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"You're doing what?" I exclaimed. "I'm starting a singing group." Justin said. "Oh that's just great," I stated, "if you start a singing group I'll never see you." "You never see me now." He said. "I know that, don't make matters worse. You being in Tennessee and me being in Florida, isn't an easy way to start a relationship, and you're only making things worse by going off and starting a singing group." I complained. "Well then babe, you'll like the idea of my singing group even more, considering I'm not even calling you from Tennessee," he told me. "What in the world do you mean your not calling from Tennessee. I thought you were in Nashville with JC, working with a vocal coach." I said confused. "I was," he explained, "up until two days ago. I came here to Orlando to get together with a friend of mine, I met about 6 months ago. You remember me telling you about Chris right." "Yes," I said, "I can't believe you have been in Orlando for two days, and you didn't call me." "Well," he started to explain, "I wanted to make sure that I was here long enough to come and see you. You'd hate me even more if I came to Orlando and didn't see you." "Well, at least you were caring enough to think about me." I said. "Hey, I always am thinking about you. Anyway the reason I called is, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join JC, Chris, and myself tonight?" He asked. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "To Pleasure Island. I've missed the clubbing scene, and need to get caught up on it. So what do you say?" He said happily. "Of course I'll go," I said almost jumping out of my chair. "Well," he said, "I'll pick you up in 45 minutes." "Sounds good to me. See you then." I said then added, "I love you Justin, and I'm so glad you're here, finally." He said, "I love you too Sara, and I'm glad I'm back, cuz I missed you so much."

That was two years and five months ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. That was the start of N SYNC, and they never looked back. I laugh to myself everytime I think of that conversation I had with Justin. We were both trying to make our long distance relationship work, but we both know that if he hadn't called that night, it would most likely of been over. Oh well, that was the past and this is the present. Justin and I are as close as two humans can be without being married.. The other four in N SYNC, JC, Chris, Joey and Lance call us the Love Twins. Maybe its cuz we are always together, or it might be the fact that we look similar, who knows. Anyway, enough about us, I'll get on to tell you about N SYNC and where they stand today. They have been touring Europe for the past two years, but just this last month have moved all their attention to the United States, and their first U.S. single has just arrived in stores. Exiciting huh. Well for us it is. Anyway, I'm just getting ready to go meet the guys for a rousing game of basketball. In actuallity I watch and they play, but its all fun. Hey here's Justin now to pick me up in his new Mercedes Benz, which he got for his birthday.

"Hey Justin, about time you got here." "You know," he said, "if your not nicer to me, I won't take you along." "Yeah right, like you could get along without me." I said. "Justin I'm your better half." "Ha Ha Ha," he said, but a smile crept onto his face, "get in the car." I hopped in and he drove me the four miles to his house. "JC," I yelled. "What," he yelled back, "oh its you Sara. Wassup Buddie!!!" "Not much C. How about you? Hey have you seen Lance, I have to tell him something." I said. "I'm fine," came JC's reply, "and last I checked Lance and Joey were playing pool." "Thanx," I said, "Hey Justin I'll meet you courtside in ten minutes." I ran inside, and almost knocked down Justin's mom, who was carring a try of lemonade. "I'm so sorry, Lynn." I said apolgizing. "Its okay Sara. Where are you going in such a hurry?" She asked. "I have to find Lance. There is something very important that I must tell him." I explained. "Okay," she said stepping aside, "I'll let you go." "Thanx Lynn," I said as I hurried past her. I made my way downstaris, and found Lance and Joey enjoying a good game of pool. "Lance," I manged to squeak out. "I have something very important to tell you." He turned around and looked at me. "Yes," he said, "whats so important?" "Well." I gasped, trying to get more air, "remember that girl Mary Jane, well she said that she would go out with you, if I came along." "When did she tell you this?" Lance asked, "last time I talked to her, she said she wasn't interested in dating me." "I know that, but I saw her yesterday at the mall. I asked her if she would reconsidering going out with you, and she said yes." I explained to him. "Well, when do we go then?" He asked. "Next friday night. She said she's free if you are." I replied. "Yep I'm free." He said. "Good," I said, "if your free that means that that everyone else is free." Joey looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "What do you have planned?" He asked. "Oh nothing much Joey, just a little group date. You can go out with Tamera again. I can hook JC up with Andrea, and well Chris, we can find him a date, cuz he'll go out with anyone." I said giving Joey a half smile, fully aware that Joey hates it when I set him up. That was why I was having him go out with Tamera. She was the only one that he had liked. "Guys I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to get out to the court," I said. "Yeah we need to get out there too, or Justin will get mad at us." Lance said. "I'm no good at basketball," Joey complained, "I always get clobbered, and then Justin laughs at me." I smiled at him then replied, "at least you try, and you are getting better. It just takes time Joe.." The three of us headed out to the court. We got there just in time to see Justin blow a three. It was Joey's turn to laugh, and boy did he ham it up. Justin ran up to him and tackled him. They rolled around on the gass, until both boys were covered with the newly cut lawn. They got up, brushed themselves off, and laughed.

It was great having these five as friends. There was never a boring moment, and everything was new and exiciting. "Who's going to be on what team?" Chris asked. Justin said, "well we have an uneven number, unless." "Unless what?" I asked, already knowing what he was going to say. "Unless you play Sara." He said. "Oh alright," I said, "but I get Chris and JC." "Fine, then lets do it.." He yelled. The game got started, and of course like always, Justin's team won, but not by much. Chris, JC and I gave him a good game, and we almost beat him, but he hit a last minute buzzer shot to win it. Justin loves everything about basketball. My favorite dates are the ones where he takes me to see an Orlando Magic game. Its just me and him and the rest of the Magic fans, but its a good atmosphere, and I love it. After the game we decided to go in and cool off. Lynn brought us some more lemonade, Lance and Joey went back to their pool game, and Justin, JC, Chris and I got caught up in a game of RUSH on Nintendo64. I lost everytime, but once, and boy did I rub it in.

A week later we were at the mall. Lance looked really nervous, and Joey didn't look much better. "What in the world is wrong with you two?" I asked. "Can't you see that we are both nervous about the date tonight, the one you set up." Joey said annoyed. "Oh come on Joe, you know that it will be fun, besides that you like Tamera." Chris said. "Oh shut up Chris." Joey snapped at him, "you're always so calm. How come I can flirt like mad, but the second I date a girl, I freak out." "Well," Justin said, "I guess once a freak always a freak." That lightened the mood, and everyone seemed to calm down. Justin and I went off to find ourselves new outfits for tonight. We met up with the rest of the guys an hour later, each of us with bags of clothing in our hands. "Well," JC said, "I guess we better head for home. Big date is in two hours. Sara I know how long it takes you to get ready. So we better get you home." "Awww JC," I said, "your so nice." He laughed, but everyone knew he was right. I did take forever to get ready. Hey I liked to look my best, could you blame me? We got home, and it did take me till the last minute to get ready, but when Justin's car pulled into my driveway, I was ready. I looked great too, I even got Justin to do a double take. Hee hee. I love it when he does that. We met up with everyone at Planet Hollywood. "Hey Andrea, Tamera, Crissie." I said, "Great to see you all." "You just saw us two days ago, its not like we're complete strangers." Tamera joked. "I know, hey I'm starving lets go in," I said. The eight of us went in and waited to be seated. "Where is Lance?" I asked Joey. "Not sure," Joey answered. "He called me right before he left. He was nervous, but not nervous enough to blow the date off." Just then in stepped Lance, looking mighty sharp, with Mary Jane at his side. Boy they made a good couple. "Lance, looking good. Mary Jane you look great." I gave out incourging remarks. "Thanx," they chimed in together. "Justin, Joey, Chris, JC, and Crissie, this is my date. Mary Jane." Lance said, pointing to each one as he said their name. "Hey," they all said together. "Nice to meet you." Justin said. "Sara and Lance have told us so much about you." "All good I hope?" Mary Jane said quietly. "Of course it is!" Justin replied, "Sara never says anything bad about anyone. She's just to darn kind." "Table for Timberlake," came the voice over the loud speaker. "Well thats us," Lance said. "Good thing to, cuz I'm hungry." I said. "You're always hungry," Tamera said. I just laughed at her, as we made our way to the table. We enjoyed a very good meal of hamburgers and french fries. The conversation was fun and tasteful, and well it was a typical meal with the guys of N SYNC. As we were leaving the restaurant, Andrea said, "so what are we going to do now?" "Well, how does an evening on the beach sound," I answered. "Sounds great if you ask me." Crissie jumped in. "Well then its settled. We're going to the beach." I said. We drove to the beach with the top down, at least Justin, JC and Chris did. Lance and Joey don't have convertables. Oh well, they were enjoying the evening and thats all that mattered. The night went out with a bang, and when the guys drove us home, it was around 3 a.m., but totally well worth the night.

Monday afternoon, while sitting at the lunchtable, my pager beeped at me. I looked down at it. It was Justin. Why was he calling me during school? He knows I hate it. Oh well. "Andrea," I said, "may I barrow your phone?" "Sure," she said handing it over, "who are you calling? "Justin, it must be something important, if he's calling me during school." I said. I took the phone from her and dialed Justin's number. He answered, sounding pretty exicted. "Hey girl," he said. "Hey babe. What is so important that you need to call me during school?" I asked. "Well," he said, "what has to do with the Backstreet Boys that happens this friday?" "I have no idea, but wait, let me ask Tamera," I told him. I turned to Tamera and asked, "what has to do with the Backstreet Boys that happens this Friday?" She replied, "it's Brian's birthday, of course" "Of course," I said. Putting my ear back to the phone, I said to Justin, "it's Brian's birthday." "Yep," he exclaimed, "and we have been invitied to his party at Pleasure Island. Its a private party by invition only, but it says to bring a guest." "Thats wonderful news, but do Tamera and Andrea get to come. You know they'd kill me if I went and they didn't get to come." I replied. "Well I wouldn't think of not inviting them. Joey can take Tamera, and JC already said he would take Andrea, therefore you all get to come." He said. "I can't wait. I gotta go, the bell will ring at anytime, and I need to finish my lunch. Bye Sweetie, see ya later." I said. "Love ya, and I'll pick you up after school. You are coming to practice aren't you?" he asked. "Yeah, I'd planned on coming with you," was my reply. "Okay then, see ya later," Then he hung up the phone. I gave the phone back to Andrea, and with that she asked what the conversation was all about. "Well, as you know its Brian's birthday this Friday, and well like any normal person, he is having himself a party. The guys from N SYNC were all invitied, and well they are taking each of us. So we finally get to meet the Backstreet Boys. Isn't it great news?" I explained to them. Andrea gave me a half stare, half disbelief look, but soon snapped out it. She exclaimed, "thats great news. I want to meet Howie so bad." I laughed but replied, "I know you do The whole school knows you do!!" We both laughed, then noticed Tamera hadn't said a word since I told her about the party. "Tamera," Andrea said quietly. She repeated her name about 4 more times before she came out of it. "What," she said, with an unexpressed feeling written on her face. "Are you okay," Andrea and I said together. "Yeah I'm fine," she begin, but stopped. Few seconds later she continued, "How can I meet the Backstreets Boys? I can't do that, especially not with Joey around. I like Joey, I don't wont to hurt his feelings, by meeting Brian.. I can't. You can't make me go." We both looked at her, very confused. She was the one that loved the Backstreet Boys. "Tamera," I said. "You dont' want to go to the party?" "Yes I want to go to the party. I wouldn't miss it, but how can I meet Brian with Joey right there?" she said, confused. "Tamera, Joey will understand if you like Brian more then him. Joey's a very understanding guy." I tried to explain. She looked at me, giving me a sideways look, then said quietly, "are you sure?" "Positive," I replied. Just then the bell rang, and that was the end of the party topic for the time being.

After school I waited by the parking lot with Tamera and Andrea until Justin arrived. When he pulled up, a group of near by girls started whispering to each other. It just so happened that the three of us were close enough to hear. We laughed as Justin parked the car in front of us. "Whats so funny," he asked. "Oh nothing," I said getting in the car, then turing to the two girls. I said, "I'll call you both tonight. Till then." They waved good-bye as Justin drove away. "So what did Andrea and Tamera think about the party?" he asked. "Andrea can't wait, but Tamera is a little leary. She likes Brian a lot, but of course everyone knows that. The problem is she is afraid that if she meets Brian, she'll like him more then Joey, and that will hurt Joey's feeling." I explained, as I fumbled through the radio stations. "Well," he said becoming absored in the music, "We'll just have to find out what happens on Friday."

Thursday after school, I drove the three of us to the mall to pick out new outfits for tomorrows party. I was so exicited, I could hardly sit still during school. Andrea was about as happy as I was, but Tamera seemed to be in her own world. Lost in conceration. I didn't know what to do for her. Ever since Monday, she has been very quiet. I figured the best thing to do was to let her be until the party. We wondered the mall for an hour before actually deciding on which store to enter. I was the first to find a new party dress, and Tamera being off in space was the last. Finally after three hours of shopping we took a break at a near by hamburger stand. I looked at Tamera curiously as she sliently chewed her food. "Tamera," I finally said. She looked up at me, swallowed her food then said, "yes?" "Why have you been so quiet?" I asked. She looked at me but didnt' answer my question. I let it alone, and went on talking about music, boys, N SYNC and the big party. Later that night I called up Andrea. "Andrea," I said, "have you noticed how strangly Tamera is acting." "Yeah I have," came her reply. "She's never this quiet. I wonder whats bugging her?" "I have no idea," I said truthfully, "I was hoping that you could tell me." "Well she's got me stumped, but anyway, everything will be fine tomorrow." she said. "I hope so, well its late, and I need my beauty rest." I told her. "Same here, I'll see you tomorrow at school." she said with a good bye. I said good bye and hung up the phone. I was still worried about Tamera but Andrea was right, things would work out tomorrow.

I spent all Friday afternoon making my hair and makeup perfect, and even after all that time, I still didn't have it right. I walked downstairs, and stood in the kitchen doorway. My parents looked up and me, and both just stared. My mother finally said, "you look wonderful!" My father quickly agreed. I gave them both hugs, then went to the living room to wait for Justin. He arrived soon after, and came up to the door to get me. When I opened the door, he looked at me with pleasure written on his face. He handed me a long stem rose, and I took his arm as he lead me to the car. We arrived at the party the same time JC and Andrea did. She looked wonderfully beautiful, and JC looked like prince charming. The guys showed the invitions to the guard at the door, and we made out entrance. The place was crowded, but the atmosphere surronding the people was upbeat and full of energy. I searched the room for Chris and Lance, and finally found them sitting at a table in the far corner. I grabbed Justin's hand and the two of us made our way towards them. I noticed that both boys were alone, and I asked "didn't you two bring dates?" They both shook their heads no, but Chris said, "I came alone on purpose. Have you noticed how many girls there are here.?" I looked around the room and noticed that he was right. Just then Chris pointed towards the door, and in came Joey with Tamera at his side. She still had that same look on his face, but there seemed to be more of a lightness to it. She didn't seem so down. She said something to Joey, then disappeared into the crowd. Joey caught a glimpse of us and made his way towards the table. When he arrived, I asked, "where did Tamera go?" "She had to go to the restroom." He said shyly. I pulled Joey aside, and said, "Is Tamera okay?" He nodded, but I noticed a grim look on his face, so I replied, "Did she tell you how she felt about Brian?" "Yeah, she did, we talked about it the whole way here. I hate to loose her, but I can't hold her back from someone she likes more then me." He said glumly. I gave him a hug, and a kiss on the cheek, the said, "You haven't lost anyone. You and Tamera weren't really going out, its better that this happened now then later on." He smilied, and nodded his head, then asked, "would you care to dance?" I took his out streched hand, and that was the beginning of a fun filled night. After an hour of dancing, they served us dinner, and thats when the Backstreet Boys dragged Brian up on the stage, and made all of us party guests sing happy birthday to him. Then they preformed As Long As You Love Me, as everyone sang and clapped along. After the performance, Brian took the microphone from Nick and with a deep breath said, "Did you all enjoy that?" There was a loud applause, which was followed by Brian saying, "keep the applause going, and lets see if we can get the guys of N SYNC up here to sing their new smash hit, I Want You Back." The crowd kept clapping and with the help of Andrea and myself, we got the guys to get up on stage to preform. The crowd loved them, and after the applause died down, the DJ got the house hoppenin' again by playing some kickin' tunes. I stayed in my seat talking to Andrea, as I watched Justin and guys lead Brian, Nick, Howie, AJ and Kevin towards our table. "Guys this is my girlfriend Sara, and her friend Andrea." "Nice to meet you." they all said together. Just then Tamera strolled over, and not watching where she was going nearly ran into Brian. He stopped her by putting his hand on her shoulder. She turned around and just stared. "Brian, meet Tamera," I said, smiling. "Would you like to dance?" Brian asked her, still with his hand on her shoulder. She nodded, and the two of them walked onto the dance floor. Howie stood in front of Andrea and held out his hand. She took it gingerly, and the two strolled to the floor. I watched with happiness written in a smile. I knew that I had five new friends to hang out with. I stood up out of my chair, and took Justin's hand in mine, and we walked out on the floor.

Early Sunday morning I got a call from Brian. I didn't know how he got my phone number, but he sounded concerned. "Sara," he said, "I need you to help me do something special for Tamera. I had a great time Friday, and I wanted to show her how much I cared." "Well," I said racking my brain trying to think of something she would enjoy. "Okay, I've got it. She loves Starship, and we have tickets to go to the concert Tuesday night. You can have my ticket, buy her a dozen roses, and rent a limo. That will sweep her off her feet, and she'll be very pleased, and happy." I could almost hearing him smiling over the phone, "Thanx so much. I'll be sure to do that. When can I get the ticket?" "Well I'll bring it over to your house later this evening. Is that okay?" I asked. "Great, I'll see you then," he said, then hung up the phone. I looked at the phone for a minute after he hung up, and was about ready to pick it up and call Justin when it rang again. "Hello." I said. "Sara?" said the voice on the phone. "This is she," I said, "who is this?" "This is Howie," he said. "Oh, hey Howie. Whats up?" I said. "Well, I need your help." He said quietly. "My help?" I said suprised. "Yeah. I really like Andrea. I want to show her, but I don't know how. You're her friend, so I was wondering if you could help?" "Help huh," I said. "Well, Andrea really loves the movie Titanic. She has been pestering me to take her again, but I don't really want to go. I think she would enjoy seeing it with a guy anyway. So why don't you take her?" He was quiet for a minute then said, "how about a candle lit dinner, at the most fancy restaurant in Orlando, then the movie." "Perfect!!!!" I exclaimed. "Thanx so much for your help Sara." He said. "You are so welcome Howie. Call me again sometime." I replied. "I sure will, bye for now." and with that he hung up. My mind was swimming, but it had been a very productive morning.

Later that evening, Justin drove me over to Brian's house. "So why are we going to Brian's?" he asked. "J, I already told you this. We are going over so that I can give him my Starship ticket, so he can take Tamera." I explained. "Oh," he said. "I thought you were looking forward to going to this concert?" "I was, but Brian wanted to do something special for Tamera. I can skip this concert." I told him. He nodded his head in understandment. I turned the radio dial, found some nifty music, and we drove the rest of the way in silence, expect for the radio. When we arrived, the two of us made our way to Brian's apartment. I let Justin knock on the door, cuz I was a little nervous. Brian answered and with a smile on his face, pushed the door open futher to let us in. Justin walked in and I clung to his shirt and followed him. The apartment was spacious, but clean and well kept. Howie came out from around the corner, and Kevin was sitting on the couch listening to music. Brian offered us a seat, then asked, "would you like something to drink?" I nodded my head yes, and Justin said, "just a glass of water. Sara will have the same." He disappered into the kitchen and soon returned with glasses of water. When we were all comfortable, I handed him the ticket. He took it thankfully, then said, "I thank you so much for his Sara. I can't even begin to express how I feel." "Don't worry about it Brian. I'll do anything to help. Tamera's been kind of down lately, and this will help bring her spirits up." I said. We started talking about other things, and when Justin and I got up to leave I looked at the clock and then realizied that we had been there for two hours. On the way home I said to Justin, "the Backstreet Boys are nice guys. I think that they will be good friends." He just smiled and took my hand.

Late Monday night, Justin called and asked, "Hey Sara, since your not going to see StarShip. How about coming to see Matchbox20 with me?" "How did you get tickets to Matchbox? They've been sold out for weeks." I exclaimed. "I have my ways," was all he would say. "Man J, I'd love to go." I said with delight. "Well then, I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 6:00 sharp. Got that?" He said. "Yep, I'll see you then." I said enthused. We talked for about an hour, and when I hung up, the phone rang again. "Hello." I said. "Sara, this is Tamera. I was wondering what time you were coming to get me tomorrow?' She asked. "I told you I would be there at 6:00, remember?" I said. "Oh yeah. I forgot, well I gotta go to bed. See you tomorrow." With that she hung up, and I crawled into bed, and feel asleep..

The whole day at school the only thing that Tamera could talk about was the concert. By lunch, Andrea and I were so sick of hearing about StarShip, I was glad I wasn't going. I was also glad that Tamera was going with Brian. She would enjoy it so much more with him. That way she would have someone's hand to hold on all the slow songs. I just hoped she would think of me, when they sang Sara. The last bell finally rang, and I waited for Tamera and Andrea by my locker, then the three of us walked out to the parking lot together. To our surprise, Justin was there waiting for us. "Want a ride home, ladies?" Justin asked with a smile. "Sure," I replied as I hopped in the car, followed by Tamera and Andrea. He dropped Tamera off first, then drove me and Andrea to the mall. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "Well, I figured that you would like to get yourself a new outfit for tonight, and well there is a surprise waiting for Andrea inside." He explained. I looked at Andrea with confusion. She gave me the same look, then together we both looked at Justin. "I can't tell you what it is," he protested, "you'll just have to wait and see." We walked into the mall with caution, and to our surprise waiting by the doors were Kevin, Howie, Nick and AJ. "Surprise!!!" Justin said, then turning to Andrea, "I thought you might want to hang out with these four, since Brian, Tamera, Sara and I are doing something tonight." She ran to Justin and gave him a big hug, then taking Howie's hand followed them deeper into the mall. "Your so good to my friends Justin." I said. He just blushed, and with that I gave him a whole hearted kiss (on the lips of course).

At 6:00 a long black limo pulled up in front of Tamera's house. A well trimmed looking man stepped out of the car, and walked causally up to the door. He knocked on the door carefully, then with a dozen roses in hand waited for it to be opened. An elderly woman opened the door, and looked the man. "I'm here to pick up Tamera Erickson," he said. The woman opened the door, and said to the man, "come on in and sit down. I'll go get her." With that she walked out of the room. A few minutes later, Tamera walked in. She looked at the man and about fainted. She caught herself just in time then asked him, "what are you doing here, Brian?" He replied, "its a surprise." ":It's a wonderful surprise, but I'm going to a concert tonight with Sara." She said. "You were going to go to a concert with Sara," Brian corrected her, "Sara gave me her ticket as part of my surprise to you. I really enjoyed my birthday party, and it is all thanx to you. I have never met a girl so full of life and energy before. I really enjoy being with you. So are you ready to go?" He stretched out his hand, and she took it without saying a word. He handed her the dozen roses, and she absentmindly handed them to her mother who was standing near the kitchen door. He lead her out the door, down the sidewalk, and into the limo. He walked around the car, and got in on the other side. He then told the driver, "To the concert." Off they went. When they arrived at the concert, Brian made sure that they would make an entrace, so he had the limo drive right up to the front door. He got out and opened the door for Tamera, and taking her hand helped her out of the car gingerly. Hand in hand they walked to the front gate, and Brian handed the ticket collecter the tickets. They then walked into the stadium and quickly found their seats. They talked quietly about life, music, and other small chit chat, until the concert started. With the music of StarShip, and Brian being so close to her, Tamera felt as if she were in a dream, but when the concert ended, Brian was still there, and as she looked in his eyes, to her surprise he leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. She pulled away in shock, but the hurt look on Brian's face soon told her it was geunine. She leaned back towards him and soon he was embracing her. She was in heaven, or at least thats what it felt like.

The first person I saw at school the next day was Tamera. She came rushing towards me, and about killed me with a great big thank-ful hug. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." she said, showing no sign of stopping. "You're ever so welcome," I said, trying nicely to pry her off. She took the hint and let go. "I just can't begin to tell you how wonderful the night was," she begin, "and best of all, I got a kiss to end the night. A kiss on the lips Sara. Can you believe it?" I just smiled, and nodded my head. One down, I thought to myself, and only one more to go.

Friday at lunch my pager beeped again. I'm going to kill Justin, I said to myself, but as I looked down at the number I noticed that it wasn't Justin's. I didn't know who's it was. As I was trying to think of who had my pager number, a message flashed on the display screen. It said, "Sara I need your help. Its me Howie." I looked at it surprised, then said to my two best friends, "I'll be right back." With that I got up and walked out of the lunch room, down the hall to the pay phone. I picked up the phone and dialed Howie's number, he answerd. "Hello," I said, "it's me Sara." "Sara!!" He exclaimed, "I'm so glad you called. I need you to do me a big favor. I'm going to be very busy today, and I won't have time to go and get Titanic tickets. I was wondering if you could go get them for me.?" I took a deep breath, then sighed, "Yes Howie, I can get you Titanic tickets for tonight." "Thanx so much, Sara. I owe you one." He said. "Yes Howie, you do owe me," I said smiling, "but you know I'm always here to help." We said our good-byes then I called Justin. "Hello." He said. "Justin, I need you to come get me after school. I have to go get Titanic tickets for Howie, for tonight." I explained. "Okay, I'll pick you up after school. I gotta run Sara." He said. "Yeah I do too. Thanx babe." I said. I was about to hang up, but he chimed in, "I love you Sara." He hung up, and I put the phone back. After school, I managed to come up with an excuse to get out of class a little early. I got my stuff out of my locker, then made it to the parking lot just as the bell rang. Luckily, Justin was there waiting for me. "Hey Babe," He said smiling. "Hi Cutie. Thanx again for coming to get me." I said, getting in the car. "No sweat, well we better get going, or you'll never get tickets." He said, pulling the car out of the parking lot. We got the movie theatre, and had to wait in a long line to get tickets, but luckily we got tickets for the 8:30 showing, before they were all sold out. "Man, I'm glad I'm not seeing this tonight," Justin said, not enthused. "Me either. I'm afraid if I came here with you, I'd have to fight off a bunch of girls, looking for someone to cling to during the death scence." I said smiling. He just laughed, and reached down to take my hand. We drove to Howie's house, and I went to the apartment, knocked on the door, and waited for someone to answer. Kevin finally did, and I handed him the tickets saying, "these are for Howie." Kevin just nodded, but I was gone before he could say anything.

The whole way home I was quiet. Justin looked at me then took my hand saying, "why so quiet?" I looked back at him and said, "I'm trying to figure out a way to get Andrea dressed up, but not to give the surprise away." "Hey, I could always tell her that I'm taking her out." He said with a smile. I punched him lightly in the arm, and found 106.7 on the radio dial. When Justin dropped me off, and after I had kissed him good-bye, I ran up to the house and in the door. My mother was in the kitchen,, and before I reached the stairs, she called after me, "Andrea called." "Thanx mom," I shouted back. This might be my ticket to getting her dressed up. I reached my room and quickly dialed her number. She answered, "Hey Sara." "Whoa, how did you know it was me?" I said surprised. "I have caller ID remember." She said. "Oh yeah, I replied, "what is it that you called about eariler." "Well," she begin, "I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight." "Nope, I'm not." I said. "Good, then do you think that you and I can do something. My parents are going out of town, and I don't want to be in the house." she explained. "Yeah, I was hoping to do something tonight, also." I piped in. "Yeah." She said enthused. "How about clubbing? I'm in the mood to dance. We could also go see Titanic again." "I like the clubbing idea." I said. "How about you get ready, and come by my house around - 6:30" She replied with a, "great, I'll be there then. See ya later." I hung up the phone, then picked it up again and dialed Howie's number. Kevin answered and I asked him, "is Howie there?" "Yeah he is, hold up for a sec." Kevin replied. A few seconds later, I could hear Howie's voice. He was talking to Kevin as he approached the phone. He picked it up and said, "Hello." "Hey Howie, its me Sara." I said "Sara!!" He exclaimed. "What's up??" "Not much Howie. I am here to tell you that Andrea thinks that me and her are going to go clubbing tonight. She'll be at my house at 6:30. Therefore I think you should be here at 6:15 by the latest. How does that sound?" I explained to him. "Sounds great," he said. "I'll be there. Thanx again Sara, and I'll talk to you later." He hung up, and I walked out of my room, and sat down on the top step of the stairs. My mother had left to meet up with my dad for their weekly Friday night date, so I was home alone. I usually don't stay home on Friday nights, but this night I had to. I went downstairs and into the kitchen and while pouring myself a glass of milk, I called up Justin. "Hello." It was Lynn. "Hey Lynn." I said. "Sara. How are you doing sweetie." she replied. "I'm find." I told her. "Is Justin home?" "Yes he is. He's downstairs playing pool with JC. Would you like me to go get him?" She answered. "Yes, if its not to much trouble." I said "Okay, hold on." She replied. I waited for her to call Justin to the phone, then I waited for him to pick up the phone and say, "Hey sweetie." "Hi Justin. I was wondering if you could come over." I said. "Yeah, I can come over, but aren't you usually over here on Friday?" He asked. "Yeah I am, but I can't come today. I have to stay here and wait for Howie and Andrea to show up. Its their big date tonight." I said to him. "Well, I'll get the rest of the guys, and we'll be over in a few." He told me. "Thanx. I'll see you then." I said, and with that I hung up. I walked into the family room, and had just turned on the TV with the doorbell rang. Wow that was fast Justin, I said to myself as I went to open it. Standing on my front porch was Kevin, Brian, Nick and AJ. They weren't who I was expecting, but hey it was company, and I was glad to have them. "Hi," they all said together. "Hi guys, come on in," I said, stepping aside. "I hope you don't mind us just stopping on by?" Brian asked. "Howie kicked us out of the apartment, so we went for a drive." Kevin added. "We drove past your house, and AJ turned around, deciding that we needed to stop on in for a visit." Nick finished. I just smiled at them and said, "I'm glad you came. I'm here by myself, and I was getting kind of lonely." I lead them into the kitchen and got them things to drink. "Sara," Brian asked. I turned to look at him, but he never finished his sentence. The look on his face told me what I needed to know anyway. I picked up the phone and called Tamera. "Hey," she said. "Hi Tamera. I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" I asked her. "Sure," she said, "what time?" "Right now." I told her. "Okay, I'll be right over." she replied, and hung up. I turned to Brian and said, "she's on her way." He just smiled then sat down. I was enjoying a good conversation with the four boys, when the doorbell rang again. I went to get it, and this time it was Justin, JC, Chris, Joey and Lance. I said, "yea!! You're finally here." I let them in and as Justin passed me, I reached out and pulled him closer to me. He wrapped his long arms around me, and hugged me. I could of stayed that way forever, but right then I heard JC's voice. "Awww. Aren't they just to cute." he remarked. "Oh shut up JC." I said to him jokingly. After everyone had gotten drinks, we went downstairs to hang out. At about 6:15, I was just going back downstairs when the doorbell rang. I swung the door open and Howie looking really sharp was standing there. "Hey Howie," I said, "come on in." He came in, and I noticed that he looked rather nervous. "Don't be nervous," I told him, "everything will be just fine." Just then Justin came up, and with a manly tone said, "Hey Howie." "Hey Justin." Howie replied. The three of us went into the living room and sat down. We had to wait a few minutes before Andrea would show up. We talked, and Howie explained to us where he was going to take Andrea tonight. As he was finishing up, the doorbell rang. I looked out the living room window, and sure enough, it was Andrea. She was all dressed up and looked really beautiful. Howie's eyes widened as he looked at her, and I pushed him out of the living room to the door. He opened it and Andrea just stared at him. "Hi," he said. He handed her the rose, then took her hand and led her to the Dodge Neon that he had rented for the night. I watched after them, then as they pulled out of my driveway, turned to Justin and said, "think they'll have a good time tonight?" He just smiled and took my hand as he led me downstairs to join the rest of the party.

Andrea and Howie talked and talked as the Neon made its way through the the city of Orlando. When it finally stopped they were in front of the fanciest restaurant in Orlando. "This is Royal Garden!" Andrea exclaimed, "I have always wanted to eat here" "Good," Howie said with a smile. He got out of the car, walked around to the other side, and helped her out. He took her proudly by the arm and led her into the restaurant, up to the front Marte'd. "Table for Howard Dorough." The Marte'd looked at his list of reversations, then handed two menus to a passing waiter. "Table 32," the Marte'd said to the waiter. The waiter led them to a table by a fountain in the middle of the room. They were also very close to the musicans. They looked over their menus silently, then gave their orders to the waiter when he returned. They talked about all sorts of things, and soon found out that they had a lot in common. They ate their food over a healthy conversation, and when they were finished, Howie payed for dinner, and taking his lady by the arm led her out. They drove to the theatre, and Andrea played with the radio station the whole way, but Howie just smiled down at her, and let her do as she pleased. They arrived at the theatre around 8:15. Andrea noticed the long line, and said, "what movie are we here to see?" "Titanic, of course," Howie said with a grin, "and I already have the tickets." They walked in and waited in the line for the movie to begin. Andrea looked around her, and noticed how many girls come alone to this movie. She reached for Howie's hand and he took it with love. She was glad that he had brought her to this movie. It was one that she longed to see with a guy, especially one she loved. The line started moving and Howie handed the ticket collecter the tickets, They made their way to a couple empty seats towards the middle of the room. They both watched the movie with extreme intrest, and during one scence in the movie, Howie put his arm around her. She felt a shiver run up her spine, but it was a good shiver. When the movie ended, Howie took her hand and led her out of the theatre. Andrea started looking around again, and noticed all the teary eyed girls. She gave Howie's hand an extra squeeze, and he returned it. She just smiled as she walked past a group of girls talking and pointing at Howie. HER HOWIE. Howie drove them back to Sara's house, and they joined in on the little party she was having. It had been a wonderful date, a very wonderful date. She now knew that they would be spending many more memorable nights togther. She had what she had always wanted, someone to love her.

Early Sunday evening, I was sitting on my bed asorbed in a good book when the phone rang. Putting my book down, I reached for the reciever and said, "hello?" "Hey," came the male voice. "Hi, Justin. Whats up??" I said. "Not much. I was wondering if you were busy tonight.?" He asked. "Nope I'm not. Why you have something planned?" I said. "Yeah," he started, "the guys are coming over to watch a movie, and I was wondering if you, Tamera, and Andrea wanted to join us?" "I'd love to come," I said enthused, "but I don't know if the other two will come unless Brian and Howie are there." "I thought about that, and decided, well since its usually the more the merrier, why not invite the Backstreet Boys too. That way Tamera and Andrea will be happy, and so will you. Am I right?" He said. "Justin," I said, "I'd be happy if it were just me and you. I wouldn't care who else was there" I could tell he was smiling, and then he laughed, "I feel the same, but you know we can never get any time alone. We have too many friends." I laughed along with him, then asked, "what time do you want me to come over?" "I'll be over in a few minutes to get you, okay," he said anwering my question. "Thats great, I'll go get ready now. Bye Justin, see you in a few." I told him. "Alright see you then," and with that he hung up. I got myself cleaned up and right on time the doorbell rang. My mother answered the door, "why hello Justin. Sara's upstairs, but you can come keep my company until she comes down." "Okay," he said following her. "So how have you been Justin. Sara doesn't keep me very informed on the life of her boyfriend." she said with a smile. Justin just smiled back and said, "well I'll tell you something, if you promise to keep Sara uninformed." "Okay, I'll make sure to keep it a surprise," she said with a smile. "Okay," he begin, "Friday the Backstreet Boys, and ourselves, N SYNC, are going to do a concert together. We've been practing for this for weeks, and this concert is going to kick off our first full U.S. tour. We are going to do it together, we want Sara to come with us.. What Brian, Howie, and myself want to do for our girls is, during the song God Must Of Spent A Little More Time On You, which is N SYNC's new european single, we drag them up on stage, and sing to them. Sara's never heard this song, but JC and myself wrote it and I came up with the idea while thinking of her. Brian and Howie want to ask Tamera and Andrea to be their girlfriends." "Wow," was all my mother could say at the moment, but soon added, "are they going to ask them to be their girlfriends on stage, in front of all your fans?" "I thought about them doing that, but then soon decided that it would cause a lot of problems. That song is going to be the last one, before the encore. That way they can take them backstage and ask them. That night I'm going to ask Sara if she'll join us on tour, but I thought I'd tell you this before I asked her, that way I'd have your answer." He explained. "Well, I'm not sure Justin," my mother started, "she only has a few months left of school, and I don't want her missing out on graduation because she chose her boyfriends career before school." "Wait," Justin jumped in, "Sara told me that she has all her credits, all she needs to do is finish this trimester, because of math. Then she's done with school. Am I right" "Well yeah you are," my mother said, "I didn't relize that you knew my daughter so well. She will be done with school this month, and I guess I can let her go, but you have to promise she'll be back for graduation." "Of course I'll have her back. I know Sara very well, we have been friends for 4 years, and a couple for 2 1/2." He said. My mother smiled at him and said, "I know. I'm very glad that she's dating a nice guy like you and not some jerk." Justin just laughed then asked, "so will you let her come for sure?" "Yes," my mother said nodding her head. "There really is no way I can keep her back. I'll let her go with you." Justin jumped out of his chair, and without thinking gave my mother a great big hug. She just smiled and at that moment I came down the stairs.

The next morning as I was walking towards the bus stop, I noticed a moving van across the street from my house. I looked at it as I walked past, then took no more notice until I reached the stop. Standing alone, was a girl I had never seen before. I made my way to a guy surrounded by a group of females. "Joe," I asked him. He looked at me, and I went on, "who is that?" He followed my finger and then somonly said, 'I don't know. She was here when I arrived, and no one has spoken with her." He turned his attention away from me, and I said in an appauling voice, "I can't believe what a bunch of little brats you are." With that I walked away from the group to the lonely girl. "Hi," I said smiling. She looked at me then quietly, "hi." "What's your name," I asked her. "Laura," she said, with her head still down. "It's nice to meet your Laura. My name is Sara." I said sounding a little too friendly. I talked with her till we arrived at school, then introduced her to my two friends. "HI," Tamera and Andrea said together. "Hi," Laura said, sounding a little more friendly. By the time the last bell rang, I felt as if Laura and I had been friends forever. We met up with Tamera, Andrea, and Justin when we arrived to the parking lot. I introduced Justin to Laura saying, "Justin, this is Laura." Then turning to Laura said, "Laura this is my boyfriend Justin." He smiled then replied, "it's very nice to mee you Laura." "Likewise," she said smiling. I jumped in the car, and waited for Justin to pull away. Instead of driving he turned towards the girls standing on the sidewalk and said loudly, "get in, you're coming too." They just looked at him funny, but climbed in the car. I turned my attention to the radio, and the gals in the back talked amoungst themselves. At one point in the drive, Justin turned his attention to Laura and asked, "so Laura, where are you from?" "Utah," she said shyly. "Wow. Florida must be a lot different then." he said shocked. "Yeah it is, but I wouldn't go back." She answered. "Why not?" I asked. "Well, for one thing its warm here. I mean we are driving with the top down in March. There is a beach only 45 minutes away, the sun is shining, and well the atmosphere is so much nicer." she explained. We all nodded in agreement, just then I WANT YOU BACK came on the radio, and soon we were all lost in the song.

As we pulled into the practice hall parking lot, and I noticed five cars. JC's was there, along with Joey's, Nick's, Brian's, and Howie's. I wondered what the Backstreet Boys were doing at N SYNC's practice. Justin didn't even seem to notice as he parked next to Nick's corvette. I got out of the car, and Tamera pulled me aside asking, "why is Brian's car here?" I just shrugged and followed Justin inside. I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled to slow him down. He playfully reached behind him and took my hand pulling me in step with him. He put his arm around my waist, and said with a cheesy grin, "what's up baby?" I just laughed at him then asked, "why are the Backstreet Boys here?" He didn't answer, just tightened his hold and swung me around so I was facing him, then gently tilting my head back leaned over and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and looking into his dark blue eyes pulled him back towards me, and finished the kiss he had started.

As we entered the large dance hall, Brian and Howie darted for Andrea and Tamera and grabbing their hands spun them towards their bodies. Holding them close kissed them lovingly. Andrea blushed and Tamera's eyes just lit up with surprise and pure pleasure. Laura's eyes darted across the room, and soon met the eyes of a tall, dark and handsome young man. He stared back at her, and she turned away embrassed. He pushed Howie and Brian out of the way, and standing in front of me and Laura said, "Sara, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" I looked at his face and there was something there that I hadn't seen in his eyes since Nikki. "JC," I said, "this is Laura." He reached out for her hand, and as she turned her gaze from me to him allowed it to be taken. JC led her to the far corner to talk. I reached for Justin's hand, and as I looked into his eye's could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. As we were getting ready to leave, and I was motioning for Laura to join Justin and myself, JC quickly stepped in saying, "I'll take her home." "Okay," I said, "Tamera, Andrea lets go." "We've already offered them rides," Brian and Howie said together. I just smiled and nodded my head in approval. Justin pulled me out the door and when we reached his car, being a true gentleman, helped me in. Getting in himself turned to me and said, "we're alone!!" I lauged as he took my hand while pulling out of the parking lot.

The whole week I felt something was up, every practice I went to with Justin , proceeded to have the Backstreet Boys joining in. Wednesday after practice, I watched JC and Laura leave together. Howie, Brian, Tamera and Andrea were going to see a movie. Chris, Joey, Lance, Nick, AJ, and Kevin decided to be eligible bachlors at a local club. This left Justin and I alone, again. He reached into his pocket and returned with two courtside seats for that nights Magic game. I about jumped into his arms, but instead just reached for him. He took my hands and brought me closer. We stayed that way for a long time, alone in the dance hall. Then spinning me around so my back was to him and pulling me close again said, "a wonderful night for a wonderful friend. She's not only a friend, she's the perfect girlfriend." He escorted me out to the car, then drove me home. As he was pulling out of my driveway shouted back to me, "I'll be here in 45 minutes. Be Ready!!!" I waved good-bye then dashed inside to decide what to wear. I was right on time when the doorbell rang. "Limo for a Miss Sara Kerbs," a strange man said. I looked past him to the limo, and standing beside it was the most handsome man, holding a dozen purple roses. I rushed past the limo driver into Justin's waiting arms. "I took a few lessons from the master of romance," he said handing me the flowers. I tickled him, then jumped into the waiting limo. As we approached the O'rena, I opened the sunroof and stuck my head out. I waved at the crowd, but they just glared at me as we passed them. I leaped out as the limo stopped in front of the main doors. I held out my arms and spun in circles until I felt a fimilar hand in mine. I skipped next to him till we were through the doors, then breaking free ran to the steps to watch the players practice on the floor below. I rushed down the flight of stairs and anxiously found my seat. As I sat watching with growing anticaption, I barely noticed the basketball roll near my feet. I leaned down to pick it up and as I was sitting back up, noticed two shoes. My head went up towards the ceiling and I soon was looking into the face of Penny Hardaway. He took the ball out of my hands, and grabbing a pen from a near by cameraman quickly signed it, then placed it back in my still frozen hands. I just sat there staring at it, till Justin shook my slightly. I showed him my new prize, and he just smiled, then handed me the slice of pizza, and my drink.

At 5:00 on Friday, there was a knock on the door. I bounded downstairs, hoping to find Justin and the guys on the other side. Instead I found a white envelope and nobody in sight. I picked up the package, and carefully opened it. Inside I found a letter, and four tickets. I unfolded the letter, and it read: Come to Moon Light Stadium at 6:30. Bring Andrea, Tamera and Laura, and dress casually. The letter was typed so I couldn't tell who had written it. I pulled out one of the tickets, but it didn't give a band name. It just said. O-TOWN. They were front row center, so I slowly closed the door, then went to the kitchen to call Tamera, Andrea and Laura. Andrea picked me up at a quarter to 6:30, and the four of us made out way to Downtown Orlando. When we arrived at the Moon Light Stadium there was a long long line of young girls waiting not so patiently to get in. I went up to one of the girls and asked her if she had tickets. She just laughed and said, "no one has tickets. Its a first come first serve type deal." I just shook my head in confusion, then bodly went up the ticket office. The ticket collector looked at me, then said, "ticket please. Your expeceted inside." I gave him a blank stare, but handed him my ticket anyway. The other three did the same, and we went in, to find out seats. Sitting on each of our chairs was a black leather jacket. I picked mine up, and noticed that my name was stiched on the front. Andrea looked at me as she slipped hers on. We waited for 15 minutes, then like rolling thunder the girls came screaming in. The four of us grabbed the arm rests of our seats, hoping that we wouldn't be pried out of them. The lights soon dimed, and the music started. It was very fimilar music, and just as the name of the group was about to roll of my tounge, Johnny and Donna Wright came on stage and said, "thank you all for coming out to this very special occasion. As you all know this concert is the kick off of the new O-Town Tour, featuring N SYNC and the Backstreet Boys." When they said the names of the two groups, the four of us shot looks at each other. We were so confused, we had no idea what was going on. What we did know was that we were sitting at the kick off concert for the Backstreet Boys and N SYNC.

The concert was so unbelievable. The guys had prefected their dance movements, and when the two groups sang together, it was enough to blow you away. Chris took one of the microphones off its stand, then while walking towards the edge of the stage said, "this will be the last song of the evening. Have you all enjoyed yourselves?" An ear splitting applause rose from the sea of girls. Chris just smiled then went on, "this song is off N SYNC's new soon-to-be-released album. It's called God Must Of Spent A Little More Time On You." As soon as he said that, the music started and the guys made their way back out on stage. Brian, JC, Howie and Justin, jumped off the stage, grabbed our hands, and pulled us back on stage with them. I looked around in disbelif. I stood next to Andrea, and I could feel her shaking. She was as nervous and confused as I was. The words to the song came following out as if they were pure spun gold. I listened carefully as the guys sang the words. I had never heard this song before, and for some reason I felt as if they were talking about me.

Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?
Never new that love could feel like this
and you changed my world with just one kiss
. How can it be that right here with me
there's an angel?
It's a miracle

Your love is like a river
peaceful and deep
your soul is like a secret
That I could never keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must of spent
A little more time
On you

In all of creation
All things great and small
You are the one that surpasses them all
More precious than
Any diamond or pearl
They broke the mold And I'm trying hard to figure out
Just how I ever did without
The warmth of your smile
The heart of a child
That's deep inside
Leaves me purified

One point in the song, the guys that had dragged us on stage took our hands once again, and faced us. They were singing the song to us!! I couldn't believe it. I let the music, and words take me away. I was floating on a cloud, I was in heaven. After the song, Justin lead me off stage. I turned around and noticed that the three other girls followed. Justin picked up one long red stemed rose off of a near by table, and getting down on one knee handed me the rose and a ring box. "Will you come with us on tour?" He said totally serious. I took the rose and box, and then looking him in the eyes said, "I'll go anywhere with you." He stood up and I let him hug and kiss me. When he pulled away I opened the box. Inside was the ring he always wore. "Its a promise ring," he said, taking it out of the box and slipping it on my finger. I looked at him, and before I could stop myself, started to cry. I felt his arms go around me, and I buried my face in his shoulder. I could hear Howie talking to Andrea. Howie got down on one knee also, and handing Andrea the rose said, "will you be my girlfriend? Will you also do me the great honor accompaning us on tour?" Andrea couldn't speak, she just nodded her head, then taking Howie's hand pulled him towards her, and as their lips met, embraced each other in a long happy kiss. Tamera watched on and smiled, but didn't see Brian also take a rose, and get down on one knee. When he took her hand, her attention was back on him. He looked up into her eyes, and said, "will you be my girlfriend, and also join us on tour?" "Brian, I thought you would never ask!!" she exclaimed. He took that as his cue, and stood up. The dipping her, kissed her passionatly. JC picked up a rose also, then twirling it in his fingers turned to Laura, and getting down on one knee said, "will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes," Laura said, bending down to kiss him lightly on the nose. "Would you also join us on tour, if you can?" He asked gently. He stood up and picked her up in a hug, then his lips met hers, and they too were kissing. I looked at my friends, and their new boyfriends, and I knew that this would be one hell of a roadtrip.


New Beginnings