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Skeeto stood just out of view of the guys who danced and sang on the large stage. She watched the sweat drip off of Justin’s elbows as he played off the energy of the crowd. It had been a long time since she’d watched their show, but she remembered how well they did their job. They made the fans beg for more, and of course the five energized young men, gave the crowd exactly what they wanted. She closed her eyes, as they softly sang the haunting harmonies of God Must Have Spent, and as Justin knelt down in front of the small child in the front row, and finished the song to her, Skeeto’s eyes clouded over. She loved how Justin was always willing to reach out to anyone to make them smile. She loved his big heart, and even more his big smile. As the guys brought out the squirt guns, and sprayed the crowd during Giddy Up, Skeeto laughed. She just didn’t understand why she couldn’t keep a strong relationship going with Justin. She loved him so much, yet every time she was near him, all she wanted to do was push him away. Yet, when she was away, all the wanted to do was pull him near. It was a war she wasn’t winning, but something needed to happen, because she was running herself ragged by playing this game of cat and mouse. She twisted the small silver ring that she wore around her pinky finger, the ring that Justin had given her the day after their first kiss. She refused to cry anymore, because it only made her feel worse. She could only stand back and watch, watch with the hopes that maybe someday they could be back together, together for good. Together forever. Skeeto’s thoughts were disturbed when a small hand was placed on her shoulder. She quickly spun around, and stood face to face with Gwen.

“Hi.” Skeeto’s attention was back with the guys.

“I want to apologize for all the problems that Veronica keeps causing for you. She watched you and Justin form a bond, and she just couldn’t take it. Sugar caught her though, and I guess Veronica has been banned from speaking to any of the guys for the rest of the tour.” Gwen folded her arms across her chest, as the last chorus of I Want You Back played.

Skeeto looked down at the small girl, and felt guilty for all the nasty thoughts she’d had about all the girls of Mystical. “Look Gwen, it wasn’t your fault, so please don’t apologize for her. However, it is nice to know that one of you can care about the other people on this tour.”

“Can I tell you something?” Gwen took her eyes off of Nsync as they took their final bows.
“Yeah, sure.” Skeeto nodded her head.
“I got into this group, as a favor. Nikki talked me into it, because they needed a fourth person. I had no interest in singing, or dancing, and had no interest in doing anything that included being around Veronica all the time. I’ve already told Nikki, that once this tour is over, I’m getting out.”

It took Skeeto a minute to put all this information together, but after forming the words back into sentences, she stood there, amazed that this girl had such strength and such will power, to do something she didn’t want to do, but to enjoy it while she had it. “What are you going to do, once you leave?”

“I’m not sure. I really enjoyed being on this tour, but I discovered that what goes on behind the scenes is a lot more exciting then actually being on that stage.”

“I do know, we need a couple extra assistants on our crew, if you’d like to do that, I’m sure I can get you a job.” Skeeto’s eyes wandered around the now empty stage, but the screams of the crowd were still going strong.

“Could you really do that for me?” Gwen’s eyes lite up with the thoughts of staying on a real tour.

“Of course Gwen.” Skeeto didn’t know what else to say, so she left it at that.

Skeeto threw her exhausted body onto the couch, as the bus pulled onto the dark freeway. “Sug, can you hand me a drink please?”

“Sure, what do you want?” Sugar opened the fridge scanning the contents.
“Do you really need to ask that question?” Skeeto smiled as she closed her tired eyes.
“I thought maybe you’d change your mind and try something new for once.” Sugar picked up a can of Dr. Pepper and handed it to the now sleeping Skeeto. “I’ll just put this back, so you can have it later.”

Skeeto nodded her head, as Sugar pulled a blanket around her small body.

“Okay, explain this whole thing to me again.” Sugar shut the door to the lounge area, sitting down on the couch next to Skittles.

“We need to get Skeeto and Justin along, far away from the hustle and bustle of tour life, away from us, and away from all of their comforts. They need to face each other, before they end up hating one another.” Skittles filed her fingernails as she quickly explained Chris’ plan to all the girls once again.

“How do we get them alone?” Mellie closed the magazine she was reading, and set it next to her on the couch.

“Chris suggested booking them both on a cruise, however other ideas are up for discussion. We just need to get them away.” Skittles looked at each one of her friends, hoping they would all go along with this plan.

“So the main point of this, is to get them to rediscover that passion that they’ve lost.” Misty leaned back, propping her feet up on the couch opposite her.

“You nailed it, Mist.” Skittles smiled, glad her friends were joining her in this.

“I think the cruise idea would work, gets them away from everyone and everything that they are used to, however its not all that private. I was thinking Hawaii, renting them a beach house, on a private beach, away from the hustle and bustle of city life, and or tour life.” Sugar pulled out a brochure, showing her friends exactly what she had in mind. They stayed in the back lounge for hours, carefully planning out every detail, and every possible way to get the two back together. The two that needed each other so much, but denied it with every ounce of energy they had. Skeeto was miserable, she was tearing herself up on the inside, longing to be held once again in the strong arms of the one she trusted. Justin longed to hold her, to tell her exactly how much she meant to him. Neither one would make the first move, and that’s exactly where their 8 friends came into the picture.

Sugar turned out the light above her bunk, and carefully slid down to the floor. Her stocking feet making no noise on the carpet of the bus, as she walked back the kitchen, to the two couches that lined the walls. There Skeeto slept, so quietly and peacefully. Sugar hated to do it, but she needed to wake the tired girl up, and help her back to her bunk. She bent down, carefully touching her shoulder, giving her shoulder a gentle jostle. The young girl let out a small groan as she rolled over and slowly opened her green eyes.

“Skeet, sweetie, you need to go crawl into your bunk. You’ll be more comfortable there.” Sugar pulled the blanket away from her fatigued body, and helped her to her feet.

“Why do I have to move, I was just fine where I was at?” Skeeto staggered on her feet, nearly falling, but leaning on Sugar for support.

“Because in the morning, you won’t have to worry about all the happenings going on around you. You’ll sleep better in your bunk, and you know that.” Sugar pulled the curtain aside, and helped Skeeto climb up into it.

“You’re probably right, I’ll see you in the morning.” Skeeto managed to mumble out, as her head hit the pillow, and she was out once again.

Sugar just smiled as she closed the curtain, letting Skeeto’s own space grow dark, and letting Skeeto’s own mind wander into her thoughts of happiness, her memories with Justin invading even her dreams. She tossed and turned, awaking to a stream of light creeping through the navy blue curtains. She rubbed her eyes, not wanting to pull the curtains back, not wanting to face a new day, not wanting to avoid Justin, or his wonderful smile, and his comforting eyes.

“Good morning sunshine.” Skittles joyous voice penetrated her ears as her feet hit the carpet.

“Morning.” Skeeto yawned, reaching into the cupboard for a pop tart, popping it into the toaster, before sitting down across from Misty and Skittles.

“Did ya sleep well?” Skittles placed another spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

“Until I started dreaming.” Skeeto’s head was soon placed in her arms on the table, closing her eyes, wanting to crawl back into her bunk.

“Dreams of Justin fill your mind?” Misty didn’t look up from the book she was reading, but Skeeto could see the smile forming on her lips.

She didn’t answer, only nod as the toaster told her, her pop tart was now finished. She stood to grab it, heading back into the back lounge to watch some tv.

Chapter Eight