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As she pulled into the driveway she sighed deeply. "Brynn, you are finally home," she said to herself as she put the car in park and grabbed her bag off the backseat. She wiped a stray hair out of her eyes that had fallen from her ponytail that now hung loosely on her neck. She opened the door and dropped her bag next to it. All she wanted was a nice hot shower to relax after that long dance class.

She stepped into the kitchen through the side door and noticed a light glowing in the hallway. She could hear the soft music playing and she smiled when she realized what was going on. She walked a little farther and noticed a single red rose resting in front of a picture of her and Justin. "Aww, what are you up to?" she asked the picture as she lifted the rose taking in its soft sweet fragrance. As she stepped from the kitchen into the dining room she noticed a trail of rose petals leading down the hall.

She carefully stepped around them and walked in the direction they led her. The more she walked the more the music floated through her ears. The soft sounds of Brian McKnight played as her heart fluttered in anticipation. "Justin," she called out softly. When she reached the door to her bedroom the rose petals stopped. She smiled when she realized how much trouble he had gone through planning this. As she turned the doorknob, gently swinging the door open, her breath caught in her throat.

The room was softly glowing with hundreds of candles as their soft light danced on the walls and ceiling. Rose petals littered the floor and the bed. As she glanced to the bed she saw another rose lying delicately on the pillow. As she walked over to pick it up she noticed the note attached to it. "Justin Randall Timberlake," she whispered aloud. She once again lifted the rose and took in its sweet fragrance before picking up the note.

She saw her name scrawled across the front of it in his handwriting and smiled. She lifted the flap up gently and slid the note out of the envelope causing several more rose petals to fall on the floor at her feet. A smile played on her lips as she read his words. "I did good huh? Now just wait till you see the bathroom." She slipped the note back into the envelope and turned towards the bathroom door. She sighed contentedly as she walked towards it swinging it open gently.

She was met with the same candlelit glow as before and once again rose petals littered the floor. As she walked in farther she noticed the vases of roses that rested on the counter before her. She picked up the note and clutched it to her chest as she glanced towards the bathtub. She could see the steam rising and new that he had perfectly timed it so that it was still warm. Rose petals floated through the bubble filled water. A bottle of champagne sat next to the tub, the moisture on the outside told her it was chilled. She noticed a bucket of strawberries next to it and smiled. "What I wouldn’t do to that boy with a bucket strawberries," she whispered to herself as she giggled.

She looked down to the note that she held against her and smiled as she opened it. His words were simple but yet so powerful. Three tiny words were scrawled on the card along with a little heart. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes as she whispered, "I love you too." As if on cue she felt two arms slide around her waist and two soft lips caress her neck.

As she turned around to look in his eyes a warm tear found its way down her cheek. He smiled brightly at her before kissing it away. She slid her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and pressed her lips to his sofly. He moaned lightly as her lips touched his and the same familiar electricity coursed through him. As she pulled back to look into his eyes he licked his lips. "New lip gloss?," he asked playfully. She nodded her head before whispering just above his lips, "Want another taste?"

His lips found hers again as she slid her hands across his back. Her touch drove him crazy and left him begging for more. When she pulled back again he took her hands and sat her down gently on the edge of the tub. He stared down at her small hands in his and smiled. They fit together so perfectly. As he looked up from their hands to her blue-green eyes sparkling in the candlelight he took a deep breath. "Brynn, I need to ask you something."

She nodded her head and smiled up at him brightly. As she watched him slide down on one knee her eyes widened and her pulse quickened. Before he had even said a word her eyes welled up with tears. His soft voice rang through her ears as she listened to him intently, "Brynn, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about you and me. I can’t seem to find a single moment in my life that I was happier without you. You have made my life so much better just because you are a part of it. I love you with all of my heart and soul. You’re my inspiration and my reason for waking up every morning. Just for one look into your eyes, one touch of your skin, one taste of your kiss. I don’t deserve you, but I am asking you now to do me the honor of being my wife."

The tears made a steady stream down her cheeks as she watched him slide the ring on her finger. Never in her life had she loved someone as much as she loved this man kneeling before her. She smiled brightly before diving into his arms. "Justin, I love you more than life itself. Yes, I will marry you," she whispered as she held onto him tightly. They sat there for a few moments just holding onto each other. As a song ended and a new one began he stood up and offered her his hand. She placed her hand in his as he lead her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

He pulled her close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck before wrapping his arms around her waist. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as they swayed slowly with the music. Her heart pounded in her chest when she felt his warm breath against her ear as he sang the words to her. "Until I feel your heartbeat pounding next to mine...I’ve got work to do. ‘Til every single star up in the sky...knows that I belong to you. I want you satisfied. Anything your heart desires...let my love provide. I want you baby, only you and I swear...I’m gonna make you want me too. I’m gonna touch your body, wrap your arms around me. I’m gonna be your fantasy, your dream come true. I’m gonna taste your lovin’, make you my only woman. I’m gonna love you , love you, love you. Baby, I belong to you."

His words warmed her heart and she looked up into his eyes. "I love you Justin," she whispered. He smiled at her before kissing the end of her nose. "Brynn, I promise to make all your dreams come true." She smiled brightly at him and laid her head back on his shoulder. "Justin, you already have."

The song ended but he still held onto her tightly. "Champagne?" he questioned playfully. She looked up into his bright blue eyes and smiled before leading him to the bathroom. She poured two glasses and handed him one as he eyed her mischieviously. She raised an eyebrow and giggled, "Uh oh, I’ve seen that look before." He walked over to pick up the bucket of strawberries and walked back to Brynn. A sly smile spread across his lips as he held up one for her to take a bite out of.

He watched as the juice squeezed onto her lips. He leaned over and sucked it off of them sending tingles down Brynn’s back. As he looked deeply into her eyes with his voice barely above a whisper he spoke, "What exactly would you do with me and a bucket of strawberries?" Brynn giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. She nibbled on his bottom lip before pulling back. "Let’s go find out...shall we?"

Justin Timberlake