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My LiTtLe *NsYnC hUmOr SiTe

Welcome to my little *NSync page. I hope you enjoy yourself while viewing this page. I just want you to know right now and up front that I AM *NSync. No, not really. I don't have any connections except, of course, I guess that everyone else can use that for a connection if they are a fan.

Okie dokie, well, Just in case you wanted to know, only some of these pictures are mine, I stole most of them, though. All of the graphics are pretty much off of page builder things, but all of the quotes, conversations, stories, etc. are mine unless they say otherwise. OK, now that we have all that great stuff down and out of the way, lets get to the stuff you came here for.

Just pick a link below!!!

The pic site is up and running again, I hope you enjoy!!
This is the place to come if you want a decent collection of pictures. I'm not saying they are the best, but they are pretty good.

These are stories that I have either written, found, or had submitted to me. Beware, some of them have suggestive language in them, so don't write me hate mail saying you were offended, because I warned you!!

Pointless Stuff
This is just a whole bunch of stuff that I have and didn't know what to do with. Just go look at it. I know you are curious.

OK, Well these are the lyrics from all the songs that I know of that the boys sing. If you know of more or have corrections, then please email me. Thank you a bunch!!

Great Links
This is my links page. Every other page I have been to has one, so I figured I should come up with one. So go check out the links I love.

Contact Me
There are many ways of getting in touch with me. View this page to find out how.

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Please sign my guestbook. I didn't put it there for looks. It really does have a purpose, believe it or not!

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(Don't you feel lucky?)