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*One Week Later*
I had been listening to the same song over and over again..the events of what were to take place, playing through my mind like a silent movie. Justin, Brynn and myself, dancing together like we hadn’t in such a long time. My head phones were turned up all the way, allowing the music to just flow with feet and arms coming to life...acting on their own, as I skipped down the isle of the large venue.

Chris and JC stopped singing, looking out across the spacious building at me...smiles brightly shining on their faces. JC removed his in ear monitor, turning his mic off. “Man, I haven’t seen her that such a long time. And have you seen Brynn lately...the mood is so happy around here now.”

Chris hung his legs out over the side of the stage..his eyes glued to my prancing body. “I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am to see her like this. She struggled for so long..and now she’s being repaid for all of that...and this thing with Justin..this plan she will work. I’ve never felt more positive about anything.”

I happened to glance up at the stage, to see the two men looking back at me. I just waved, never once breaking out of the little trance I was in. I skipped back up the isle, shaking my butt at Chris, before turning around to blow him a kiss.

Both of them begin to laugh, JC smacking Chris on the back, before they both stood, taking their places, waiting for their sound check to resume. Neither noticed that Justin had been watching the scene with great interest. I always played up to attention, and it was usually directed it at him, but now....he wasn’t there...not like he wanted to be. He wanted nothing more then to just let go of his inner turmoil, and be a part of the group..but he was afraid to...terrified was more like it. He pulled his eyes away from his friend....back to the group that needed him to act normal at the was getting harder every day...and the things that once made him happy...just made things worse.


“Kylie..what are you doing?” Her door had been open, so I had stuck my head in, just to say hello, but I found her packing her things..and we weren’t leaving.

“I can’t do this anymore.” She brushed tears out of her eyes, as she angrily shoved clothes into an already overfilled suitcase.

I rushed into her room, grabbing her hands, holding them so she would stop. “We’re so close Kylie..I can taste can’t give up now..tomorrow night is the’s finally going to happen..we’re going to get him back.”

“But what if it doesn’t work.” She couldn’t meet my face...for she was crying uncontrollably trying so hard to be brave, but giving into all the emotions she had been hiding. “I’m so tired of him pushing me hurts so bad...and I just don’t have it in me to keep going.”

“I know...but one more day..just one more.” I bent down, so she would look at me..pleading with my eyes, and with my words. “Please Kylie..if it doesn’t work, you are welcome to leave...but give me one more day.”

She only nodded her head....letting me know, even though it was hard, she would stick with it for one more day.

“Do you want me to help you put everything back?” I was trying to help her, but she shook her head. I let go of her hands, closing the door softly on my way out. Once in the hall..I heard the faint sound of another door closing...glancing around...but not seeing anything, I went back to my room.


Justin leaned his back against the hard wood of the door..sliding down the floor, pulling this knees up to his chest. She was packing to leave...leaving him and this tour..leaving her friends..and it was his fault. He wanted to hold her so tell her how he felt about her..but he just couldn’t allow himself to let her in..and she was leaving. He wanted to punch himself for doing this..for causing so much pain in all his friends lives...but mainly in hers. She made him feel so free..and so loved...he hadn’t felt that way with Britney...Ashli had only made him feel worse, but Kylie took all that away, bringing with her..a love that he had never known. He couldn’t allow her to walk out of his life..and thankfully Sara had saved him..but what was this about tomorrow more day. That puzzled him..if he knew Sara...she had something up her sleeve, and he was almost positive that it involved him. They had all been working so hard in trying to get him to open back let down his walls...and even though he tried to let them in..something was keeping his heart cold..and the walls strong. Seeing Brynn back to her normal self, had brought some warmth to his chilled soul, but it just hadn’t been enough. He was lacking in his performances every night..his dances not as strong as they should be..his vocals cracking with every emotion he felt...the crowd cheering him on, but he got nothing from it. That’s what scared him the most...the thrill of being on stage..that love he had always felt for it...wasn’t there...if he closed himself off from the preforming..from the love of music..he would have nothing left. A tear slide down his cheek, landing on the blue of his shirt, creating a dark spot that only grew. He studied the wet spot, watching it grow....knowing that in some was a lot like the situation he had gotten himself into. The phone in his pocket begin to ring, and as if on auto pilot, he answered it...

“Hello.” Justin’s throaty voice filled the air waves.

“Son..are you okay?” Randy’s voice brought tears to Justin’s eyes.

“No..I’m not. Dad, I’m losing by one. Sara and Brynn..I can’t even talk to them anymore...and Kylie..I want her in my life so bad...but Dad I just won’t let her in.” Justin blurted everything out....just hearing his dad’s voice brought him so much comfort.

“Justin...slow down a little, tell me that again.” Concern filled Randy’s voice...concern for the sound in his son’s voice...for the emotion that he knew rocked his body.

“I’m losing them.” Justin didn’t think he needed to say anymore..for his Dad always knew.

“Justin, you know that you’re not losing them...they’re your friends, and with that..they’ll stick by you for as long as they can.” Randy hoped that talking it out, would help his son in some ways.

“But what if they can’t hold out forever?” Justin rubbed the side of his face, feeling the bubble of emotion rise again.

“You can’t hold out forever..and I can promise you, that they’ll hold out longer.” Randy sat down at the table, looking across at his wife Lisa, a grim look on his face.

“I know...but I’m just so confused. I’ve never been this bad before..I’ve never pushed them out this far..and I don’t know if I can go back..if I can make everything right.” Justin straightened his legs out..stretching the aching muscles.

“What is your heart telling you to do?” Randy knew his son always knew what the right thing to do was..but following that..had always been a problem for Justin.

“If I sit and listen to’s telling let go of everything I’m holding break down the walls I’ve built..and to let my friends heal the broken pieces of my soul. I want that dad..I want that so bad..but I don’t know how to tell them I want that.” Wiping at the tears that rolled down his cheeks, Justin stood from his position...making his way across the room, to relax on the large bed.

“Then what is the’ve got to fight that head of yours, and go against what it’s telling you to do. Justin you know what you need to do..and even when things are hard, if you don’t get your friends’ll be more miserable then you are now. I know how much Sara and Brynn mean to you..and how much Javan meant. It was hard for you to loose him..don’t let the other two slip between your fingers. Javan hurt them as much as he hurt you..but they’ve seemed to work together, and get over it...join their forces, and get through this the way you always have...with the help of each other.” Randy spoke clearly, hoping that Justin wouldn’t just hear him..but that he’d listen, and take what he was saying to heart.

Justin took in every word his dad was saying, placing them each away for safe keeping..for he knew his dad was right..he usually was. “Thank you dad..I think deep down I needed someone to say that to me. I know what needs to be done..and I’ll figure out a way...I just hope that I have time left.”

A smile creased Randy’s features, shining brightly in his eyes. “That’s my would you like to talk to Lisa..or Jonathan?”

Justin his younger brother begin to tell him all about school, and his friends. Jonathan reminded Justin so much of himself that it filled his heart with new hope. Friends do come and go in life..but you hang onto the ones that mean the world...the ones that have been there through everything..and will continue to stick by you. Granted Javan had shocked them all by turning against his friends..but Justin knew that Sara and Brynn wouldn’t do something like that..just like he wouldn’t do that to them. He listened to his brother talk about Steven and how much he’d grown..about going to the park to play on the slides, and how Dad had taken him to the circus to see the elephants. It was all told with such enthusiasm, such joy..such passion...everything in that little boy lived...lived to the fullest it could. Justin wanted that part of his life back..all that energy he felt on stage..when the crowd screamed his name..sang along with him..and watched him with pure amazement. As Jonathan ended the conversation..Justin felt a bit of sadness, but left him with a new passion...and a new drive.


“Chris....” I yelled down the hall, waiting for his spiky brown hair to peak out of one of the rooms. Sure enough, he didn’t disappoint me... “Have you seen my CD?”

“It’s in my case, at least it was this morning.” He watched my nervous expression, as I ducked back in, to search through his CD’s again.

“I found it.” I held it out for him to see, before he ducked back into the room. He was explaining everything in great detail to Lance, Joey and JC...for they were the keys to this plan. The five of them needed to get Justin out of his room, and down to the basement, which held a dance studio. Once there...Brynn and I would work out magic...with the girls standing by in case they were case we couldn’t get him to open up. It was an invasion..all of us in on this simple plan..but attacking him from all sides..for he would have no where to go.

Brynn walked into my room, throwing a couple of things down on the bed. “You ready?”

“Not really, but I’m as ready as I’ll be...we just need to get this over with..for I can’t stand him like this anymore.” I pulled my dance shoes from my bag, taking the case for my CD out of Chris’ bag. “Well...I think I’ve got it all.....”

We gathered the things we would need, heading towards the elevator, where we met Faith, Lizzy and Kylie. “You ready?” Faith took both our hands in hers, squeezing them for comfort and for reassurance....letting us both know that she was there for us.

“Let’s get this over with...let’s get our Justin back.” The five of us stepped into the elevator, the doors closing on us, leaving it up to the guys to get that boy down to the studio.

Silence filled the small car...each of us thinking thoughts of our own...each hoping that this would work...because with Justin gone....a small void filled out hearts. I glanced at Kylie..who picked at her trembling fingers...over at Lizzy..who twirled a piece of hair around her finger. Faith...who just looked at each of us...her eyes showing so much concern for us...showing so much support..but yet..showed so much pain. At Brynn...even though the twinkle had returned...something was still missing..a piece of her...that piece was Justin..for I had that same piece gone too..but once he was back..we would be whole.

The car stopped..the doors opening..each of us filing out..following the other. I pushed the heavy door to the studio open, walking in..placing my things on the cold wooden floor. I placed the CD in the player...hitting play..allowing the song to flow through the room. Brynn and I stepped into place, going over the make sure I remembered it. Lizzy, Kylie and Faith watched silently...but when Joey entered the room...we all became silent.

“They’re on their way....shouldn’t be long.” He looked at all of us....holding the door open for the girls.

“Good luck.” They all said together...the door shutting behind them.

“It’s finally time....let’s give this all we’ve got.” I stopped the music..sitting on the floor next to Brynn..waiting for Justin to make his appearance.

“Guy’s..why won’t you tell me what this is all about.” Justin folded his arms across his chest, leaning his back against the cool wall of the elevator.

“It’s a just go along with it.” Chris stayed facing forward...knowing that he wouldn’t be able to keep this secret if he looked at Justin’s sorrowful face.

JC grabbed Justin’s arm when the doors opened, leading him down the hall until they stood outside the large door that lead into the studio.

“What is going on?” The shock of what was going on..finally hit Justin....the fear begin to rise again..and he wasn’t sure he wanted to take part in this.

JC opened the door...allowing the music that was playing behind it..hit the ears of the ones who listened. Shoving Justin slightly...enough to get him through the door....JC shut the door behind him...hoping that Brynn and I knew what we were doing.

The soft music played...pulling Justin in...his eyes scanning the studio..taking in the fact that Brynn and I stood on either side of him..

When the going starts to get rough
And you feel like you’ve had enough
Let the music
Take control of you soul

I took one of Justin’s hands in mine..Brynn taking the other..the three of us, stepping to the left, allowing the music to take over..and the steps to begin the process of healing out souls.

Take a chance and do what you feel
Your voice, they can not live without it
You’ve to break the chain

Justin knew this had been one of the first they had learned together. Brynn had made it up in the back thrilled about it..she ran towards his house...wanting to teach him and Sara..calling it their dance...the one that they could do...whenever they missed the others. He begin to listen to the words...pulling them into his soul...taking them to heart....’Take a chance and do what you feel’. He was doing what he felt..he was allowing his heart to take over..and he was dancing with passion again.

There’s a passion inside
And a strength that drives
Can’t nobody take that away from you
It’s the greatest high
Set the floor on fire
When you come alive

That passion and that drive forced his walls to crumble. The strength inside of him was driving him to open let his friends back in...he begin to push himself.....allowing the music to flow within him..allowing him to come alive.

And we’re dancing
And it feels alright
I can’t control my desire
And we’re dancing
And it feels alright
And we’re dancing
And it feels alright
Can’t hold me down
Got to reach for the sky
And we’re dancing
And it feels alright

This did feel alright..this felt normal..he felt at home...right where he belonged. He looked at the two girls on either side of him....and a true smile graced his features...proving that even though he’d spent so long building the didn’t take any more then break them all down.

Some people don’t know the love you posses
They contend what they don’t understand
Its not your role
You’re in a world of you own

There’s a passion inside
And a strength that drives
Can’t nobody take that away from you
It’s the greatest high
Set the floor on fire
When you come alive

I looked over at Justin..and saw how much he was putting into his much he was driving himself..and I knew..I knew that he was back. It had I had known it would..for music and dance always brought him back..when it was something that played to the heart just could work miracles. The song neared its end..and I grabbed Justin’s hand again..pulling him to me...wrapping my arms around his neck..Brynn soon joining us. The three of us held each the song continued to play....

There’s a passion inside
And a strength that drives
Can’t nobody take that away from you
It’s the greatest high
Set the floor on fire
When you come alive

And we’re dancing
And it feels alright
I can’t control my desire
And we’re dancing
And it feels alright
And we’re dancing
And it feels alright
Can’t hold me down
Got to reach for the sky
And we’re dancing
And it feels alright
Yeah, yeah, yeah

And We’re Dancing

I pulled out of his grasp, looking at him..seeing him smile back at me. I was filled with a new hope..and new love for my friend. I was matter where I went I was home..surrounded by my friends. Brynn stood next to Justin..holding onto his arm....I had them both back..and no matter what else happened in our lives..I was not about to let them pull away from me again. My head turned towards the sound of the door opening...a rush of bodies flying towards us..wrapping us all up in a huge hug. Like I said..I was home...


And We're Dancing by PYT
