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Chat Transcript
Monday, July 23, 2000

I know this was a while ago, but this chat tells everything you wanna know about the guys when they were just starting out. And both Lisa and I (Sarah) were in the chat and asked some questions.

<b4-4> Welcome to the b4-4 chat!

            <b4-4> Dan, Ryan, and Ohad wanted to stop by and start things off with a quick chat   with their fans! While the guys are here, you will not be able to talk in the channel.
If you'd like to ask the guys a question, type /msg b4-4 yourquestionhere

            <b4-4>There's a lot of people here so, unfortunately we have to moderate the chat

            <ohadschic> heyyyyyyyyy its u guys have icq? cuz lots of people are
               pretendin to be you....

               <b4-4> Yes, we do have ICQ. We go with dash's number
           <b4-4> that number is 72197146

            <b44girl> hi guys! i love you! What's your fav flavour of chip? hehe

               <b4-4> Ohad: Plain, Dan: salt and vinegar Ryan: Poodles

               <Nickey> Do u guys have AOL?? Thanks Nickey

               <b4-4> No, we use ICQ

            <ohadzgal> you guys gonna be wearing those uniforms you wore on Sat again?
               They were awesome!

            <b4-4> Thank you so much, yep, we'll be using them again, and we have some really cool colours

            <Tigra76> Hey guys.. whot side of the bed do you prefer *grin*

               <b4-4> Dan sleeps on the floor

            <|^CuTiE^|> hey guys, you guys are so cool for keeping touch with your fans. But do
               u guys think you will ever come to Thunder Bay Ontario. I`ve never seen you guys
               before, only on tv

            <b4-4> Keep checkin' out for updated tour dates!

               <DansBabyG> lol, Dan you sleep on the floor with you bunny? lol

            <b4-4> Yes, with my bunny, he sleeps on my pillow

               <Meg> Thank-you so much for autographing the cds on CDnow, I was really excited
               to get mine!

            <b4-4> Thank you! We love doing stuff for our fans!

            <b44girl> You guys are gonna be huge, i was wondering how you plan on staying
               grounded and not letting your heads get too big?

            <b4-4> We think you guys all keep us grounded. We love staying close with all of our fans...doing stuff like this.

            <Nickey> When u were touring with Prozzak why weren't u at the London, Ontario
               on March 7th concert??

            <b4-4> We had a lot of prep. work to do, sorry we couldn't make it :)

            <ohadschic> omg yer dancer...chyno...i think?? how old is he??

            <b4-4> We love our dancers so much. That's greg, he's 102... kidding ;-)

               <Sarah> What did you guys think of Winnipeg at Eaton Place?

            <b4-4> Our tour went so well, we had an amazing time in Winnipeg. It was our first stop out west. We can't wait to come back!

               <PosterGir> what concept are you going to do the new video for GO-Go

            <b4-4> Yep! We're working ont he Go Go video right now, and it's a surprise!

            <b44girl> where is one place in the world you would love to perform besides Canada
               cuz we all know that :)

            <b4-4> Ibiza... We've heard it's a beautiful, exotic island!

               <Nickey> Do u have any tips on getting the smell of skunk out of a dog's fur?? Cause
               my dog got sprayed last night!! :o)

            <b4-4> Sorry to hear that! Wash him in tomato juice! Ryan wants to know if it's a poodle.

               <ohadsdead> What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you guys on stage?

            <b4-4> Ohad fell on an onion ;-)

            <Ohadsgurl> what was your most emabarassing moment ever???

            <b4-4> Ryan and Dan locked Ohad out of the hotel room once... he was completely naked. he had to go ask the clerk for a key. It was sooo funny

            <Lisa_> hi guys, what do you guys love about being so famous

               <b4-4> Being able to talk to all of you guys like this. We love being close to all of you.

               <RyanIsAQT> Hey Guys do you have any advice for singers trying to get into the
               music biz?

            <b4-4> Never ever give up.

            <ORDLover> when you guys see yourselves on T.V what do you think?

            <b4-4> It's the weirdest feeling to see yourself on TV and hear yourself on the radio. We'll probably never get used to it.

            <AmberB44> hey its Amber in Vancouver, did you guys get the pic of Ohad tripping?

            <b4-4> Ya, we got it, thanks so much

            <PosterGir> Hey guys what is your favorite song on your album???

            <b4-4> We all have different favourites.
           <b4-4> Ryan: Endlessly
           <b4-4> Dan: Everyday
           <b4-4> Ohad: That's how I know and Go GO
               <b4-4> It's really hard to pick though. If we have to pick, those are our choices.

            <b4-4fan> what is your favourite tv show?

            <b4-4> Seinfeld, Jay Leno, David Letterman, Much Music

            <Meg> When will the vid for Go Go be out?

            <b4-4> In the next few weeks!

               <Tigra76> Do you ever write songs yourselves, and if not, do you intend to?

               <b4-4> We wrote Go Go, we're always writing.

            <b4-4fan> are you excited for the show in wal mart in vaughn? cz i think it will be

               <b4-4> We're VERY excited! Everytime we step on stage, we get excited, there's no feeling like it!

            <emtenn> Um, on EC, I was wondering if Dan and Ryan switched outfits, cuz it
               seemed like they did

            <b4-4> Nope, we didn't. But it's a good idea ;-) We'll try to trick you next time, let's see if you can tell.

            <ohadsdead> Ohad: At Canada's WOnderland, was that you standing outside? Some
               people said that it was your brother.

            <b4-4> It was my brother :)

               <Nickey> I just wanna tell u that my hamsters name are Ohad and RD (Ryan/Dan).
               What do u think?

            <b4-4> That's too cute! :) Send them our love.
           <b4-4> Ryan says dont eat your hampsters!
           <b4-4> I mean I would like to meet your hampsters
           <b4-4> oops!

               <Marge> who do u guy look up to?

               <b4-4> Mainly our parents, and our fans. You got us here in the first place, you're always there for us, thanks so much!

               <b4-4luver> what's in you're guys cd player right now?

               <b4-4> Ryan: Boyz II Men
               <b4-4> Dan: b4-4
            <b4-4> Ohad: Mariah Carey

            <emtenn> Do u guys like Stevie Wonder?

            <b4-4> Stevie Wonder is incredible.

               <AmberB44> If you were on a deserted island ALONE for one year what are three
               things you would want to bring with you?

            <b4-4> Dan: My Bunny, Our Fans, My Family
               <b4-4> Ryan: A poodle, Onion soup, Our fans
               <b4-4> Ohad: Fans, Fans, fans <b4-4> ;-)

            <Lisa_> what things do you wish you could do that you can't do now you are famous

               <b4-4> Being able to go out without being recognized. Sometimes it's nice to just be
               yourself, but it's worth it!

               <emtenn> Do any of u play the piano?

            <b4-4> Yes, we all do.

            <ohadschic> if you could have any artist/group to perform a song with you...who
               would u choose?

            <b4-4> Dan: Celine Dion
               <b4-4> Ryan: Boyz II Men
            <b4-4> Ohad: Michael Jackson

               <|^CuTiE^|> Hey Ohad how is your head, i know you got stitches, hope you feel
               better, and you recovered ok

            <b4-4> I'm much better now, thanks for asking. Thanks for all the letters.

            <Ohadsgurl> how do u guys feel about becoming so famous so fast??

               <b4-4> It's very overwheleming, but we're LOVING it.

               <ohadsdead> I love you guys! Who are your best friends (other than each other)???

             <b4-4> The three of us are all so close, we really are each other's best friends. We were from the start.

            <PosterGir> What is the hardest thing that you had to accomplish to get where you
               are today????

            <b4-4> The three of us have to stick together through all the hard work and setbacks. You can never give up.

            <Tigra76> How did you come up with the name B4-4 ?

            <b4-4> We wanted a name that would be simple, but people would have to think about. People always pronounce it wrong. People say 'B' 4 4 but it's 
supposed to be Before 4.

            <Meg> What is the craziest thing a fan has thrown onstage yet?

            <b4-4> Panties

               <AmberB44> How many hours a week do you practice? voice and dance?

            <b4-4> We practice everyday that we don't have a show. Probably around 10 hours a day.

               <ILikeOhad> do you guys keep the gifts your fans give you?

               <b4-4> Totally! We love everything we get. We keep everything in our rooms. Thank you for all the gifts.

               <b4-4fan> when will you comeout in the states?

            <b4-4> We expect to be in the US VERY soon

            <Meg> Canada is VERY proud of you!

            <b4-4> thank you so much.

            <PosterGir> What do u think of the competitions like backstreet boys and nsync????

            <b4-4> We have a lot of respect for anyone that can make it in this industry. It's a lot of work.

            <b4-4> Someone asked if we have girlfriends, none of us do.

               <ILikeOhad> What do you guys do to get psyched up b4 a show?

               <b4-4> Hearing you guys cheer. There's no feeling like it.

            <Katherine> would you tell us if you did have girlfriends?

               <b4-4> Yes, why wouldn't we? Having a girlfriend is not a secret. If we found   someone we really cared about, we wouldn't be ashamed.

            <ohadsdead> St Canada's Wonderland, when you guys were walkngi past one gate,
               everyone saw you and started cheering. How did you feel at that momen?

            <b4-4> We got shivers. It's a unique feeling.

            <Meg> Do you guys pray or chant something before every show or is it all

            <b4-4> Yes, we all get into a huddle with our dancers and our choreographer. We pray and we do a routine.

            <RyanIsAQT> would you ever date one of your fans?

               <b4-4> Of course, we're just waiting for the right girl.

            <PosterGir> Do u guys prefer working in a studio or live????

               <b4-4> We like performing, because we get to see you guys. The studio is also great
               because music is our life and we love to make it.

            <Katherine> If you guys could do anything you wanted for an entire day, what would
               it be??

               <b4-4> We're doing it right now!

               <Sugar_Twy> your performance was awesome, how long does it take you to prepare
               for a show?

            <b4-4> We're always rehearsing, so it's hard to put a timeline on it.

               <Sarah> Your dancing is amazing. Did you have any previous dance experience
               before you became B4-4?

               <b4-4> We've always been dancing.

               <Nicks_Ang> Do you guys prefer apple or orange juice?

            <b4-4> Ryan and Ohad: Apple Dan: Orange

            <Tigra76> I wonder.. do you ever go clubbing? or would you get mobbed by fans so
               you can't anymore?

               <b4-4> It's hard to go places in public now. :)

               <Lissa_> i loved dans little movie about orange juice

               <b4-4> That was Ryan

            <jenn-> is being famous everything you thought it would be?

            <b4-4> and more..

               <Katherine> What's the latest movie you've seen and did you like it??

               <b4-4> Me Myself and Irene, with Jim Carey. Ryan and Dan Loved it, but Ohad preffered Scary Movie.

               <mrs_ohad> Do you get tired of signing autographs and getting your pictures taken
               all the time?

            <b4-4> We could never get tired of that!

               < Nicks_Ang>Are you guys big hockey fans?

            <b4-4> Yes, we love hockey!

            <ohadschic> whats yer favourite sport to play??

            <b4-4> Ryan: Basketball

            <b4-4> Dan: Hockey

            <b4-4> Ohad: Basketball

               <Lynsie> Are there any rumours you've heard about yourselves? If so, whats the
               craziest one you've heard?

               <b4-4> When we first came out, there was a rumour that Ohad was leaving the group. He would never do that!

               <mrs_ohad> Do Ryan and Dan have any psychic powers?

               <b4-4> Yes, sometimes we think the same thing at the same time.

            <AmberB44> Ohad how did you do those little "magic feet" moves???

            <b4-4> Lots of practice! Watching tapes of Michael Jackson.

               <PosterGir> how is likey to forget a dance step?????

            <b4-4> it can happen, but it hasn't happened yet. We rehearse all the time so we know the routines inside out and backwards.

               <Lynsie> has anyone ever told you guys that you kinda look like each other? my
               mom thinks you do, and she loves your music!

               <b4-4> We get told that a lot. People think we're triplets. I think it's the ears ;-)

               <Tigra76> How do you wind down again after the energy of a show?

               <b4-4> Good question!

                <b4-4> It's very difficult, we want to stay on stage forever...

            <superstar> is there anything that you would change about your life now?

            <b4-4> Nothing

            <b4-4> Well, we have to get back to rehearsing now! Thank you so much for chatting with us. We're getting a ton of letters and e-mails, keep them coming. We read and answer as many as we can.  See some of you guys on Friday at Wonderland or Saturday at Walmart. Thanks
               SOOO much!

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Sarah and Lisa Productions 2001

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