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"I don't know J, but he looked more torn than I've EVER seen him and you know that's not an understatement." Chris talked quietly to Justin as Justin watched Chris' usually hyper face with it's newly embedded concerned expression. "What exactly did he say Chris??" Justin asked as Chris tried to remember JC's exact words. "'She's going to hate me. I'm gonna lose her.'" Chris repeated as Justin looked at him one more time before standing up.

Within ten minutes Justin was walking through JC's front door without a knock. "JC!!!" He yelled into the open house as JC came in from the back yard where he was sitting with his head in his hands. "J I'm right here." JC said sulkily as he wearily walked into house. Justin's eyeborws creased with concern when he saw JC's state of being. "Jace what's going on??" Justin asked as JC plopped down onto the chair where he had sat with Faith watching a movie only nights before. "Justin I don't know what to do. She's as good as gone from this moment on." He said, staring into space as Justin watched him run his hand through his dark hair and look over at him. Justin took a deep breath as he sat on the couch and looked at his older friend. "Start at the beginning JC, and don't leave ANYTHING out." He directed as JC inhaled and began the story of his afternoon with Stacy and "Gregory". By the time he finished, his eyes were brimming with tears and he was forced to close them to stop the tears from falling. He didn't know what to do, but Stacy was right. Really, he had no choice. He was gonna lose her either way, and that fact was piecring his heart and mind.

"Bounce you can't breathe a word of this or it's probably goodbye to all of our careers if she brings Travis' father into the picture." He said airily as Justin stared on in stony silence. Justin nodded slowly as he watched a single tear fall from JC's eyes and roll off of his chin. "She's gone." He whispered.

"Brynn!!" Lance yelled softly as Brynn turned around to face him and jogged over to where he was standing in the doorway with a swollen-eyed Jenna. Brynn glanced at Jenna with concern before she felt Lance's hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him. "What's going on??? Justin called my cell and told me Faith's really upset." He asked with immediate concern as Brynn sighed and looked back over at Faith who was lying on the couch, her eyes closed, obviously asleep or if not, pretending she was asleep. Brynn bit her lip before turning back to Lance and Jenna and took a deep breath before starting.

"Stacy's back." She began as Lance's eyes widened then narrowed as he remembered the pain that girl had caused JC. "She called JC and something in him made him go to see her. She called Faith this morning too, and well, I dont know what to make of that but...... I don't know Lance. I'm so confused, you can only imagine how confused and hurting Faith is. She's basically cleaned holes through the tile and the wall of our entire apartment. JC hasn't called and Justin just called me from JC’s. To tell you the truth Lance, I've never heard Justin that confused. Something's going on." She said, never breaking Lance's intense, confused, and concerned gaze. Brynn shifted her eyes over to Faith once more before turning back. "She won't listen to me Lance. She won't tell anyone what Stacy said to her either. I don't know what to do." She continued with a deep breath.

Lance looked over at Jenna, who was clinging to his arm. Brynn looked to Jenna with questioning eyes but couldn't bear to ask what was wrong. So much had obviously happened that day and she was actually afraid to know what else was going on. Lance walked over to Faith and sat down on the couch and stroked her cheek. "Smuff??" He asked lightly but she didn't budge. Instead, a single tear rolled down her cheek. As she kept her eyes closed but reached up to wipe away the tear, the door to the apartment opened up slowly and Brynn turned to find Justin standing in the doorway. Justin exhaled as he saw Brynn and he quickly walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. Her eyebrow's creased at Justin's tight embrace. "Justin are you okay??" She asked into his ear as he held her tightly and she clung to his shoulders. He closed his eyes at the comforted feeling that overwhelmed him to be in her arms. Letting her go slowly, she held onto his arms and looked him deep in the eye. He smiled at the obviously worried gaze that he was trapped in. "Now I am." He said as she relaxed and intertwined her fingers with his.

Lance turned as he heard another set of footsteps enter the room and Faith sat up and wiped two tears from her eyes as she saw the familiar, slim figure enter. Faith jumped up from the couch and ran over to where JC stood, looking neutral with the whole situation. JC opened his arms as Faith clung to him and reluctantly wrapped them around her waist, not wanting to feel the same loving feeling from her, because now he knew he did not deserve that feeling. Faith pulled away and looked JC in the eye, so relieved to have him back with her. She was met with an upset glare, one she had never seen come from JC. She stepped back away from him, never leaving his eyes. He dropped her hands and looked away. Faith's brows creased as she raised her hand and touched his cheek to turn him back towards her. To look at her pained him so bad and he knew he wouldn't be able to bare it if she asked what was wrong so he took this chance to get what he had to do over with.

Taking a deep breath, JC struggled to keep tears from running down his cheeks. "Faith I can't see you anymore." He said quietly but quickly, not looking into her eyes. Faith froze at the sound of his insincere words and immediately more tears sprang to her eyes. Lance grabbed at Faith to steady her as JC looked back at her with a tear running down his cheek before running out of the door.

Brynn, who was awed by the whole thing, burst out of Justin's hold and chased after Joey, who had taken off after JC. "JACE!" Joey yelled as he grabbed JC's arm and whipped him around. "What are you doing man?!" Joey yelled as Brynn pulled on Joey and Joey let go of JC. "You're throwing your life away THAT'S what your doing!!" Joey yelled as JC stared on before turning and jumping into his car and speeding away.

Tears sprang to Brynn's eyes as she felt Justin's arms slide around her waist and she turned to bury her face in his chest. Joey's steamed face turned to face them and he looked at Justin who appeared calm. "What's this about J?? You're gonna let him hurt her like that??" He asked loudly as Justin put a hand on his chest. "Joey, you don't know what's going on okay. And I can't tell you but cut him some slack aight?? He's got more problems than you know." He said with a deep breath as he kissed Brynn's head. Brynn looked up at Justin with red eyes. "Why is he doing this??" She asked as they walked back into the apartment to find Faith, bawling in Lance and Chris' arms. Justin sighed deeply as they walked over to Faith and Justin felt his own tears begin to surface. Brynn quickly wiped any tears that had formed away. She knew that Faith needed people to be strong for her, and even though she didn't know what was going on, something was definately wrong.

JC fought the tears that were streaming down his face as he drove down the interstate. He didn’t know where he was going, but he had to get away from there. No matter how far he drove though he couldn’t get her out of his head. The way her eyes flooded with the tears, the confusion, the pain. She was hurting now and he had caused it. He broke every promise he had ever made to her in a matter of seconds, and he hated himself for it. All he was really trying to do was protect her from Stacy, but in order to do that he had to hurt her too.

As he wiped his tears he glanced up at the sign above him. ‘Jesus JC, you’re almost to Miami’ he thought to himself as he pulled into a rest stop. He pulled into a parking spot and parked the jeep as fresh warm tears made streams down his face. He loved her more than life itself, but there was just no way out of this one. He felt like such a coward for not explaining things to her, but he knew he couldn’t. One look at the pain that radiated through the love he saw in her eyes shattered him. In that instant when she had held him so tightly to her, he had almost changed his mind, but he knew he had to do it. He laid his head on the steering wheel and took a deep breath. He looked up at the star filled sky as he choked back his tears, "God, please protect her for me. Please. I need your help." He watched as a shooting star shot across the sky and he prayed that meant there was still hope. He started the jeep once again and headed back for home. Back to the pain, back to the lonely nights, and back to his life...without his one true love.

Brynn and Justin sat on the couch talking quietly to Chris, Joey, Lance, and Jenna. This night had been horrible for everyone concerned and Lance had finally gotten Faith to go try to rest. Six heads darted towards the back of the condo when they heard a loud thud come from the direction of Faith’s room. Lance was the first one to dive off the couch with Brynn hot on his heels as the rest followed. They tore down the hallway and jerked the door to Faith’s room open. The sight they saw in front of them was heartbreaking to say the least.

Faith lay curled up in a ball on the floor sobbing while a photo album lay upside down next to the wall. Lance immediately went to Faith, but she pushed him away as she made her way out the door past the group. Brynn tried to grab for her hand, but it was too late. She was down the hall, keys in hand, before anyone could get to her. As Chris ran to try to stop her Jenna made her way over to the photo album on the floor. She picked it up and began to flip through it as a single tear slid down her already red cheeks. The album was full of pictures of Faith and JC. Pictures from years before to pictures that were taken just days before they had been placed in this album. She closed the cover and ran her fingers over it as she noticed that it had all been done by Faith. The time and love that she put into it was nothing short of amazing to her. She noticed the box and tissue paper that lay littering the floor. "This must have been JC’s birthday present," Jenna whispered as she handed the album to Lance.

Chris ran back into the room out of breath as he looked at his friends. "She’s gone guys. I tried to stop her, but when that girl makes up her mind she’s gonna do something...I mean...sheesh," Chris choked out through his ragged breaths. Lance immediately ran for the door not noticing that everyone followed him. He jerked his keys off the table and turned to walk to his car when he noticed everyone filing out of the condo. "Someone needs to stay here in case she comes back. She doesn’t need to be alone no matter what she thinks," he said taking charge of the situation. Joey nodded his head and stopped at the door, "It’s ok. I’ll stay."

As everyone piled into Lance’s Forerunner Jenna’s soft voice broke the silence, "Where should we look?" Lance looked at her before turning to look at Brynn, "Only one place she would go." Brynn nodded her head in agreeance to Lance’s thoughts as she whispered, "JC’s."

Faith turned up the radio as she fought to clear her head. She didn’t know why she was doing this, but she needed an explanation. She felt that she deserved that. She had no doubt that Lance and Brynn were following her so she knew she had very little time. As she turned on to JC’s street she took a deep breath as more tears found their way down her cheeks. She couldn’t stop them, as hard as she tried, she just couldn’t stop them. She noticed a car parked in his driveway when she pulled in, but she didn’t recognize it. She took a closer look and when she saw the car’s license plate her heart nearly exploded out of her chest. There was only one person that had a plate that said PRNCESS and as the shocking realization hit her Faith felt nautious. "Stacy," she whispered as she put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway as fast as she could and headed home.

When she got back to the condo she didn’t know how she was going to face all her friends. In every single one of them there was a little bit of JC. Everytime she looked anywhere all she saw was him. It once was something that warmed her heart, but tonight it only overwhelmed her with a sad empty feeling. She felt raw inside like he had ripped her heart from her chest. As she locked her door and headed up the stairs she made up her mind that she would deal with this on her own. There were too many ties with JC for all of her friends and she refused to make this more uncomfortable for them. She started to open the door, but before she could grab the knob two strong arms reached out from behind it and scooped her into a tight hug. Only one person gave hugs like that. As she stood there in Joey’s arms she thanked God for friends like the ones she had.

He led her inside and sat down next to her on the couch, pulling her down to lay her head in his lap. She could feel his fingers as they ran through her hair and she gave a weak smile. She knew he didn’t know what to say, but right now the silence was eating her alive. It gave her too much time to think about JC. His words played over and over in her head before the mind numbing throbbing in her heart took their place. "Joey," Faith called weakly. "Yeah sweetie," he answered as he leaned over to look at her teary face. "Will you sing to me please," she asked as she wiped a few more tears off her cheek. He smiled down at her and kissed her wet cheek before his words filled her ears. As she listened to his soft voice she closed her eyes as she fought to stop the pain that was engulfing her. She focused on the words of his song as she drifted off for a night of restless sleep.

Joey watched her closely and noticed that her breathing had deepened. She was asleep. He scooted down on the couch just slightly so that he could hold her closer, trying to comfort her somehow. He heard the door open and shut behind him and glanced up as Brynn came in followed by a very concerned Lance, Justin, Chris, and Jenna. The second Lance saw Faith curled up in Joey’s arms he instantly relaxed and took a deep breath. Jenna rubbed his back comfortingly as he closed his eyes and calmed himself. Chris walked over to the couch and looked down at Faith. Tears still ran from her eyes as she cried unconciously, her hand was tightly gripped around Joey’s almost as if she was scared that he would leave her, and although she was sleeping he could tell that her dreams were haunted with the pain and heartbreak coursing through her. He leaned down and kissed her wet cheek softly before turning back towards the door.

"Chris, would you mind giving Jenna a ride home?" Lance called to Chris as he stepped towards the door. Chris nodded his head as he offered his arm to Jenna. "I’m sorry about our night, but I really don’t want to leave her," Lance said apologetically. Jenna nodded her head and kissed his cheek softly before whispering, "You better not leave her. Call me if there’s anything I can do. I’ll come by tomorrow after work to see her." Lance nodded his head and gave her a quick smile as he watched her walk arm and arm out the door with Chris. He looked over at Brynn who was clinging to Justin as he tried to comfort her. He knew seeing Faith like this was bothering her because it was killing him. He just wished that he knew how to help. He watched as Faith snuggled closer to Joey and he turned himself to lay beside her on the couch. Lance made his way over to the other couch and stretched out just watching her sleep. "God, Why this? Why now?" he asked as he closed his eyes.


It had been two days since that horrible night that Faith’s heart was broken, but there was still no one that was able to get her to talk. Everyone had tried everything they could think of, but the more they tried the more she locked down. Brynn sat wrapping JC’s birthday present at the kitchen table as she watched Faith stare out the kitchen window. The Faith she had always known, so alive, so happy, so bubbly, was gone now. In her place was a withdrawn, sad, lonely person. She couldn’t eat, she couldn’t sleep, and she didn’t even laugh anymore. As Brynn placed the bow on top of the present Faith dumped the remainder of her coffee into the sink and rinsed the cup out before heading back towards her room.

"Faith," Brynn called causing Faith to stop and look at her. "Yeah," she said voice barely above a whisper. Brynn eyed her friend for another moment before shaking her head, "Nevermind." Faith tried her best to smile, but all she could muster up was a tiny twinge in the corner of her mouth before turning to walk out of the kitchen. Brynn watched her as she walked out and sighed loudly, "I want my Faith back."

JC groaned as the doorbell rang. He knew that it was people coming to wish him a happy birthday, but right now all he wanted to do was crawl in bed and hide. He missed Faith so bad he ached, but no matter how much he longed to go to her he couldn’t. It would only hurt her more. As he ran his hand over his hair and walked towards the door he picked up his bag off the table to shove it out of sight. When he did a piece of paper fell out of the pocket and he scooped it up before answering the door.

He was met with about thirty smiling faces, balloons, cake, presents, and the whole works. He forced a smile as he stepped back out of the way to allow them to enter. "SURPRISE," his mom said as she kissed his scruffy cheek. "Mom, you’re here," he said as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. She looked at him carefully and raised an eyebrow, "Josh, I think we need to talk." He nodded his head as she took one more look at him before moving towards the kitchen. The party began and JC sighed audibly as he closed the door and once again glanced down to the piece of paper in his hand. He started walking towards his friends, but when he saw the handwriting on the paper his heart skipped a beat and he stopped in his tracks. He read the words over and over to himself as tears slipped down his scruffy cheeks. Brynn made her way to him first as she placed a comforting hand on his back, "Jace, what’s..." Her words were cut off when he handed her the note as he walked past her to his room and slammed the door behind him.

Brynn looked at the now closed door before looking down at the note in his hand. Justin walked to her and wrapped an arm around her waist as she read the note, "Well well, I see you found my little note. I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time ‘sleeping’ with you last night. Let’s do it again soon. All my love, Faith." Brynn glanced up at Justin before looking around the room at the many confused faces. "I’ll go talk to him," Justin whispered, "you entertain." Justin made his way down the hall to JC’s room as Brynn tried to stall. She looked to Joey for help and smiled when he followed her lead. After a few moments everyone was chatting and enjoying themselves once again, but Brynn kept a close eye on the door that lead to JC’s room as she talked to Mrs. Harless and Mrs. Chasez.

Faith sat on the edge of her bed looking at the box on the floor. She had put so much time into his gift, but more than that she put her heart into it. She didn’t think he would want it anymore, but after everything she had gone through to make it she couldn’t just let it go to waste. As she tied her shoe she tried to convince herself that if she went there she could just smile and pretend nothing happened. Deep inside she knew better than that, but she had to at least tell him happy birthday. No matter how much she was hurting, she loved him and she wanted him to be happy. If it meant being with Stacy then she had to let him go. She picked the box up off the floor and looked down at the blue metallic wrapping paper as she took a deep breath and headed towards the door. ‘You can do this’ she thought to herself as she locked the door behind her and made the longest drive of her life, to JC’s house.

Brynn looked around the room and found JC as he sat trying to carry on a conversation with Dale and Tony. It had taken over an hour for Justin to get him out of his room, but he was trying his best to make it seem as if nothing was wrong. Brynn looked around the room once again as the doorbell rang, ‘I thought everyone was here already’ she said to herself before walking towards it. When she saw Faith standing there present in hand she nearly fell over. She stepped back to allow Faith to walk in the door before wrapping her in a hug. When she heard her words she nearly cried herself, "Brynn, please don’t leave me ok?" Brynn nodded her head against Faith’s shoulder, "Don’t worry. I’m right here." She pulled back and watched as Faith’s eyes roamed the room and fell on JC. Although it was clouded with heartbreak and sadness, there was still that same love in her eyes when she saw him. Brynn placed her hand on Faith’s back as she walked her towards Lance.

JC’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw her. At first he thought he had imagined it, but there she was standing in front of Lance. JC excused himself from Dale and Tony and made his way towards her. The sight of her brought a sense of warmth and comfort, but at the same time a stabbing heartache. Lance stepped back and Faith followed his gaze over her shoulder to JC. Her breath caught in her throat when she briefly locked eyes with him. She redirected her gaze at anything but his eyes. Her heart couldn’t take that. She twirled the ribbon on the present around her finger as he stepped in front of her. "Umm...hi," she whispered, "I hope you don’t mind me being here. I...I..uhh..." She had to stop because she could feel the tears stinging the back of her eyes. So, instead she just handed him the present and looked down at her hands, fighting to suppress the tears and find her voice. When she finally did she spoke so softly that he could barely hear her, " don’t know if you would want it now. I’s..I just...I had to give it to you anyways."

JC’s eyes roamed over the perfectly wrapped present and over her face that was now contorted with pain. He knew she was fighting back tears and he was too. He longed to just reach out and hold her, but he couldn’t. He had to stand there, watching her hurt and knowing he had caused it. If only she understood...if only there was some way to explain it to her. He watched as her eyes lifted to his once again before darting away. "Thank you," he whispered before leaning in to hug her. She knew she couldn’t bare that so instead she backed away, just like she had from everyone else that had tried to hold her and comfort her. Not even Lance could get close enough to touch her. He jerked back and watched as she turned to walk away. His heart shattered once again, but he didn’t blame her in the least. He was right, she was gone and before it was said and done the light of love in her eyes would be gone too.

He walked back towards his bedroom and closed the door behind him before sitting down on the bed. He looked at the present in his hand and finally let the tears that had been threatening pour down his cheeks. As he slowly unwrapped the present he fought to push away the image of her standing there in front of him. He could tell that she had shut down totally, and he hated himself for causing that. He pulled off the last bit of paper and looked at the box in his lap. He took a deep breath as he slowly pulled the top off. He pushed back the tissue paper that covered the present and his hands froze over it.

His eyes roamed over every inch of the photo album. It was obvioulsy something that she had worked very hard on for him...all in the name of love. As he opened the cover to look at the first page his heartache overwhelmed him. He flipped through page after page of pictures of the two of them as the tears flooded down his cheeks. It was almost like a timeline of their lives together, from the day they met until just a week before. He flipped another page and his breath caught in his throat. There was the picture of their first kiss on the beach, the night he told her he loved her and she had returned the same heartfelt words of love to him, the night his world was finally complete, the night he was finally truly happy. He rubbed his hand over the picture taking in every feature of her face, from the way her lips fit against his to the way the moonlight played on her soft skin. As he looked down he noticed a few words perfectly written beneath it, "Until the day the ocean doesn’t touch the sand..."

He flipped over to the last page and his sobs overtook him when he noticed it was blank except for the names written on the bottom. He rubbed his finger over it as he said the words aloud to himself, "Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Chasez." He closed the album and held it to his chest as he laid down on the bed and cried.

Faith had finally said all her goodbyes and was now heading towards the door. Coming may have been a mistake, but it was something that she felt she needed to do. She heard Lance calling her name as she made it to the door, but she ignored him and opened it to step outside anyways. She had almost made it to her car when she saw that all too familiar Lexus with the PRNCESS plate pull up. She stopped dead in her tracks as Stacy stepped out and smoothed out her sundress before making her way towards the house. When she noticed Faith standing there she put on her best smile. "Hey there girl. Long time no see," she called as she waved to Faith. Faith clenched her teeth as two angry tears made their way down her cheeks.

She felt a hand on her back and she moved away from it as Lance stepped behind her.

She knew that if she let someone hold her then she would breakdown, and she couldn’t do that to them. It wasn’t fair to put them against JC. It wasn’t fair to put JC in that situation either. Even through her immense heartbreak she still worried about him and the effect this was having on him. Seeing Stacy there shattered any hope she had that it was all a big mistake and that JC would come back to her. She looked at Lance as his concerned eyes met hers and she turned towards her car. "I’ll talk to you later," she mumbled as she shut the door and pulled away before Lance could say a word.

The morning light shined brightly through the curtains as JC’s eyes scrunched from the brightness. He sat up on the bed and noticed that he was still clutching the photo album. He opened the drawer of the nightstand next to his bed and slid it inside. He rubbed his puffy eyes and ran a hand through his hair before making his way towards the bathroom. He could hear the shower running inside and turned to head towards the kitchen. "Must be Tyler," he said to himself as he walked towards the coffee pot. To his surprise it was already made along with breakfast. He was in no mood for eating, but his curiousity was getting the best of him. "I know Tyler didn’t do this," he whispered as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He headed over towards the table to have a seat and saw a tiny slip of paper underneath a single rose. He picked up the piece of paper and began reading just as someone slipped up behind him and ran their hands over his bare stomach.

JC jumped and turned around to stand face to face with Stacy. "Good morning honey," she whispered before kissing his lips quickly. JC jerked away from her pulling her arms from around him. "What the hell are YOU doing here?" he asked as his anger began to boil. Stacy smiled sweetly at him before turning towards the stove. "Sit down babe. Time to eat," she cooed. JC was losing his patience quickly and Stacy knew it. He looked her over and noticed that she was wearing one of Faith’s shirts. "What the hell are YOU doing here and why the hell are YOU wearing that?" he said as he pointed to her. She smiled brightly at him and looked down at the shirt she was wearing. "Didn’t think you would mind if I borrowed it." JC’s eyes flashed with anger as he walked to the door and opened it, "GET OUT!!" Stacy smiled sweetly at him and shook her head, "Nope, we’re dating now remember?"

JC flew towards her as he fought to control his temper. "Stacy, damn it...just GET OUT!!" She smiled at him again before turning to grab her purse next to the door. "Ok honey, but remember that I’ll be ready at 8:00 for our little date. Just a little party sponsored by Cover Girl. It’ll do wonders for my career. The quicker I get started the sooner I leave you alone. Don’t forget that. Oh, and who knows...Faith might just scamper back to you. Ya never..." Her words were cut off as JC slammed the door in her face. He could hear her laugh as she walked away, and his anger boiled inside him. He had to do something. He had to talk to someone. There had to be some way to get out of this. Maybe he needed a lawyer of his own, and who would have better attorneys then a world famous pop group? He ran towards his room to get dressed as he thought. Maybe there’s a way out of this after all.


JC spent his entire afternoon with lawyers from all over, explaining his situation. A few had been recommended to him and he knew he couldn't let the group lawyers know what was going on yet, just in case they didn't believe him. He was rejected by many who even didn't believe him, and was torn down by the reality that it was gonna take more than a lawyer to do what he needed to do. But right now, his best bet was to get things legally straightened out. He had hurt Faith like he had always promised he wouldn't, and now, he knew, it was gonna take a long time to get her back.

After much asking around and visiting, JC entered into the last lawyer office in Orlando. "Can I help you??" The brunette receptionist asked before looking up and recognizing the pop star. "Um, yes I'd like to talk with Larry Wayne." He said, looking at the name of the lawyer he had written down on a napkin in his hands. "Ummm..... Oh my god..... Okay you're JC Chasez. OMG!!" She squeeled as JC breathed deeply inside. 'I can't believe I forgot my hat.' He muttered to himself as she stood up and grabbed for his hand, handing him a paper. "Umm okay. You need to write your case on this paper and some personal information and then I'll file your case and Mr. Wayne will give you a call as soon as possible." She said trying to maintain her sanity. JC half-smiled and took the papers. "Thanks." He muttered as he took a seat and explained his situation on the paper for the fifth time that afternoon. Handing the paper back to the receptionist, JC walked out of the building quickly before she could ask questions. Watching the handsome figure walk out, the receptionist read over JC's papers. She quickly picked up the phone and dialed the local news station. "Um yes I have quite a story about a member of NSYNC that I believe will get you a LOT of publicity." She said, her evil eyes never leaving the paper in front of her that would bring her thousands.

"HONEY!! You forgot to pick me up!!" Stacy yelled, running up behind JC that night at the Cover Girl party. Though he did not want to be there at all, he had been the one chosen from the group to go to the party, and Faith was supposed to be there with him. He had purposely "forgotten" to pick Stacy up and when he heard her mousy voice he cringed. Stacy came waltzing up in a pink, glittery gown and immediately wrapped JC's arm over her shoulder. JC pulled his arm away and cameras immediately began flashing. Not wanting to cause a scene, JC quietly and harshly talked to Stacy. "Stacy we are NOT here together." JC said as he tried to walk away. Stacy turned to smile and wave at a camera or two as she put her arm around JC's. "Oh yes we are sweetie. Have you forgotten??" She asked sweetly as she leaned up and pecked his cheek with her cold lips.

JC pulled away quickly and groaned deeply before walking hastily and quickly away from the scene. "JC, who is this new girl. Is she your new girlfriend??" "Mr. Chasez, where is Faith this evening??" "Have the two of you broken up??" "We saw that display of affection back there JC. Care to comment??" Cameras flashed at JC's angered face and questions flew out of nowhere as Stacy watched on with a wicked smile. 'You're mine.' She thought as she rubbed her hands together and turned to talk with reporters.

"You can't tell me you think what he's doing is right?!" Brynn said as she sat across the table from Justin. "Can't he see how much he's hurting her?? And this is JC." Brynn said as she looked into Justin's deep blue eyes. Justin sighed as he looked back at Brynn, the concerned look on her face so ominous. "He has a reason." Was all Jusitn could think to say. Brynn was so worried about her best friend but Justin's promise meant a lot to him, and he couldn't tell anyone about what had happened to JC. And if JC kept up with acting the way he was, Justin knew Brynn would know soon. It was killing him to let Brynn keep worrying like she was, and as torn as he was, he needed to keep his promise. "What??" Brynn asked sounding unbelieving. Justin looked deep into her eyes as he reached across the table and took her hand. "Please trust me Brynn." He said as she looked back into his eyes as she bit her lip. "You know I trust you Justin. I'm just worried." She said as she squeezed his hand. Brynn stood up and walked to the other side of the table and sat down on Justin's lap. Leaning her head on his chest, he wrapped his strong arms around her and held her there.

Two ominous days passed and no one could get Faith any farther than the grocery store, and even that was an improvement. Chris' antics, Joey's 'sexy' jokes, Brynn and Lance's best friend hugs, Justin's strong and comforting embrace, Jenna's delicate words; nothing could replace those never-ending words of JC's that ran over and over in Faith's head. "Faith, I can't see you anymore."

Everytime she thought of the look in his face, the no-longer bright blue eyes she was met with at that moment, it was if she would break down. Faith needed JC to be there for her, she never thought he would hurt her like this, but beneath all the self-pity and anger within her, Faith was sick to the stomach with the familiar feeling of not having him. 'He needs ME.' She thought to herself as a tear ran down her cheek and she looked off over the balcony. She had been awake most of the night and she thought maybe watching the sun rise would settle some feelings. So far, it hadn't.

The soft thud of the day's newspaper hitting the front porch startled Faith and pulled her from her thoughts. She walked inside the house and carefully pulled open the front door in effort not to wake up Brynn. She walked outside quickly and picked up the newspaper to bring it into the condo. She sat down on the couch with a sigh and opened up the newspaper. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the huge picture plastered across the front page and the bold headlines that her eyes hesitantly scanned.

"POP TEEN SENSATION JC CHASEZ, KID AND DAD." The bold headlines brought immediate tears to her eyes as she looked down at the recent picture of JC and Stacy at the Cover Girl party only nights before. JC didn't look too happy but Stacy sure did, her face plastered with a smile, her hand waving, and her other arm enveloped in JC's. Faith took a deep breath as thoughts raced through her head and she forced herself to read on.

"Orlando's own *NSYNC- the newest pop sensation to hit the charts and though their lives seem to be everywhere but in their own homes, it looks as if one of the group members has kept one thing, or person, under wraps until now. 24 year old JC Chasez, the dark handsome figure of the group seems to be the sophisticate; the down-to-earth, controlled man of the pop hit. However, at a recent Cover Girl party, the young adult appeared to have forgotten to pick up his newest game, who told us her name was Stacy. The couple was heard using nicknames for one another and discussing their apparent son, Gregory. Mr. James Parker and a colleague who was said to be the father of a good friend of Faith Smith, Chasez’s girlfriend. Both men are lawyers, and confirmed that indeed Gregory was Chasez's son, contrary to JC's arguments that were heard over music. Who knew a role model like that would end up with a son at his young age?? Not us, not the world, and especially not his 'girlfriend' Faith, who Stacy claims was 'just a test to see if he really loves me'. Now who's being played?? The five marionettes of NSYNC or their "loved ones"?? Looks like there are FAR from 'No Strings Attached' for this soap opera."

Faith struggled to breath as the tears formed in her eyes and fell down her cheeks in a steady flow. "JC what have you done??" She asked out loud as she took in what the article read. She knew better than to believe such hub-bub, but the picture seemed to show it all, and her experiences were too much to piece together. "That's not him, he wouldn't do that." She continued aloud as she finally threw the newspaper on the coffee table and raced into her room. "I can't take this anymore." She cried as tears continued to roll down her cheeks and fall onto the floor. Throwing clothes into her duffle and zipping it closed, Faith thought about leaving Brynn a note. 'I can't. Then they'll all come after me, and I need some time to figure this out.' She thought as she wiped away a tear, looked at Brynn, and walked out the front door. Tossing her bag into her car, she climbed inside and drove away from her condo, and right on past JC's house. She turned on music loudly to drone out the silence of the drive. The airport was at least a half hour drive.

The phone's shrill ringing awoke Brynn at about 9:30 the same morning. Brynn sat up and climbed out of bed as she yawned and picked up the phone. "Hello??" She answered. Justin's urgent voice startled her. "Brynn look at the newspaper." He said as she ran into the living room and found the paper thrown out across the coffee table. She quickly picked it up and read it as her own breath caught. "Justin what's going on??" She asked into the phone. "Is it Jenna's dad??" She continued as Justin replied. "I'm on my way over right now. Get ahold of the guys as soon as you can, see what you can do about Jenna also. I'm gonna stop at JC's." he said as she agreed and they hurriedly hung up.

It was then that Brynn realized Faith wasn't in the room. "Faith?!" She called into the house, getting increasingly worried as she couldn't find her. She ran into Faith's room and saw a couple of pieces of clothing spread out across the bed and her purple duffel bag gone. "Oh no." Brynn muttered as she ran back to the phone and called the guys and Jenna.

"Where'd she go???" Chris asked as everyone sat around in Brynn and Faith's apartment. "I don't know. There's no note but I know she saw the newspaper." Brynn said in reply as she sat next to Jenna who seemed close to tears.

The door opened quickly as Justin and JC raced inside. Brynn ran up to them and gave each a hug. "We don't know where she is." Brynn explained as she went through the story once again and JC's face fell. "I NEED to talk to her." JC quickly said as Jenna came up behind Justin. "Ummm... There... There's something you all need to know." Jenna stuttered as everyone turned to look at her with confusion. "What is it Jenna??" Joey asked as Lance wrapped an arm around her and she leaned against him. "This might take awhile." She said as everyone took a seat and she began.

Faith pushed her bag into the overhead compartment and slid into her seat. She couldn’t believe this flight was so empty. It had been no trouble getting a ticket. She buckled her seatbelt and pulled it tight as she took a deep breath. As much as she hated airplanes, right now if the thing went down she wouldn’t care. As she punched the number to Lance’s cell into hers she took a deep breath. She knew he always turned it off when he went to sleep so now would be a perfect time to call. One simple message to let him know she was ok because she knew he would be going out of his mind when Brynn told him she was gone.

She waited for his familiar voice to tell her to leave a message before speaking, "Hey Froggy. I just wanted to let you know I’m ok. I gotta go cuz we’re about to take off. Love ya. Bye." Faith clicked off her phone and looked at it a minute before laying it in her lap. "Faith, they are gonna go absolutely insane and you know it," she whispered to herself as she looked at it. She tried so hard not to think about JC, but she couldn’t help but wonder if he would be worried too. He wasn’t the person she thought he was, and she wasn’t sure how she could’ve been so blinded by love that she didn’t figure things out. Things still seemed odd to her, but she had to accept them. He wasn’t hers anymore, and it had been his decision.

The stewardess finished her speech and the seatbelt light came on as a tear slipped down Faith’s cheek. She looked out the window and sighed sadly. "Bye," she whispered as the airplane headed towards the runway. She ran her hand across her arm and flinched when she felt the familiar beads on her wrist. She glanced down at the bracelet as warm tears found their way down her cheeks. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to take it off. She should’ve given it back to him, but she couldn’t bare to see that bracelet on Stacy’s arm. That bracelet meant everything to her even if it meant nothing to him anymore. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the seat as the tears began to flow heavily and the heartbreak pounded through her entire body. "I love you JC," she whispered aloud as she drifted off for a few hours of restless sleep.

"Jenna, why didn’t you just tell us this sooner?" Lance asked as he rubbed her back comfortingly. "Lance, you have a perfect family. All of you do. So loving..such a TYPICAL family. Something I haven’t known in a VERY long time. My dad sided with the enemy. My own father chose Travis and his career over his own daughter. How do you explain that to someone when you can’t even explain it to yourself?" Jenna said as she wiped her teary cheeks. Lance put his arm around Jenna and held her close to him as she cried. The rest of the group looked back and forth between each other in shock. None of them had any idea how bad things were for Jenna until now. Joey and Brynn eyed each other carefully as they tried to decide between the two of them whether to mention the day at the ice cream parlor.

Joey spoke first and Brynn followed his lead. "Umm...Jenna would this be the man that you were screaming at the other the ice cream parlor on the beach?" Jenna’s eyes shot up to him as he spoke, "But how did..." Her words trailed off as Brynn piped up, "Jenna, Joey and I were there. We went for ice cream and then you showed up. We didn’t know what to do, so we left you alone." Jenna nodded her head in understanding, "That was my father. He used to send me checks every week, but when he realized that I wasn’t cashing any of them he started personally delivering them. Everytime it’s another fight and they’re only getting worse." Brynn nodded her head as she listened to Jenna. "So, your father and Travis’ father are partners in this law firm. You haven’t spoken to your family in almost a year, other than the screaming fits with you father. Am I right so far?" Jenna nodded her head at JC’s questioning. "Mind if I ask what caused such a rift between you and your family?"

Jenna took another deep breath as the memories she had fought to suppress about Travis flooded back to her. "Faith was very lucky. Travis truly did love her, as crazy as that may sound. He only hit Faith once in the time they were together." She paused and looked around the room at the faces of her new friends. They were all listening intently to what she had to say. "Travis used to slap me around a lot. I thought I could handle that as long as my family was happy. My parents adored him, my little sister thought he was better than Santa Claus, my younger brother was absolutely entranced by him, but there was one family member who didn’t see Travis as such a brilliant creature. My half-brother Jason. He saw the bruises that I came home with one night. I tried to dismiss them, saying I caught an elbow in the eye at cheerleading practice." She paused and Lance sat forward on the couch and flipped off the ringer on his ringing cell phone as he fought to understand all he was hearing. "I put up with Travis’ mild beatings until the night of the homecoming dance. I got nominated as homecoming queen and I won. It’s customary for the king and queen to dance. Travis went through the roof. After the king and I danced, he literally jerked me out of his arms and dragged me outside. I got the beating of my life that night, and I decided that I didn’t deserve that. I refused to put up with it anymore. So, I broke up with him."

"Well, that explains that, but why was your family upset because you broke up with someone who was abusing you," Joey asked as he scratched his head in confusion. Jenna took a deep breath before continuing, "That night I went home. My parents flipped when they saw the condition that I was in. That is until I told them the story. They refused to believe that Travis would do something like that. They believed him over me. My dad and his dad had decided to open a law firm together since they were two of the most successful attorneys in Texas and Florida. Travis’ family relocated down here, but they kept their home in Texas. I couldn’t believe that my family would believe him over me, but they did. I’ve talked to Jason a few times, but I know it’s hard for him because well...that’s a whole different story. He has to obey dad’s rules. That includes treating Travis like one of the family and pretending that I don’t exist."

JC took a deep breath and leaned back against the couch cushions as he massaged his forehead with his fingers. "So, what do we do now guys?" Chris asked as he looked from JC to Jenna. "We have to get Faith back, and we have to figure out some way to fight this Stacy mess," Justin answered. JC took another deep breath, "Why did she take off like this. I’m scared to death. This is so unlike her. She just doesn’t do this." Lance reached into his pocket to check the message he missed and he nearly dropped the phone, "DAMN." Everyone’s attention turned to him as he played the message and they waited for him to speak. When it was done he clicked the phone off and looked at Brynn and then to JC. "It was her. She’s on an airplane," Lance whispered. "An airplane headed where?" JC asked trying to fight the urge to fly all over the country in search for her. "I don’t know, she said she’d call back in a few days," he answered as he put his head in his hands, "We have to take Stacy down." Everyone looked at each other in shock from Lance’s harsh words, very seldom did Lance hold any hostility towards anyone.

Jenna’s voice was so weak that they almost didn’t hear her. "I..umm...I can help. I really don’t know if he’ll listen to me, but for you and Faith I’ll try." The first smile that anyone had seen from JC in all too long lit up his face as he scooped Jenna into a hug. "Thank you Jenna. I don’t think I could ever tell you thanks enough." Jenna giggled lightly through her tears as she squeezed JC before pulling back. "The only thanks I need is to get this mess settled so you and Faith can work this out. JC, I have never had anyone in my life care about me the way you and Faith care for each other. I would give anything for just one chance at real love, and I’m not about to let someone that has it lose it without a fight." JC hugged her again as he looked over her shoulder at Lance. It was the weirdest expression he had ever seen on his face, and if Faith had been able to see it she would’ve been overjoyed at the fact that Lance was taking notice of Jenna. ‘Suga the sparks are flying. You gotta come back and watch them with me’ JC thought to himself as he pulled away from Jenna.

Lance could not explain the thoughts and feelings that were running through his head, but if he had learned one thing from Faith and JC it was that you never know unless you do it. It had worked out for the two of them. The worst that could happen is she said she didn’t feel the same. There would be a few days of awkward silence, but in the end they would be good friends and nothing would be remembered. He made up his mind in that moment to talk to her, just as soon as this Stacy mess was settled and they found Faith. There was no need to complicate things more right now. He would just have to be patient until then. He watched as JC looked around the room and a sadness washed over him. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that his thoughts were of Faith and that he missed her like crazy. Now it was time to play hard ball, but he knew Faith. He knew she had given JC her heart, and he knew that she wasn’t going to give him up without a fight. The only thoughts that plagued him was that maybe she didn’t have any fight left. She had gone through so much with Travis, more than she had even told him about. He shook those thoughts from his mind as he stood up off the couch. "We should probably all go home and get a good night’s sleep. JC, I think we should meet with one of our attorneys tomorrow." JC nodded his head as Chris, Joey, Lance, and Jenna walked towards the door. Before she walked out Jenna turned back to him and gave him a half smile, "JC, I’ll call in the morning." He smiled back at her before looking down at his hands.

The door closed behind them and JC exhaled loudly. "You guys wanna crash here tonight?" Brynn asked as she stood up. Justin looked at JC and it was obvious how much Justin wanted this. "Yeah, that’s cool with me if you want to J," he whispered. Brynn looked at him for a second and she almost cried when she saw the expression on his face. One simple loving gesture between her and Justin obviously flooded him with thoughts of Faith. She didn’t know if she should say it or not, but she did it anyways. "JC, you can have the couch or you can..." her words trailed off as she looked down the hall at the door of Faith’s room. He nodded his head as he choked back the lump in his throat. Brynn walked over and gave him a reassuring hug and whispered in his ear, "Don’t worry. That girl loves you more than life itself. She’ll come back. Trust me?" JC smiled at her familiar words before whispering back, "Always Brynn, but I screwed up big time. She may not want me back." She released him and watched as he walked down the hall towards Faith’s room. He paused at the door and she could see his hands visibly shaking above the knob. He stood there a few more moments before taking a deep breath and walking inside.

Brynn looked down at Justin sitting on the couch. He appeared lost in thought so she leaned over and kissed the side of his neck. He nearly jumped off the couch when he felt her lips on him. "Whoa baby. Are you ok?" she asked as she took his hand and lifted him up off the couch. He smiled at her and pulled her into a hug before whispering into her hair, "I love you Brynn Rooney. Don’t ever forget that ok?" She pulled back and eyed him carefully before speaking, "Justin, I love you too honey." He kissed her lips softly before leading her down the hall to her room. As they walked past the door to Faith’s room Brynn could hear JC sniffle. ‘Faith please come back’ she thought to herself as she walked into her room with Justin.


"Flight 301 from Orlando to Salt Lake has arrived at gate 54." Sara sat in the chair wringing her hands together when she heard the call for Faith’s flight. She recalled the conversation she had with Faith, when she heard her voice on the other end of the line she didn’t even recognize her. There was such a distant sad tone to it. As she stood up and walked towards the gate she breathed in deeply. She knew something had happened with JC, but what she didn’t know was what that something was. She walked past the people filing off the plane and waited in front of the gate. If she hadn’t known better she would’ve sworn that Faith didn’t get off that plane. As she looked at the girl coming towards her she felt like crying herself. Her eyes were red and puffy from the obvious tears she had shed during the flight and dark circles lined them underneath. She looked like her entire world had crashed around her.

"Hi Sara," Faith whispered as Sara stepped up to give her a hug. Faith’s arms barely tightened around her before letting go and falling loosely at her sides. Sara pulled back and looked at her friend before picking up her bag and tossing an arm around her shoulders. "I’m glad you came to see me. I missed ya girl," Sara said trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, it’s been too long," Faith replied as they began walking towards Sara’s car. Sara watched Faith carefully, her eyes never focused on one thing for too long and most of the time she stared at her hands or her feet. ‘Oh God, what has he done to her’ she thought to herself as they made it to her car.

"Ya hungry?" Sara asked as they sat down and pulled on their seatbelts. Faith shook her head no, "I don’t have much of an appetite lately, but if you’re hungry we can go get something." As Sara turned on the car, the sounds of the radio filled Faith’s ears and when she heard the song her body went numb. She heard JC’s voice as he sang the words to "This I Promise You" and her eyes immediately filled with tears. Sara’s eyes darted to Faith before quickly turning the radio off. "I’m not going to push you, but I hope you’ll talk to me about this," Sara said as she put her hand on top of Faith’s shaking one. "Just give me a little time Sara. That’s why I came here," Faith whispered through her tears. Sara nodded her head and put the car in drive before heading towards home. Faith turned her attention out the window as she fought to push his words out of her head again.

Justin awoke to an empty bed. He looked to his right where Brynn had been, but she wasn’t there. He rolled over and glanced at the alarm clock and noticed it was only 8:00. He pushed the covers back and stood up with a yawn before he made his way into the livingroom. He walked up behind the couch and noticed that Brynn and JC sat side by side, both asleep. Brynn’s head lay on his shoulder while he held onto her hand tightly. He smiled before walking over and placing a gentle kiss on Brynn’s cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and she lifted her head up to look at him. "Mmm...mornin’ baby," she said with a yawn. "Mornin’.

Everything ok?" he replied. Brynn sat up and scooted carefully across the couch before standing up. "He had a rough night," she said as she looked down at JC.

Justin wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him. He hugged her tightly before placing a kiss on her forehead. "He needs her," he whispered as he held her against his chest. "She needs him too," Brynn whispered back before looking up and kissing his lips. "I love you Justin Randall Timberlake," she whispered just above his lips. A sly smile spread across his face before he whispered back, "What’s not to love?" Brynn giggled lightly before slapping his arm playfully. He pulled her closer to him and pressed his lips to hers as he parted her lips with his tongue. He explored her mouth with his tongue before pulling back and looking into her eyes. "I found something," she whispered to him, "whew...that morning breath." He raised an eyebrow at her and winked, "Just for you baby, only you. Can you stand it again?" She smiled brightly at him, "I lied. I love your morning breath too." He chuckled before pulling her in and kissing her again.

"Yes, I need to speak with Matthew Williams please. This is his daughter Jenna Williams." Jenna sat at her desk twirling the phone cord around her finger. Though she sounded confident her insides were literally shaking. There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before she heard the secretary switch it over to her father’s private line. A few moments later she heard his voice, "Matthew Williams." She took a deep breath before speaking, "Dad, this is Jenna. We need to talk." She heard him shuffle a few papers before speaking again, "Where and when?" She looked down at her watch noticing it was already 11:00. "Ale House...12:30?" she said waiting for his answer. "12:30," she heard him reply before the phone clicked. "Yeah, I love you too dad," she whispered as she hung her phone up and leaned back in the chair. "God, give me the strength to do this," she whispered as she flipped off her computer and gathered her things into her briefcase.

Lance pulled out into traffic as he headed towards Brynn and Faith’s condo. He had spent the whole night trying to think of places she might be. He had already tried her mom, his mom, and all their friends in Mississippi. He had even called Lonnie to see if maybe she had left some kind of message with him. There was only one person left to try, but he didn’t have her phone number. Faith and Sara had been friends for a while, so it was worth a shot. He prayed that Brynn had her number, and more than that he prayed that Faith was there. At least if she was with Sara he knew she was safe and had someone to look out for her.

He changed lanes and turned into the parking lot, noticing that Justin’s Benz was still parked in the same place. He pulled in beside it and turned off the ignition before opening the door and locking it behind him. ‘Brynn please have it’ he thought to himself as he made his way up the stairs towards the door. He knocked softly and could hear the footsteps as they made their way towards the door. When the door opened he smiled when he saw Brynn. "Good morning Lance," she said as she pulled the door open wider to let him in. "Mornin’ Brynn. How is...everything?" he asked obviously referring to JC asleep on her couch. She shook her head before answering, "You don’t wanna know." He nodded his head, "That’s what I thought. I think I might know where Faith is though." Brynn’s eyes brightened as she spoke, "Where?"

Lance led Brynn into the kitchen before speaking, "Do you remember Sara’s phone number?" Brynn hit her forehead with the heel of her hand, "Why didn’t I think of Sara’s? But yeah, her number is next to the computer in Faith’s room." Lance walked quickly back to Faith’s room and flipped on the light. He turned to Brynn before walking any further, "Did JC sleep in here last night?" Brynn nodded her head before answering, "He tried to. Didn’t work out so well. Why?" He stepped away from the door and Brynn walked in. "Aww, poor JC. No wonder he was so upset last night," she said as she looked at all the pictures laid out across the bed.

Lance turned towards the computer and flipped through the numbers Faith had scrawled down. "Found it. Sara Kerbs." Brynn nodded her head as she walked over and looked at the pictures. She picked up a very familiar one and looked at it. It was a copy of the one that Faith always carried in her purse. The first show of the tour when her and JC had been acting goofy. Just looking at the way the two held each other it was obvious that there was an attraction even then. Brynn continued to glance over the pictures as she heard Lance talking on the phone. One sentence cause Brynn to turn her head. "Thank God she’s there."

Jenna walked into the restaurant a few minutes early. She needed a few minutes to sit and clear her head before her father showed up. Her hands were shaking and she knew she couldn’t demand anything from him in this condition. The waiter brought her the soda she requested and she sipped on it as she waited. All the while she tried to think how she was going to do this. When she saw him minutes later walking towards the table she nearly froze in place. He slid into the booth across from her and placed his jacket next to him. "Well Jenna, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company today?"

She eyed him carefully for another moment before taking a deep breath and beginning, "Stacy Thomas. What do you know about her?" He leaned back against the padded bench and closed his eyes, "I should’ve known." She moved her soda to the side as she looked at him, "How could you even get involved in something like that? You know she’s a liar, and she’s going to destroy several people’s lives. Those people include some of my closest friends." He leaned across the table and took her hand in his as he spoke, "Stacy is a young girl in a tight spot. A spot Mr. Chasez put her in. We’re just trying to help her out of that spot." She jerked her hand out of his and glared at him, "That’s a lie and you know it." He laughed lightly before speaking again, "Jenna, my dear, sweet, ignorant Jenna. That’s the way the world works baby doll. Get used to it."

She looked at him another moment as her thoughts raced. She spoke before she had time to think things through, "Kinda like disowning your own daughter, huh? Is that the way the world works DAD?" He clenched his teeth for a moment as he fought to calm himself before speaking. "Jenna, I did not disown you. I send you checks, but you won’t take them. You’re more than welcome to come and visit anytime you want. I will NOT have you bad mouthing Travis to cover up for what really happened that night though." Jenna looked at him and couldn’t help but laugh, "You know’re the ignorant one here. You are so blind that you can’t see the real man behind that sweet little rich boy act. I can not believe that my own father would rather take the side of a man who abused his own daughter to the point that she didn’t know her name anymore. I don’t want your money. I want your LOVE. Is that too much to ask for from MY father? By the way, since your the expert here, what really happened that night?"

He picked up his jacket from the booth and stood up to leave. "I refuse to do this with you anymore," he huffed as he started to walk away. "Just like dear old dad, run away when it gets too hot to handle. You should have lots of PERSONAL expertise in this case," she called behind him. He stopped and turned around to face her, "What was that?" She raised an eybrow at him, "I see I got your attention." He walked back to the table and sat down as she continued, "Didn’t think I knew about Jason, did you?" He eyed her carefully for a moment, "But how know about him?" Jenna nodded her head and a satisfied smile crossed her face. "What are you trying to do dad? Get your revenge through JC?"

He slammed his fist down on the table as he spoke, "Jenna, you don’t know what I went through with that. You have no idea." She leaned back against the bench and crossed her arms over her chest. "I know that you were 17 years old when Jason was born. I know that you dated his mother for close to two years before you went off to college. I also know that Jason is not yours, but according to the law and a certain doctor he is." She watched as her father’s eyes glazed over. "You didn’t cover your tracks well at all dad. I’ve known this for years, and Jason and I have discussed it several times. He’s not dumb." He ran a hand over his face as he let her words sink in, "What’s your point Jenna?" She shook her head, "Dad, my point is simple. JC is in the same boat you were. Why would you want to put another person through that unless...there is something in it for you?" He looked up at her before his eyes focused elsewhere. "There is something in it for you isn’t there? I should’ve known," she whispered as she kept her eyes locked on him.

He took a deep breath before asking, "Do you want me to help you out with JC’s case? Is that what you want?" Jenna nodded her head, "No, I want you to drop Stacy’s totally. Do you really wanna end up fighting another case for perjury? You know those doctors are lying, and I won’t sleep until something is done about it. What happens when JC gets his own doctors...hmm? Did you think about that one? Do you really think he’s going to let you get away with this? You’re trying to destroy his life because someone else played with yours. You’re a sick man, and sometimes I wonder if you are my real father. Maybe I’m just another Jason." Her cruel words shocked even her, but she watched his face carefully. She could see the brim of tears as he processed what she just said. "Give me a call when you come to your senses," she said as she slapped some money down on the table before walking out.

Sara hung up the phone just as Faith came out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wet from her shower as she clipped it up on her head. She tugged at the leg of her pajama pants before sliding onto the couch. She still seemed so distant, almost like she was just a shell of a human now. Sara made her way into the kitchen and grabbed the two mugs of hot chocolate she had just made before making her way back towards the couch. She noticed Faith’s hands as she reached out to take the mug, they were still shaking. She sat down next to her on the couch and watched as Faith took a long sip before sitting the mug down on the coffee table and turning to her.

Her voice was so quiet as she spoke, "Sara, this is hard for me to do, but I have to talk to someone. I feel like I’m drowning and no matter how hard I swim I just can’t get back to the surface." Sara reached over and took her hand before whispering, "Just take it slow ok?" Faith nodded her head as she let the memories of the last few days flood her mind and warm tears began their decent down her cheeks. "Sara, how do I make the hurting stop? My heart aches so bad that it dominates every thought and every movement. It hurts so bad that I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t even think clearly." Sara nodded her head as she listened to her friend. When she noticed Faith start to close down she knew she had to find a way to open her back up again. "Faith, can you tell me what happened?" Faith looked at Sara and she nodded her head, "I can try." Sara squeezed Faith’s hand as Faith began the long and painful story of her broken heart.


"I just needed to get away from there." Faith said as she wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks and Sara sat, squeezing her hand and looking with a concerned expression at her hurting friend. "Having JC so near and not being ABLE to run over to him, knowing he's off with Stacy. And it was all so sudden. I couldn't wait to see JC after Stacy called, and he walks in and bam, it's over. I thought I knew him Sara. I thought he'd love me forever. And then this......." Faith choked on her words and her crying caught in her throat and Sara pulled her into hug. Sara couldn't think of anything to say. She had only talked to Lance for a moment but he had done his best to warn her that Faith was a wreck. It hadn't taken a genius to figure that out right away, however right now, Sara was awestruck and angered at what JC had done. Never in her entire life had she heard Faith say one thing that even hinted this side of JC. And all of the sudden, as Faith had said, what they had was over.

"Faith, you know you are welcome here as long as you want." Sara said lightly as Faith pulled away. "Thank you Sara. It means a lot. Things are just hard. If you don't mind I'm gonna stay here a couple days and try to straighten out my head then head back and see how I can live around him." Faith answered as she laughed at how pathetic she sounded. "I'm sorry Sara I must sound really pathetic." She laughed through her last tears. Sara smiled as she helped her stand up. "No way sweetie. You sound broken-hearted, and who's to deny the truth??"

Newspaper headlines only increased and the words on the news spread miraculously fast over the next few days. JC struggled to push them out of his head and concentrate on staying away from Stacy. Over the three days that had passed she hadn't missed one chance to jump on him in public, kiss his cheek, or call him on her cell phone from a party pr publicized event. Everytime JC would have to deny everything and the monotonous questions were getting really repetitious. He was ready to go nuts if he had to see her again. She had caused too many problems and he had enough right now for her to cause anymore. The biggest mistake of his life was to let her brainwash take over him so quickly, and now the victim was in Utah. He made sure not to miss one time when Lance or Brynn would call Sara and check in on Faith.

"Hey Sara. It's Brynn." JC stood next to brynn as she put the conversation on speakerphone so JC wouldn't wet his pants trying to hear. "Hey girlie. How's everything in Florida??" Sara answered as Brynn smiled and JC rolled his hands in effort to get Brynn to ask about Faith. Sara heard Brynn playfully smack JC's arm on the other end. "Hi JC." Sara said into the phone as JC's eyes widened and he blushed. "Hey Sara. How'd you know I was here??" He asked. "Lance told me all about how you stand next to the phone everytime." Sara laughed as JC reddened once more and chuckled. "Ummm...... how's Faith??" He asked, trying not to sound too urgent. "She's actually asleep right now. She's hasn't gotten much sleep but she says it's more than she got in Florida so it's all good I guess." Sara said as she walked through the kitchen and into the living room where Faith was asleep on the couch. "Not the only one." JC muttered as Brynn watched JC's eyes concentrate hard on the phone, as if he could make himself be on the other end of the line. "She's headed back to Florida tomorrow." Sara said in a soft whisper in effort not to wake up Faith.

JC froze as he heard those words he'd wanted to hear. "Thank god. I'll talk to you later Sara okay??" JC asked as he squeezed Brynn's arm in a quick goodbye and took off through her apartment. Brynn stared after JC and laughed as Sara questioned what had just happened. "I'm not quite sure but JC is gone." Brynn laughed as Sara said she should get some sleep herself and they hung up. Walking through her apartment and locking the door, Brynn sighed to herself. "What a mess." She announced to the emptiness, climbed into her bed and dazed off to sleep.

The shrill ring of the phone brought Brynn out of her sleep the next morning. "The phone ALWAYS wakes me up." Bryn grumbled as she looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:30. "Hello?" She answered groggily as she picked up the phone and sat back down on the bed. "Hey girl." Faith answered, sounding better. "Faith!!" Brynn squeeled, suddenly more awakened. "Where are you??" She asked curiously. "Actually, I'm on the plane. But I'm not exactly on the plane Sara told you I'd be on." She said, sounding secretive. "Huh??" Brynn asked as she suddenly became very confused. "You're coming home today aren't you?? It's a good thing too cuz I'll tell ya.... well actually......." She started before Faith interuptted. ""Actually I had planned on it, but there's somewhere I think might give me some pieces to this whole puzzle in my heart." She answered. Brynn could hear the stewardess in the background announce over the flight speakers. "We will be arriving in California in less than an hour. Please watch for seatbelt lights."

"You're going to California?!" Brynn asked loudly into the phone. Faith couldn't help but laugh at her best friend’s surprised voice. "I'm going to the beach. But I don't wanna go alone. Brynn, will you come out here??" She asked. Brynn was surprised at the question but was immediate with an answer. "Of course I will." She answered. "But you can't tell anyone. They'll all freak and want to come, but I just need you here. If they're all here I don't think I'll be able to take it." She continued as Brynn nodded into the phone.

"Alright. I'll meet you at the airport. Call me." Brynn continued as she hung up and hurriedly stuffed some clothing in her baby blue hawaiin print bag and got dressed.

Before she left the apartment she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and quickly wrote Justin a note. She didn't have time to call him but she had to let them know where Faith and she were.

Justin- No time to explain but when you read this I'll be on a plane to cali.... THE BEACH.... Faith's there. I'll call you later. I love you and don't worry- Brynn

Brynn dropped the note onto the counter where Justin would surely see it and rushed out the door. Slamming the door behind her, the gust of wind rushed through the house and the small note on the counter was lifted lightly off the counter and fell onto the floor, beneath the cabinet.

"Curls!!" Justin called into the condo with a smile as he used the spare key she had given him to unlock the door when no one answered. Justin playfully pulled himself against the wall and jumped out into her room expecting her to be asleep."Boo!" He called with a laugh and his eyebrow raised as he saw her bed unmade and her not in it. He shook his head as he realized how silly he musta looked, jumping and scaring emptiness. "Good one J." He thought to himself as he continued around the apartment, searching for Brynn or some sign of where she was. "Brynn!" He called numerous times and found no answer.

Justin turned around as Jenna walked into the apartment, followed by JC and Lance. "Where is she?? We thought maybe you got lost in here or sumthin." JC said as he looked at Justin with a sarcastic expression. Jenna laughed at JC's comment as Justin looked from all three of them. "ACTUALLY, no one's here. I don't know where she is. She knows we were picking her up, and we're even a couple minutes late, JC." Justin said, shooting a sarcastic glare right back at his friend who laughed anxiously. "Well Jenna's dad is waiting for us to come in and talk this over. Maybe she's meeting us there." He said hopefully, looking around.

Lance, who had looked around the apartment himself, entered back into the room. "Guys there's something not right about her not being here. Brynn's never not where she's supposed to be unless it's with you." He said, his green eyes looking at Justin. Justin nodded in agreement. "And there's no note. Somethin's up." Justin said worriedly as JC pulled out his cell phone and Jenna looked around the apartment herself for a note. Justin watched as JC dialed Mr. William's number to tell him they wouldn't be able to make it as he thought about what was going on. 'Where are you?' He thought. Justin remembered back to Faith's sudden departure and became even more worried than he was.

Trying to figure things out, Justin followed Jenna into the kitchen and walked right past the counter, where the note lay hidden beneath. "Anything??" He asked as she turned around. "Nothin." She said as Lance came up behind them. "Faith was supposed to come home today. Where is she??" He asked as the thought occured in his head. "Whoa now this is getting more complicated by the minute." Jenna added as they walked back out to find JC standing with a happy expression as he talked into the phone.

Brynn practically ran through the airport towards her gate. She had managed to make it just in time to catch the 9:00 flight. She took a deep breath and handed the stewardess her ticket before boarding. No sooner had she gotten to her seat then her cell phone started ringing. Hoping that it was Faith, she quickly shoved her bag into the overhead compartment and jerked her phone out of her pocket. "Hello."

"Hey girl, I just got here. You want me to wait here or go to the hotel?" she heard Faith’s voice answer back and she sighed in relief. "No sense waiting there for me. Just let them know about me at the front desk. You gonna be alright alone?" Brynn said as she glanced out the window at all the people scurrying around inside the airport. There was a brief silence before Faith answered, "I think so. I just gotta do this. I’m not sure why, but I have to. He left me and I have to deal with it like an adult." Brynn shook her head as she listened to Faith’s defeated tone. "Faith, JC has a lot of explaining to do, but there’s a lot you don’t know. Don’t give up on him just yet ok?" There was another brief silence as Faith took in her words before speaking, "I just don’t have any hope left, but we can talk when you get here. I need a shower." Brynn giggled lightly, "Alright, we’ll talk in a little while. Love ya girl." She heard Faith talking to someone who she assumed was the taxi driver before speaking, "I love you too. Hurry. Bye."

Brynn clicked her phone off as the stewardess began her speech about oxygen masks and floatation devices. She looked out the window and closed her eyes. ‘God don’t let her give up just yet. Let her hang on please’ she thought to herself as she buckled her seatbelt.

"JC, what is it dude? I haven’t seen you smile like that since you and Faith got...uhh...well’s been awhile," Justin stuttered. JC looked at his friend and his smile widened. He took a deep breath before speaking, "Stacy dropped the case." Justin reached over and pulled JC into a relieved hug. "Thank God," he said aloud as Jenna beamed happily at the two before calling for Lance. "What happened? Why did she change her mind?" Justin asked as everyone gathered around JC. "Jenna’s dad talked to her. Turns out that he’s been actually helping me all along. He just couldn’t let that get out. Said it had something to do with Jason, and Jenna could explain that. Anyways, he talked to the doctors and told them that someone knew they planned to perjure themselves in court. They all backed out. The case is dropped. That’s more Stacy. He says I can slap HER with a lawsuit for blackmail if I want."

Everyone looked at each other in shock as Chris came bounding through the door. "HOLA PEEPS!!" When he saw the serious yet happy expressions on everyone’s face he dropped the ball he was holding, letting it roll under the kitchen counter. "What did I miss?" he asked as he looked at each one of his friend’s faces. They all turned to look at Chris before breaking into a round of hugs. JC scooped a shocked Chris into a hug as he answered his questions, "It’s over Chris. Stacy’s case got dropped." Chris chuckled happily, "Are you serious?" JC stepped back and looked at him, "As serious as I am that I love Faith and I have got to talk to her." Chris nodded his head, "Judging from the condition you’ve been in the last couple weeks. I have no doubt in my mind that you are VERY serious."

"Alright, now what do we do?" Jenna asked as Lance threw his arm around her shoulder. "Find Faith...and Brynn now too," Justin answered as he looked over at JC nervously. "Yeah, I gotta find my ball too," Chris said chuckling as he sprinted towards the kitchen. "That man will never grow up," Justin said with a chuckle. "Umm...Justin, I think this is yours. It’s a note from Brynn. I found it under the kitchen counter," Chris said walking back into the room. Justin jerked the note from Chris’ hand and read it over quickly before looking at JC. "They’re at the beach." Chris’ forehead creased in thought before speaking, "What beach? Daytona? Could be anywhere..there’s a bazillion beaches in the world." Justin looked at Chris. "No, Chris, THE BEACH. JC and Faith...first kiss...first I love you’s...the bracelet...ya know, where we met Jenna?" Chris shook his head in understanding, "What are we waiting on then...let’s go."

Chapters 11-16 *NEW*
The Missing Link