, informing them that Lou would be with them shortly. She motioned towards the couches, but all four heads shook vigorously. Judy just smiled, and continued her typing. The four pairs of eyes swept across the many pictures covering the walls. Pictures that contained moments from history. Nsync and Backstreets first gold albums were displayed proudly, along with the very first copy of Krazy’s album. One of the four took a step closer to the pictures, studying them, hoping and praying one day their picture would be hung on this grand wall. A round jolly looking man, loudly entered the room, and the eyes that were focused on the wall turned their attention to their host.

“I want to be the first to welcome you all to TransCon, its so good to have you as part of my ever growing family.” Lou extended a hand to each one, shaking them roughly. “Please, if you’ll follow me, I’ll give you a tour, and then we’ll return to my office where we can begin discussing your contracts.” Lou turned, and made his way back down the hall, only this time four new people followed him.

“Here we have the costume room, and the dance studio. You have hair and make up there, offices in that direction, a break room through that door, and over here we have our 5 recording studios. If you’ll look through the window of studio two, you’ll see that one of my groups is hard at work, preparing for their new album.”

The four pairs of eyes turned to stare at the five girls who made up Krazy. Skeeto’s eyes totally focused on the music in front of her, as her mouth opened and closed as she sang. Lou walked over towards the wall, and pushed a button, filling the room with the music that Krazy was creating. Skittles looked out the window and spotted Lou with a group of people she had never met. She motioned to her four friends, and as soon as they had finished their part of the song, they removed the headphones, and opened the large wooden door.

“Hey Lou.” Skittles and Sugar walked over to stand near Lou. Skeeto flopped down on a near by couch, glancing over at the four newcomers. Three of the girls that looked about her age were standing nervously as Lou introduced them to her friends. Skeeto sighed, knowing full well that these girls were bound to meet Nsync, and they were bound to become well known with the charm. Lou motioned for Skeeto to join them, and she groaned as she pushed herself up off the couch.

“This is the youngest member of the group, Skeeto.” Lou put his arm around the young girl, pulling her close, in a friendly hug. Skeeto tried to wiggle out, but with no success.

“Girls this is Mackayla, Gwen, Veronica and Nikki. They are my new addition to the TransCon family, and I want you to make them feel comfortable, and welcome.”

Skeeto extended a hand, waiting for one of the new singers to do the same, however only one of the girls returned her gesture. The girls glared at Skeeto and her friends, and she knew that this wasn’t going to work.

Chapter Three