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Chapter 1

Jenna walked into her lonely apartment and tossed her bag on the floor. She looked around and sighed when she realized that no one was going to come and wrap her in a hug or tell her that they missed her. No one was going to be there to share her stories with and no one was going to be there to giggle with about her first kiss with Lance. She was alone. As she looked around at the smiling faces in the pictures that adorned her wall a tear slipped down her cheek. They were all gone and no matter how many times she had tried to tell herself that it wasn’t, deep down she felt like it had been her fault.

She sighed loudly and wiped the tears from her cheeks. The only time that she felt complete was when she was with her new friends, especially Lance. Faith stuck out in her mind as a person that she could always go to with a problem, something that she hadn’t known in such a long time. Brynn was always willing to lend a shoulder and help dry a tear, Justin was quick with a kind word and had such a big heart, Chris was full of witty comments and silly jokes that were sure to brighten anyone’s day, Joey always looked at everything in the most brilliant light and you just couldn’t help but be happy with him, JC was the type to always take care of the people that he cared about and he had always been there to lend her some comfort, but then there was Lance. Lance made her feel like no one had ever been able to. When she was in his arms the troubles she faced slipped away and all she felt was safe and happy. "Happy," she repeated as she looked at her bag laying on the floor by the door.

She walked over and picked it up before heading back to her bedroom. ‘They’ll all be home this weekend, and then I won’t be alone anymore’ she thought to herself as she opened the door and headed for the bathroom. "I need a warm shower and some pajamas as Faith would say," she said causing herself to giggle lightly. She made her way towards the bathroom and turned on the water. As the warmth filled the room she smiled as her muscles relaxed. Her worries temporarily slipped away with the water as it ran down the drain.

"Last show hot stuff, ya ready?" Faith giggled as she walked with JC into the toy room. JC nodded his head and spun her around dipping her playfully, "Yes ma’am, I’m ready to sleep for like a year." Faith wrinkled her nose up as she looked up at him, "Babe, the blood is rushing to my head, and don’t even think about spending this whole vacation sleeping." He lifted her upright, chuckling as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Go get dressed," she said patting his butt as he ran to change. She watched as he glanced back over his shoulder and wiggled his eyebrows at her causing her to giggle. "Love ya Suga," he called over his shoulder before disappearing into the dressing room.

A few moments later Brynn came squealing into the room with Justin and Chris hot on her heels. She ran around behind Faith holding onto her shoulders as she hid behind her back. "Please don’t let them get me," she begged. Faith giggled and put her hands up to stop Justin. She looked around at Chris and then back to Justin and broke into a fit of laughter. She saw why they were chasing her. Both Justin and Chris’ faces were covered with baby blue icing. "Umm...gentleman...haven’t you learned that the cake goes in your mouth and not on your faces?"

Justin looked at Faith and chuckled before trying to grab at Brynn who was still hiding behind her. "Why no Faith....I would’ve never figured that out," he answered sarcastically. Chris tried to sneak around the other side but Faith stuck her leg out to block him, "Uh uh uh Chrissy boys go get yourselves cleaned up. You have to be on stage in about 20 minutes." They both looked at her and poked out their lips. "Nope, not this time. Now, MOVE IT!!" She laughed as she shooed them towards the door. She made sure to turn carefully so that Brynn stayed fully protected. She watched as two sets of puppy dog eyes peeked around the door before closing it behind them. Brynn started to move away from Faith, but Faith held her behind her. "There’s several things I’ve learned from being with these five this long. One is that they always try a sneak attack," she whispered as they stepped closer to the door.

As they neared it they watched as it slowly opened just a crack, and one curl poked out of the door. Brynn placed a hand over her mouth to fight the giggles that were threatening as the door cracked open a little farther. Faith pushed Brynn back against the wall before grabbing the doorknob and jerking the door open as hard as she could. Justin and Chris both came tumbling out and landed at her feet. "Well, well...gentleman. What ever were you doing?" Justin and Chris both grumbled as they stood up and walked back through the door and Faith closed it behind them. Brynn and Faith both exploded into a fit of giggles as they plopped down on the large sofa. "Oh, I love those guys," Brynn said as she stretched out on the comfy cushions. "Me too. They’re just so damn lovable," Faith giggled as she laid her head back to wait on the guys.

Jenna slid into her pajamas and made her way towards the bed. It was only 10:30, but she couldn’t keep her eyes open. She pulled the covers down and slid in as she wiggled to make herself comfortable. She had just closed her eyes and was about to drift off to sleep when the phone rang. She sighed as she reached over to grab the cordless next to her on the nightstand.


"Hey girlie, you weren’t sleeping were ya?" Jenna beamed happily and sat straight up when she heard Faith’s voice on the other end.

"I wasn’t asleep yet. How’s the show going?"

She heard Faith giggle, "You tell me?"

Jenna listened to the roar into the phone and smiled. "Did you hear that? They say it’s amazing," Faith giggled.

"They’re always amazing," Jenna said, secretly wishing she were there enjoying the show.

"Well, I can’t talk long. I just wanted to make sure you got home ok. Shouldn’t you have been home yesterday?"

Jenna sighed, "Major delays. I don’t know what happened. All I know is that those airport chairs are not made for sleeping."

Faith huffed into the phone, "Sheesh girlie...sounds like you had one hell of a night."

Jenna smiled, "Oh, you have no idea."

"Alright, well, I’ll give you a call tomorrow. This is the last show, so we’ll all be home to bug you later this weekend," Faith said giggling lightly into the phone.

"Can’t wait for you to get here," Jenna said as she heard "Bye Bye Bye" end in the background.

"Night Jenna. Talk at ya tomorrow," Faith said.

"Night Faith. Tell everyone I said hello," Jenna replied.

She heard Faith giggle, "Will do girlie...I’m gonna go beat off a sweat ball...later."

Jenna smiled as she heard JC and Faith laughing together before the phone clicked off. "I don’t think I wanna know," she said as she hung the phone up and slid deep under the covers before falling fast asleep.

*Two Days Later*
"Have I mentioned that I hate these things?" Faith said as she sat down in the seat between Lance and JC. "That makes two of us," Lance mumbled as he sat down and pulled his seatbelt tight. Faith smiled at him and grabbed his hand, "You can squeeze my hand if I can squeeze yours." Lance nodded his head as he took a deep breath, "Smuff, don’t take this wrong, but I wasn’t gonna ask if I could squeeze your hand...I was doing it whether you liked it or not." Faith giggled and turned to JC as he fastened his seatbelt. He looked at her and shot her a reassuring smile before taking her other hand, "I’m right here baby." Faith nodded her head and glanced across the aisle at Brynn and Justin as Brynn clutched Justin’s hand tightly. She heard him chuckle before speaking softly, "Brynn, baby, I promise not to let go."

As the well rehearsed speech was given about flotation devices and oxygen masks Faith looked at JC pitifully, "They don’t exactly make you feel so safe on these things. They always talk about keeping yourself from dying. Ya know, for some reason...THAT DOESN’T HELP." He chuckled before looking deep into her eyes, "Baby, just in case we die, I think you should know that I love you." She slapped at him playfully as he laughed. "Joshua Scott, you are so not funny." The speech was finished and the seatbelt light came on. "Oh God, isn’t there a safer mode of transportation we could take," Lance mumbled as the plane started towards the runway. "What? like Toby?" Chris laughed from behind them. "Chris, shut up," Lance grumbled as the plane started to lift up and Faith squeezed his hand tightly.

A few minutes later the seatbelt light went off and they were in the air. JC unbuckled his seatbelt and Faith reached over and rebuckled it. He looked over at her and laughed, "Baby, we can take them off now." Faith shook her head, "No hell you won’t." He laughed and hugged her before whispering in her ear, "God, I love you." Faith held onto him tightly as she breathed in his cologne before whispering into his neck, "I love you too, but don’t even think about taking that seatbelt off."

She felt him chuckle against her and the scruff on his cheek tickled her face. She lifted her head to look at him and her eyes locked with his. They looked at each other for a moment before JC broke the silence, "You know, that has to have been the best tour yet." Faith wrinkled her nose and smiled, "Why is that?" JC smiled slyly at her as his finger slid under the bracelet on her arm and he rubbed the small beads. His answer was so sincere that she thought she was going to cry. He kissed the end of her nose before whispering, "you." He pulled her in for a kiss as his other hand worked to free his seatbelt. He unfastened it and just as quickly he felt her hand slide back across him and buckle it. He could feel her smiling against his lips as her hand moved back up to his cheek. He pulled back to look at her and chuckled. "I told you not to even think about it," she whispered before leaning over on Lance’s shoulder and closing her eyes as a broad smile played on her lips.

He looked over next to him where Brynn and Justin now snuggled close together resting peacefully. Brynn looked as if she was in heaven at that moment. Justin cradled her head as he held onto her tightly. Never had he seen Justin happier then he was when he was with Brynn. JC could understand the feelings that coursed through his friend because he felt them too. He glanced back over at Faith as she yawned causing her nose to wrinkle slightly and a smile lit up his face. The littlest things about her were the cutest. He heard Joey and Chris talking quietly behind them as he reached for Faith’s hand. She opened one eye and looked at him before sitting up and leaning towards him. He opened his arms to her and she went instinctively into them as she snuggled close to him. "I love you," she whispered before slowly drifting off to sleep in his arms. He kissed the top of her head as he closed his own eyes and whispered, "I love you too baby."

Jenna pulled into her parking space at work and grabbed her purse. She looked up at the building and sighed loudly, "Another day another dollar." She headed towards the entrance and smiled when she met up with a familiar face. "Well hello there Jenna. I was wondering if I was gonna see your beautiful face around here today." She smiled brightly at him, "Ya know what, if you keep talking so nice to me I might just have to give Mrs. Harrison a little run for her money." He chuckled happily as he opened the door for her, "Have a good day Jenna." She smiled and patted his arm on the way in, "You too. Go easy on the doughnuts now. Don’t get yourself in trouble, ok?" He shook his head and laughed, "Yes ma’am."

She made her way down to the small office that belonged to her and opened the door. Since it was Saturday there were very few people around. She slid in behind her desk and switched on her computer before flipping through the messages that had been left on her desk. She flipped through them all groaning at the amount of phone calls she had to make on Monday. A smile lit up her face when she got to the last one and noticed it was from Lance. "Check my voice mail?" she questioned as she reached in her purse to grab her cell phone. The messages started playing and finally it got to the last one.

She heard everyone shouting messages for her in the background, but the one voice that she was intent on was the deep bass voice that spoke into the phone. She laughed out loud when she heard Chris strip the phone from Lance’s hands and quickly speak, "Just wanted to say hey to my Homie G Funk #3. I’m gonna run now before Lance kills me." She listened to everyone saying hi and her heart lifted. She had real friends now, and none of them expected anything from her. Not Jenna the corporate lawyer’s daughter...not Jenna the homecoming queen...not Jenna the head cheerleader...not Jenna the quarterback’s girlfriend...not Jenna Lil’ Miss Perfect...just Jenna. As they all finished speaking she heard the announcement for the flight in the background. "WOOHOO!! WE’RE COMING HOME JENNA!!" Chris yelled into the phone before it clicked. She sighed happily before turning back to the mail piled on her desk.

She flipped through it and her anger seethed when she saw the familiar envelope on her desk. She ripped it open and shredded the check that it contained before dumping it into the trash. "I don’t want your money," she spoke through clenched teeth as her eyes clouded, "I don’t need your money." She looked at the envelope and read the words over and over again. Williams & Parker Attorneys At Law. "How could my own father side with the enemy," she whispered to no one as she laid her head down on the desk and a tear slid down her cheek.


Chris laughed from behind Faith as he heard her sigh deeply as the plane came to a dead stop at the end of the runway. "Please exit in an orderly fashion." The stewardess with pasted cheeks and the indignant smile rehearsed as people began to stand up and grab their stuff from the overhead baggage areas. Everyone stood up and made their way out into the aisle. Brynn turned around as she stood behind Justin and found Lance behind her. She smiled up at him as he bit his lip and she noticed his hands that were ringing in and out of each other.

"Relax Lance. We're on the ground now." She said as he looked down at her with concern in his eyes. "I'd love to be able to relax now, but this is where it all starts." He said with a slight smile playing on his lips. Brynn giggled up at him. "I know." She said as she patted his shoulder and followed the line out into the terminal.

"Jesus Justin- you’re gonna get yourself another speeding ticket!!" Brynn said tensely as Justin sped along the freeway. He laughed at her reaction and took one hand off the wheel to squeeze her knee. "Don't worry babe. I've got it all under control." Brynn looked at him pathetically before intertwining her fingers with his and squeezing his hand.

"Alright- I'll pick you guys up at 8 and we'll head to Jenna's to surprise her, then JC's to meet Joey, then we're hittin the night scene back here in O-town." Justin chuckled as Brynn leaned across the seat and pecked his cheek once they finally pulled up in front of the condo she shared with Faith. "You got it." She said with a smile. "But promise me you'll be ALIVE then." She said, standing up and out of the car before Justin laughed. "Promise." He yelled as he watched to make sure she got inside the condo and waved before pulling away.

Brynn walked into the condo and found Faith chillin on the couch. "Girl you didn't tell me Justin drives like a speeding bullet." She laughed as Faith laughed at her comment. "I thought if I did maybe you wouldn't get in the car." She replied, standing up and following Brynn into the kitchen area. "There is NOTHING that will keep me from getting into a car with that boy." She smiled devilishly as she tossed Faith a soda. "Well anyways, speedy's comin at 8 and after we go to Jenna's and JC's we're hittin the town." She said, plopping down at the table. "Awesome." Faith said, mostly in regards to goin to JC's house, before goin to her room to get ready.

"I think Lance should go get her." Chris said, leaning forward in his seat. Lance looked at everyone's nodding heads and hopped outta the car. "Well then...I'll be right back." He said as he shut the door and jogged up to Jenna's front door.

Inside the apartment, Jenna had just put on some clothes after getting out of the shower. Fixing her last strand of hair, she turned sharply when she heard the rapping on the door. "Who could that be??" She thought, walking towards it and pulling it open. Her breath caught when she saw the handsome blond standing in front of her. "Lance!!" She squealed, diving into his welcoming arms. "I thought you weren't coming over here till tomorrow!!" She said as he squeezed her tightly, taking in her fresh scent before letting her go.

"Well..... Actually we decided to surprise you tonight and now you are coming with us." He said, grabbing her hand before she pulled back and grabbed her purse. "Um Lance, where are we going??" She asked before locking the door and following Lance out to the car. She smiled brightly when she realized who "we" was. Everyone except for Joey and JC was there and they all greeted her warmly and excitedly. She had missed them all so much but she didn't know how much she really did miss them till she had them back.

"Alright everyone ready to go??" Chris yelled from JC's front door. JC walked into the living room with Faith's hand in his. "You guys go, I think I'm gonna stay here and try to get some sleep." He said as Faith watched his movement from behind with a slight smile playing on her lips. "JC YA HERMIT!! Do what ya want." Joey said with a playful disgusted look before hitting his shoulder. JC laughed as Joey pulled on Faith's arm and she pulled back. "Nah, I think I'm gonna sit this one out with Jace." She smiled as Joey sighed and walked to the door. "You two suck." He said as he walked out. Brynn laughed as she followed Jenna out the door. "BE GOOD YOU TWO." She yelled as Justin shut the door behind Lance and the empty house was left all to themselves. This was the first time this had ever happened since she'd met JC, and so much opportunity struck her.

"Well Joshie. You know I'm not gonna let you sleep yet don't you??" She asked, playing with a button on his shirt. "Ooo, I like that." He said seductively causing her to giggle, but her giggle was smothered by his lips on top of hers and his tongue in her mouth. As she pulled away, Faith nibbled on his bottom lip before looking into his inviting blue eyes. "Bring it on." She mumbled with a laugh as she felt his hand roam her back and pull her closer to him, there bodies so close and the sensation she got from his grip around her waist was unimaginable. Once again she closed her eyes as his lips and tongue roamed her own before moving down her neck slowly and lightly, only leaving her wanting more. He pulled away for a minute as he looked back down into her eyes. "Those guys don't know our secret meaning of ‘sleep' do they??" He asked with a chuckle. Faith smiled at him as she ran her hand down his arm, "They sure don't."

Brynn tossed her head back and laughed as Justin grinded against her. He circled around behind her and Brynn stopped laughing when she felt his tongue lightly graze her neck. She reached her arm up to link it around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She could feel his breath on her neck and the warmth of his body pressed against hers. She closed her eyes and relaxed against him as she let the music take over. Justin snaked his hand across her stomach as they lost themselves in the beat of the music and the feel of each other.

"Wow, check em out," Joey yelled to Chris as he pointed in Brynn and Justin’s direction. Chris chuckled before yelling back to Joey, "I don’t know who’s a better show, Brynn and Justin or those two." Joey turned in the direction Chris was pointing and noticed Jenna and Lance. "Whoa...go Lansten," Joey said chuckling as they watched back and forth between the two couples. Chris was about to say something when two beautiful girls walked up and introduced themselves before leading Chris and Joey out on the floor. Chris took one last look over his shoulder at Jenna and Lance before turning to the beautiful brunette in front of him.

Jenna could feel Lance’s hands as they slid up and down her back. She only prayed that he was feeling the same things she was at this moment. Never had she felt so much passion and intensity from one man, but right now she felt as if she would melt from the heat radiating between the two of them. Lance slid his knee in between her legs as he pulled her closer. She could feel his every heart beat, his every breath, and it was driving her wild. She turned her back to him and circled her arms around his neck before sliding down him slowly. Lance was unprepared for the rush of emotion that flooded him when he felt her body slide down his. He gasped for a breath before taking her hand and pulling her back up to him as her slender frame slid up his leg. Her lips were inches from his and Lance couldn’t stand the temptation any longer. He pressed his lips to hers and pulled her closer before spinning her around as the song ended. Jenna had to fight to catch her breath. Nobody had ever had the ability to make her forget how to breathe, nobody but Lance.

Faith walked around the living room and looked at the pictures while she waited for JC. She smiled as she ran her fingers over the frames that held so many precious memories. She was pleasantly surprised to find herself in several pictures with the guys. She noticed several picture frames on top of the piano and made her way over to take a look. A bright smile lit up her face when she saw them. She picked up the first picture frame and rubbed her hand lightly over the glass. Her eyes roamed over it as the memory flooded her. She had come to Orlando with Lance for her to meet the guys for the first time. She had instantly clicked with them all, much the same way that Lance had.

She giggled when she remembered the look JC had given her. One ice cream cone started a lot of memories. She looked at the bit of ice cream on her nose and the ice cream that JC had felt the need to smear onto her cheeks and smiled. Joey had taken a picture of the two of them when they had finished covering each other’s faces. Faith sighed happily as she placed the frame back on the piano and glanced over to the others ones. She noticed an exact copy of the picture that Brynn had given her...their first kiss on the beach. "Joshie, I love you," she whispered and as if on cue, two arms slid around her waist. "Mmm...I love you too," he whispered in her ear, "whatcha doin?" He glanced down at the picture of the two of them covered in ice cream and chuckled, "I can’t believe you did that to me." Faith turned around to look at him, "You can’t believe I did that to you? Excuse me?"

He laughed before taking her hand and sitting her down on the piano bench as he stepped in between her legs. She had to fight to breathe when she took in the sight in front of her. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Her eyes roamed over his bare chest and down to his well toned stomach before she leaned in and kissed just above his belly button. He glanced down at her and chuckled, "I take it you like what you see." She nodded her head and smiled brightly as she watched him tug at the leg of his pajama pants. "Baby, play me a song," she whispered as she looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes. He smiled down at her before sliding down onto the bench next to her. "Any requests," he asked as he placed his hands over the keys. "Surprise me," she whispered as she placed her hand on his thigh. A sly smile spread across his face as he started playing. She listened for a moment before she recognized the song. Her smile widened when he began singing along with the soft melody that filled her ears.

"Your love is like a candle that flickers in the came into my brightened up my heart...with you by my side...I see the love that I wanna me your lovin’ me that it’s real...just take my hand...I’ll make you understand...I want want me...and that’s the way it’s got to that you’re here...I’m gonna make it clear...give me the love I need...give in to me...give me the love I need...hold me caress me...give in to me..."His words trailed off when he felt her hands slide around his waist and he turned his head to find her eyes locked on him. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his as he slid his arm around behind her to pull her closer. When she pulled back she locked with his gaze again, before whispering, "Mmm...I like sleeping with you." He smiled before pecking her lips again and chuckling, "I think we should sleep together a lot."

"Alright guys, it’s almost two in the morning. Some of us have to sleep sometimes," Jenna said giggling as she looked at her new friends. Brynn yawned and Justin wrapped his arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, I think Jenna is right. We need to get these little ladies home and in bed," Chris said as he caught a glimpse of Joey, "I’ll go get lover boy over there." Lance rubbed Jenna’s back as she laid her head down on the table and looked at him. "You ok," he asked sincerely. She smiled brightly at him, "Never been better."

Joey looked somewhat annoyed as he followed a laughing Chris back to the table. "I can’t believe you did that," Joey huffed as he grabbed his jacket off the chair. "Oh no, what did..," Brynn asked through another yawn, "he do?" Chris laughed harder as he grabbed his jacket and started towards the door, "I told her he used to be a woman. She was shocked to hear his name was really Josephina." Everyone tried to hold back their laughter, but as soon as the first snicker was heard everyone broke into a fit of laughter. "Just shut up...all of you just shut up," Joey huffed as he walked towards the car.

About 30 minutes later Joey, Justin, and Brynn piled out of the car at JC’s house. Justin had dropped, Jenna, Lance, and Chris off before he and Brynn came to get Faith. Joey walked across the street to his house as Justin opened the door allowing Brynn to step in before closing it behind them. They were met with the light glow of a few candles scattered here and there and the deep breathing of a very happy, sleeping couple. Brynn smiled brightly at the two before looking up at Justin. "I always said they were cute," he whispered.

The two lay entwined in each other’s arms on the big sofa. JC held Faith protectively as she rested comfortably on his chest. One of her arms was draped across his stomach and her fingers intertwined with his while his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist, hugging her to him. They looked so peaceful lying their together that neither Brynn nor Justin had the heart to wake them. Brynn walked over and grabbed a blanket off the chair and draped it over them. Faith stirred slightly and JC wrapped his arm tighter around her before kissing her forehead gently. Brynn scrawled a simple little note for Faith and left it on the coffee table before walking back out with Justin.

"Justin, you mind staying with me tonight? I’m not exactly too thrilled about staying alone in a new city yet," Brynn asked as she sat down in the seat of Justin’s Benz. He chuckled lightly as he put the key in the ignition, "Mind? Baby, I thought you would never ask." Brynn smiled brightly at him and placed her hand on top of his as he backed out of JC’s driveway and headed towards her condo.


The next morning JC awoke with Faith still asleep in his arms. "I don't think I've ever woken up before she has." He whispered softly as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. He smiled as her eyelids flickered and he heard her whisper. "And ya still never have been. I'm just too comfortable to get up." She mumbled with her eyes still closed and he laughed as she fidgeted to wrap her arms around him. He draped his arm over her stomach and snuggled back into the couch. She smiled as she heard him chuckle before tightening his grip and his breathing deepen again before she dozed back off herself.

Justin rolled over, his arm still draped over Brynn's stomach and looked up at the ceiling. He looked around the room contentedly before looking back at Brynn, who's fingers were wrapped around his arm and wrist. He smiled at her gently closed eyes, and noticed how angelic she looked when she was asleep. He brought his hands up to his mouth, kissed his fingers, then gently ran them over her cheek before settling back into the pillow and leaning against Brynn. Her touch always settled his emotions and right now he was so worn out from the tour finally ending, and so happy to be with her at the same time, all he needed was to sleep, with her in his arms.

Brynn opened her eyes slightly as she felt Justin's breathing on her forehead slow. She wrapped her fingers in his and closed her eyes again, trying not to wake him back up. ‘Nope, he ain't goin anywhere.' She giggled to herself before laying her hand on Justin's chest and settling back into her own dreams.

Jenna was awakened in the morning by a soft rapping on her front door. She threw her covers off and staggered over towards the door before pulling open the door with a yawn and freezing when she saw the sight in front of her. Lance stood before her with a shocked but pleased smile on his face as he realized he had awoken her.

"Lance....." Jenna stuttered as she suddenly realized she was in her pink tank top and matching boxer shorts, her blond hair pulled up in a loose messy bun, and no makeup on her face. ‘God she looks beautiful.' Lance thought to himself before collecting his thoughts as replying. "I'm sorry- it looks like I woke you up." He said with a bit of a sly smile playing on his lips. Jenna flushed as she opened the door farther to let him in and staggered to reply to him. "It's okay, um make yourself comfortable. I'm gonna go get dressed- I'll only be a few." She said as she took off back into her room and Lance laughed. Looking around the room, he took a seat on the couch and waited for Jenna to return.

Within a matter of 5 minutes, Jenna returned, dressed in a light green tank top and jean shorts. Lance looked up and caught sight of her with a deep breath and eventually met her nervous gaze. "Sorry bout that." She said quickly. Then, trying to relax, she took a seat next to him. "I didn't know it was almost noon. I never sleep this late." She said as he watched her every move. Looking up at her , Lance laughed. "No no no. It's cool. I just came over to ask you if you wanted a ride to Justin’s. I'm goin to the grocery store right now to get some stuff to BBQ and then heading over there if you wanna come." He asked as she nodded with a smile. "Sure, let me grab my purse." She said, standing up and walking back towards her room. "And your bathing suit- it's a pool party." He said slyly as she turned red and nodded. "Okay." She laughed and followed Lance out the door.

Justin's keys jangled as he unlocked the door to his house and let Brynn inside. Brynn looked around as she breathed in deeply and took in his scent, the same scent that she smelled everytime she would walk into his hotel rooms. "You like??" He asked as he tossed his keys on the table and led Brynn through to the kitchen. "I love." She replied with a smile and set some sodas down on the kitchen table before the doorbell rang and she jogged back through the house to answer it.

Brynn pulled open the door to a hand-in-hand JC and Faith. JC smiled at her brightly as Faith looked over at JC then smiled at Brynn. Brynn looked from each of them slyly before laughing and letting them in. "Well good morning you two. Have a fun night??" She asked slyly as they followed her to the kitchen. Faith laughed as she greeted Justin. "You betcha. And how was the dancin?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "FUN." Justin said loudly and quickly causing Brynn to laugh. JC chuckled as he walked over and helped Justin prepare some food to BBQ as everyone else arrived.

Brynn jumped when she heard Faith run screaming by the bathroom door. She had just changed into her bathing suit to join everyone in the pool. "BABY NO...PLEASE," Faith yelled as she thundered down the stairs. Brynn poked her head out of the door and laughed, "What is he doing to her?" She picked her clothes up and placed them in her bag before running down the hallway to find a dripping wet JC trying to catch Faith as she rounded the couch. "What in the heck," Brynn asked as she stepped down off the last step. "Brynn, save me...please save me," Faith pleaded as she eyed JC carefully trying to read his next move. Brynn laughed as she made her way over to the two, "What is going on?"

JC glanced up at Brynn before speaking, "She threw me in the pool IN MY CLOTHES!!" Brynn slapped a hand over her mouth to hide her laughter as she listened to him. He was pretending to be upset, but the playful tone in his voice gave him away. Faith noticed that JC was looking at Brynn and used the moment to her advantage. Not giving even a hint at her plan, she dove for the sliding glass door and was out before JC could even turn around. Brynn laughed loudly, but stopped when she noticed JC eyeing her carefully. "What," she asked just as JC dove for her, his wet clothes soaking her instantly. "JACE," she squealed as he tossed her over his shoulder and headed towards the pool.

"Come on in baby," Justin said chuckling as he noticed JC carrying a squealing Brynn towards the pool. "Oh, don’t worry J. She’s on her way...AIR MAIL," JC laughed as he tossed Brynn into the pool. JC turned around to see if he could find where Faith was hiding and noticed her behind a laughing Lance. He watched as Lance pointed and laughed. "Yo Lance...have you seen Faith," JC called across the pool deck. Lance fought not to laugh as he answered, "’t...seen her...uhh...maybe this girl BEHIND MY BACK would know." JC came barreling towards Lance as Faith started to run while screaming, "FROGGY, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS." JC caught her as she jumped across a lounge chair. "Oh hell...I’m in for it now," she whispered when she felt his arms slide around her and hold her tightly. JC leaned down to her ear so close that his bottom lip brushed her earlobe as he spoke, "Oh yes you are Suga."

He carried her over towards the edge of the pool teasing her. An evil grin spread across her lips as an idea popped into her head. In a matter of seconds Faith leaped from JC’s arms and grabbed onto him causing them both to fall in the pool. "WOOHOO...that was a good one Faith," Chris laughed as the couple surfaced. JC wrapped his arms around Faith and held her close to him. He chuckled before speaking, "You know what, that was just unfair. I ended up in here twice and you only got it once." Faith poked out her lip in a mock pout, "Aww...poor wittle JC." JC smiled brightly at her and looked deep into her eyes, "I’m telling my mommy on you." She tossed her head back and laughed before hugging him again, "Good. She’ll believe me anyways."

Faith looked over JC’s shoulder at Brynn and Justin playing happily in the pool before looking on the deck at Lance and Jenna. Both were totally lost in their own world as if there was no one else there at the moment. She glanced back down to Brynn and Justin and smiled when she saw Justin pull Brynn in for a kiss. ‘Too cute’ she thought to herself when she watched the way Justin slid his fingers into Brynn’s wet hair. His curls dripped tiny drops of water and they slid down his bare back before dripping once again into the water. Their moment was interrupted when Chris and Joey cannonballed into the pool, sending a tidal wave over the two. Faith giggled as she pulled back and realized that JC was intently watching her.

She smiled brightly at him as her eyes roamed over him, taking in his every feature. Everything about him was heaven to her. She noticed the way his hair slightly curled because it was wet, and how the water droplets cascaded down his face dripping off the end of his nose and chin. She reached her hand up and rubbed the scruff that lined his cheek, tiny water droplets had gathered in the hairs and the sunlight pouring through the screen danced on them. She glanced down his neck and to his chest. Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed his wet shirt sucked to his masculine frame. His lucious lips curved into a smile as he watched how she studied each of his features and how lovingly she caressed his cheek. He slid his hand behind her neck and lifted her head up as he placed his lips on hers. He slid his hands up into her wet hair as she lifted his shirt up and slid her hand across his stomach. He pulled back just far enough to whisper "I love you," before once again losing himself in the sweetness of her kiss.

After a long day of swimming and eating, everyone finally settled into the livingroom. Justin popped in a video before snuggling up with Brynn on the couch. Lance and Jenna lay next to each other on the floor, Joey and Chris sat on the love seat, and JC sat in the recliner. "Anybody want anything else while I’m in here," Faith called from the kitchen. JC smiled brightly when he heard her voice, "Just you suga." They could all hear her giggle happily from the kitchen at his words as she clanked around in the refrigerator a minute more. She came out with her arms full of stuff for everyone. "Brynn, Twizzlers for you. Justin, here’s the Apple Jacks. Froggy, a Dr. Pepper. Joey, the chips you wanted. Chris, Oreos. Jenna, a coke and some gummi bears," she said as she emptied her arms before sliding into the recliner with JC, "Oh, and your suga as you requested baby." JC wrapped his arms around her and chuckled, "Gotta have my suga."

"Ok Justin, hit play now before JC falls asleep on us," Chris said as he flipped off the lights, "Oh wait, nevermind...Faith is here." Everyone chuckled as JC tossed a pillow at Chris. As the movie started Faith kept a close eye on Jenna. She seemed to be more focused on Lance then the movie. ‘I have got to talk to him’ she thought to herself as she watched him lay his head down on his arms. She felt JC’s lips on her neck and a chill ran down her back causing her to shiver. He hugged her closer to him and she laid her head on his shoulder. "Justin, will you toss me that blanket man," JC asked. Justin reached behind him and grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and tossed it to him. JC wrapped it around Faith and laid his head against her forehead as he whispered, "Better." Faith nodded her head against his shoulder as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep in the comfort of his arms.

Jenna awoke to the soft snores of her seven new friends. She glanced up at the clock on the VCR and realized that it was 7:00AM. She jumped up from her place on the floor. "Oh boy, I have to be at work in two hours," she said to herself as she pushed her hair out of her face. She looked at Lance sleeping next to her and she couldn’t fight the smile that crept up on her face. She shook him gently and watched as his eyes fluttered open. She felt terrible for having to wake him up, but he was her ride and she had to get home. Lance yawned as he looked up at her concerned, "Jenna, are you ok hon?" Jenna shook her head and smiled, "Sorry to wake you up, but I have to be at work in about two hours. Could you give me a ride home?" Lance smiled brightly as he sat up, "Yeah sure thing. Let me just tell Faith so she doesn’t worry." Jenna nodded as she jumped up and quietly made her way to her shoes.

Lance rubbed Faith’s cheek softly before shaking her shoulder. Her tired eyes opened and met his gaze. "Lance, what’s wrong?" He smiled down at her as she grabbed his hand, "Nothing Smuff. I just wanted to tell you that I had to get Jenna home ok? I’ll call you later." JC’s arms tightened around her as he nuzzled his face in her neck. She looked down at him and kissed his cheek softly before looking back to Lance. "Ok. Do you have any plans for today?" Lance looked at her and shook his head, "Nope...why?" Faith smiled at him before answering, "I wanna spend the day with my best friend. If he’s not busy." Lance smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek, "Smuff, I’m all yours. I’ll call you in a couple hours ok? Go back to sleep." Faith nodded her head before relaxing against JC once again and closing her eyes.


"Listen Lance. We need to talk. As your best friend there is something I need to demand you to do." Faith said slyly as she followed Lance to a table in the food court of the Orlando Mall. Lonnie took a seat at the table next to them to give them some privacy and took out a book to read. Faith and Lance put their food down on the table and began eating. "What about??" Lance asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked over at Faith. "Jenna." Faith said, looking back into Lance's deep green eyes. He noticed how Lance immediately brought his fork back down from his mouth and wiped his hands with his napkin. "Wh..well.what about about Jenna??" He asked, trying to look businesslike. Faith laughed at his attempt to look as uninterested as possible and kicked him under the table. Lance made a face as he groaned and rubbed his shin. "Don't try to play me Froggy. I watch you two day after day and all I see is this growing want in your eyes and you both are blinded to it." She said as he watched the concern in her eyes turn to a stern look. "I want you to tell her how you feel, and soon. She needs someone like you Lance." Faith continued. Lance couldn't help but chuckle at Faith's stern tone of voice and forceful glare. Faith laughed deafeatedly as Lance laughed at her. "I'm serious Lance!!" She said through her giggles as Lonnie watched on in confusion.

Lance reached across the table to Faith and took her hand. "You know I love you Smuff, but I think you might be wrong on this one." Faith's eyes turned up as she listened to Lance's words. "I just don't think she wants me in that way, and as much as I'd like her too, there is no need to push someone as fragile as that." He said, releasing her hand and going back to his food. Faith sat watching Lance with an inquisitive look on her face. She had known Lance basically her entire life and she had never seen him be so blind before. 'Why can't he see she needs and wants him?' She thought to herself as they cleaned up and made their way back through the table-lined food court. She couldn't think of any reasons why Lance wouldn't see just how much Jenna was wanting him, and she didn't know what was making him so blind, but she knew that it was now her official job to find out. "Just promise me you'll think about what I said okay?? AND KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN Bass." She said as she hit his arm. Lance laughed playfully as he thought to himself. 'Faith you don't know how much I wish what you were sayin was true.'

"I'm glad I got to steal ya today from Justin." Joey said to Brynn as they walked along the path on the beach lined with stores and little shops. "Thought I was gonna have to pry you out of his arms before he'd let you go." Joey said, causing Brynn to laugh. "You know he loves you don't you??" Joey asked, looking down at Brynn. Brynn smiled back up at him. "Bout as much as I know I love him." She said with a birght smile. " And thanks for offering to show me this place. It's really awesome." Brynn smiled back up at Joey as they walked along. "No problem. I had a feeling you'd like it." He said as they neared the end of the path and came upon a set of rocks with waves crashing against them, complete with an ice cream shop atop of the rocks. "The best ice cream in town. You want some??" Joey asked as they climbed the rocks, shaped into stairs, to the ice cream parlor. "I'm buyin." She laughed as they reached the top.

A few minutes later, the two sat in chairs at a table at the parlor. "Joey- can I ask you a question??" Brynn asked, looking in Joey's direction as his gaze followed a blond and a brunette to another seat. "Joey??" Brynn laughed, waving a hand in front of his face and giggling as he snapped out of his trance. "Hummmm.... What?" Joey asked looking back at her with a guilty expression on his face. "Nevermind." Brynn laughed as Joey's gaze drifted back around to look for the two girls he had just lost sight of. When he couldn't find them his eyes settled back on Brynn, he saw her own blue-green eyes widen and he turned quickly to see what had made Brynn appear so intrigued. Joey's gaze set on Jenna, who was looking around the parlor until she landed on an older man and she huffed over to him and took a seat across from him. "Jen...." Joey began to yell before Brynn put a hand of his mouth. "I wouldn't. She looks really upset." Brynn said with concern as she looked back over to Jenna who was glaring at the older man sitting across from her. Joey nodded in agreement as he watched the man push an envelope over to her and she pushed it back huffily.

"No Jenna. Take this money." The man said loudly. Jenna looked around embarrassed before leaning closer on the table. "NO DAD. You think that I want your money now that you've.... you've....... DISOWNED me like this because I took the right path and got rid of that scoundral?? I'm SO sorry dad if you weren't there for me when you KNEW he was being hurtful to me mentally and physically but you stood by him because YOU thought he was okay. And now that he's gone, you think you can push me away and just SEND me checks from HIS FATHER'S company?? NO Dad, I'm sorry, but I won't live like that. I don't want YOUR money, or HIS money, and THEIR money. I've never asked for anything but support from you Dad and you can't even give me that?!!" Jenna said loudly as a single tear ran down her cheek and she stood up and ran inside the parlor crying.

"Oh wow." Brynn muttered softly as they watched the man lick his lips and look as if he was pondering whether or not to follow her before getting up and walking into the parlor behind her, yelling her name. "Should we go comfort her??" Brynn asked, looking at Joey who was still intrigued with the scene. His concerned brown eyes met hers as he turned back around. "I don't know, but where the HECK is Lance when she needs him??" Joey said, trying to lighten the mood. Brynn smiled before looking back after Jenna. "I think we'd better let her handle this, family stuff. But i have a feeling this had to do with Travis and i have another feeling that Lance has no idea he is so needed, and she has no idea he needs her." Brynn said as Joey picked up his keys and they walked throught he parlor. "What she needs is a hug and some sanity." Joey said with a deep breath as Brynn looked up at him as they got into the car.

"Toss me the cinnamon will ya??" Justin asked Brynn without looking up from the bowl where he was mixing ingredients. Brynn grabbed the cinnamon and tossed it over to him just as he looked up. "Thank ya." Justin said with a smile before turning back to his food. Brynn pulled on an apron and walked over to where Justin stood. "Wanna tell me whatchyour makin??" Brynn asked suspiciously, running her hands along the sides of Justin's chest. "It's a surprise." Justin laughed as she tightened his grip, tickling his sides, causing him to squirm. Brynn giggled as Justin turned around with his spoon in one hand and the bag of sugar in the other. He set down his spoon quickly before coming at her with a bright grin on his face. Brynn ran to the other side of the counter and watched Justin's every move carefully. He came at her from one side but she ducked to the other. He suddenly stopped and stood up, his undying smile blaring he had a plan cooking up in that ominous Timberlake mind.

"Uh uh Timberlake. Don't think I'm gonna fall for.... JUSTIN!!!" Brynn screamed as Justin jumped on top of the counter and poured the bag of sugar over her. She laughed as she grabbed his hand and poured the rest of the bag on top of his blond- brown curls. Justin's eyes widened as she dumped the bag on him and he reached from the counter around her waist and pulled her towards him as she laughed.

Justin's muscular arms tightened around her waist as she squirmed to get away but before she knew it he had her right where he intended. Their noses were less than a centimeter apart as they both gradually stopped laughing and Justin's soft words and breath felt above Brynn's lips. "You uh, you got some sugar on your lips." He smiled before he leaned in and his lips and tongue stroked her lips and swiped the sugar from her lips. Brynn laughed as he pulled back, looked into her loving eyes with a grin and tilted her head up once again for another kiss. The doorbell rang just as they pulled away. Justin's eyebrows raised as he heard the ring. Brynn smiled at him as he let his hand drape from the small of her back to her hand and they walked to his front door. Justin pulled it open and laughed when he saw Chris and JC standing in the door.

"Wassup guys??" Justin asked with his slight accent and Chris took a step inside the house. "Heya Shot, Homie G Funk 2. I'll have you two know that THIS man has been BUGGIN and BUGGIN ALL DAY because he doesn't have his lover girl and I'm SICK and TIRED of his petty lil issues." Chris said, trying to keep a straight face as JC walked in behind him laughing. "ACTUALLY, I was simply WONDERING if Faith was over here and Chris said he wanted to come over here anyways cuz you're making your Grandma's peach cobbler." JC corrected. Brynn smiled slowly and squeezed Justin's hand before laughing. "So THAT's what your making!!" Brynn said loudly patting JC's shoulder. "Thanks Jace. This boy thought he had me there." She laughed as JC looked on confused and Justin hit Chris. "Dude not for YOU." He said with a laugh as Chris looked back at JC.

"Pshhhh. WELL ANYWAYS- Chasez thinks he's slick but really he can't live without Faith for one day. Don't know how he made it this far." Chris continued. Brynn glanced over at JC who was looking around the house. "Huh?? JC asked as he walked back over to the three. Justin laughed at his brunette friend and stepped back. "Dude she's with Lance. Chill." He said with a playful grin as JC turned at the sound of the door opening.

The door opened slowly and Faith stepped inside followed by Lance. She smiled brightly at the sight of her friends and in particular JC. Brynn heard JC exhale deeply as he jogged up to her and pulled her up into a tight hug and buried his face in her neck. Faith grinned at his tight embrace and laughed as he held her off the ground. "Jace, my feet aren't on the ground." She whispered into his ear as he chuckled and put her back down. She looked at him sideways before asking him inquisitively, "Hon are you okay??" JC's answer took her by surprise as his lips met hers indignantly and his tongue explored her mouth. The chill of his fingers running down her spine to the small of her back and his hand over her shoulder and up to her cheek caused her to smile and pull back. "Why did you come here??" He asked, suddenly realizing they were at Justin's, not his. "I had a feeling you were here so Lance and I came here instead." She said. "Call it instincts I guess." She laughed as he grabbed her hand.

A single tear hit the floor next to the comfortable arm chair in which Jenna sat in her apartment. "Why does this always happen to me??" Jenna asked quietly as she sniffled and tears continued to roll down her cheeks. She wanted despereately to call her friends and get the moral support she needed because of the run-in with her father this afternoon, but they didn't know about her family problems still involving Travis. She didn't want to do anything that would hurt any of them, and bringing Travis back into all of their lives, she knew, would bring pain back. "Lance would know what to say." She thought to herself miserably. She knew he was what she needed and she could love him, but she didn't know how or if she could show that to him. He was a man of so many mixed signals, she didn't know what to think.

She stood up out of the chair and walked over to an old family portrait she had sitting on the coffee table. "Travis doesn't fit in, yet somehow he's made it that far." She said through a teary voice. Setting the picture back down, she went to her room and got ready for bed. "Yet somehow my family fell for it." She continued as she got into the covers and wiped her eyes once again. The shrill sound of the jangling phone caused her to jump but she decided against answering it. 'If that's my father he can go call someone else cuz I won't talk to him.' She thought, trying to be defiant and she closed her eyes as the ringing stopped and her answring machine picked up and then turned off.

At Justin's house Lance fumbled with his cell phone as he shut it off and stared at it for a moment. "Why isn't she home??" He asked aloud quietly before sticking into his pocket and shaking it off. He tried to turn his mind to Chris' hyperness but he couldn't think of why she wouldn't be home this late since she had worked during the afternoon. 'I hope she's okay.' He thought worriedly as he looked as Faith, who was leaning against JC, and Brynn and Justin who were talking and laughing like best friends. He sighed deeply as he looked away and tried to put a smile on his face. 'She's fine.' He told himself. 'She's fine.’


"Well there’s my girl. How are you this morning Jenna?" Jenna was so lost in thought that she jumped when she heard him speak behind her. He placed an arm on her shoulder to steady her before continuing, "Whoa there. Didn’t mean to scare you." Jenna smiled and patted his hand, "Oh goodness. I’m fine Mr. Harrison. How are you?" He eyed her carefully as he opened the door for her. "I’m doing just fine little lady. Are you ok?" It took everything she had to do it, but somehow she mustered up another smile, "Yeah, just lots on my mind." He shook his head as he opened the door wider, "Ok. You have a good day now. Oh wait..." She turned to face him as she waited for the rest. "There’s a nice young gentleman waiting for you. Said his name was Bass. Lance I think it was."

Jenna stood looking at him for another moment and she smiled so big that Mr. Harrison laughed. "Well well...looks as if my little Jenna has finally found herself a GOOD man." Jenna nodded her head and smiled again. She called back over her shoulder as she walked quickly towards the elevator, "Be good...only one doughnut." He laughed again before turning back to his guard station and plopping down. He slid his coffee to the side and bit into a raspberry filled doughnut. He watched her as she dove through the elevator when the doors opened and smiled, "Jenna said I can have a doughnut and Maggie my love said I can have a doughnut. Guess that means I can have two."

Brynn awoke to a loud bang from inside the apartment. She looked over at the clock and grumbled, "I don’t wanna get’s only 7:00." She sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes and looked around the room for a minute as her eyes focused. She slid the covers off and made her way down the hall to the bathroom. She could hear Faith already awake in the kitchen, obviously the source of all the noise. She quickly brushed her teeth and hair before slowly dragging herself back up the hallway towards the kitchen. As she approached the doorway she could hear Faith grumbling to herself and realized that the noise she was making was not because she was cooking. Brynn took a seat at the table and watched wide eyed as Faith scrubbed the kitchen counter over and over again. "Uhh...Faith?" Brynn called still confused at what could have upset her.

Faith kept scrubbing the counter as she answered her, "Yes." Brynn’s forehead creased as she tried to figure out what was going on. "Are you ok?" she asked as Faith moved from the counter to the table she was sitting at. She watched as Faith scrubbed what must have been imaginary dirt. "No not really," Faith answered as she continued to scrub the table. Brynn placed her hand over the top of Faith’s to stop the sponge she was so rigorously cleaning the table with, "Faith tell me what’s wrong."

At those words Faith flopped down in the chair across from Brynn. "Brynn, I can’t lose him now. We finally told each other how we feel and he told me he loved me. He wouldn’t do this. He said he loves me. Maybe she was just trying to upset me. Maybe she just wants him to be with her. Maybe I’m upset over nothing. I love him Brynn. ME not her. Maybe JC doesn’t even know about this. Maybe it’s all a big lie. Maybe I should call him. No, I should go see him. Maybe I should..." Faith’s rambling only confused Brynn more. "Ok wait..slow down and start from the beginning," Brynn said quietly as she tried to calm her friend. What she heard next shocked her, but even more it infuriated her. How could someone try to come in between her and JC now? After everything the two of them went through to get to this point she was not about to let anyone destroy it. She watched as two streams of tears made their way down Faith’s red cheeks. "Don’t worry Faith. We’ll straighten this out ok? JC loves you."

"You’re going WHERE? To see WHO?" Joey asked loudly as he paced the floor in JC’s bedroom. "I can NOT believe this." JC tied his shoe as he looked up from the bed at his friend. "Joey will you calm down man," he said with a chuckle. Joey’s eyes darted to him and the expression on his face shocked JC. "NO, I will NOT. Do you know what is going to happen if you go there today? You’re gonna fall right back into her little trap. This time you’re gonna take someone down with you though. You seem to have forgotten about only the sweetest girl in the entire world who happens to be head over heels in love with you." JC stood up from the bed and looked at his friend, "I am not going to fall for her little traps Joey, and I could NEVER forget about Faith. We went through way too much to let someone like Stacy destroy it."

Joey shook his head as he looked at his friend, "I hope your right. Just for your information though. I talked to Brynn about 20 minutes ago. Stacy called Faith." JC’s head darted around and his eyes found Joey’s, "Oh no. What did she say? Is Faith ok?" Joey shook his head, "I don’t know exactly what she said, but it wasn’t good man." JC looked at his friend before asking louder, "Is Faith ok?" Joey shook his head and looked down at his feet, "Not really dude. She’s upset." JC took a deep breath before rubbing his forehead with his fingers, "I promised her I would never hurt her. Look at me already."

Joey patted his friends shoulder, "Man, do what you gotta do. Just make sure you tell her Jace. She’s been through way too much. She’s hurting because she loves you." JC shook his head to clear his thoughts before walking towards the door. "I gotta talk to her."

Lance sat nervously waiting in the chair outside Jenna’s office wringing his hands together. ‘Lance what is wrong with you man? It’s just Jenna’ he thought to himself. He heard the elevator ding behind him and his breath caught in his throat. He nearly leaped out of the chair when he heard her call his name. "Lance?" She walked up to him and he fought the lump in his throat. He felt like he was in elementary school again, afraid to talk to the girl with the pretty pink bows across the room. He finally found his voice when she stopped in front of him. "Umm...hi...I...well...I just wanted to stop by and see you. I tried to call last night, but you must’ve still been out." ‘God her smile is beautiful’ he thought to himself as he spoke.

"Well, um...I kinda had some things to do yesterday. I was so tired I turned in early," she stuttered as she silently cursed herself for not picking up the phone. She opened the door to her office and let him in. "Have a seat. You can keep me company for a little while." He smiled brightly as he took a seat across from her desk. She flipped on her computer before turning in her chair to face him. "What are you up to today?" she asked trying to make conversation. "Actually, I have absolutely no plans," he said with a chuckle, "that doesn’t happen to often." She looked at him and smiled again before glancing down at her hands she was unconciously wringing together. "Well, I get off early...would you like to do something with me then?" she asked quietly. He looked at her for a moment before nodding his head, "Jenna, I would love to."

He glanced at the picture frame laying face down on her desk and reached to pick it up. She jerked the frame off the desk and closed it inside the drawer before he could get to it. He jerked his hand back somewhat shocked and met her eyes. They seemed to be clouded over with fear, and that struck him as odd. "Sorry," he whispered as he eyed her carefully. She pushed her hair back out of her face and forced a smile, "Oh no problem. So, what time do you want to go?" He looked at her for another moment before answering, "Umm...4:30 ok with you?" She nodded her head and smiled, "Sure is." He stood up and leaned over the desk to place a soft kiss on her cheek, "See ya then." She gave him a wave as he closed the door and headed towards the elevator. ‘Smooth Lansten...real smooth’ he thought to himself as the doors closed and the elevator started it’s decent to the lobby.

JC’s finger tapped nervously on the phone as he drove through traffic. "I can’t believe they give people like that a license," he said aloud as he changed lanes and turned in the direction of the cafe’ he was supposed to meet Stacy at. He let it ring two more times before the answering machine picked up and he was met with Brynn and Faith’s happy voices. He glanced down at his watch as he waited for the beep. When he heard it he took a deep breath before speaking, "Faith, this is JC. I just wanted to talk to my girl. I’ll give you a call a little later. Love ya Suga." He clicked the phone off as he pulled into a parking space. ‘JC what the hell are you doing’ he asked himself as he slipped out of the jeep and headed towards the entrance of the cafe’ pulling on his hat and glasses.

Brynn ran to the door when she heard that familiar knock. "Hey there hot stuff," Justin said as he scooped Brynn into a hug. "Well, hey there sweet thang," she answered back. "You’re not so bad yourself there," Chris said stepping up from behind Justin with a chuckle, "we tried to call, but nobody answered so I thought I would come wake you up." Brynn stepped back to let them step inside and they all jumped when they heard another loud bang from the back of the condo. "Umm...what the heck was that?" Justin asked as he put an arm around Brynn’s waist. "That would be Faith. She’s cleaned every room of this place. She’s been going since about 6:00 this morning from what I understand. Oh, and we turned the ringer off on the phone." Justin looked down at Brynn and raised an eyebrow, "She ok? She cleans like that when she gets really upset." Brynn shook her head, "Pull up some couch gentleman. It’s story time."

Justin sat next to Brynn while Chris flopped down in the chair. They both listened intently as she talked, only turning their heads when they heard a bang coming from the back. When she had finished Justin sat up and put his head in his hands, "Please tell me that JC didn’t go." Brynn shook her head, "Baby, I wish I could, but he did according to Joey." Justin huffed loudly and stood up from the couch. "Has he lost his damn mind? I mean for crying out loud, that girl used him and treated him like a piece of trash. JC can not be that stupid. He can’t be. If he is...I’m gonna have to kill him." Chris started to say something, but his words were interupted when Faith came storming through the livingroom headed for the kitchen. The only words that came from her were so quiet that they had to strain to hear them, "Hey guys..umm...excuse me."

Justin looked at Brynn and then over at Chris who was also looking at the two of them before turning back to the kitchen. "Oh this is sooo not good," Chris whispered as Faith came back through the livingroom and wiped a tear off her cheek as she headed back to her cleaning. "She’s gonna drive herself crazy at this rate," Brynn whispered standing up next to Justin as he wrapped an arm around her, "not to mention scrub the tile off the counters." Justin gave her a half smile and kissed her forehead before speaking, "Don’t worry baby. I WILL get this straightened out. I’m gonna go try to talk to her ok?" Brynn shook her head and sat back down on the couch as she watched Justin walk down the hall.

She looked at Chris as he tried to make some sense of the situation. "Brynn, didn’t you say that he was supposed to meet Stacy today?" Brynn nodded her head, "Yeah, why?" Chris shook his head, "Did she say where?" Brynn thought for a moment, "Umm...some little cafe’ or something." Chris stood up out of the chair and headed towards the door, "Tell Justin I’ll be back in a little while. I’m sure he won’t mind hanging out." Brynn raised an eyebrow at Chris, "Umm...ok, but where are you going?" Chris looked at her and his serious expression floored her, "To stop JC from making the biggest mistake of his life."

JC entered the diner and pulled his hat down farther on his head. He glanced over into the dimly lit corner and found her exactly where he thought he would. There she sat, sipping a cappucino in the booth that they had always shared. He stood there looking at her for a moment and the only thoughts in his head were of Faith. He couldn’t imagine what had run through her head when she got that phone call this morning, but more than that he couldn’t imagine what devious lies Stacy had told her. He looked at her one more moment before huffing loudly and flopping down in the booth across from her.

"Well, I didn’t think you were gonna show sweetie," she cooed at him. JC glared at her from across the table, "Don’t call me that." She smiled at him and held up her hand, "No need to be harsh. I was just being nice." He ignored her and jumped straight into the conversation, "So, what do I owe the displeasure of this meeting to?" She smiled at him, "Well, to our son of course." JC’s eyes widened and he coughed loudly. When he regained his composure his eyes shot to hers, "EXCUSE ME?" She smiled at him again as she reached into her purse and pulled out a photograph of a little boy and slid it across the table to him. "That’s our son...Gregory."

JC looked at the picture in front of him and at the eyes of the young boy. "He’s not mine," he stated flatly. Stacy’s eyes darted to his, "Excuse me?" JC slid the picture across the table to her, " Did you get it that time?" Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, "Yes he is JC." JC shook his head and slammed his fist on the table, "No he isn’t. We never slept together Stacy or did you forget that?" Stacy’s eyes flew around the room to see if anyone was looking at them. "Y.y..yes we did. was after that awards show. Don’t your remember?" JC laughed lightly as he leaned against the back of the padded bench, "No, we did not. The only awards show you ever went to with me was the Blockbuster’s and if I remember correctly you spent that night on an airplane headed back to Florida...besides he’s a little too big to be...hmm...two." Stacy eyed him furiously as she took in his words.

"What do you want Stacy? I know there was a point to this," he said coldly. Stacy grabbed the picture off the table and stuck it back in her purse. "JC, I have three doctors that are willing to say that he is your son in court. Now who is a judge gonna believe...doctors or a popstar with the ability to bang any groupie he wants? Is that where you picked Faith up?" JC clenched his teeth, "Stacy, you keep her out of this. What the hell do you want from me?" Stacy smiled sweetly at him, "Well well well...hmm...what do I want? It’s quite simple JC. I want you to dump Faith and date me. Just for a month or two. I mean how can anyone resist you JC? All you have to do is introduce me as your girlfriend and suddenly I’ll be known all over. I need that exposure to get my modeling career going, and I know that you can help me out. No, I know you WILL help me out."

JC laughed so hard that the waitress turned around to look at the two sitting in the booth. When he finished he looked at Stacy with such a cold stare that she shivered, "Go to hell Stacy." She smiled innocently at him, "JC, one way or the other you’re going to lose her. I’ll make sure of that myself. She’s fragile you know...especially after that whole deal with Travis Parker." JC’s fiery eyes burned into her as she spoke, "Why are you doing this?" She laughed lightly as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger, "Oh Jace, I told you. You can get me places. If you don’t do this then this little boy is gonna be very widely known, by Faith and every young girl in America. Can’t be very good for your career or your love life now can it? Whatever will you choose?"

JC huffed loudly as he fought the urge to blow up at her. He pointed his finger forcefully in her face, "You WILL NOT get away with this." Stacy smiled back at him before leaning over to kiss the tip of his finger, "Oh honey, I already have. I have the best attorney in the world to back me up too. Ever heard of James Parker?" JC glared at her as he wiped his finger on his pants leg trying to wipe away the dirty feeling her lips gave him. "That’s right, Travis’ dear old dad," she whispered to him. JC was about to fire back at her when he felt two hands grip his arm and jerk him from the booth. "You are an asshole, you know that?" Chris mumbled as he pulled JC out the door of the cafe’.

JC met Chris’ fiery gaze with his own as he tried to figure out what was going on. Chris gave him no time to speak before he fired on JC. "Do you have any idea what this little so called ‘meeting’ of yours has done? Faith is about to go insane trying to figure out what is going on with you. She’s scrubbed that condo from top to bottom and you know what that means. I watched her today Jace...I watched her cry...I watched her heart breaking all over again. She’s scared. She’s confused. She needs you. She needs the JC that promised never to hurt her. She needs the JC that was there for her when all that crap went down with Travis. Most of all she needs the JC that she loves and that loves her. Where the hell is he cuz I could sure use some help from him right now?"

JC’s eyes fell as he looked down at his feet before looking up at Chris. His voice was so soft that Chris had to make him repeat himself. JC swallowed hard as he fought with the decision that was before him now. "Chris, I’m gonna lose her." Chris looked at his friend and his forehead creased, "Excuse me?" JC shook his head as he turned away from his friend and headed towards his jeep, "She’s going to hate me. I’m gonna lose her."

Lance pulled into the parking lot of Jenna’s apartment building at exactly 4:30. He was ready an hour before, but he didn’t want to seem to eager to get there. It was a little secret Joey had taught him. He knocked on the door of her apartment and it was then that he heard the yelling coming from inside. He was afraid that she was being hurt or something so he just opened the door and ran inside. When he saw her his heart stopped, there she stood with angry tears streaming down her face as she yelled into the phone. She glanced up at him and he could see the embarassment that washed over her face. She slammed the phone down onto the cradle before standing up and wiping her cheeks free of tears. "Umm...hi Lance."

He looked at her for a few more moments before answering her, "Oh..uhh...hi...Jenna. Are you ok?" She looked at him for another second before running to him. She didn’t know what made her do it, but she just knew that she had to be in his arms. He held her tightly to his chest gently stroking her hair as she cried into his neck. "Jenna, what happened honey?" She choked back her tears and looked up at his beautiful mesmerizing eyes before laying her head back on his shoulder. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him about her family. What would he think? "’s ok. We don’t have to talk about it," he whispered into her hair as he held her, "It’s ok. I’m here now." ‘You don’t know how right you are’ she thought to herself as he held her tightly, comforting her the way only he could.

Chapters 6-10
The Missing Link