We Get The Weirdest IMs...

Hey everybody! Alex here, of course... who else would get people IMing her asking for her phone number? Or some chick who just wants to have some gurly fun? I don't swing that way hun. So I'm talking to my friend Matt, and we're like, "Dude... we get the weirdest IMs!" *we have the weirdest IM convos talking to each other... you have no idea...* Anyhoo... I get this brilliant idea, right? I should write about these crazy IMs on the site! They're funny alright... and... disturbing. So I'm puttin em up. Half of them are NSYNC related, Matt's are not. LoL. Well, sorta. If ya count the fact that he says that his friend is always saying he looks like JC *Ya DO!! Sorry Matty-boy, but ya do!!!* ...In case ya haven't guessed, that friend is me. =0P *Apparently, I'm just surrounded by people that look like members of NSYNC* Anyhoo... on with the convos.

Oh ya... I'm changing all the SNs on all the poor helpless lil souls that IM us, but I'm leaving Matt's. You can IM him, just don't tell him where ya got the SN. Oh, and don't be surprised if ya see the convo up here. =0) And in case ya don't know, or can't guess, I'm GinyNaBotl, Matt's Redundant Monkey. Oh, right, just one more thing: If ya see any comments in this color blue, and inside the **s, that's me. Awright.. I'm good... enjoy!

Matt's 1st Convo

Matt's 2nd IM Convo
This one's verrry interesting

Matt's 3rd IM Convo
Kinda short... which is what makes it weird

The 1st of Mine
Some rabid Teeny

My 2nd One
This girl was hittin on me... pretty funny

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