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other stuff

Contrary to popular belief, we DO have thoughts on things besides NSYNC. Here is other celebrities, hate mail, good mail, random babbling.. basically anything that doesn't fit elsewhere, gets shoved here.

See description of story by holding mouse over link for a few seconds.

Mixed Feedback

[Hatemail I]
[Hate Mail II]
[Negative Feedback]
[Positive Feedback]
[Jacked Hate]
[Reader Appreciation]
[Reader Feedback]
[The Love Pug]
[We've Got Mail!]
[We Are SO Immature]
[Hatemail to DP]
[A Hate Mail For Everyone]
[Other Mail]
[You Like Us!]
[Our Adoring Fans!]
[What Brit's Gotta Say]
[Fan Appreciation]
[Readers' Email]
[Email & IM's]
[Open me! I'm Hatemail!]
[Support System]
[Good, Bad, Opinionated]
[Britsync Tour?]
[Britsync: What YOU Think]
[Hate Messages]
[One Hate Message]
[Mock Hatemail]
[Daddy Fatone]
[Love From Readers]
[Bobbie LOVES Humor!]
[From the Mailbox]
[Lost Cause]
[Everybody's Free Mailbox]

Random Thoughts

[Random Thoughts: Brit]
[Random Thoughts: Alex]
[New Year Without Lance]
[Random Thoughts: Alli]
[Deep Thoughts of Nina]
[Random Thoughts: Tabz]
[I'm Fuzzy]
[Nature Sucks]
[I'm Feeling Random]
[Things That Annoy Me]
[Random Thoughts: Lucky]
[Bored? Same here.]
[Coherently Random]
[The Random Mind of Tabz]
[Sexual Ravioli]
[Random Thoughts: Nikki]
[Missed Chance]
[Random Thoughts: Olivia]
[Nina's Bitchy Thoughts]
[I'm Bored]
[Things I Like]
[Mindless Crap]
[Random Thoughts: Julie]
[Random Thoughts: Mel]
[Randomness Rawks]
[Julie Randoms]
[Liv's Coherent Thoughts]
[Hey, I've Been Thinking...]
[Tabz's Ranting Page]
[My Messed Up World]
[New Year With Lance?]
[Random Thoughts: Nina]
[Cracked Out Thoughts]
[BexXx's Rebuttal]
[Making the Tour]
[Random Thoughts: BexXx]
[Neene Is Random]
[Back Again...]
[More of BexXx's Thoughts]
[Mel's Random Again]
[Mac & Random]
[hippo's Random Thoughts]

Random IM's

[Luv that Messenger]
[Thank You Olivia!]
[Wasted Our Flava!]
[A Modern Day Confucius?]
[Stupid Site Hall of Fame]
[Something You Can Use]
[The Conference]
[Emails Between Friends]
[You Are Not Being Crunk!]
[EFers Sounds Derogatory]
[Dream About a Cow]
[What is WRONG with us?!]

Teeny Bopper

[Alex's convo with...]
[Weird IM's]
[Screen Name Says It All]
[Stupid IM]
[A Convo With Ignorance]
[Inside a Teeny's Mind]
[IM convos]
[Teenies are Bad]
[Truth or Dare with Justin]
[NSane in the Brain]
[Are You A Teeny?]
[Stupidity Speaks for Itself]
[Crazy Freaks]

Other Thoughts

[AOL Sucks]
[7 Non-NSYNC Hotties]
[Backstreet's... Alright]
[Carson Daly is the man]
[B-Rok Appreciation]
[Marys birthday!]
[You're Gonna Blame Me]
[Why Bobbi Sucks]
[Presidential Humor]
[We Will Not Forget...]
[Get on the Line!]
[Becca's 24 Wishes]
[In Remembrance...]
[Give Me a Fucking Break]
[Today's Lesson]
[Random Things]
[An Important Article]
[Halle VS. Tyra]
[Mah Babies]
[Happy Birthday JOO-LIE!]
[Case of the Ex]
[Go Leafs Go!]
[The Deal with Boybands]
[Genie Power]
[Jonathon's Log]
[Jen's Page]
[Funnel Madness]
[All in the Family]
[No Authority]
[Innosense 3.31.01]
[Jules Enlightens Us]
[Weird Stuff]
[Olivia's Birthday List]
[Happy Birthday Olivia!]
[A Walk to Remember]
[Bloody Brilliant!]
[Stolen Identity]
[Pardon Me While I Burst]
[Five MF Years]
[Hard To Say Goodbye...]
[Happy Birthday Mel!]
[In Loving Memory Of..]
[Happy Birthday Brie!]
[Happy Birthday Nicole!]
[They Say Its Your Bday..]
[Branded Drunk Jiggalos]
[Tyrese's REAL Sweet Lady]
[Ricky Martin]
[Britney, pop princess]
[He's All That]
[Stop Playing NSYNC!]
[Nina's Wishlist]
[Happy Birthday Nina!]
[Pimp It *Lucky, Pimp it...]
[In Loving Memory]
[Embarrasing Stuff]
[Ghetto Fabulous Birthday]
[Brit's New Album]
[Bye Bye...Bobbie!]
[Detroit WHAT?!]
[Liv's Birthday Wishes '02]
[Happy Birthday Liv!]
[Highway Adventure]
[Porn Names]
[Justin LOVES Nicole]
[This Is NOT HowIE Do It]
[Stupid Forward]
[Dirty Popstars]

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