Full of Grace: Chapter 12
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

I cradled the blonde head in my lap. "Oh God, Nick. Wake up. Please wake up." Nick began to stir, moaning as he fought his way back into conciousness. I breathed a sigh of relief as he opened his eyes. "Thank you, God," was all I could manage to say. I was too choked up with emotion.

Nick sat up and looked around. When he saw me knealing down beside him he scooted away. "Oh Nick. I'm sorry." He just looked at me with eyes filled with terror and hurt. I turned my head a wway for a moment to choke back sobs.

Nick went to stand up but he moaned and grabbed his head. Brian rushed to him and caught him before he passed out again. "Hang on, Nick. The paramedics are coming." He helped Nick lay back down and this time Brian was the one craddling Nick's head in his lap.

"I'm ok, Brian. I don't need paramedics. I don't want to go to the hospital." I said, "Yes, you do have to go, Nick. You have to be okay. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you."

Nick looked at me for a second, our eyes locking. Then he looked away and closed his eyes.

Brian glared at me, "You are the exact cause of this, Kevin. You and your runaway ego. You may be my blood, Kev, but right now you make me sick."

A slap across the face wouldn't have hurt as much as those words Brian spoke. My heart should have been ripped from my chest, throwed on the floor, and stomped on for what I had done to Nick.

The paramedics arrived then and checked Nick over. They started an IV on him and put an oxygen mask over him. I mumbled, "Oh my God," over and over again as I watched them wheel Nick out in a stretcher to the waiting ambulance.

I said, "I'm going with him." and went to get in the ambulance but Brian grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back with such force I stumbled and fell. He looked down at me, "Over my dead body you get near him. You've done enough damage for one day, Kevin. GO HOME!"

Brian got in the ambulance with Nick and they left. I turned around and found Howie and AJ staring at me with sad looks on their faces. I wanted to talk to them - to explain that I wasn't a monster.

But I didn't. I hung my head in shame and walked away. I went out into the street and hailed a cab. I figured home was the best place I could be right now.

I gaped in shock as my Toyota 4-Runner was parked in the driveway beside my house. It was shiny like it had been freshly washed and waxed.

I threw the cab driver a $20 and slowly walked up the driveway. The Toyota looked as good as new. Nothing damaged. Nothing out of place.

I went up to the front door and found it partially opened. Fear settled into the pit of my stomach. I thought for a moment I was going to be sick.

I quietly eased inside and walked towards the living room and stopped dead in my tracks at the sight before me.

Stefaine looked up from the book she was reading and smiled brightly, "Hello, Kevin darling. I'm so glad you're home."

"Stefanie, um, what are you doing here? This is a surprise. How did you get in? What is my car doing here?"

Stefaine laughed and got up off the love seat and walked to me. "My car was in the shop. I appreciate you letting me use yours, Kevin. And I'll be here to greet you everyday when you come home from work. I live here now."
