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Say It How long I had sat there in my car, I didn’t know anymore. I knew that I eventually had to go in, but my feet just weren’t listening to my head. I had thought about her every possible reply to the question I was about to ask her. Hours of thinking still left it all boiling down to a simple yes or no.

I had almost turned around and headed back home, my fears overwhelming me. What was I so afraid of? This was Sara, the one true love of my life. Maybe I was just afraid of losing what we had, that bond that joined us as one. I leaned back against the seat, my thoughts taking me back over our life together.

She had been my rock. Always supporting me, always believing in me, and always giving me the strength I needed to make it through each day. She was always there. Sometimes I think I might have even taken her for granted.

I could feel that small velvet box in my hand as I flipped it over once again. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Truth be told...I was miserable when she wasn’t around. I had to find a way to make this night perfect. Most importantly I just had to find the perfect way to say it.

I heard the words coming from the radio and I couldn’t help but smile. Someone was trying to tell me something. I reached over, turning the volume up. It had been awhile since I had heard that song. I would never forget it though. We danced to it on our first date. Just me, her, a quiet little beach, and a sky full of twinkling stars.

You know that I want you baby
You know that I need you
And you know that I love you
Just say it
Am I giving enough
Is this all that should be ohhh...
when water gets rough
will you still swim with me
so afraid to come close
it may be too soon
it may be too much
for you to consume

As the words of the song played over in my head I had to ask myself. Was I giving her enough? Was I enough? I was gone a lot...always busy...never really at home. We spent a lot of lonely nights on the phone, but did the sound of my voice comfort her the way hers did me? I continued to let my thoughts swim inside my head as I listened to the rest of the song.

and I wanna know if I can live inside your world
and I wanna know if I can give it to you girl
you know that I want you, say it
you know that I need you, say it
you know that I love you, say it
my love just goes on and on and on
you know that I want you, say it
you know that I need you, say it
you know that I love you, say it
my love just goes on and on and on

That was it...that was all it took. I couldn’t make myself sit there any longer. I was out of the car and sprinting towards the stairs in a matter of moments. I wanted to be her world...I wanted her...I needed her...I loved her...

I will never forget the expression on her face when she opened the door. I have never seen a smile so big or full of so much happiness. I didn’t say anything at first. I flipped on the stereo, wanting her to hear the song. We had only missed the first part of the second verse, but the part I needed her to hear was yet to come.

She was a little taken back at first, but as the soft melody filled her ears she understood. I just scooped her into my arms and held her, letting the words captivate us both as we slowly began to sway to the music. I slipped my hand down into my pocket, grasping the box as I heard the words...

so please hold out your hand
and let's exchange these golden bands

I lifted my head up, looking deep into her eyes. I wanted her to see how much I loved her, and how much I really did want this. Her eyes lowered from mine, to the diamond ring that I now held between our bodies.

cause I want you in my life
I want you to be my wife

I sang the last two lines to her. My eyes never leaving her face. She looked at the ring for a moment, tears instantly springing to her eyes.

and I wanna know if I can live inside your world
and I wanna know if I can give it to you girl
you know that I want you, say it
you know that I need you, say it
you know that I love you, say it
my love just goes on and on and on
you know that I want you, say it
you know that I need you, say it
you know that I love you, say it
my love just goes on and on and on

This was it. Yes or no. About a million different things rushed through my head all at once. Mostly, I wondered what she was thinking. My wondering soon came to an end for the words just started to flow from me freely, interrupting my thoughts. I slid down on one knee before her, my heart spilling over. Though it made no sense in my head when I said it. It made perfect sense to my heart. For one that could write a song that would bring people to tears, when I was speaking about her, there were no words passionate enough to describe her. She lit up my life. She made me special. She truly was my reason for being alive. She was more then just my lover....she was my best hero. She was everything that I had always dreamed of and more.

Singing held no meaning unless I knew I could sing to her. Dancing brought me no joy unless I knew her eyes were watching my every move. I don’t know what all I said to her. All I do know is that my heart soared when I heard her soft voice reply with a whispered "Yes."

My girl is so special
I want to give it all to you
Loving you on and on
My girl is so special
I want to give it all to you
Loving you on and on

I gently whisked away the tears that had found their way down her cheeks, but they were replaced with others. I didn’t even realize I was crying until I felt her soft lips kiss my tears away. I looked deep into her eyes, they said everything I needed to know. So much emotion stared back at me.

I did it...I said it...and she said yes. We were going to be together forever. As I held her in my arms I silently thanked God for everything he had given me in my young life. A very successful career, friends and family that truly loved me, but most of all....the love of my Sara. Without life would’ve been lacking in the things that mattered most.

you know that I want you, say it
you know that I need you, say it
you know that I love you, say it
my love just goes on and on and on
you know that I want you, say it
you know that I need you, say it
you know that I love you, say it
my love just goes on and on and on....

As I heard the final chorus of our song, not even realizing it was still playing, her passionate loving eyes met mine. "I love you, Justin." Those words reached way down into my soul, healing a lifetime of rejection and pain. There never would be another girl. No other could compare to her.

"I love you, Sara," I replied. Her hand slowly slid down into mine, linking our fingers as well as our hearts. I smiled at her as she turned and led me towards her bedroom. This time I knew. She didn’t even have to say it.

~*~ Song credit goes to Voices Of Theory for singing a beautiful love song which inspired a story of the same name, entitled, "Say It" ~*~

Justin Timberlake