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"No no no no no!!" Faith stammered as her bag rolled by her on the moving conveyer belt. Brynn laughed as she dove for her own bag but missed it as well. "A mornings full of sad goodbyes, a seven hour flight, and now I can't even reach my own bag??" Brynn shrugged in defeat with heavy shoulders and tired eyes. Faith smiled lightly as she turned around and tried to walk through the crowd of people huddled around the airport luggage pickup. She groaned in despair as she finally reached her bag and followed Brynn over to the taxi that she had flagged down.

Sitting heavily into the taxi, Brynn and Faith watched out the windows as they made their way to their new home. Both were so excited to be moving into Orlando but right now neither could take their minds off of the guys. "He does this to me on purpose." Brynn sighed, breaking the silence. "Huh??" Faith said, looking away from the window and over at her friend. "Justin. He put a spell on me and now I can't get my mind off of him." She laughed as Faith smiled and nodded. "Yeah I think JC had a similar plan. Darned those boys and their lips." She laughed.

"Here you are." The taxi driver broke into their conversation minutes later. Brynn looked up and smiled at the man, handing him his money and stepping out of the car. She looked around with a bright smile as she looked at Faith, who now stood at the opposite door with a grin. "Aw, home." She laughed as the girls grabbed their luggage from the trunk and the taxi drove away.

"I love it already." Brynn smiled as she followed Faith to the door of the condo they were sharing. Faith quickly unlocked the door and they both stepped inside. Faith smiled as she looked around at the bare walls. "Well we know what to put on these walls." She laughed as she set down her luggage and walked farther into the condo. "I can't wait to get started." Brynn continued as she followed Faith into the kitchenette. "How about now?? Maybe it'll keep our minds off of you know who." She smiled incredulously before Brynn nodded and they began decorating.

Less than five days later Faith and Brynn's new condo in Orlando was more homey than their old homes had been. Pictures of the two of them, family, and friends lined the walls of the hallway. Food filled the kitchen, and all their furniture had been moved in so that they had a nice, comfortable, and fun place to stay.

Brynn walked slowly down the hall, scanning all the pictures with a bright smile. Her eyes set inquisitively on the latest one she'd added. The newly framed picture made her laugh everytime she saw it: Justin in his wifebeater and Hawaiian print shorts laughing as he wrapped his arms around Brynn's waist, her expression happily surprised as he danced behind her. She remembered that night of the beach party oh-so-well, as did Faith of course, who came strolling down the hall behind her. Faith laughed as she saw the picture Brynn was looking at.

"I had to take a picture of your face, it was hilarious." Faith said with a laugh. "Oh why thank you." Brynn answered sarcastically before laughing and straightening the picture. "Oh which reminds me, I have a picture for you- especially from Justin and me." Brynn smiled evilly before she walked into her room leaving Faith in the hall. Faith watched curiously as Brynn returned with a framed picture behind her back. "Let me just say now.... We had to take it, it was too perfect. And it was even more fun knowing you guys didn't know we were taking it." Brynn laughed as she handed the frame to Faith.

Faith looked down at the picture before she raised her eyebrows in surprise. She blushed furiously before looking back up at Brynn. "You took a picture of us kissing?!" Faith talked loudly with a laugh. "Hey now, this isn't just ANY kiss." Brynn responded, pointing down at the picture. Faith's blue eyes settled back on the picture and realized just when it was. JC's hand was ever so lightly placed on her cheek as his lips so perfectly blended into hers, their eyes closed, the ocean in the background. This was their first kiss, the kiss on the beach which had made everything okay. Tears climbed to her eyes as she looked back up at Brynn. "Thank you." She smiled as Brynn giggled and gave her friend a hug. "Just a little commemoration in case you want one." She laughed as the two made their way through the front door and out to their cars. They were headed to dinner, where they would plan out exactly how to surprise the guys when they returned.

"Hey Jace, have you talked to Faith?" Justin asked as he stared down at the phone in his hand. The bathroom door opened and a freshly showered JC stepped into the room. "Not since this morning. I tried to call her a little while ago, but all I got was her voice mail. Have you heard it?" Justin laughed and shook his head, "JC, we’ve all heard it. You made us all take turns listening to it remember? We all know she loves ya dude." JC smiled brightly as he flopped down on the bed. "J, I really do love that girl," he said as he glanced down at the bracelet on his wrist realizing that the match was adorning her wrist at this very moment. "I miss em both," Justin whispered as he laid back on the pillow.

"Has Brynn mentioned when they’re coming back?" JC asked curiously. "Nope, I was hoping Faith had," he replied. "Nope, not yet. Hey did you ever get anymore out of Chris?" JC asked propping himself up on his elbow. Justin looked at JC through tired eyes and yawned before answering, "I could kill him. Whatever it is he will not spill it. He promised the girls before they left. It’s gotta be something good though cuz he won’t even tell Lance or Joey." JC flopped back on the bed and sighed, "I hate this. I’m dying to know." Justin yawned again and closed his eyes, "I just hope they come back soon." JC closed his eyes and could almost feel her touch as he slowly drifted off to sleep, "Me too too." Justin looked over to his friend before glancing at the clock, "4:30 and he’s asleep." He yawned again and chuckled, "For once I gotta say he’s got the right idea. That plane ride is gonna come all to soon. New York here we come."

"Alright, Chris has already arranged for us to be picked up at the airport. Now, we just gotta figure out how we’re gonna slide in without JC and Justin seeing us." Brynn nibbled on a french fry as she thought, "Well, what time do they go to rehearse for the awards show?" Faith looked up at her as she sucked some coke up through her straw. "Well, I’m not really sure, but I know someone who would know. I know him VERY well actually." Brynn giggled when she realized who she meant, "Scoop?" Faith nodded her head and reached for her phone, "Now, just gotta do it without him catching on."

She looked down at the phone in her hands and smiled, "Whoa, it looks like somebody misses me." She held the phone up for Brynn to see causing her to giggle, "Man, 5 messages from JC." Faith’s smile lit up her face as she began to listen to them. Brynn watched her friend and couldn’t help but smile. Faith held the phone out for Brynn and she took it. She laughed aloud when she heard JC singing the ABC’s into the phone. "Aww, now how sweet is that?" Brynn cooed as she handed the phone back just in time for Faith to catch the end of the song. "I love you too JC," Faith said aloud as she clicked the phone off. "I’ll listen to the rest later. Right now, I wanna figure out how to see him." Brynn nodded her head in agreement and reached for her own phone. She was overjoyed when she saw all the messages from Justin.

"Hey Froggy," Faith said giggling into the phone. She listened intently for a moment and then a slow smile crept onto her face. "Oh Lance, I miss you guys." she said with a sigh. "Soon. I promise we’ll be back soon." Brynn had to put her hand over her mouth to keep from giggling after she mouthed the words, "Tomorrow Lance." Faith smiled brightly at her friend and fought to keep from giggling herself. Her eyes widened and a smile lit up her face with his next words. "Aww, he said that? Is he asleep?" She waited for a response and smiled again, "That’s ok. I’ll just wake him up later."

The waiter came to the table to bring the check and Faith slid her credit card over to him. Brynn waited anxiously for some information so they could keep planning. She missed all the guys terribly, but one of them seemed to stick out in her mind a little more than the others. Her eyes sprang up to Faith’s when she heard her ask the question, "So, don’t you have rehearsals tomorrow?" Faith smiled brightly with his answer, "1:00? It’s the last one too right?" Brynn bounced happily in her seat. It was so perfect. Their plane flew in at 12:30, so they had plenty of time to get from the airport and into the hotel without being seen. "Wow...the first on the actual stage. Well good luck Froggy. We’ll be watching ya on TV. I gotta go. I love you. Tell JC I’ll call him later." There was a small silence before Faith started giggling. "Tell Chris I said he better keep my secret." She giggled again before speaking, "Nope...not telling ya. Gotta go. Love ya...bye." Faith clicked off the phone before Lance could reply.

"Oh this is so perfect," she said smiling brightly as she slipped her phone back into her purse. Brynn looked to her friend as they slid out of the booth they shared and smiled, "God, I never thought I would be so happy to go back to little sleep and constant hounding by teenies." Faith giggled as they walked back out into the warm Florida air, "Hon, forget the teenies...I’m dying to see five certain guys and have one of them in a lip lock for like the rest of my life." Brynn giggled as they slid into Faith’s car, "Oh, those lips." Faith laughed again as she reached over and turned on the radio before pulling out into traffic. The sounds of "I Want You Back" rang through the car causing both girls to look at each other. "Oh yeah," Brynn said aloud as she cranked it up louder.

JC awoke and heard Justin’s soft snore next to him. He glanced up at the clock and noticed it was 7:30. "Hmm...that makes it 10:30 there. She’s still awake," he said aloud to himself as a smile crept up on his lips. He dialed her cell phone number still unsure of why she had stayed in Orlando this long. He knew that she and Brynn were planning something, but he had just assumed it was something they had to take care of...maybe with Jenna. The more he thought about it though the more confused he became. He listened to the ringing in his ear and his knee bounced nervously. "Baby, where are you?" He almost jumped off the bed when he heard a female voice pick up on the other end.


JC smiled when he recognized the voice. "Hey Brynn."

"Well hey JC. What’s up?" she replied happily.

JC ran a hand through his hair as he spoke, "Just calling to check on my girls. Everything ok?"

Brynn giggled before answering, "I know exactly what you were calling for. Everything is fine here, but the person you really want to talk to is in the shower."

JC smiled brightly, "Busted."

Brynn giggled before whispering in the phone, "Wanna know a secret?" She didn’t even give him time to answer with anything than a simple, 'Sure', before she told him. "She misses you like crazy."

Her words caused a bright smile to immediately light up his face, "I miss her like crazy too Brynn. God do I ever. You wanna know a secret?"

Brynn silently prayed that he was about to tell her the same thing about Justin, "Sure."

JC looked over to his friend sleeping next to him, "Justin hasn’t shut up about you." Her face burned as she blushed. He heard her sigh happily and couldn’t help but smile. "Will you do me a favor and tell her I called?"

"Sure thing. She’ll probably kill me trying to get to the phone," Brynn replied with a giggle.

JC chuckled, "Make sure you take a couple steps back then because I would hate to have to kill Justin for trying to kill Faith for killing you."

Brynn giggled, "Ok...whatever you just said. I‘ll talk to you later Jace. Bye."

"Bye Brynn, I'll tell Justin to call you as soon as he wakes up." he said before clicking his phone off and flopping back on the bed. "Now, I wait," he said aloud as he glanced at the picture of Faith on the nightstand.

"Faith, you want some ice cream?" Brynn called from the kitchen as Faith slipped into her pajamas. "Yeah sure, can you bring me some JC with that?" She heard Brynn laugh from the kitchen and smiled. She put the last outfit into her bag and tossed it onto the floor. Brynn came walking in the room ice cream in hand, "Ya all packed?" Faith nodded her head and sighed, "Yup...that plane better be on time is all I know. Chris didn’t call while I was in the shower did he?" Brynn shook her head and took a step towards the door, "Nope but..." she took another step back before beaming at her friend, "JC did." Faith sailed across the room for the phone as Brynn laughed loudly, "Boy am I glad I moved. Remind me to tell JC that was some good advice." Faith looked at her friend curiously but her expression changed when she heard his voice on the other end. "Hey baby," she said before sitting down on the bed.

Brynn headed back towards the living room to give them some privacy. As she walked down the hallway she glanced up at the picture of her and Justin on the beach. "In a few hours I’ll be in those arms again," she said aloud as she heard Faith giggle happily from her room. She smiled towards the door and looked back at the picture of her and Justin, "You’re right baby. They are cute."

The two girls could hardly contain their excitement as the seatbelt sign came on. "We’re here...we’re finally here," Brynn chirped happily. Faith grabbed her friend’s hand as they sat eagerly awaiting the landing. "I swear I’m gonna squeeze Mike to death when I see him. I think I miss them just as much as I do the guys," Faith laughed as the plane started its slow downward motion. When they touched down on the runway both girls breathed a sigh of relief. "I truly do hate these things," Faith said as they unfastened their seatbelts and waited to get off.

As they stepped off the plane both girls smiled brightly when they noticed not only Mike standing there but Chris too. "HOMIE G FUNK #1 AND #2!!," Chris squealed as he bounded towards them. They both laughed as he scooped them into a big hug. "Chris, what the heck are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at rehearsals," Faith scolded taking on her motherly tone, "don’t get me wrong...I’m GLAD you’re here, but aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for the show?" Chris nodded his head and smiled, "They’re gonna kill me." Faith and Brynn both hugged him again tightly. "Nah, we won’t let them," Brynn laughed.

Chris turned keeping his arms around both of their shoulders. "Let the sneaking begin. This is so much fun. I don’t think I can thank you enough for providing me with a week of absolute torture for the other four. Even Joey is dying to know by now." The two girls giggled and Chris squeezed them tighter. "So what about Jenna? She's coming later this afternoon right?" Chris asked. Faith nodded her head and Brynn replied, "Yep she'll be here in a couple hours." As they walked through the airport cameras started flashing. "Uh oh...busted," Faith said as she waved to the girls bouncing up and down happily.

"Oh my you remember us?" one of the girls squealed happily. Faith nodded her head and walked over to her, "Yep, I sure do. How are you?" The girl looked shocked at first but suddenly she found her voice, "I heard that you are dating JC now. Oh, you guys are so cute. Will you tell him I said hello? Oh, are you gonna be at the awards with him tonight?" Faith had no idea how to reply to that, so she simply nodded her head. "I’ll tell them all you said hello. You like Lance right?" The girl flushed furiously and Faith couldn’t help but smile. She reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of Lance that she had made him autograph just for times like these. "Since you’re so sweet. I’m gonna give you never told me your name." The girl smiled brightly at her, "Becca." When Faith handed her the picture she thought she was gonna have to catch her before she passed out. "Whoa easy there. You take good care of that ok?" The girl beamed up at her before wrapping her in a hug, "Oh my God...thank you SO much." She gave the girl one last hug before turning to once again join Brynn and Chris.

"I think they love you more than me," Chris said as he poked his lip out into a playful pout. "Well, when ya got it ya got it," Faith said giggling at Chris’ expression. Brynn giggled as she watched a slow smile spread across Chris’ face, "Dre got your bags. Let’s get you out of here before YOU get mobbed." Faith turned to wave at the girls again, "Bye Becca." She watched as the girl bounced up and down happily, "Bye Faith." Faith snuck another glance at her and laughed as she watched her excitedly show her friends the picture before walking with Chris, Brynn, and Mike to the waiting car.


"Go go go go go." Brynn squealed as they raced up the back stairs in the hotel followed by Mike. Lonnie had met them and dragged Chris to the rehearsals and now the girls were barreling up the stairs just in case the guys had returned early. Laughing as they unlocked their door right next to Justin and JC's, they walked into the room after hugging and thanking Mike for everything. "Whatever shuts those two up about you is worth it." Mike laughed as he waltzed down the hall to his own room. "Let me know when you guys are ready to go. You want to surprise them there??" Mike asked as he stopped and turned around. Faith looked at Brynn before replying with a smile. "Yeah- We think we'll be waiting when they get there. Since they are on stage first." Brynn smiled devilishly as Mike smiled and agreed. "Just be careful to not be loud. They are gonna be back here for an hour or two before they go to get ready for the show."

Brynn turned around to look at the door that adjoined Justin and JC's room from inside with their own. With a smile on her face she turned back to Mike. "No problem." She replied before following Faith back into the room. "Alright...... Time to do some sprucing up. What a surprise this is gonna be." Faith giggled as they dropped their bags on the beds and laid down the dresses they'd be wearing for the awards. "This is TOO much fun." Brynn laughed as she admired the baby blue dress laid out in front of her. Faith pulled her light purple dress out of the zipped cover and laid it down. "Can't say JC's ever seen me this dressed up." She smiled. "He's gonna be surprised." Brynn smiled, glancing over at her best friend. "Pleasantly surprised." She replied. Not even Faith had previously been to an awards show with the guys, but considering the importance of it to the guys- they wanted to look their best. Chris had specially chosen the dresses for them, and in hearing this, neither had been too excited. But Chris had never been better at choosing a style. Both dresses fit perfectly and weren't too overdoing. "Chris did well." Brynn commented as she slipped on the dress and Faith zipped the back up for her. "Yes he did, in more ways than one." Faith continued with an excited smile and turned to her own dress.

"I'm gonna give Brynn a call and try to get out of her when they are coming ONE last time." Justin told JC, picking up his phone as he took a seat on his bed an hour later. "Good idea." JC replied as he sprawled out on his bed and watched Justin dialing her number before holding the phone up to his ear. Both Justin and JC's eyebrow's raised as they heard a faint ringing in sync with the ringing in Justin's phone. JC walked over to the door and opened it up to look down the hall before looking back at Justin with a shrug.

The loud, shrill ring of Brynn's cell phone drew her attention from Faith's hair. She let the phone ring once before she realized it was probably Justin who was in the room next to her. "Shoot!!" She screamed quietly as she raced to the phone while Faith ran to her own. Quickly pressing the "automatic ring" button on her own phone, Faith watched as Brynn picked hers up. As she said hello, Faith made her own phone ring so that the guys would be confused and not catch on. Faith breathed a sigh of relief as Brynn gave her a thumbs up sign.

"Hey you. Where are you guys??" Brynn asked while looking at Faith with a guilty look. She listened for a moment before replying. "First on stage? Wow, I wish I could be there." Brynn said, trying to throw Justin off of any track he had found. She could tell he was intently trying to get her to crack, and at the sound of his voice she wanted to melt and burst through the door, but they had both been waiting so long for those faces when they surprised them. Faith laughed at Brynn's pathetic attempts to keep herself away from the door that separated her and Justin. "Alright, well I miss you lots and we'll both be watching for you guys on TV okay??" Brynn talked softly into the phone before hanging up and breathing a sigh of relief.

"That door sucks." Faith whispered, walking over to the door with a giggle. She leaned her head against it and had to steady herself as she heard JC's faint voice talking about how the microphones sounded a little bit off tonight. She smiled at the thought of the guys walking through the door before their performance and seeing the girls standing there. She wanted so bad to open the door right now but figured it would be more fun later. Stepping away she looked at Brynn with defeat and they laughed as they set back to their hair.

"Yo Jace. LET's GO!!" Brynn directed her attention to the door as she heard Justin's voice right outside it. She smothered a laugh at his attempt to get JC to the awards on time. Once the guys had left, the girls could make their get away. "Alright alright. I'm here." JC's voice sounded through the room as Faith pressed up against the door and looked through the small hole. JC looked gorgeous as usual in his jacket and leather pants. "AAHhhhhhh." She squealed quietly before slapping a hand over her mouth as JC turned towards the door with a look of confusion. Brynn tensed her neck and they both ducked. Brynn slowly crept back up in time to see JC turn away, shaking his head as if he thought he was going crazy. Brynn laughed as Chris came up the hallway and slapped Justin and JC behind the heads before kicking Brynn and Faith's door.

Faith eye's widened at the kick but she exhaled as she saw Brynn laughing. "If only they knew who stood behind this door." She laughed as she watched them walk down the hall and into the elevator. "Alright, we're home free." Brynn said as they took one last look in the mirror and phoned Mike.

"I can't believe you guys pulled this off." Mike said to the girls as they made their way down the hall minutes later. "Can't say it was easy." Faith replied as she laughed. "Not easy for Chris either." Mike pointed out. "That dude was having the time of his life. You shoulda seen him. He had Justin and JC on their knees begging to know what was up with you two, not to mention how many times he blackmailed Joey and Lance with it but never gave it away." Mike explained with a laugh as the girls listened. Brynn quickly turned her head as she heard a ding at the elevator and heard a familiar deep voice. "Alright, I just gotta grab my jacket." Lance's voice rang as he stepped out, followed by Lonnie. Brynn and Faith's eye's widened in alarm as Brynn looked to the open room next to them before grabbing Faith's arm and pulling them inside a moment before Lance looked up. They both held their breath as they stood pinned against the wall as Lance jogged by twice. Mike could hear them exhale from the hall as the elevator door closed. "That was WAY too close." Brynn said as they walked back out in the hall. Mike laughed at the two who had looked so frightened. "I've never seen two people move so fast!" Mike laughed as Faith and Brynn each playfully hit him. "Let's go." Faith said, still laughing as they continued down the hall.

"You're sure their limo is gonna pull up right there??" Faith asked Lonnie as the two exited their own car and stepped onto the carpet-lined sidewalk. "Positive. The guys aren't going to be much for the media cuz they perform first so pretty much they are all yours once they are out of the limo." Lonnie smiled as Brynn and Faith gave him a hug. "Thanks for everything." Brynn said as Lonnie got back into the car to go with the driver to park it in the limo area. "No problem." He waved as they drove away and Faith and Brynn walked past where a group of reporters and news crews stood. "This is it." Faith smiled and a smile lit up Brynn's face as limos began arriving.

"You get anything out of her??" Lance asked Justin as they stepped out of the limo, keeping a smile on his face for the awaiting cameras. "Nope." Justin mumbled through his closed teeth as they posed for a group shot. "Damn." Lance replied as they switched cameras and moved on beyond the reporters and towards the building. Lance's eyes scanned the scene around him as something familiar caught his attention. "Smuff??" He said, just above a whisper, his eyes squinting, caught on the girl standing in the purple dress. Justin's eyes followed Lance's glare as his gaze set on the blond-brown, curly haired girl standing 20 feet away from him in a baby blue dress. He gently tugged on JC's arm as JC looked at Justin who had stopped walking. JC tried to find what Justin was awestruck by and suddenly was surprised at the same sight. Joey finally caught onto what the guys were looking at just as Brynn and Faith turned around to see the four staring in their direction.

Brynn bit her lip as she realized the guys had seen them. She smiled brightly as she took a deep breath and locked gazes with Justin for the first time in too long. A slow, bright smile crept up onto Justin's face as he realized it really was her. He heard laughing and jumping behind him and he turned around to see Chris bouncing around behind them. "Gotcha." Chris laughed as Justin's eyes widened with surprise before he took off towards Brynn. Brynn laughed as Justin ran towards her before scooping her up into his arms and spinning her around. "Surprise!" She laughed into his ear before he set her down. She squeezed him tightly before he took her hands in his and looked into her blue-green eyes. "I can't believe this." He said with a bright surprised smile. "We missed you guys too much." She explained, looking deeply back into his reassuring blue eyes. "You have NO idea." Justin said with a chuckle before running his hand up to her cheek and the instant she felt those lips against hers a chill ran down her spine. He kissed her with more passion than he ever had, running his tongue along hers before pulling away. "Wow I needed that," Brynn said with a giggle before she blushed and took his hand in hers.

JC didn't even bother with the laughing Chris behind him before jogging up towards Faith. He stopped two feet in front of her before looking her up and down. "It really is you." He said just above a whisper, his soft blue eyes setting on hers. A bright smile set on Faith's lips as he stepped towards her. "You got it, live and in person." Faith laughed as JC wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a tight hug. "Surprise." She said lightly, hearing him chuckle on her shoulder. "I missed you so much suga." JC said, pulling back, his eyes roaming over her face, taking in every feature. He hadn't been able to hold her and protect her like this in too long and now all he wanted to do was cherish it. Not giving her time to respond, he pulled her closer so that her lips met his. Faith brought her hand up to his cheek and she let her tongue brush his before pulling back playfully kissing the tip of his nose. "I missed you too." She giggled as she pecked his nose again and pulled away, entwining her hand with his.

They made their way in through the crowds of people and started towards their seats. Faith’s eyes widened as she took in her surroundings. She leaned over towards Brynn and whispered, "Am I the only one that notices how huge this place is?" Brynn giggled as she turned to her friend with the same wide eyed expression, "I’m still in shock." Faith turned to catch a quick glance of Lance as he slid into his seat. She turned back to Brynn as they sat down, "Where the heck is Jenna?" Brynn looked around the crowded auditorium and shrugged her shoulders, "She should’ve been here by now. Her plane must’ve been late." Faith turned in her seat just as she caught sight of Lonnie leading Jenna down the aisle. Brynn caught Faith’s gaze and turned to see Jenna as she approached the group.

Faith stood up and walked Jenna around to the end of the row where Lance sat talking to Chris. "Froggy, got another surprise for you," she announced as he glanced up at her. Lance smiled brightly at her as she pulled Jenna around from behind her. His smile widened as he took in every feature of Jenna’s face. ‘Wow she looks amazing’ he thought to himself before standing up and giving her a hug. "Jenna you are stunning," Lance whispered into her ear before pulling back to look at her. Faith stood watching the exchange between the two and glanced down the row to find Justin, Brynn, and JC all smiling brightly at her. She gave them all a thumbs up before excusing herself and heading back towards her seat.

Lance caught her arm as she turned away and pulled her into a tight hug. "Smuff, thank you," he whispered. Faith pulled back to look into his eyes and smiled, "Anytime Froggy." She paused a minute and just gazed at him before continuing, "You have no idea how much I missed you." Lance shook his head and pulled her to him again, "Oh yes I do," he said chuckling. He glanced down the row at JC who seemed totally entranced by Faith and smiled. "I’m not the only one who missed you either. I swear it was almost like the boy had never been without you a day in his life. He was pathetic," Lance said chuckling. Faith smiled brightly as she turned her attention towards JC and locked with his stare. "You should’ve seen me," she whispered as she kept her attention focused on JC. Lance smiled at her and turned her back towards him hugging her again. "His hand looks a little empty. You should probably go help him out with that one." Faith laughed lightly and kissed Lance on the cheek. "The surprises have just begun," she whispered before turning and walking back to JC.

"Ladies and gentleman...our first performers have taken the world by storm. They sold over 2.4 million copies of their latest album in the first week and shattered all previous records. Tonight we have them here to perform for you...let’s here it for...*NSYNC singing ‘This I Promise You’."

The lights went down and five spotlights flooded the smokey stage. Slowly five familiar figures made their way up through the floor and smoke as they sat comfortably on stools, each one wearing a white suit. Brynn and Faith sat holding onto each other’s hands tightly as they watched in total awe of the beautiful men in front of them. The music drifted through the auditorium as all eyes focused on the stage. The stage was breath taking, the back drop was set like a star filled night sky with tiny little twinkling lights. The smoke hovered just above the stage creating an almost heavenly feeling. When Justin began the first verse of the song everything suddenly became more heavenly. Tears instantly sprang forward in both girl’s eyes as they watched every movement and listened intently to every word.

Brynn sighed happily as she reached up to wipe a tear away. Faith glanced over at her friend and then back up at the stage to Justin. His attention focused in their direction and she smiled brightly knowing he was singing directly to Brynn. She scanned all of their faces and she noticed that Lance’s gaze was set on Jenna. When JC’s verse came the tears that had been threatening Faith’s eyes found their way down her cheeks. He sang with more emotion then she had ever seen him put into any song, and she smiled through her tears. As he neared the end of his verse she watched as they all stood up and walked away from the stools. JC’s eyes locked with hers as the elevators they had so often used during "God Must Have Spent" lifted them up into the air. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he sang his last verse and the elevators once again lowered them as Justin finished out, "Every word I say is true...this I promise you...baaaby...ohhhh...I promise youuuu...ewhoo...yea yea yea."

The applause boomed through the arena as they took their bow and waved to the audience. JC and Justin both blew kisses in Faith and Brynn’s direction causing a bright smile to light up both of their faces. "I hate those things," Faith and Brynn said in unison causing them both to giggle as they both breathed a sigh of relief. A few minutes later the guys walked back to their seats. Justin instantly put an arm around Brynn and held her close as he whispered in her ear, "How did we do?" Brynn smiled up at him and kissed him softly on the lips before answering, "Amazing as always."

As soon as JC sat down he reached for Faith’s hand. She locked her eyes on his again and she couldn’t fight the urge to kiss him. She leaned in and lightly brushed her lips over his. She started to pull back and she felt his hand slide behind her neck. "Not this time," he chuckled before pulling her in for a deeper kiss. She ran her hand over his chest and then up to his neck as their tongues brushed against each others. He sucked gently on her bottom lip as he pulled away, gazing into her eyes. "I love you," she whispered before pecking him gently on the nose and snuggling close to him as he put his arm around her. "I love you too," he whispered just above her ear, "you look amazing tonight baby." She smiled brightly and squeezed his hand, "Just for you baby."

They turned their attention back towards the show as Faith thought about the news she had to tell them. Her living in Orlando meant she had more time to spend with him when they were home and away from tour life. She couldn’t wait to tell JC and see his reaction. She felt his fingers as they gently rubbed her shoulder and smiled. ‘I love this man’ she thought to herself.


"How long have you two been here??" Joey asked curiously as he sat down next to Faith in the limo on it's way back to the hotel. Faith squeezed JC's hand who sat on the other side of her and looked across to Brynn, who sat between Lance and Justin on the other seat. Justin's fingers lightly massaged her shoulder as she leaned back against his arm that was draped across her. "We flew in this afternoon. "We were in our room while you guys came and left, that was interesting." Brynn laughed through a yawn. Faith giggled from across the way. "It was pretty hard keeping quiet and not bursting through the door when we heard you guys." She continued, looking over at Jenna, who was comfortably nestled in Lance's shoulder.

"And when did you get here??" Lance asked, looking down at Jenna who looked back up from his shoulder with a smile. "Not too long before I saw you- I had to haul booty from that airport to the arena." She laughed before resting her head once again. Brynn looked over at Jenna with a smile and watched curiously as Lance lightly stroked her arm. "Did you like our surprise??" Brynn asked, looking over at Justin and tilting her head so that it rested on his chest. Justin grinned evilly and was about to respond when Chris piped up. "I did!!" He yelped as JC kicked him from across the way.

JC looked back at Faith with a laugh before responding. "That dude had us going nuts.... I never knew he was so good at keeping secrets." He smiled as Faith smiled at him reassuringly. "Anything for my Homie G Funks." Chris said with a smile as he tapped Brynn on the head before reaching across the way to tap Faith, making them both giggle. Justin watched with a laugh as Brynn giggled then snuggled closer to him with a yawn. He looked down at her and she watched him look so happy. "Wake me up when we get there k??" She whispered as he tightened his grip on her shoulder and watched her blue-green eyes close softly. A slight smile turned up his lips as he felt her breathing on his chest soften and slow down. It felt so perfect to finally have her back in his arms.

Faith watched Justin's concentration on the sleeping Brynn from the other side of the limousine with a smile. She'd never seen that boy as happy as he looked right then. He'd always seemed to be held back by something, some slight twinge of unhappiness, but since he'd met Brynn it was as if he was free. Faith laughed softly as Justin kissed the tip of Brynn's nose softly before leaning back and closing his eyes, a slight smile encompassing his lips.

Faith looked back at JC with complete satisfaction. She sighed happily, resting her head against his shoulder as she closed her own eyes and thought about when to tell him she would be living less that 5 minutes away from him. She had been to his house only a few times for parties and such, but had completely memorized where it was. Now she hoped it would be like a second home.

JC looked down at Faith as she closed her eyes and a sense of comfort came over him. Even at her touch he still felt that same electric feeling come over him. Having her relaxed against him was something he had dreamt about for so long and couldn't regret a thing except for not telling her sooner. But he had been there for her when she needed him and he knew he always would be. He smiled once again at the thought of the night on the beach and looked back up to see Lance's head leaned on top of Jenna's both of them asleep. "You go Lansten." JC turned his head when he heard Joey mumble the words softly. "Agreed." JC said back to him as he laughed and settled back into the seat for the rest of the ride to the hotel.

"Will you crash with me tonight??" Justin asked, a pleading look in his eyes as he lightly shook Brynn 20 minutes later. Her eyes opened up softly as she smiled and sat up, using Justin’s leg as a restraint. "You got it." She smiled as he took her hand and helped her out of the limo. Taking off his jacket and laying it lightly over her shoulders, he wrapped a protective arm around her waist and she leaned against him and they walked into the hotel and up the elevator. Taking out his room key and sliding it in the door, Brynn walked through behind him. A wave of cool air hit her as she stepped inside and she could smell the light scent of his cologne. She smiled as she inhaled deeply, grateful to finally be back.

She walked over to the bed and laid down before she felt the bed move and Justin crawl up beside her. She giggled as she felt his hand on her hip as he rolled her over to face him. "Don't think you'll get away that easy." He said in a playful tone. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow before replying with an innocent smile. "Huh??" She asked, looking into his soft blue yes that were looking down on her. Justin, who stood on all fours on top of her leaned down so that he talked right above her lips. "You need to be punished for leaving me for so long." He said with a wicked look in his eyes.

Brynn licked her lips with a curious grin while Justin continued. "Chinese TORTURE!!" He yelled as he went at her waist, tickling her so that she was laughing so hard tears were forming at her eyes. "Justiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn!" Brynn squealed as she pried at his fingers and turned him over so that she lay on top of him. Still laughing Brynn leaned her head down and kissed his lips before pulling away. "I missed ya Bounce." She smiled, talking lightly and quietly as he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a good squeeze. "Don't ever leave me like that again okay??" He asked before she giggled and he smiled. Without warning he wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled his lips to hers, pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss. As he pulled away Brynn smiled brightly and settled deep into his arms as he sang lightly into her ear. "Every word I say is true...... This I promise you." His breath on her ear made her hold onto his fingers that much more tightly as they both drifted off to sleep.

"Take a Space RIDE, with the COWBOY, baby." JC sang lightly as Faith unlocked the door to her room. She giggled as she opened the door and let him in. "Is that an invitation??" She asked with a giggle, tossing the key on the desk and watching as he flopped onto the bed. JC's eyes roamed over to where she stood, staring at him from the end of the bed. "Oh so you wanna get freaky-deaky??" JC asked from his sprawled position, putting his hands cockily behind his head. "You wish buddy. ACTUALLY I wanna go to bed and you're KINDA in my spot." Faith said, playfully from the end of the bed, trying to keep a straight face. Truthfully the thoughts that ran through her head were worse than she wanted him to know.

"Well you're gonna have to go through me to get to your spot then." JC said invitingly. Faith smiled slyly before bouncing onto the bed and crawling up to JC. "What do I do now??" She asked innocently. "You're gonna have to kiss me." He said playfully. With a sly smile she reached down and pressed her lips to his quickly before pulling away and looking back into his blue eyes. "You can do better than that." He said. She looked at him crossly before hitting his shoulder and rolling him over. He laughed before he grabbed her waist from behind and she squealed as he rolled her over so that he was on top of her. Pressing his lips defiantly onto hers, she smiled against his lips in surprise when she felt his tongue roam into her mouth and brush up against her own curiously. Pulling away slowly, nibbling on her lip before looking up, JC smiled. "Oh yes you can." He said before rolling over to her side. Sitting up and looking over at him, Faith laughed at his cocky smile.

"You are too much." She laughed as she pushed his chest to scoot him over. "Now go to sleep. Mike said he'll kill me if I don't let you get any sleep. I'd like to actually see you tomorrow again, thanks." She said, turning around. She heard him chuckle from behind as she settled her head on the pillow. Tingles raced up and down her spine as she felt him kiss the back of her neck over to her cheek before resting his chin on her neck. "How do you expect me to sleep when you're finally back??" Faith giggled as she turned and kissed his lips softly before running her fingers over his cheek. "Baby I'm back forever now." She smiled and JC laid back and sighed happily. "I love you Faith." He said, wrapping his arm around her stomach and nibbling on her ear one more time. "I love you too Joshie." She said with a giggle before fading off into dreamland.

Faith and Brynn eyed each other nervously trying to decide when was the time to tell them. They had decided to do it at breakfast, but it had almost been too hard to hold it until then. All of the guys had seen the excited yet nervous expressions on both girls faces. Chris seemed to be the only one calmly eating as he slurped his milk off the spoon. Faith watched as Joey constantly glanced from one girl to another, Justin tapped his finger on the side of the cereal box, JC’s leg was about to bounce off, and Lance’s hands we’re gonna end up in a knot if he wound them together again. Finally she looked over at Brynn and they both nodded.

Faith stood up and walked over to stand in between JC and Lance while Brynn made her way over to stand between Justin and Joey. Chris beamed happily from the end of the table as he watched the guy’s expressions. They all heard Chris chuckle and turned in his direction. He simply waved and went back to his cereal trying his hardest not to laugh. Faith and Brynn looked at each other and smothered a giggle before Brynn began. "Alrighty gentleman, I believe Chris has been driving you crazy with our little...surprise. Now, last night was just the beginning. As you all know Faith and I have been in Orlando. What you don’t know is WHY we were in Orlando. Faith, would you like to tell them WHY we were in Orlando?"

Both girls giggled again at Brynn’s informative tone. Faith glanced around at all the faces and grinned. JC’s wide eyes were staring up at her and she couldn’t help but smile. "Baby, you’re killing me," JC whispered causing Faith to giggle. "Well, as Brynn said we have been in Orlando. The only thing is that none of you know WHY we were in Orlando." Faith felt a tug on her hand and looked down to see JC’s eyes locked on her, "Baby, will you do me a favor?" Faith nodded her head as she tried to fight the giggles that were threatening. "SPILL IT," JC voiced making everyone break out into a fit of laughter. Faith stopped her giggling and took his hand in hers. "Alright, enough joking. Brynn and I were in Orlando because we had to get our place ready to move in." She paused for a moment as she watched bright smiles immediately pop up on everyone’s face. She felt JC squeeze her hand and she continued, "Brynn and I will both be attending UCF, and...." she glanced down at JC and smiled, "living approximately 5 minutes from you Mr. Chasez." Faith glanced over at Joey across the table, "And of course you also Mr. Fatone."

Justin jumped out of the chair and scooped Brynn into a tight hug. He began kissing her all over her face and neck causing her to giggle. JC grabbed Faith and pulled her to him, sitting her down on his lap. "You’re moving to Orlando? No, you moved to Orlando? You moved to Orlando from Mississippi? You..." Faith interrupted his words by putting a finger over his lips. "Yes to all of those," she giggled. He hugged her close to him and she slid her fingers up into his hair. When she pulled back to look at him he placed his lips softly onto hers and pulled back.

She raised an eyebrow at him and giggled, "Now who’s teasing who?" She slid her hand behind his neck and pulled him down to deepen the kiss. She felt his hands slide around her waist and hold her protectively against him as his tongue found its way into her mouth. When they pulled back Faith placed a few more tiny teasing kisses on his lips before looking around at the rest of the faces in the room. Joey and Chris were talking happily, Brynn and Justin were lost in their own little moment, and Lance eyed Faith carefully before smiling and looking back at Jenna.

"Alright, you guys, we got thirty minutes till we’re out of here. Are all of your bags out of your room?" Lonnie asked as he made his way into the dining area. He glanced down at Faith straddling JC and raised an eyebrow. "Mr. Chasez, that’s not the type of breakfast they had in mind." Everyone broke into a fit of laughter and Lonnie winked at Faith playfully, "Although, gotta say you made a good choice." Faith slid off of JC’s lap and made her way over to Lonnie. She walked by him and rubbed her finger seductively down his large arm, "Ya know Lonnie, if JC doesn’t work out I know where to find you." Lonnie watched wide eyed as she walked out into the lobby before turning back to glance at him giggling. He shook his head as JC walked up next to him and playfully punched his arm, "You stay away from my girl big boy." Lonnie laughed and picked JC up, throwing him over his shoulder as he walked out into the lobby, "Come on you guys. Gotta get you on the bus."

Everyone walked out laughing at the antics of the three. "Oh, I forgot something," Faith remembered as Lonnie sat JC down in front of her. "I gotta run back to the room. I’ll be right back," she said before kissing him quickly and darting towards the already open elevator. "Well ok," JC said somewhat confused before making his way over to where the rest of the group was talking excitedly about the girl’s move to Orlando.

Faith didn’t even give the elevator doors time to open all the way before bounding out and down the hall to the room they had shared. "I can’t believe I forgot to grab the camera," she mumbled to herself. She was almost to the door when she heard a familiar voice down the hall. "You know you looked positively stunning last night blue eyes." She stopped in her tracks as she turned around and stood face to face with Travis.

"Where the heck did Faith go?" JC asked as he watched from the window of the bus. Everyone had already made their way onto the busses and now they were just waiting on Faith. Something about the whole deal wasn’t settling well with JC and he didn’t know why. It was that same feeling in the pit of his stomach that always told him something was wrong. The fans were all jumping up and down and screaming at the sight of him looking out the window. He gave them a quick smile and a wave before turning towards Mike. "Mike, has anyone gone up to check the room? Something is wrong." Mike nodded his head and looked at JC, "I’ll go check. She should’ve been back by now." JC sat down and nervously bit his fingernails as he watched Mike run back inside the hotel.

JC looked at Lance who sat nervously on the other couch. He tried to smile reassuringly, but something about this just wasn’t right. No matter how he tried to shake it off he just couldn’t. He turned to look back out the window and caught a glimpse of one of the cars parked up close to the building. His head darted back around to Lance, "Lance, Travis is here." Lance’s attention immediately darted to JC as he made his way to the door of the bus with Lance on his heels. Lonnie and Dre were talking to James as the two came running and they saw the frantic expressions on their faces. "Lonnie, where’s Mike? Did he find Faith?" Lance yelled from behind JC. Lonnie shook his head, "I dunno he’s not back yet. What’s wrong guys?" JC darted towards the door attempting to run past Lonnie, but his large arms caught him before he could make it off the bus. "Jace, you can’t go out there. They’ll shred you to pieces. Now, what is wrong?" JC’s worried eyes jumped up to his before yelling, "TRAVIS!!" Lonnie immediately dropped JC and turned back to the hotel, "Stay here...we’ll find her."

JC and Lance stood there frantically trying to get James and Dre to let them off the bus. Brynn walked from the back of the bus and grabbed a soda out of the refrigerator. "Where’s Faith?" she asked as she popped the tab. The looks on their faces scared her. She looked at them both carefully before sitting her soda down and walking towards them, "What’s wrong?" JC turned and pointed out the window to the familiar car he had seen more times then he ever wanted to. Brynn’s face immediately fell as she ran to the back of the bus to get Justin. Moments later everyone stood around in the front of the bus just waiting. "Not again," Jenna whispered as Lance put his arm around her protectively.


"Travis, what the hell are you doing here? Doesn’t a restraining order mean anything to you?" Faith spat out as she felt her anger start to rise. Travis threw a hand up in defense and stepped towards her, "Calm down. I know I’m not supposed to be anywhere around you, but I had to come and talk to you. I saw you on tv last night on his arm, and I don’t know...I just had to." Faith continued to glare at him as she took a step back. "Travis, just let it go...please just let it go. I am happy with JC. A lot happier then I have been in a very long time. If you truly care about me as much as you say you do then let me go." Travis looked up at her and she noticed the glisten of tears in his eyes. She softened her tone just a bit as she continued, "As much as I should, I really don’t hate you. I just don’t want to be with you anymore. JC makes me happy."

Travis nodded his head and cleared his throat, "I...uhh...I really just came to apologize to you. I can’t believe what an ass I’ve been. Faith, I am so sorry. I can not believe that I hit you. I just...I got so frustrated. I truly am sorry." Faith nodded her head as she looked at Travis, "You know I might believe that more if you could actually look me in the eyes and say that. Travis, I’m tired of the lies and I’m tired of the fake apologies. It’s not gonna work this time. I found a REAL man, and this time it’s gonna be ME that tells YOU goodbye." Travis’ shocked eyes met hers as her words sank in. "Now, for the LAST time...goodbye Travis." She turned away from him to walk towards the room when she felt his hand wrap tightly around her arm.

"Travis you better let her go," Mike’s voice boomed through the quiet hallway. Travis immediately let her arm go and took a few steps back. "I wasn’t going to hurt her Mike. I just wanted to talk to her without her walking away from me," Travis quickly explained. Faith smiled reassuringly at Mike to let him know she was ok before turning back to Travis, "Alright...finish then." Travis took a deep breath and looked from Mike to Faith as Mike loomed over the top of him. "Does he have to be here?" Travis whispered to Faith causing Mike to chuckle. "Is there some reason I shouldn’t be Travis. Got something planned...hmm?" Mike said looking squarely at Travis. "No...I...uhh...just thought that we could use some privacy," Travis squeaked out. Faith took Travis’ arm and led him about two steps away from Mike, "Ok...that’ll do," she said glancing back at Mike. Travis huffed loudly before putting both hands on Faith’s shoulders. "I love you so I’m letting you go," he stated flatly.

Mike coughed hard at his words, "Sorry...uhh...swallowed wrong." Faith looked at Travis wide eyed before pulling it together, "I’m glad you finally see things my way." Travis nodded his head just as Lonnie made his way off the elevator. "I just had to tell you face to face that I’m sorry," Travis continued. Faith nodded her head as she took a step back to get Travis’ hands off of her. His touch made her feel dirty, and all she wanted was to be in JC’s arms right now. "Fine Travis. You’ve said it. Now, I expect you to stay away from me...and Jenna. For the sake of the next woman in your life, I seriously pray that you do a lot of soul searching and get some help. You used to be a good person Travis, now you’re a bad way. I have to go now." Travis nodded his head and watched as she walked towards Lonnie. Mike came out of the room camera in hand and gave it to Faith before offering his arm to her. She walked out laughing, arm in arm with both Lonnie and Mike as Travis watched her walk away for the last time. "Bye blue eyes," he whispered as she stepped into the elevator and disappeared from him forever.

"Where is she? Why aren’t they back yet? You don’t think something happened do you? I swear if he hurt her I’ll kill him. Lance, they found her right? I mean Lonnie and Mike were both looking and they wouldn’t let her get hurt. They love her. I know they found her. Now where is she?" JC rambled as he paced the floor nervously. Brynn stood up and placed her hands gently on his shoulders, "JC, calm down ok sweetie. Mike and Lonnie will find her. You’re making me dizzy, sit down." JC looked at her as she spoke before sitting down next to her on the couch. "She’s ok," he told himself. A few seconds later they heard a knock and 7 heads all darted towards the door separating the front and back of the bus. JC and Lance almost knocked each other over as they jumped for the doorknob. "Found her," Dre announced as he stepped back out of the way allowing them all to get past him. JC and Lance both dove at the same window, there she was arm and arm with Mike and Lonnie walking towards the bus.

There was a round of sighs at the relief of seeing her. JC and Lance both flopped down away from the windows and tried to get their breathing back to normal. Her laughter filled the bus as she happily chatted with Lonnie and Mike. "No no no...the look on his face was classic. I swear I thought he was gonna pee in his pants when you were standing over him," she laughed as she hugged onto Mike’s arm tighter. Mike and Lonnie both chuckled as they helped her onto the bus, "Why thank you gentleman," she said giggling.

She stepped onto the bus and was surprised to find everyone looking directly at her. "Uhh...sorry...had to...take care of something," she said trying to cover up for the events that had just taken place. What she didn’t expect was seven people to come darting at her all trying to scoop her into a hug. She giggled as she felt Lance’s arms slide around her first. "Well, miss me much?" Lance squeezed her tighter, "Not even funny. He didn’t hurt you did he?" Faith lifted her head up off his shoulder and looked at all the concerned faces. JC looked like he was about ready to cry. She looked directly into his eyes and held her hand out to him. "I’m fine you guys. He didn’t hurt me. Mike and Lonnie were there," Faith said trying to reassure her friends. JC took her hand and pulled her to him. "You scared me to death," he whispered in her ear as he pulled her closer.

She glanced over his shoulder as she rubbed his back reassuringly. Justin held onto Brynn tightly as she slowly relaxed, Jenna seemed to be on the verge of tears at the mention of Travis, Joey looked like he was ready to kill someone, and even Chris seemed to be clenching his teeth. Faith led JC over to the couch and they sat down. "Now we’re really forever rid of Travis," Faith whispered as she held onto JC tightly. He looked into her bright blue eyes and smiled, "Did you kill him?" Faith giggled and hugged him again, "No, he got the point though." JC pulled back and smiled at her again, "Did you hit him?" Faith shook her head and laughed, "That’s your job baby." JC smiled brightly at her and kissed her gently, "Let me at him."

The bus finally pulled away and Faith glanced out the window to see Travis slide behind the wheel of his car. "Say bye to Travis," she whispered as she glanced at JC smiling brightly at her. JC tossed his hand up in a mock wave before pulling Faith to him. "I love you Joshua," she whispered just above his lips before pressing her lips softly to his. As they pulled back he pulled her over into his lap and held her, "I love you Carrie." Faith raised an eyebrow and wrinkled her nose up at him causing him to chuckle.

"Hey, there’s a dance in the ballroom tonight," Faith said to Brynn as they walked through the lobby of the hotel. "Think we could convince them to go," Brynn asked as she took a quick peek inside. "Oh, it’s beautiful," Faith said as she looked over Brynn’s head. They continued walking towards the elevator before Faith continued the conversation, "You know we do have those dresses from the awards show. Whatcha think?" Brynn smiled slyly, "I think with a little persuasion we could do it." Faith laughed lightly, "Joey will be easy...just mention girls. Chris loves us way too much to say no. Justin and JC are very easily persuaded with a few little kisses." Brynn looked at Faith and smiled, "That just leaves Lance." Faith pushed the button to their floor and laughed, "Lately I’ve noticed that Lance will do just about anything to be close to Jenna. All I have to do is mention Jenna and slow dances. Lance will be all for it." Brynn giggled, "Has he mentioned anything about her to you?" Faith nodded her head and smiled, "He really likes her Brynn."

The elevator doors opened and the two made their way down the hall to their room. "As soon as they get back we pounce," Brynn said giggling. "You got mercy," Faith continued. "We should probably get everybody’s dresses and suits ready huh?" Brynn asked looking at Faith. Faith nodded her head, "Ready and laid out on the bed. Is Jenna still sleeping?" Brynn nodded her head, "She didn’t get much sleep cuz she had to work a double shift and then she hopped a plane to New York to party with us all night. She must really like Lance." Faith smiled slyly before laying her dress out on the bed, "I’m counting on that." Brynn raised an eyebrow at Faith and giggled, "Uh oh." Faith smiled brightly as she made her way to the door. "Just call me Cupid," she whispered before she and Brynn made their way down to Jenna’s room.

"This is a great idea." Jenna said with a yawn as she watched Faith and Brynn make their way through her hotel-closet. "But I don't exactly have any dresses." She smiled as Brynn turned around. "Oh yes you do. What about last night??" She snickered. "Don't try to get out of this chickie. You're all going and we expect your help in dragging a certain blondie also known as PooFu to this dance." She walked over to Jenna and offered her hand to pull her off the bed. Faith laughed and pulled Jenna's dress out of the closet. "Perfect." She smiled as she laid it down where Jenna had just been sitting. "Now you get to help us lay out the rest of the guys suits." Faith smiled as Jenna yawned once and again and laughed as she walked out her door. "You seven, always on the go."

Making their way down the hall, they entered into their own room with was adjoined this time with that of Chris and Joey. Unlocking the door, they walked in to find clothes sprawled across the unmade beds and shoes scattered across the room. "Jeez, guess housekeeping hasn't even dared enter this room." Brynn looked around with a surprised expression. Jenna picked her way through the shoes and over to where two long suit-bags hung on the mirror. "Bingo." Faith said as Jenna picked them up and unzipped them. Brynn grabbed each suit and laid them out on the beds. Grabbing a piece of paper from the hotel stationary pad, she scribbled something on it before handing it to Faith and Jenna. Faith smiled curiously before reading it aloud.

"Girls, girls, and more girls. Get the picture?? Meet us at 8 sharp.... Ballroom A." Faith laughed as she read aloud and looked up at Jenna. "They'll be jumping for joy at those three words." Placing the note strategically above the door so that it would fall when they walked in, Jenna, Faith, and Brynn made their way back through Faith and Brynn's room. Stopping in the hallway, Faith sighed exasperatingly. "JC and Justin are ours when they get back, and Jenna, Lance is up to you." She smiled devilishly as Jenna blushed and looked from Faith to Brynn and back. "Up to me??" She asked with a squeak. Brynn giggled at her nervous sounding voice. "He's all yours for the night if you get him to come." Jenna smiled determinedly. "You got it." She said definitely before laughing and walking back down the hall to her room.

Less than an hour later, Brynn heard footsteps and chatter coming from the hall. Jumping off her bed from where she lay, she ran over to Faith's bed to see Faith with her eyes closed. "Faith!!" She whispered loudly, trying not to startle her. Faith opened her eyes slowly and noticed the urgency in Brynn's tone of voice. Faith immediately sprang off her bed and jogged to the door. Brynn watched Faith's sudden burst of energy with a laugh. "Whoa there- never knew anyone could wake up that fast." She laughed. "If I get to pounce on JC, anything." She said slyly with a laugh before opening the door slowly and stepping out. She came face to face with Lance, who stood with his hand up and his mouth open as if he were about to knock on their door. "You always did seem psychically advanced." He said with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Faith who smiled sarcastically.

"Yes I am advanced aren't I??" She laughed before grabbing his shoulders and pointing him towards the other end of the hall. "Jenna wants to talk to you." She said before nudging him down the hall. Lance seemed at first confused but at the sound of her name he suddenly sped up, trying not to be obvious. "Slick." Brynn said from behind as she raised her thumbs to give him a two-thumbs up sign. Lance glanced over his shoulder at her with a guilty expression and nodded before hurriedly moving on.

Brynn laughed and turned back to where Faith was watching the elevator. Joey's door opened loudly, causing both girls to jump and turn to where he stood in the doorway holding the note with a smile. "Two things. One- You know I'll be there. And two- thanks for the paper cut on my nose." Faith laughed as she walked over to where he stood. "This is one large paper cut, I think I need a kiss from my girls." He smiled deviously as he looked from Brynn to Faith. Faith laughed as she kissed her fingers and touched his nose while Brynn did the same. "Hey- if he gets a kiss so do I!! After all I AM the official secret-keeper." Chris said, coming up from behind.

The girls giggled at Chris' antics before a voice sounded from behind and down the hall. "Well Joey, Chris. SO nice to see you mackin on my girl." Justin said, coming up from behind with a masculine look on his face, clenching his muscles. Brynn laughed at his outburst and ran up to him. "Bounce!!! I have JUST the thing for us to do tonight!!" She said as she heard Faith laugh from behind. "Forget the persuading, go for the tongue." Justin watched Faith whisper from behind and smiled as Brynn’s eyebrows raised at the comment. He was taken by surprise as she reached up behind Justin's neck and pulled him down so that her lips met his. Justin's own eyebrows raised as he closed his eyes and felt her defiantly brush her tongue against his and he joined in. She ran her tongue around his and over his lips as she pulled away. Justin looked down into her blue-green eyes as she took his hands and looked at him seductively. "Ballroom, 8 SHARP." She said, turning away with a sly smile. Justin licked his lips as he watched her turn around and a devilish grin spread across his face and through his eyes.

Faith watched his eyes roam over her before he looked at his watch and looking urgent dashed into his room. Brynn and Faith laughed as Justin took off down the hallway. "Awesome job." Faith said, reaching out her hand. Brynn slapped her hand as she replied. "Thank you, thank you very much." She giggled in an Elvis tone. "That was fun." She laughed as JC stepped out of the elevator last, followed by Lonnie and Mike. "My turn." Faith said quietly with an evil grin, rubbing her hands together and taking a step forward.

JC's eyes lit up as he saw Faith making her way down the hall towards him. He reached out his arms and Faith attempted to play hard to get, but his inviting arms were too much for her. She hugged him tightly as she felt him breathe on her neck. Pulling away, she took his hand. "Joshie?! You love me right??" She asked, looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "Damn right I do." He said loudly , causing her to laugh at the loud reply. "Well good cuz guess what we get to do tonight??" She said as JC looked at her skeptically. Faith giggled at JC's confused expressions and heard Brynn walk quickly by her.

"How JC got his GROOVE back." She hinted in Faith's ear as she hurried by causing Faith to laugh. "Hello JC." She smiled at him quickly as he watched Faith's understanding and wondered why he was so baffled at what was going on. Brynn opened her door and stuck her head out behind JC quickly, sticking out her tongue while pointing to him. Faith laughed loudly before slapping a hand over her mouth and JC whipped around to see Brynn hanging out of the door with a bright smile on her face. "Gotta go." She said quickly before pulling herself inside and shutting the door. JC's eyebrow's creased as he turned slowly back to the giggling Faith with a confused expression.

Faith grabbed his cheeks in her hands as she continued to giggle. "You look so cute when you're confused." She said before leaning in and quickly touching her lips to his. Pulling back slowly she looked up and into his surprised blue eyes. He smiled at her before he grabbed behind her waist and pulled himself to her this time, laying his lips on hers and letting his tongue wander into her mouth. He was happily surprised by the dominance in her kiss as she licked between their lips before she pulled away and put her finger on his pink lips. "Tonight, 8 o'clock. Ballroom A. That is if ya want more where that came from." She said slyly, turning around and opening the door to her room. She squeezed his hand without looking back and closed the door, leaving JC looking after her with confusion. All he knew is that he would be in that ballroom at 8 o'clock if it killed him.

Jenna turned her head at the soft pounding on her door. Walking over to it quickly, she opened it up slowly and was pleasantly surprised by the tall blond who stood in front of her. Lance looked down into her soft green eyes. "Faith said you wanted to see me." Lance said, his deep voice sounding through her room. ‘That's the truth." Jenna thought, looking at Lance's deeply featured face. "W... Y.... Ya actually." She stuttered, opening the door so he could come in. Lance looked over at her and smiled and he stepped inside the door. "Well there's a dance tonight in the ballroom and we were thinking that it would be fun if everyone went and so I was just thinking that maybe ya know you could come with us too since we're all going and stuff." She rambled almost aimlessly.

Lance silently chuckled to himself as he took in her nervous voice and studied her face. "I'd love to go." He said, putting a finger on her lips. Jenna blushed as a tingle ran up her spine at his mere touch. Lance quickly removed his fingers and walked over to door. "8 sharp." She said as he opened the door and stepped out. "You got it." He said as he walked down the hall, hurrying to his room to get ready. A dance, with her, tonight, seemed almost unreal. Jenna stood at the end of the hall giggling at his last words. "You got it." She said, mocking herself from before. "Sounds familiar." She mumbled before walking back into her room, grabbing her stuff, and making her way down to Brynn and Faith's.

Chapters 25-27
The Last Teardrop