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Alright...this story was co-written by myself and Brynn...we each write every other chapter..sounds kind of confusing, but its turned out so great. It's like we're telling you a story...kind of like reading'll understand more when you actually read it. To confuse you a little less..I'll put the name of who wrote the the one they wrote. So begin the journey...enter Unraveled.

Prologue - Sara
Chapter One - Sara
Chapter Two - Brynn
Chapter Three - Sara
Chapter Four - Brynn
Chapter Five - Sara
Chapter Six - Brynn
Chapter Seven - Sara
Chapter Eight - Brynn
Chapter Nine - Sara
Chapter Ten - Brynn
Chapter Eleven - Sara
Chapter Twelve - Brynn
Chapter Thirteen - Sara
Chapter Fourteen - Brynn
Chapter Fifteen - Sara
Chapter Sixteen - Brynn
Chapter Seventeen - Sara
Chapter Eighteen - Brynn
Chapter Ninteen - Sara
Chapter Twenty - Brynn
Chatper Twenty-One - Sara
Chapter Twenty-Two - Brynn
Chapter Twenty-Three - Sara
Chapter Twenty-Four - Brynn
Chapter Twenty-Five - Sara
