Raegan nodded, "I'm not scared, Kevin."  He gently guided himself inside
of her, going very slowly and gently.  He felt her tense up, almost
arching off the bed as a gasping cry left her lips.  He froze.  Raegan
buried her face in Kevin's shoulder, tears sprining from her eyes before
she could stop them.  Hearing her soft sobs ripped his heart right in
two.  His eyes spilled over with tears as apology after apology left his
lips, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  We'll stop right now." He went to pull out,
but Raegan had finished going through the pain and wrapped her arms
around his waist, "Don't!  Kevin, it's gone."
        He looked down at her, "Are you sure?"  She nodded and he slowly
inched a little more inside of her and felt her acceptance of him.  He
wanted nothing more than to bury himself hard and deep inside her, but
he forced himself to take it slow.  He took up a slow, gentle rhythm and
felt her body working with his.  He leaned down and kissed her, loving
the feeling of being surrounded by her.  Kevin greedily ate up every
moan coming from her lips, letting it increase his desire until he
thought he would explode. But he held himself back.  He wouldn't let
himself go over the edge until Raegan was completely satisfied first.
He went deeper and just a little bit harder and faster, feeling her
start to quiver around him as she moaned his name.  He answered her moan
as she arched against him, her fingernails digging in his back.  He
looked down at her, wanting to memorize the look of wonder on her face.
When he felt her come down from the high, he finally let himself be
hurled over the edge also.  A low, deep moan left his lips as he cried
out her name, collapsing onto her.  He rolled them both over so she was
tucked against his side, her head resting on his chest.  Raegan lifted
her head and gently kissed him, "Kevin, that was the most special,
beautiful thing.  Thank you."  He kissed her back, "Anything for you."