Full of Grace: Chapter 13
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Nick looked down at Kevin's head in his lap. "Why didn't you throw her out?"

I sighed against Nick's leg, "I was afraid. She knew where I lived, she knew how to get past the security system, she had my freaking car stolen. There was nothing that would stop her, I knew that. I had no choice in this."

They both lapsed into silence, both of them thinking of the complete and utter havoc she had wreaked with Kevin's life. Kevin thought of how he had sent Nick into the hospital.

I looked at Stefanie like she was crazy. "You live here? I could have sworn it was my house."

She smiled that sickeningly sweet smile and slowly made her way over to me, her hips swaying seductively. The movement mesmerized me and I never saw the fist coming. The next thing I knew I was doubled over on the ground, gasping for breath, pain ripping up my side.

"I'm sorry you aren't happy about me being here Kevin, but you're just going to have to get over it. How else can I keep an eye on you?" Her foot nudged my shoulder and I fell onto my back, staring up at her. "You'll see Kevin, it's for the best."

She placed her foot on my ribcage and literally walked over me, "Take a shower, you look and smell like a barn animal." I groaned as the weight of her pressed on my bruises from her last attack, my ribs making popping noises as she stepped over me.

I could only stare after her as she walked away from me, sat back on her chair and sipped her iced tea like nothing had happened.

I rolled back over onto my stomach and whimpered softly in pain as the movement of getting up caused pain to shoot through every part of me. I managed to make it to my feet and she looked over at me, "Move Kevin, the smell of you is offensive."

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it instead, knowing if I did utter something, most likely my poor side was going to pay for it.

I let the water cascade over me, the jets of water pummeling my tired muscles. I rested my forehead against the tile, my arms hanging on each side of me. I couldn't manage to lift my arms enough to grab the soap, it hurt too much. Finally, I managed to gather my strength and gritting my teeth to keep from crying out, I washed my hair and body.

Stepping out of the shower, I took a towel and wiped the steam off of the mirror and turned sideways, looking at the black and deep purple bruises up my side. Even looking at them was painful. I took the towel and wrapped it around my waist, going to my room to pick out some clothes. I took some low slung jeans and a football jersey, both of them loose enough that they wouldn't press on my side. It hurt even to breathe.

Just as I finished changing, I felt a presence behind me and turned around to see Stefanie looking at me from the doorway. I turned to her, my breath halted in my throat. She looked at me, tears glistening in her eyes. "Oh Kevin, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry."

I took in the sight of her lower lip trembling, the tears that were now spilling down her cheeks and felt my heart melting. I never could stand to see a woman cry. I walked slowly to her, stifling the gasps of pain that shot through my chest with every step. I opened my arms and she flung herself into them, wrapping her arms around me, pressing on my side. I gasped in pain, but she didn't seem to notice. I gathered enough breath to talk, "Baby, loosen up. That hurts."

She looked up at me and giggled a little, "Sorry!" She loosened her hold and rested her head against my chest.

I put my arms around her waist and rested my chin on the top of her head. She lifted her head and stood on tiptoe to kiss me softly, her lips feeling so good against mine. I breathed in the scent of her, like baby powder. We just stood in that embrace for the longest time, feeling content just to be in each other's arms.

The sound of the phone separated us, I knew I had to answer it, but I just wanted to keep holding her, it felt so right. With a sigh, I made my way over to the phone and picked it up, still holding her hand. "Hello?"

Brian's voice came on the other end, very gruff and business like, "For some god-forsaken reason he wants to speak to you."

I closed my eyes, almost reeling from the lack of emotion in his voice, "Ok, put him on."

He grunted, "No, in person. He's in room 802. Get here now."

I sighed, my voice breaking from the overwhelming guilt, "I'll be there as soon as I can."

His tone seemed to soften a bit, hearing the guilt in my voice, "You do that."

I set the phone down and Stefanie looked up at me, "Problems?"

I nodded, "I have to go to the hospital, they've admitted Nick. He needs to speak with me."

She stuck her lower lip out in an adorable pout, "But what about spending time with me?"

I kissed the top of her forehead, "I just have to go see Nick and then I'll be home."

He eyes narrowed, "So Nick is more important than me?"

I shook my head, not wanting to get into this, "He is one of my best friends and I'm the reason he's in the hospital. Please understand, I have to go."

She stepped back from my arms, "Then go. Do what you have to do."

She said it so coldly that I could just look at her. She spun on her heel and stopped at the door to look back at me, "And I'll do what I have to do."

I let out a sigh of relief, but it was cut short as the sigh itself made pain streak through my chest. I made my way downstairs and grabbed my wallet and keys from my jacket. Stefanie was nowhere to be seen. I shook my head sadly and made my way out to my car.

I couldn't even put the seatbelt on, it hurt too much. So carefully avoiding all known speed traps so I didn't get busted on the seatbelt law, I made my way to the hospital.

Once I got there, I went up the elevator to the 8th floor and found room 802. I looked inside and saw the rest of the guys and most of the Carter clan around his bed. He was up and moving now, a lot more cheerful than the last time I had seen him, joking around with his brother and Aaron.

His eyes came to rest upon me in the doorway and they clouded over again. Everyone noticed the look on his face and turned to see me in the doorway. I looked away from Nick's stormy blue eyes, the guilt crushing what little breath I could get in my chest.

I knew where I was not wanted and turned to leave.

"Just a second Kevin Richardson, we need to talk."

I cringed as I recognized Jane Carter's voice. She grabbed onto my shoulder and spun me to face her, inadvertently sending my side into the door jamb. My ribcage hit and I felt a snap inside me. Apparently it was loud enough for everyone to hear, because several of them flinched.

I looked up at her for a split second before a whimper of excruciating pain left my lips, "I'm sorry." and everything went black.
