Pictures Page

This is the place to find pictures!! If that is not what you are looking for, then please, by all means, do NOT click on any of the links below. If you are here for pictures, then get to clickin'! Hope you enjoy the hard work I put into this site.

Now, I have one thing to say about stealing pictures, go ahead. Some of these are stolen anyway, I won't lie to you. Please, if you find that I have stolen from you and you would like credit for your pix then email me and I will change it ASAP!

Now get clickin'!!!

Funny Pictures
These are some pictures that I stole from a person named Fiona. I think that some of them are pretty, yea, hilarious is a good word to describe them.

The Pretty Parts
OK, these are the pictures that you came from miles away to see. These are the pics of the great body parts of the guys. Don't lie to yourself, you know that you are curious and love to see these.

Get Outta Here!