Once they were inside, she looked
around.  The room was aglow with candlelight.  Candles had been placed
on every surface he could find.  The smell of Jasmine filled the air as
the sounds of R.Kelly filled the air.
    She smiled down at him  and kissed his nose, "It's perfect."
He walked further into the room, whispering into her ear, "It's
about to get even better."  He gently set her on the bed and sat next to
her, kissing her deeply.  His hands slid back under her shirt and pulled
it slowly over her head, only stopping their kiss long enough to let the
material pass.  She followed his lead and his shirt soon followed hers
to the floor.  He kissed down her neck, and over her shoulder, sliding
the straps of her bra down and  kissing the newly exposed skin.
    Her fingers tangled in his dark locks and pulled them slightly,
increasing his desire for her.  His fingers slid over her sides, causing
her to giggle softly.  His eyes twinkled as he smiled and slid his
fingers over her back and released the clasps.  The lace and satin found
itself in the pile on the floor within seconds.  Her first instinct  was
to cross her arms over her chest, feeling very vulnerable.  He smiled
and lowered her arms.  He took in the sight of her, "You're beautiful."
She blushed and he lowered his head, finally giving into the urge to
take the hard crimson nipples into his mouth.  His tongue swirled over
one as his fingers gently squeezed and tugged the other.
    When Raegan felt the first tug from his suckling mouth, she cried
out softly.  "Oh god, Kevin."  He continued, feeling her fingers tangle
more in his hair, pulling it.  He moaned against her breast , pulling
her to him, so she was sitting on his lap.  When he heard her making
soft moaning noises with every breath, he kissed from one nipple to the
other. Raegan traced the muscles in his back with her hands, feeling him
arch towards her touch.  When Raegan could hardly breath from all the
sensations that Kevin was causing to run rampant in her body, he had her
stand between his legs as he sat on the bed.  He kissed down her stomach
reached the waistband of her jeans, running his tongue under the denim.
Reagan's stomach jumped as she sucked in a breath.  He smiled and his
hands slid up her legs and over her hips to reach the buttonfly of her
jeans.  Slowly he undid them one by one, kissing the newly exposed skin
after each one was undone.  When he reached the last one, he tugged the
jeans down, kissing over her legs.
    Raegan kicked them off and pulled him to his feet, "One of us has
way too many clothes on."  He groaned as she took her sweet time,
kissing over eacho one of his abs before her fingers found the button of
his jeans.  She undid it and yanked the zipper down, sliding the denim
over his hips and into a pile on the floor.
    He leaned down and found her lips again, his tongue drilling hard
into her mouth.  She accepted it without question, her tongue answering
back with the same hunger.  She found her shoulders pressed back onto
the pillows as his weight settled on top of her and his desire pressed
up against her thigh.  He pulled away and looked down into her eyes,
"Raegan, are you sure?"  She didn't answer.  She simply ran her fingers
down the length of his back and into his boxers sliding them down.  Once
she had freed him, he started to kiss down her body.  When he reached
the edge of her panties, he smiled up at her and tugged them down with
his teeth.  When he pulled them off her ankles, he turned away for a
second and Raegan heard a foil package being ripped open.  She had to
smile, he was always considerate of her.  When he turned back around, he
laid between her legs, "Raegan, don't be scared.  It may hurt a little.
If it gets too much, you say stop and we stop.  Okay?"