American Music Awards 2001

So the AMA's were last Monday, and damnit I didn't watch the whole thing. In fact, I missed the first hour entirely and hadn't set my VCR. This is coming from my bad memory, but here are some random things I noted, in no particular order.

Britney Spears was hosting...ECH!

I DID like Britney's pink florwery dress.

I missed Britney's performance. GOOD.

I missed Jennifer Lopez's performance. That was kinda sucky, cuz coming from someone who took dance classes for how long, I admire her choreopgraphy.

JANET JACKSON ROCKS! She's my favorite female artist EVER.

Grrrrr...the cameraman never focused on NSYNC and their dates for more than 3 seconds at a time.

Hey...was that Bobbee sitting next to JC?

Jessica Simpson doesn't sing. Rather, she SCREAMS.

Jesssica's outfit was cute, though.

Hey! There's O-town. They presented the award for Favorite Pop/Rock Group or whatever.

Favorite Pop/Rock Artist...Backstreet Boys? Um, no.

*Laughing my MF ass off* That was BSB's first American Music Award EVER?! *laughs even harder* Damn! Even NSYNC had already gotten one of those!

I DO NOT like BSB.

I felt bad for O-town when BSB gave them sarcastic or otherwise superior and dirty looks when they accpeted their award. Just another reason why BSB are assholes.

I like that song by Ricky Martin.

Despite what y'all may think of him, I love Ricky Martin and think he's pretty damn good-looking.

That was definitely Dani sitting with Chris.

I thought they broke up?

Yay! *NSYNC won the Internet fans award.

LMAO...the guys didn't even know the category existed.

Who was Lance's date?

Whoever she was, I shot her evil looks when she hugged Lancers.

Heh heh heh...they guys are getting a little scruffy.

Like I am right now, JC is random too. A birthday shoutout to Elvis has to do with you winning an award in what way...?

Notice Chris's dreads?

LL Cool J had love for the NSYNC fans.

LL Cool J had love for ALL the fans at the show.

Britney didn't win a single award. Ha! She got shafted!

I was watching clips about the AMA's after the show was over, and saw Justin and Britney's matching denim outfits. Gag me already!

I had more things to say, but I can't remember them. Sorry. Nina may add in her two cents later, though.

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