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JC, Justin, and Joey stood in a line watching the scene in front of them. Upbeat, Caribbean music was playing and a small bonfire was set up, lighting up the beach. Justin's attention was directed to the left, where he spotted Faith and Brynn dancing and laughing. A smile crept up on his face as he nudged JC with his elbow and nodded his head in the direction of the girls. JC's eyes followed Justin's gaze to where Faith and Brynn were. Brynn's curly hair was pulled back by sunglasses and her face glowed with happiness. Faith, in her purple tank top and blue-jean shorts, was quite JC-attention attracting as she moved to the music and laughed along with Brynn as they had fun. Neither noticed JC and Justin's adoring gazes.

"How much more perfect could this day get?" Faith asked aloud as she kicked off her sandals and pushed them aside. Brynn laughed and continued dancing. "Just being here is perfect." She smiled before turning around to look for the guys. At that moment she saw him.

"Holy crap. THUG APPEAL." She said aloud slowly as she spotted Justin walking towards her. His curly hair was tamed and his blue eyes glowed in the reflection of the bonfire on the beach. His lips sported a comforting grin and she looked him up and down with her own grin. The blue Hawaiian print shorts he wore hugged his waist and the wife beater formed around his muscles. "Breathe." Faith said from behind Brynn, as Brynn shook herself out of her stare and took a deep breath as she laughed. Justin grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him so that her free hand was pinned against his chest. He smiled largely as a more upbeat song came on and he began freak dancing. Brynn stared with wide eyes before Justin's arm grabbed her around the waist and she laughed and joined in.

Faith watched and laughed before turning around. Her head looked back quickly as she turned around and was greeted by a navy blue, unbuttoned, button-down silky shirt. Looking up she came face to face with JC. His blue eyes locked her stunned gaze as she looked at his controlled dark hair and back down his face, to his cute ears, his soft lips, and finally to the silky blue shirt covering the black, thin tank top beneath it. Her eyes roamed over him in awe and then back up to his cocky smile. "THAT's thug appeal." She said to herself quietly. "What was that?" JC asked with a grin, taking her hands. "N..N....Nothing." She stuttered, as she watched him put her hands over his shoulders as he began moving to the music. Almost immediately he broke out into breath-stopping body rolls. Faith stood with her mouth open before letting one hand drape down onto his chest. ‘Take it Faith.' She said to herself before pulling herself closer and moving along with him, letting his hand fall to the small over her back.

"SO, Jenna, PLEASE stay as far away from him as you possibly can. He'll hurt you more just like he did Faith." Lance looked Jenna in the eye as she watched him closely. Jenna tried furiously to take in Lance's story about Faith and sighed deeply as she understood. "I promise." She said with a hurtful sigh. "And if he ever tries to come back again, I know someone who has experience in the area, that let's just say, will make him stay away." Lance laughed as he looked over at JC who was dancing with Faith. Jenna smiled and thanked Lance for the help. "Do you wanna dance??" She asked him, standing up. "I'd love to." He smiled as he escorted her over to the area of sand where the crowd was bouncing to the music.

Lance looked around as he and Jenna started dancing. He spotted Chris between two brunettes, Joey in the middle of a group of girls. Joey made his way over towards Lance, still dancing and attracting girls his way. Joey leaned over backwards and turned his head to talk into Lance's ear. "Told ya Lansten." Joey laughed as Lance smiled and continued dancing.

An hour later JC took Faith's hand and led her away from the dancing crowd. Faith looked back at Justin and Brynn who were holding each other tightly as they laughed. They were having a good time. She smiled knowingly and turned back to JC as he led her over to a small bonfire. They each took a seat and Faith felt JC's strong arms encircle her as she leaned against him. "Are you having a good time?" JC asked curiously.

Faith looked up at him with a surprised look. "JC, I'm with you. That is DEFINITELY a good time." She smiled, then looked back out over the bonfire and to the waves crashing lightly on the sand. "How ‘bout you?" She asked, directing her attention back to JC. JC looked down at her and his cheeks lifted. "It's been the best it could be so far. It can only get better." He said with a devilish grin before turning back to ocean, knowing her shocked eyes were on him. His cheeks were red with the blazing glow and Faith studied his profile. "What do you mean ‘get better'?" She asked with an innocent yet undeniably devilish tone.

JC looked back at her with a smile before she felt his arm lift up from around her. She watched his every move as he removed his arm and placed his hand behind her neck. She wrapped him in her own arms as he leaned forward slowly and teasingly. Finally their lips met subtly, then more boldly. She laid back as he kissed her more deeply and both felt that familiar electric sensation run through their bodies. Her hand ran along his neck and down to his broad shoulders before settling for a brief moment, then moving back up to his ear. Massaging his ear slowly, Faith felt JC move his own hand over her back, back up to her neck, and down to the small of her back. Opening his eyes and pulling away slowly, JC still held onto Faith's waist.

"So that's what you meant." Was all Faith could find to say as she caught JC's scandalous gaze. JC smiled brightly and licked his lips. "That's not all." He said before turning back to the ocean with a devious grin.

"Justin!!" Brynn screamed as he chased her down the beach into the moonlight. They had just eaten smores when Justin had asked if she wanted to go for a swim. Knowing what that question had earlier led to, she had taken off, laughing and running, before he darted after her.

Brynn turned her head to see a grinning Justin gaining on her. She laughed and squealed again as she felt him grab for her waist and wrap his arms around her. He spun her around a few times before they both lost balance and fell to the ground. Brynn laughed as Justin landed on top of her and the cold sand gave her tingles down her spine. Justin's mischievous eyes locked on her lips that now sported a light layer of chocolate. "You have some chocolate on your lips." Justin said, and Brynn felt his warm lips against hers before she could respond. She closed her eyes before she felt his lips pull away and his tongue on her lips. He placed a hand on her cheek as he pulled away. Brynn smiled with a surprised expression. "Better?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his chest, causing him to relax against her. "Almost." He smiled devilishly before pulling back towards her for an even deeper kiss.

"Faith, there's something I want you to have." JC said, looking at her seriously as they sat farther down the beach. Faith looked down at their entwined hands and back up at him with a smile. "What is it?" She asked comfortingly. JC took a deep breath and Faith watched closely as he released her hand and lifted his other hand from the sand. He reached to his wrist and slid off the small beaded bracelet that had belonged on that wrist for so long. Taking her hand back into his, he looked deep into her eyes as she watched him, tears coming to her own. She knew how much that bracelet meant to him, how long it had dwelled on that tender wrist, and the huge space it filled in his heart.

He reached over slowly and took her right hand, sliding it onto her wrist. Meeting her eyes once again, he spoke softly. "This is where it belongs." He said before placing his hand on her cheek and kissing her lips softly.

"Whew. Man, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time," Jenna giggled as she made her way out of the crowd with Lance. Lance held onto her hand tightly as he led her out of the dancing mass. "There we go. Now I can actually here you when you talk," Lance chuckled as they walked over and climbed up on top of a large rock. When they were comfortably seated Lance looked over at Jenna’s wide green eyes and smiled. She looked like the kid in the candy store with a full pocket of change. He focused on her features carefully as his eyes roamed from her blonde hair, to her green eyes, to her full lips, and then down to her hands that she wound tightly together. ‘Why is she so nervous’ Lance thought to himself.

"Lance, can I ask you a question...about Travis?" she finally whispered. Lance groaned quietly before answering, "Sure." She looked down at her hands and then over to Lance before finally speaking, "Well, I was just wondering if he ever...hit Faith." With that sentence his head quickly darted towards her as his shocked eyes locked on hers, "What?" Jenna immediately looked back down to her hands, "How long were they together because he hit me once. I was just wondering if..." Her words trailed off as she fought to push away the memories.

Lance’s eyes darted around the beach in search of Faith. ‘She would’ve told me. She would’ve told Brynn. She would’ve told someone.’ Lance thought as his mind raced. He turned his attention back towards Jenna and smiled comfortingly at her. "Jenna, don’t worry about Travis anymore ok? I promise I’ll do everything I can to keep him from hurting you anymore." His words shocked her and Lance could see it in her eyes. "Lance, why are you being so nice to me?" He smiled brightly at her and took her hand in his. "Jenna, you’re an easy person to be nice to. Not all guys are like Travis. I watched the things he did to Faith on and off for two years. I’m not about to let him hurt someone else the way he hurt her."

Jenna’s eyes glowed as she looked into Lance’s. Her expression scared him a little. "Lance, how long did you say?" His forehead creased as he raised an eyebrow. "On and off for two years. Unfortunately, more on then off." She looked down at her hands as she wound them up again tightly. "That asshole," she spat out angrily. Lance placed a hand on hers before whispering, "Jenna?" She looked up into his worried green eyes and she thought she was going to melt. "Lance, Travis and I have been dating for a year and a half. I met him in Mississippi when my family went there to visit my grandmother."

Lance’s jaw dropped as he took her hand in his. "That little...UGH!! Ok wait...Travis was in Mississippi? He lives in Texas. Are you from California?" Jenna shook her head before answering all his questions, "I’m from Florida. My grandmother lives in Mississippi. We were going to visit her and I met Travis outside this store in a little town called Clinton. Ever heard of it?" Lance smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah, that’s home." She looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "You live there?" Lance nodded his head and she continued. "Well, he was so attractive and charming. I just couldn’t resist him. So, when he asked me out on a date I said yes."

Lance pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them. "That asshole was dating Faith the whole time. God, I don’t want to have to tell her this." Jenna placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Do you want me to tell her. I mean maybe she and I would have some type of connection." Lance nodded his head, "No, she’s my best friend. I should tell her." Jenna’s hand felt so comforting that he grimaced when she moved it. "You’ll love her though. As soon as she untangles her lips from JC’s I’ll introduce you to her," he said chuckling.

Jenna looked out over the ocean and sighed, "This is so beautiful." As their conversation drifted towards a happier note Lance watched her every movement. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he felt an instant attraction to her. He listened intently as she talked about her family, her home in Florida, her friends, school, and anything else the two could ramble about. When the conversation quieted for a moment Lance began to hum lightly.

Jenna gazed at the beautiful man sitting next to her. He was so sweet, so sincere, and so gentle. She had only known him for one night, but she already felt the sparks. He fit her and she fit him. As his deep voice rang out over the ocean she sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. His words floated through her head and she smiled when she felt his arm slide around her shoulders. ‘I’ve died and gone to heaven’ she thought to herself as she rested her head gently on his shoulder.

As they walked back up the beach Justin noticed Faith and JC sitting together on the beach. "There they are," he whispered to Brynn. They watched as JC slid something on Faith’s wrist and she enveloped him in a hug. Brynn stopped in her tracks as she watched. "Oh my gosh. She got it." Justin looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "Got what?" Brynn smiled brightly and kissed him on his lips, "JC gave her THE bracelet." Justin’s head snapped back around to the happy couple that sat hugging each other tightly. "THE bracelet?" Brynn nodded her head and she began running back up the beach. "WOOHOO!! THE BRACELET!!" Justin took another look at Faith and JC before smiling and chasing after Brynn.

As she pulled back she looked at JC carefully. His blue eyes sparkled back at her and she could see the rim of tears that had welled up. "Baby, are you sure? I know how special this bracelet is. Are you sure you want ME to have it?" JC smiled back at her and pulled her close to him. He lifted her wrist gently and kissed the bracelet before looking up at her and kissing her softly. "Faith, I know that we’ve only been together for a few days. I know that it seems fast, but I also know that for the past five years I have gotten to know the greatest person that I have ever known. That person is you." She swallowed the lump of tears in her throat as a few found their way down her cheek. He held her tighter as he continued, "You have challenged me in ways that you will never know. You are the only woman that has ever taken the time to fall in love with ME."

She gazed up into his eyes and she couldn’t believe what he had just said. "JC, I should be the one telling you all of this. You brought up feelings inside of me that I never knew existed. I just never expected you to be able to feel the same way about me." Her words made him chuckle, "Faith, you have got to be the most wonderful woman on earth. They don’t come anymore modest than you. What in the world would ever make you think I couldn’t love you?" She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the bracelet that now fit so perfectly on her wrist. He lifted her chin gently to look into her eyes. "Faith.." She looked deeply into his eyes and her heart soared when she heard his words. "I love you."


"YO JOEY," Chris yelled from across the beach. Joey turned away from the beautiful blonde he was dancing with and looked over at Chris. "What dude?" Chris nodded over in the direction of Lance and Jenna. Joey chuckled as he slid his arm around the girl and pulled her closer. ‘Go Lance’ he thought to himself.

They danced a few more songs and Joey decided to take a breather. He walked down to the edge of the water and noticed JC and Faith sitting together up the beach. He smiled as Brynn came up next to him, "Hey there Joey." "Hey Brynn. What did you do with loverboy," he said putting an arm around her shoulders. "Oh, he went to get some drinks. You ok?" she asked looking up at him. "Yup, just need to take a breather. All those girls wear a guy out," he said chuckling as she playfully smacked his arm.

"Umm...Joseph, should I be getting ready to whoop up on someone?" Justin laughed as he walked up drinks in hand. Joey leaned over and kissed Brynn on the forehead, "Man, you got yourself a good one here." Justin smiled at Brynn and handed her a drink before looking at Joey, "I did good, huh?" Joey nodded his head and glanced over to JC and Faith. "Yeah, and so did he." Brynn smiled as she watched the happy couple walk towards them. "They’re so cute," Brynn cooed as Justin slipped his arm around her waist.

Screaming from up the beach turned their attention away from JC and Faith. Brynn spun around and noticed the scream came in the direction of the rock that Lance and Jenna had been sitting on, and the figure that was now dragging Jenna away. "Oh my God. It’s Travis," Joey whispered as Lance ran straight towards him. Before anyone could move Faith went running by the group and directly towards where the commotion had started with JC hot on her heels. "Oh God," Brynn whispered as she closed her eyes. "He has to spoil everything." She tugged on Justin’s hand and they all ran after Faith and JC.

Lance took one leap and tackled Travis before he could drag a still screaming Jenna away. Jenna backed away from him as she fought to catch her breath. Faith reached for Lance and pulled him off of Travis. One look at Faith and Travis immediately went into his sly defense mode. He was trying his best to charm her. When JC ran up behind her and held Lance back she took the opportunity to go after Travis herself. Jenna watched on in shock as Faith’s harsh words rang out across the beach. Travis’ eyes glowed with anger and everyone gasped as they watched his hand come up and connect with her cheek.

In a matter of seconds after the fight had started, Lonnie, Dre, and Mike had all come running. When he saw Travis’ hand raise JC had immediately let go of Lance and dove for Travis. Lonnie caught him before he had time to give him the beating he so deserved. Mike held onto Lance as tightly as he could, but they knew that they had to get Travis out of there before some serious damage was done. Faith’s eyes were on fire as she scrambled to try to get back at Travis. Joey grabbed her by the waist as his own eyes glowed with anger. "IF YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU," JC screamed as hotel security dragged Travis away.

After about an hour of pacing up and down the beach Lance had finally calmed down enough to make a little sense of things. Brynn sat with Jenna trying to calm her while Chris made sure that things were taken care of with Travis. Joey and Justin were still trying to calm JC down enough that he wouldn’t go chase Travis down. Faith sat quietly on the sand trying to calm her own self. Her arms locked around her knees as she rocked back and forth.

Her cheek was still burning from the slap that she had received. She sat there quietly as the memories flooded back to her. Memories she never wanted to recall again. She reached a hand up and touched her cheek before laying her head on her arms linked in front of her. He had only hit her one other time before this and the memory was burned into her mind. It was then that she had decided to get away from him for good. Her mom had been furious when she dropped out of school and started touring with Lance, but she needed to get away. As the memories flooded her mind a slow stream of tears started down her cheeks.

It had been a perfect night. The party was hoppin’ when they arrived. They hadn’t argued in several weeks, and Faith honestly thought that things were actually going well. As they slid in between a couple dancing Faith’s hand brushed across the guy’s butt. He turned around and shot her a sly smile as she led Travis farther into the crowd. When they found a free space to dance she turned to find Travis’ fiery eyes glaring at her.

"What’s wrong?" she asked innocently when she saw the expression on his face. A feeling of dread washed over her as she realized that those perfect few weeks were spoiled in one moment. "Did you enjoy that? I mean God, there’s nothing like feeling all over another guy in front of your boyfriend," he spat out angrily. She looked down at her feet before looking back at his fiery eyes. "Travis, it was an accident. I mean I just bumped into him on the way through. It was nothing." Her words only caused his eyes to glow more. "Now, you’re gonna stand here and lie to me too?"

She glanced around at the faces that had stopped dancing to look at them. "Travis, can we talk about this outside?" she begged as her face began to blush. "Why? You don’t want everyone hearing that you felt some guy up with you boyfriend right here? Wait, maybe it’s because you don’t want these people knowing you’re a whore." His words hit her hard as she met his fiery eyes with her own, "You asshole."

She didn’t even see it coming. His hand was by his side one moment and the next it was stinging her face. She looked up at him as her eyes glowed before welling up with tears. She didn’t say anything to anyone. She turned on her heels and ran as fast as she could out of there. She didn’t even take the time to grab her jacket on the way out. She ran straight out the door and straight to the same arms she always ran to.

Lance had held onto her while she cried, but she never told him that Travis had hit her. She was never going to allow him to do it again. She was never going back to him. One thing she always promised herself was to never let a man disrespect her by hitting her. As she drifted off to sleep in Lance’s arms she promised herself then to never fall for Travis’ charm again. For the first time she realized just what he was capable of and to be honest it scared her.

"Jace, you gotta calm down." Justin took a stab at trying to get JC to retain his anger. "Ya man, this isn't helping anything. He's gone for now." Joey said in addition to Justin’s spill. JC sat thinking for a minute before looking at Justin and Joey then over to where Faith sat in the sand crying. He took three more deep breaths before speaking. "When he hit her something inside of me broke. It was like in hitting her he was hitting my heart," JC said just above a whisper. Justin looked down at JC before looking back at Joey then over to where Lance stood behind Jenna and Brynn, looking off in Faith's direction. Joey inhaled deeply before placing a hand on JC's shoulder and squeezing it. JC just sat with his head in his hands, trying to be the strong one in the situation.

Faith wiped away tears as quickly as she could as she heard footsteps approaching behind her. Lance watched Faith's fret to wipe away her tears before sitting down next to her and placing an arm around her. Without a word, Faith knew she wouldn't be able to stop the crying. She turned herself to Lance as he pulled her into a tight hug and he felt her tears against his neck. He let her cry for a few minutes before she pulled away and wiped beneath her eyes. Lance watched her as she tried to regain herself and she finally looked up to meet his gaze. Faith knew what Lance's question was before he even opened his mouth.

Biting her lip in attempt to not breakdown again, Faith looked back into Lance's concerned green eyes. Shaking her head no, her eyes welled up slowly and she struggled to talk. "Once, he did it once before." She said before tears ran down her cheeks again and Lance took both her hands. "And he never will again Smuff. We promise." He replied sincerely before pulling her back into a tight hug.

JC still sat with his head in his hands while Joey and Justin discussed what they could do about the situation. Looking up slowly, JC's eyes welled up as he saw Faith with tears still continuing in a stream down her cheeks. ‘How dare he?' JC thought, before anger began to well back up inside him. He watched as Lance talked to Faith with concern, and JC ached to be with her at that moment, but he knew in his heart that he would not be able to contain himself if he looked into her eyes and saw Travis' hand slapping her cheek. Justin and Joey slowly moved away from JC, knowing now that he was calm but needed some time alone.

"Dude, you think he's gonna be okay?" Joey asked Justin as they made their way over to Brynn, who sat hugging the crying Jenna. "I hope so, but if he doesn't stay away, I know someone who's NOT gonna be okay." Justin said in all sincerity in regards to Travis. As they neared the girls, they heard the end of their conversation.

"I can't believe he hit her." Jenna's words stumbled slowly out of her mouth as she looked at Brynn with tears running down her own cheeks. "And what if Lance wasn't there?? What would he have done to me??" She asked with short breaths. Brynn watched as Jenna tried to straighten things out in her head. Brynn wasn't sure of the whole story yet but she knew this was a story that was only gonna be the cause of many hurt hearts. ‘Just what we need.' Brynn sighed as she reassured Jenna that Travis would not be back. "If I know these guys at all, they will do anything and everything in their power to keep him away. Trust me, it's the last time he'll ever lay a hand on you or Faith. Now, JC, Lance, Justin, Joey, and Chris, well they might have some hand layin to do, but you- you can slap him if ya want but his hands aren't coming anywhere near you." Brynn smiled with a devilish grin, trying to cheer Jenna up.

Jenna laughed as she wiped tears from her eyes and she heard Justin chuckle from behind. The girls stood up and Justin and Joey each gave Jenna a hug. "What she just said?? BELIEVE HER." Joey whispered into Jenna's ear as she smiled and thanked them for their help.

"Well that guy sure knows how to ruin a party. I'm really sorry I ruined you guy’s nights." Jenna said once Chris had returned and Justin stood with his arm protectively around Brynn's shoulders. "Hey now- it's not your fault. I'm sorry I ever met that guy." Justin comforted as Brynn smiled at him before looking back at Jenna. "I think we're all in this together now." She said with a sigh.

"Jenna, why don't you come and stay with Faith and I tonight?? That way we can figure things out a little bit at least." Brynn asked as they walked into the hotel and through the lobby. "Ya that's probably a good idea." Jenna agreed, her eyes still puffy and her hands entwined in each other. Brynn turned around in Justin's arms to look behind her as she heard Lance's voice call out. "Jenna!"

Brynn smiled as Jenna stopped and Lance jogged up to her. "You okay??" He asked, putting his hands around her elbows. She brought her own arms up around his neck before talking lightly in his ear. "Thank you Lance. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there. I'm sorry you had to do that for me." She rambled as Lance looked at her with the same concern that had been in his eyes all night. Brynn turned back to Justin before they continued walking down the hall and gave Jenna and Lance some privacy.

"What a night." Brynn said as she leaned against Justin's chest in the elevator up to their floor. Justin's arms tightened around her as he kissed her head. "You don't have any abusive exs I should know about do you??" He asked playfully. Brynn laughed lightly. "Thank God, no."

JC walked over to Faith, as Lance got up, and sat down next to her. She turned to him as he stared out at the ocean. She hadn't ever seen that look in his eyes and it frightened her. He looked as if someone had just kicked him in the stomach and he didn't know how to fight back.

Before she could say anything JC intertwined his hand with hers and lifted his hand up to the cheek that still lightly stung from Travis' slap. Lightly running his finger over it, JC pulled Faith towards him before lightly laying his lips on her cheek and pulling back. "Forever rid of Travis." He said, bringing an instant smile to her face. He needed that smile to reassure him she was okay. He couldn't help but worry.

Faith read JC's eyes with her own pain and gave him a tight hug before looking deep into his concerned blue eyes. "Thank you JC." She said with sincerity before she caught the tears rising to his eyes with her own hand. She didn't want either of them to cry any longer because of that jerk, but she knew that wasn't possible. Taking his hand, he helped her up. "There's a lot you need to know." She said with a sigh as he slipped his arm around her waist before he answered. "There's a lot I want to know." He said with a half smile before she began every detail about Travis.

Chapter 18

"Make yourself comfortable Jenna. I have some pajamas you can wear if you want," Brynn said as she let Jenna into the room. Jenna nodded her head and took a seat on Faith’s bed. "Thank you Brynn. I’m so sorry I got you all into this mess. I just...I..." her words trailed off as fresh tears started down her cheeks. Brynn walked over and sat next to her on the bed. She took Jenna’s hand in hers before softly whispering, "Jenna, this is not your fault. Don’t blame yourself for the actions of some jerk who doesn’t deserve the time of day from either of you."

Jenna forced a smile as she looked back at Brynn, "Thanks," she whispered. Brynn smiled at her and handed her some pajamas. "Faith says pajamas always make her feel better," she said with a giggle. Jenna laughed lightly before picking them up and heading towards the bathroom, "Definitely worth a shot then." As the door closed to the bathroom Brynn flopped back on the bed, "I hope JC isn’t running down the street after Travis," she whispered to herself.

The two sat in complete silence as the waves crashed on the shore. For the first time since she had met Travis, someone knew the whole story. She sat waiting for him to respond in some way. She could feel his fingers lightly rubbing over her bare shoulder as his arm held her protectively. When she couldn’t take the silence anymore she placed her hand on his thigh and whispered, "Jace."

He didn’t look at her right away, but what she saw next broke her heart. A single tear he had been fighting to hold back made its way down his cheek. He turned to her with teary eyes before pulling her into a tight hug. "Baby, I am so sorry," he whispered through his tears. When he pulled back to look deep into her eyes their teary gaze met. "I am so sorry he ever hurt you." His words cracked in his throat as he fought the tears.

She swallowed hard and wiped a few tears from her cheek, "That was...most of it. I mean there were other little things, but...well, that’s most of it," she stuttered out as she fought to push the painful memories from her mind. It had taken so long for her to find a way to push them back and now they were all out again. She jumped when she felt JC’s warm hand on her cheek again as his finger gently rubbed over the red welt on her face. "Faith, I promise I will never hurt you or disrespect you this way. I promise you that. Just don’t push away from me, ok?" She nodded her head yes and as he opened his arms and she went into them instinctively. He felt so right to her. She heard him begin to hum lightly in her ear and all her muscles relaxed.

He held onto her tightly as the seconds turned to minutes and the minutes turned to hours. He couldn’t make himself let her go. He just wanted to hold her and protect her from the world, especially from Travis. He sat there gazing out at the ocean, the stars that lit up the night sky, and the soft glow of the moonlight dancing on the water. He could feel her breath on his chest. As he glanced down at her he couldn’t help but smile. She had fallen asleep in his arms. He laid back on the sand and gently laid her down. When he snuggled close to her and kissed her forehead gently a smile played on her lips.

He lay there next to her for a few moments just watching her. The way she would smile when she felt him touch her, the way she sighed contentedly as she slept, and the way her hand never left him for a moment. All her troubles from the night had washed away just from being in his arms. He loved being able to comfort her that way. He laid his head down beside hers and she instantly cuddled closer. He hummed lightly in her ear and watched as a smile spread across her lips. "I love you Faith. I won’t let him hurt you anymore." With that he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with Faith in his arms.

Lance stared up at the ceiling as his thoughts rushed through his head. He sat up on the bed and turned towards the balcony. They had a show to do later on and he needed some rest. The only problem was he couldn’t get the sight of Travis’ hand on Faith’s cheek out of his head, or the sight of Jenna screaming as he tried to drag her away. "Lance, ya gotta relax man," he told himself as he stepped out on the balcony. Most of the beach was deserted, but he smiled when he saw two people lying together on the sand.

"JC, you better treat her right," he whispered into the night. As if on cue he watched as JC’s arm tightened around her. He smiled at them and looked up at the stars before whispering, "Thank you God." He yawned and stretched his arms up over his head. He took one last look at the couple before turning back towards the door. "JC, take care of my Smuff," he whispered as he pulled the door closed and crawled back into bed.

She felt the soft seabreeze on her face and awoke to the sounds of seagulls. As her eyes fluttered open she couldn’t help but smile at his sleeping form. Never in her life had she seen anything more beautiful then what lay before her now. She leaned over and gently pressed her lips to his. She felt his hand slide up her back and she smiled when his still tired eyes opened to gaze up at her. "Mornin’," she whispered.

He sat up slowly and looked around the beach. She giggled at the way his hair stuck up a little in the back. He looked at her and smiled, "How’s my girl this mornin’?" She smiled at him and reached a hand to her cheek. When she touched it she winced slightly, "Ow, a little sore." He leaned over and gently pressed his soft lips to her cheek. He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes as she locked with his intense gaze. "Mmm...all better now," she whispered.

He leaned in and kissed her softly before helping her up off the sand. "We gotta get you to sound check Mr. Chasez," she whispered as they walked hand in hand back towards the hotel. He heard her stomach growl and placed his hand over it. "Looks like we gotta get you some food Mrs. Chasez." His words caused her to stop in her tracks. He couldn’t help but laugh at the shocked expression on her face. "What sweetheart?" he asked. "What did you just say?" she asked still shocked. "I said it looks like we gotta get you some food M...oh boy." She smiled brightly at him and squeezed his hand tighter. "It does have a nice ring to it." JC chuckled, "I really gotta stop thinking outloud so much."

Before they stepped into the hotel Faith pulled gently on his hand to stop. He turned towards her and he watched her smile up at him. "I just wanted to tell you thank you for last night. Thanks for listening and thanks for just being there." He met her smile with his own, "Baby, thank you for telling me those things. I know it wasn’t easy." She nodded her head and hugged him tightly as she whispered in his ear, "I love you." Her words caused his heart to race and as he looked back down at her he scooped her up and kissed her deeply. When he pulled back he looked deep into her eyes before whispering, "I love you too."

"She any better?" Justin asked curiously as Brynn reached up to give him a hug, nodding his head in the direction of Jenna who was gathering her things. "A little. She's really shaken up still." Brynn answered as Justin pressed his nose against hers and she smiled. Jenna walked up from behind as she watched the two and slid by quietly. Brynn stood up and watched her knock lightly on Lance's door. Lance smiled as he walked out of the door and looked over at Jenna, Justin, and Brynn. "Where's Faith?" His eyebrows creased in sudden concern.

"Don't worry Lance. I saw her and JC this morning....asleep on the beach." Jenna said with a smile. Lance raised his eyebrow as he laughed. "Guess they didn't make it too far from there last night then." As if on cue, at that moment the elevator door dinged and Faith and JC walked out, both tired eyed and smelling of the beach. Brynn placed a quick hand over her mouth to smuggle a laugh as Justin squeezed her hand and raised an eyebrow at the two.

"Well did you have FUN last night??" Justin asked with sarcasm, looking from JC to Faith and back to JC. Faith blushed as JC took her hand and they walked towards the four standing in the hallway. JC smiled and chuckled as they stopped in front of Brynn and Justin. "Yes J, we had lots of fun." JC said with a sly smile as Faith's eyes widened and Brynn giggled at the surprise on her face. "We did??" She asked, hitting him in the arm. He immediately playfully went at her waist and she screeched as he tried to tickle her. "Jace!!" She squealed as he continued to tickle her and laugh at her reaction.

"Hey that looks like fun huh??" Justin asked deviously turning to Brynn with a sly smile. Brynn looked at him with a surprised but pathetic look on her face. "No way Curls. Don't even think about it." She said, a grin creeping up onto her face. She tried to watch with a straight face as his smile grew wider and ideas seemed to form in his eyes. He licked his lips before he went at her and she ducked and took off down the hallway with a squeal. Justin laughed as he dove after her and ran down the hallway.

Lance and Jenna stood watching the extravaganza before them with looks of awe and humor. Lance shook his head and closed his eyes before looking back at Jenna with a smile. "Those two are WAY too perfect for those two." He laughed. Jenna laughed confused but humored at the entire situation. She looked into Lance's green eyes before he opened his mouth. "You uh, you wanna go out and get some lunch before sound check??" He asked as a smile played on her lips. "I'd love too." She answered as she looked over to JC, who was watching Lance now with a raised eyebrow. Laughing lightly, Lance grabbed his wallet and they made their way down the hall.

"Hey chickies. Where's my boys??" Chris asked, standing in the open doorway to the girls' room. Faith laughed as she looked at Brynn who smiled and walked over to the doorway. "Chris the guys left twenty minutes ago for sound check." Brynn laughed. "OMG I'm not the one who's supposed to be late!! That's JC's job!!" Chris said, taking off down the hall. "Did I hear my name??" JC said, walking out of his room, dressed for sound check. "Oh we're just having fun with Chris." Faith laughed as she watched Chris running crazily around waiting for the elevator door to open. JC laughed knowingly. "You guys ready??" He asked, looking from both girls. "Think so." Faith answered back as Brynn grabbed their room keys and they walked out into the hall with JC as the rest of the guys filed out of their rooms. Lonnie and Joey walked up behind Brynn as they made their way to where Chris was banging on the elevator. "What's wrong with him?" Lonnie laughed. Brynn giggled and looked at Faith before answering. "Faith and I were just having some fun with Chris."

"Fun??" Joey asked, looking at Brynn with curious eyes. Justin smacked Joey on the back of the head as Brynn laughed. "Yo man. I was JUST CURIOUS." Joey answered, hitting Chris on the back of the head as they reached him. "That's from Justin." Justin looked around innocently as Chris looked on confused. Faith and Brynn laughed as the elevator door opened and they all filed in.

Faith watched Jenna as they sat watching the guys during sound check. Jenna's eyes never left Lance and her ears seemed to hear nothing more than his deep intriguing voice. Brynn looked over at Jenna also and smiled. Faith mumbled softly to herself as she watched Jenna with a smile. ‘Froggy, looks like it's your turn to rescue a damsel from distress.'

When sound check was eventually finished, Faith continued to watch as Lance walked over slowly. His eyes looked to Faith but she knew him too well and could tell he was watching Jenna the entire time. "Lance..... She's flying out tonight. Will you please talk to HER not me??" Faith asked with a smile. Lance blushed before turning to Jenna and waltzing over, triggering a bright smile to appear on Jenna's face.

Faith directed her attention to where Justin had trotted up to Brynn. "You're all sweaty." Brynn said, putting her hands on his chest. "Great huh?" Justin laughed as he wrapped his sweaty arms around Brynn and she looked at him surprised. "Well THAT's a matter of opinion." She responded quickly with a laugh before Justin's hand wrapped quickly around the back of her neck and pulled her lips to his enveloping her into a passionate kiss, letting his other hand explore the small of her back. Brynn's own fingers ran up to the back of his neck and a familiar electric sensation ran through them both. "Okay, so maybe it is great." Brynn giggled with wide eyes as they pulled back.

Faith's amused eyes were still on Justin and Brynn as she felt two strong arms wrap around her from behind. "Did ya miss me??" JC's voice rang in her ears as she relaxed against him lightly and he nibbled on her ear. "Ever so much." She laughed, turning around and kissing him lightly on the lips. "Why do you tease me like that?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. Faith smiled slyly before looking deeply into his sparkling blue eyes. "Because I love that look you give me when I do." She giggled as he pulled her close and kissed her deeply and romantically. Faith ran her lips together and looked at JC with surprised eyes as he pulled away. "And I love that look you give me when I do that." He said slyly. "Well uh, ya me too." She smiled.

Chapter 19

"That had to be the most amazing show yet. Oh my gosh...I felt like a teenybopper tonight," Faith said giggling as she flopped down on the bed next to Brynn. "Girl, I know what you mean. Now, let me just say...God bless leather pants. Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but damn JC was hot," Brynn said laughing. Faith smiled brightly at her and flopped back with a sigh, "I don’t want to leave tomorrow." Brynn flopped back next to her and looked at her inquisitively. "Don’t want to leave or don’t want to leave him?"

Faith smiled and looked at the bracelet on her arm, "Both. I miss all these guys like crazy when I’m away from them, especially Lance and..." her words trailed off as she caught a glimpse of the door. Brynn not noticing continued on with the conversation, "Yeah, I know JC too. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure exactly how I’m gonna handle being away from Justin...and his lips." Faith giggled and slapped a hand over her mouth as the figure that had been peeking around the door suddenly dropped to the floor and crawled towards the bed. "Faith, are you ok?" Brynn asked looking at the expression on her friend’s face. Faith nodded her head trying to fight the giggles that were threatening.

"Yeah, uhh...I know what you mean. You know who else I’m gonna miss?" Faith asked as she leaned up on the bed and slowly slid the pillow from behind her back. "Who?" Brynn asked as she watched her friend curiously. Faith lifted the pillow above her head and brought it down quickly, "CHRIS!!!" Chris jumped up just as the pillow came down and smacked him in the head. He fell back onto the floor as the girls burst into a fit of laughter. Faith slid off the bed and walked over to kneel down beside him. "Chris, have I told you lately that I love you?" Chris opened one eye and winked as he sat up. "Nah, but you’re welcome to tell me that all you want. Just wait till JC hears this," he said laughing, "Wow...I stole a girl from JC." Faith shook her head and laughed as he scooped her into a hug, "Are you sure you HAVE to go tomorrow?"

Brynn joined the two on the floor and Chris wrapped an arm around her too. "It’s just not the same without ya. Homie G Funk #1 and #2....who am I gonna play with?" Faith giggled as she squeezed his hand. "Chris, we’ll be back just as soon as we get Brynn’s stuff moved." Chris’ forehead creased as he looked at Faith curiously. "Moved?" Faith’s eyes snapped to Brynn’s, "Oops...I think I blew our little surprise. Chris, can you keep a secret?" Chris looked at her excitedly, "Faith, you know if it means driving the other four nuts I’m all for it." Faith smiled before getting up to close the door.

"Alright Chris, Brynn and I are moving to Orlando. I just found out that I got accepted to UCF and so did Brynn." Chris’ eyes widened and a smile lit up his face. Faith couldn’t help but laugh when he jumped up pulling Brynn with him and ran to her wrapping them both in a huge hug. "Chris, secret remember is a’s a little surprise." Chris nodded his head and let out a happy little squeal. "My Homie G. Funks are moving to..." his words trailed off as Faith smacked a hand over his mouth. "Maybe this was a bad idea," Brynn whispered through giggles. A knock on the door interrupted their conversation as Lance poked his head in. "You guys ok in here?" They all looked at him with guilty expressions as they nodded their heads in unison. He raised an eyebrow before looking directly at Faith. "I’ll find out later. Right now, we gotta get Jenna to the airport. Ya coming to say goodbye?"

As he turned his back to walk out the door Faith held a finger to her lips. Chris nodded his head and smiled brightly. The three walked out in the hall to find Jenna getting hugs from both Justin and JC. Joey stood waiting his turn and Lance looked as if he was dreading the moment he would have to say goodbye. Faith smiled comfortingly at him before walking over and taking his hand. "Don’t worry Froggy. I promise you that you will see her again. Much sooner then you think." Lance looked at her curiously and then glanced up at Brynn and Chris who was still antsy with excitement. Brynn tried not to laugh, but the sight was just too funny. She turned to bury her head in Justin’s shoulder to avoid an outburst. "Faith, what is going on?" Lance asked curiously. Faith nodded her head and pointed towards Jenna, "Looks like it’s time sweetie...I’ll be right here when you get back ok?" She walked over and gave Jenna a quick hug before walking over to JC who immediately enveloped her in a tight hug.

"Lance seems to really like Jenna. Ya think he’s ok?," Faith asked as she glanced up at JC’s tired eyes. He smiled down at her and pulled her closer as he fought the sleep that was threatening. "Baby, you’re so tired...don’t you want to go back up to the room and get some sleep?" "Nope," he answered through a yawn, "I’m not tired at all." She smiled up at him and realized he was making every effort to spend as much time with her as possible before she left. She ran her finger down his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips before whispering, "How about if I go lay with you?" He didn’t have to answer her because the smile that played on his lips was enough.

He stood up and held out his hand to her to help her up before leading her back into the lobby. They stepped into the elevator and Faith cringed when she heard a female voice call out, "Travis, the elevator is here." JC’s arms instantly wrapped around her and held her protectively. The couple watched as a mother escorted her excited young son into the elevator. Faith instantly relaxed against JC and watched as two bright green eyes landed on her. "Hi, my name is Travis. I know my ABC’s. Wanna hear em?" Faith giggled and knelt down in front of him. "Well hello Travis, my name is Faith and I would love to hear your ABC’s." He beamed at her excitedly as he started the familiar song. When the elevator reached their floor JC looked down at Travis and smiled, "I have to steal her away now."

Travis smiled at him and offered his tiny hand for him to shake. "Hi, I’m Travis. Is she your girlfriend?" JC shook his tiny hand as he looked up at Faith and back down to Travis. "Well hey there, my name is JC and yup...she’s my girlfriend." Travis smiled at him as his bright green eyes danced, "She’s nice." JC’s smile widened as he nodded his head, "Yeah, she is huh?" Travis nodded his head as JC took Faith’s hand. "Night Travis, you take care of your mommy ok?" JC called to him. Travis nodded his head and looked up at his mom before turning back to JC, "You take care of Faith ok? Sing her the ABC’s song cuz she liked it when I did it." JC nodded his head as Faith giggled, "Night Travis." The elevator door closed and the laughing couple walked towards the door of JC’s room. "Gotta love kids," JC said chuckling.

When they reached the door JC pulled Faith close to him. "You’re nice," he said in his best little kid voice. Faith nodded her head and smiled brightly, "So are you." "Can I...kiss you?" he asked playfully. "Only if you don’t give me any cooties," Faith answered with a giggle. He placed his lips on hers gently at first before pulling her head up to deepen the kiss. His tongue brushed hers as her fingers slid up into the back of his hair. He ran his free hand down her back sending tingles down her spine. As he pulled back she breathed in deeply before whispering, "Baby, you can give me all the cooties you want." He chuckled as he slid his hand down to intertwine it with hers before opening the door, "Sweetheart, they’re all yours."

"Flight 301 to Orlando Florida now boarding at Gate 4." The rehearsed lady's voice sounded loudly and depressingly over the speakers as Lance continued to stare out the airport window at the starts outside. He breathed in deeply as he turned to Jenna in the seat next to him. "That's your call isn't it??" He asked, forcing a slight smile on his face. Jenna brushed her hair out of her face as she turned to Lance. She realized quickly that she wouldn't even be able to smile how she had wanted to, because deep inside she knew how much it really was hurting her to leave. "Ya, I guess it is." Her upset sounding words triggered Lance and before she knew it he had stood up and pulled her into a tight hug. Jenna buried her face in his neck as she held onto him and tears formed in her eyes. She didn't want to cry but after everything that had happened he was the one who had made it all okay.

"Lance, thank you for everything you've done." She managed to speak into his neck in light comforting words. Lance pulled away and Jenna was caught in his intense green-eyed gaze. "We'll see each other, soon I promise." Lance fought to let her go but reached for her hand once more before giving it a tight squeeze and watching her smile. This smile upon her face came instantly at the sound of his sincere words and he reached up to wipe away a stray tear running down her cheek. Placing his lips gently on her cheek, he pulled away and watched her. He looked deep into her eyes before she smiled once more and harnessed her carry-on bag farther up onto her shoulder. "I'll miss you." She said as she began to turn away.

Lance smiled as her hand fell from his and he watched her walk towards the gate before handing the attendant her ticket. She turned around once more at the entrance to the long tunnel to the plane and Lance waved as she smiled and walked quickly away. ‘I'll miss you too.' He said to himself, fighting the urge to run up to her and envelope her into a kiss. But he knew she was too fragile for that now. He sighed loudly as he turned around to Lonnie and they walked silently through the dimly lit airport.

"Why do you have to leave??" Justin asked with a tired but curious smile. "I wish I didn't have to." Brynn smiled, playing intently with his fingers that were intertwined with hers as they made their way back through the lobby. "I wish you didn't have to either." Justin said, squeezing her hand as the elevator door opened up to their floor. Brynn smiled and she reached for the key to her room as Justin looked up and down the hall. "I can't believe Joey could go out clubbing after a day like this." She continued as Justin laughed and shook his head. "Not even I have enough energy to go that far." Brynn laughed as she opened the door to her room and they stepped inside.

"Where'd Faith and JC go??" Justin asked, surprised to not see them in the room. "I have no clue. Maybe JC's." Brynn laughed slyly as Justin looked around the room and smiled his own devious smile. Justin carefully led her across the room pulled opened the sliding glass door and closed it behind them as Brynn stepped outside. She looked up at the stars with a smile and could still hear and feel the cool ocean breeze. Justin laid down on the lounge chair next to him and pulled Brynn down so that she was on top of him. ‘I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna miss it here.' Brynn smiled to herself. ‘But I sure as heck am not gonna regret it.' She was dying to tell Justin she and Faith were moving to Orlando but wanted it all to be a big surprise.

"I'm gonna miss you more than you know." Justin said quietly into Brynn's ear as she turned her head slightly to look into Justin's bright blue eyes. A smile played on her lips as she watched his eyes move from her own and down to her lips. She felt his fingers run up her arm and over her shoulder to her cheek and she instinctively brought her own hand up to his neck. He pulled her closer as she felt his lips lay gently atop of hers and his other arm wrap around her stomach and waist. Her other hand lay peacefully on his chest as she closed her eyes and let Justin take control. His lips against hers never felt more right. Brynn smiled as he pulled back with a devilish smile and leaned in once again for a deeper kiss. A chill ran down her spine as Brynn felt Justin run his tongue between their lips then against her own as he lightly stroked her cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you too." She mumbled as she tried to seem optimistic but really didn't feel it. Justin ran his forefinger over her lips before a light smile played on his lips. "Never frown cuz you never know who's gonna fall in love with your smile." He said quietly before kissing her cheek. Brynn sighed and smiled happily letting his words go to her heart and she rested her head against his chest and wrapped her arm around his stomach. Justin smiled to himself as he felt her relax against him and tried to fight the thought of her having to leave tomorrow. Right now, where they were, was perfect, and nothing could change that. He leaned his chin onto the top of her head and draped his arms over her protectively as he hummed softly and they both fell into a deep, comforted sleep beneath the stars.

"What a day." Faith said, giggling as JC led her into the room. "You can say that again. No big surprises but ONE LONG DAY." He sighed as he tossed his key onto the desk and locked the door behind them. Faith released his hand and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. "So our last night for awhile huh?" JC asked as he watched her with inquisitive eyes. "Ya." She sighed with pounding eyes. "For awhile anyways." She continued, looking up and suddenly becoming short of breath as she watched him change into his sleep clothes.

Her eyes roamed over him as he put on some comfortable pj pants and slowly pulled off his dark purple shirt. JC turned back around to face her and smiled when he saw her wide eyes watching him. Faith's eyes slowly looked up to catch his gaze and she blushed slightly but didn't break the intense glare. "You like??" JC interrogated, standing a little taller. Faith attempted to look unaffected by his muscular physique but the devilish grin that was threatening to reach her lips was all too much. "Well..... N...... Maybe." She stuttered. JC only tilted his head more with that devilish grin. Faith tilted her head every which way before she finally laughed. "Okay okay. I LIKE A LOT." She laughed as JC made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

Her hands were pinned against his bare chest as he placed his forehead against hers and spoke softly. "You'll keep me company tonight won't you??" He asked with his lower lip in a pout. Faith licked her lips before speaking, a smile playing on her face. "Maybe......... maybe not." She whispered. JC responded by picking her up slightly and tossing her down on top of the bed. Faith was suddenly stunned when her smile was covered with that of JC’s, his lips lightly touching hers as he crawled onto the bed himself. He pecked at her lips a couple of times before she instantly placed a hand on his cheek and held his lips on hers, deepening the romantic kiss.

Faith ran her tongue over her teeth as she pulled back and looked JC up and down once more. "Tisk tisk Joshua. On a bed, with a girl, half naked per say??" She laughed through her motherly tone. JC chuckled as he lifted his hand and placed it softly on her cheek. "A girl I love." JC answered sincerely as Faith looked deep into his inviting blue eyes. Faith responded by once again pulling his lips to hers. She slowly ran her fingers along JC's bare back and over his spine, and finally up to his neck where she gently stroked from his neck to his ear. JC pushed down slightly to make her relax beneath him onto the pillow and gently brushed his tongue over hers before they pulled back slowly.

"And how about you?? On the bed with a half naked boy." JC accused, pointing his finger and running it over her lips. Faith responded by playfully biting down on his finger. "A boy I love." She laughed, mimicking JC's tone. JC smiled devilishly once more before running his hand over her stomach and kissing the tip of her nose.

"You HAVE to leave??" He asked as he rolled over to her side and she turned to face him, both propped up on elbows. Faith ran her fingers over his chest as she spoke softly. "I don't want to, but it won't be that long." She comforted, knowing inside that it would be shorter than he knew. JC sniffled as he looked at her once again with that pout. Faith giggled as she spoke. "Honey, you gotta get some sleep before you get sick." She continued, hearing his continuing sniffles. "Who's gonna be my doctor without you here?" He asked with a devilish grin. "Hey now." She responded, hitting him in the arm.

JC rolled over, acting as if her punch hurt. Faith laughed as she sat up and leaned over him. She kissed him deeply before pulling away and looking him deep in the eye. Her hair fell over her face as she spoke. "Nite Shazam." She smiled and she laid back down. JC turned to her and smiled brightly. "Nite Suga. I love you." He said quietly as he made himself comfortable, draping his arm over her stomach, hand intertwined with hers, his cheek rested gently against her head. "I love you too." She whispered as she heard his breathing deepen and his eyelashes brush her head as his eyes closed. "I love you too." She repeated even more softly as she dozed off into her own deep sleep in JC's arms.

Chapter 20

The sound of the phone ringing woke Brynn from her sleep. She slowly slid Justin’s arm from around her and carefully got up trying not to wake him. She made her way back inside the room to grab the phone. She yawned before answering, "Hello." She listened to the automated response and grimaced. She hung the phone up before making her way back towards the balcony. That was the wake up call that she had dreaded, the one that woke her up in time to get to the airport.

As she stepped back out on the balcony she smiled brightly at Justin still sleeping peacefully. His arms were still encircled as if he was holding her as a smile played on his lips. She took in every feature of his face and smiled brightly when she noticed his curls blowing lightly in the soft seabreeze. She sighed as she made her way over to him and sat down next to him. "Justin" she called out as she stroked his cheek softly. A smile crept up on his lips as his eyes fluttered open. "Mmm...mornin’ baby," he whispered as he stretched his arms over his head.

He sat up and kissed her softly on the lips before pulling back to look deep into her eyes. At that moment he realized that this was the last morning he would wake up to her for a while and it saddened him. As if she read his thoughts she squeezed him tightly and whispered in his ear, "Hey now, no frowns remember. You never know who’s falling in love with that smile or actually...who already has." He smiled brightly at her before kissing her again. "I’m gonna miss these lips," he whispered as his lips hovered just above hers. "Just the lips?" she whispered back. "And everything attached to them," he whispered before kissing her lips again softly.

JC awoke to a slight tickling sensation on his ear. He smiled as he reached his hand up and grabbed Faith’s finger. She giggled as his eyes fluttered open and he kissed the tip of her finger gently. "You always play with my ears," he said chuckling as he turned to face her. She snuggled closer to him and ran her hand down his chest. "I love your ears. I just can’t help myself," she giggled. He chuckled as he stroked her hair softly, "And I love you." She lifted her head up to look into his deep blue eyes. "I really don’t want to get out of bed. If I get out of bed then I know I have to leave. JC, I don’t want to leave you." He smiled slyly at her and leaned up to kiss her gently, "You’re more than welcome to stay in my bed as long as you like."

She giggled as she laid her head back on his chest. She ran her hand across his bare chest as she placed a trail of tiny teasing kisses from his chest to his neck. "If you keep doing that, I’m not letting you get out of bed," JC whispered causing her to giggle. She lifted her head to meet his gaze and her heart was instantly warmed when she saw the love that radiated out of them. "I love you Joshua Scott Chasez," she giggled at her next words, "and if you only knew what hearing Chasez does to a girl." He chuckled as he lifted himself up towards her, "I love you too Carrie Faith Smith. If you only knew what hearing anything to do with you does to this boy."

He leaned in to kiss her just as the phone rang next to them. "Oh why God why?" Faith grumbled as JC rolled over to get it. He listened for a moment before hanging it up and turning back to Faith with sad eyes. "Wake up call?" Faith asked. JC nodded his head as her eyes suddenly clouded. He pulled her close to him and held her tightly. When he started singing she couldn’t help but laugh. "A..B..C..D..E..F..G..H..I..J..K..LMNOP..Q..R..S..T..U..V..W..X..Y...and I know my ABC’ time Faithie sing with me."

As he ended the song a tear slid down Faith’s cheek. ‘I truly do love this man’ she thought to herself as she held onto JC for as long as she could. When she knew she couldn’t stall anymore she pulled back from him and sighed. "I don’t want to do this baby," he whispered to her. She looked at him somewhat confused, "Do what?" He ran his thumb over her wet cheeks and kissed her softly before answering, "Let you go."

An hour later they piled in the car silently dreading the goodbyes that were inevitable. JC and Lance each held onto one of Faith’s hands tightly while Justin tried to find every possible way to cuddle Brynn closer than she already was. Joey sat on the other side of Brynn quietly wringing his hands together over and over. Chris had tried to lighten the mood, but his jokes weren’t even working on himself.

The car pulled up at the airport and they all started the walk towards the gate. Each one of them was trying to find some way to make this easier on the others, but regardless it was hard on everyone and it showed. The sadness on everyone’s face was killing Faith and she had to find a way to make them all smile before she got on that plane. She squeezed JC’s hand tighter when she noticed his gaze set on the bracelet on her arm. His expression seemed sad yet concerned. Obviously the thought of her being away from him where he couldn’t protect her wasn’t settling well with him.

Justin held Brynn’s hand tightly as he massaged the back of her hand with his thumb. When they reached the gate he didn’t even give her time to turn towards him before he wrapped her in a tight hug. He held onto her as tightly as he could savoring every moment as he inhaled her scent deeply. It wasn’t going to be an easy couple of weeks, but he was eagerly awaiting the next time he would see her in an airport. He glanced over her shoulder to Joey who had wrapped Faith in one of his famous hugs. ‘God, I’m gonna miss these two’ he thought to himself.

"Joey, you make sure that Chris doesn’t drive JC too crazy ok?" Faith said giggling through her tears, "not without me." Joey nodded his head and kissed her cheek softly, "I’m gonna miss you Faith. You hurry back ok?" Faith smiled brightly at him and ruffled his hair gently, "I’m gonna miss you too. You go easy on the ladies while I’m gone ok?" Joey smiled as Chris walked up and wrapped his arm around Faith’s shoulders. Faith looked up at him through her teary eyes and giggled when he stuck his tongue out playfully at her. "I’m gonna miss ya kiddo," he said before wrapping her in a tight hug. She sighed deeply as she squeezed him gently, "You keep my secret ok? Just don’t forget to tease them a little about it." Chris chuckled and nodded his head, "Will do." He made his way over to where Joey stood hugging Brynn.

Faith turned around to find JC and Lance both staring at her. They looked as if they were both fighting an inner battle with their tears, and they were both losing. Justin came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist in a tight hug. "Ya think I made him jealous yet?," he whispered in her ear as they both glanced up at JC. "Justin, you just be glad Brynn snatched ya up when she did...otherwise I might’ve just had to take advantage of ya." He laughed loudly at her comment before turning her around and wrapping her in a tight hug. "Thanks for everything Faith. I’ll take care of them for ya ok?" Faith nodded her head against his shoulder, "I’m counting on it Justin. I’ll take care of her too ok?" Justin glanced over to Brynn and smiled, "You better."

Brynn, Joey, and Chris joined the group as Faith looked towards JC and Lance again. She sighed as she watched them both give Brynn a hug. ‘I really don’t want to do this’ Faith thought to herself as Lance walked towards her. When he reached her he didn’t say a word. He grabbed her and pulled her to him tightly as the tears that had been threatening made their way down his cheeks. "I’m gonna miss ya Smuff. You promise to call me as soon as you get there ok?" Faith pulled back and kissed his wet cheek softly, "Froggy, stop worrying ok? I’ll be fine." Lance looked into her eyes and smiled, "That obvious?" Faith giggled and hugged him again, "Have you forgotten who you’re talking to here James Lance? I promise I’ll call as soon as I get there...if not sooner." Lance chuckled as he stepped back to allow JC to take his place. "I love you Froggy." He smiled at her and whispered back, "I love you too Smuff."

The rehearsed voice made the announcement that their flight was boarding and everyone looked around at each other as if trying to be sure they heard correctly. Justin pulled Brynn to him again and kissed her lips softly at first and then more passionately. It was almost as if they were the only two in the entire airport at that moment. When he pulled back he still held her close trying to hold onto her every moment until he had to let go. He could feel her warm breath on his face as her hand gently massaged his back. He smiled at the feeling of comfort that simple gesture gave him. "I’ll call you as soon as I get there ok?" she whispered just above his lips. He nodded his head against hers before kissing her lips again softly. "I’m gonna miss you Brynn." She smiled as a tear found its way down her cheek, "I’m gonna miss you too Justin." He hugged her close again before pulling back and picking up her bags.

"This has definitely been a trip to remember," Faith whispered as she gazed up into JC’s eyes. He pulled her closer and rested his chin on top of her head, "You got that right baby." They watched as Justin slowly picked up Brynn’s bags and walked towards the gate. "I don’t want you to go," JC said barely above a whisper as he battled with the threatening tears. Faith lifted her head to look up into his eyes before pressing her lips gently to his. She was met with the same puppy dog eyes as always and smiled brightly. "You always tease me like that," he said chuckling as he rubbed his thumb lightly against her cheek. She nodded her head and giggled as she felt his hand slowly slide up behind her head. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply and with more passion then she had ever felt from him. His fingers ran up into her hair as she slid her hand down his chest. When he pulled back she had to catch her breath. Her eyes widened and she finally stuttered out, "!!" Her response made him chuckle, "That’s what you get for teasing me." A sly smile spread across her face as she leaned in and teasingly pecked him gently on the lips before turning on her heel to walk towards the rest of the group.

He chuckled and followed behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. He leaned over her ear so close that she could feel his breath on her neck and she stopped in her tracks when she heard his words. "I love you," he whispered before kissing her neck gently. She took his hand and gently kissed the tips of his fingers before locking with his intense gaze. "I love you too. I’ll be back before you know it," she whispered. He pulled her in for one last kiss before they walked over to join the rest of the group.

After another round of hugs, kisses, and goodbyes Faith and Brynn finely settled into their seats. They held each other’s hand tightly as the tears fell in steady streams down both their cheeks. "That gets harder and harder to do everytime," Faith whispered through her tears. Brynn looked over at her friend and leaned over to give her a hug. "Those guys sure do grow on you quick," she said causing Faith to giggle. "Yes they do," Faith said as she wiped the tears off her cheeks, "we gotta get moved quick because I already miss them and we haven’t even left yet." Brynn nodded her head and pointed out the window, "Aww, look at that."

Faith turned her attention out the window and giggled when she saw JC, Justin, Lance, and Joey with their faces pressed to the window as Chris once again took another approach and pressed his butt up against it. "God, I love those guys" Faith said waving to them. As the plane started towards the runway they one by one moved away from the window. Brynn settled back against the seat and put on her headphones to drown out the heartache that seemed to pound through her. Faith kept her eyes on the window and the last face she saw before the plane took off was JC’s as he blew her a kiss. "I love you," she whispered as the plane started to climb.

The ride back to the hotel was silent. None of the guys new what to say, so they just simply said nothing at all. JC looked down at his empty hands and sighed. It hadn’t been that long since they were officially a couple, but he had already forgotten what his hands felt like without hers in it. He laid his head against the window and closed his eyes. Justin glanced at JC and new exactly what he was feeling. He looked over to Lance and then back to JC before laying his head back against the seat and closing his eyes.

When they reached the hotel they were met with the same screaming girls and teary faces as always. They loved their fans, but on a day like today they just weren’t in the mood. They put on their usual smiles and made their way through the crowd before heading towards the elevators. As they stepped on the elevator and began the slow climb to their floor JC smiled when he noticed the two people already on the elevator.

"Well hello there Travis," he said offering him his hand. "Hiya JC," Travis said excitedly as he shook his hand while scanning the faces around him, "where’s Faith?" JC smiled down at him and sighed, "She had to go home." Travis looked at him with wide eyes, "When is she coming back?" JC shrugged his shoulders, "Soon I hope." Travis nodded his head as he looked at the other guys before turning back to JC, "Did you sing her the ABC’s song?" JC chuckled and nodded his head, "Sure did. You were right, she loved it." Travis smiled brightly as the elevator dinged. JC looked up to see what floor they were on as the doors opened. "I gotta go now, but you be a good boy ok?" Travis nodded his head as he watched him walk off the elevator. "Bye bye bye," Travis said before covering his mouth and laughing. JC shook his head and laughed, "Bye bye bye Travis."

As they walked back towards the room Chris broke the silence, "Who was that Jace?" JC laughed as he turned to Chris, "Travis, the coolest little kid in the world." Chris looked at him strangely and shook his head, "and the ABC’s song?" JC laughed again as he remembered the night before. "Faith and I met him last night. He sang to her." Chris nodded his head, "Ahh...the ABC’s song." JC nodded his head as they reached their rooms. They only had time to grab their bags and head for the bus. They had all demanded that they see Brynn and Faith off at the airport which left them kinda pinched for time. As Lonnie made the rounds hurrying everyone, JC ran into his room to grab his stuff. He glanced down at the bed that he had shared with Faith only hours before and smiled. He reached a hand up to touch his ear and laughed aloud to himself, "Oh, that girl."

Lonnie finally got all the guys downstairs to the lobby and prepared to walk them out through the crowd. Just before JC left the lobby he noticed Travis running out of the elevator in his little swim trunks with his mom hot on his heels. He thought back to the way Faith had seemed so comfortable dealing with him and smiled as he thought about their life together. ‘Faith and JC Jr,’ he thought and chuckled to himself, ‘I like it.’ He made his way out through the sea of fans and onto the bus. It seemed so strange not to have Faith and Brynn bounding around with Chris. It was scary just how much trouble the three of them could get into sometimes.

He flopped down on the couch next to Justin who was laughing at Chris’ latest antics. Joey had gone straight to his bunk, obviously his night out caught up with him. Lance was chatting away on his cell phone to his mom and assuring her that Faith and Brynn had gotten off safely. Chris slid in between Justin and JC and shot them an evil grin. "What’s that all about?" JC asked curiously. "I know a secret," Chris cooed happily. Justin raised an eyebrow as he studied his face, "About?" Chris turned away from Justin and was met with the same curious look from JC. He dove off the couch and ran to the door opening it just a crack, "Faith and Brynn." He dove out the door and closed it quickly behind him as both JC and Justin ran for him. They could hear his laughter from the other side and they looked at each other curiously. They let go of the door and stood there silently for a moment. Slowly the door began to creep open as Chris peeked back inside. When he did they both grabbed it and yanked it open sending Chris sailing inside. "Spill it," they both said in unison as Chris lay laughing on the couch where he fell.

Chapters 21-24
The Last Teardrop