Full of Grace: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

I felt so drained. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep. But the doctor and nurses kept poking and prodding me. I couldn't bare to look at any of them in the eye. I could only imagine the looks of disgust and pity they were giving me. Granted, I deserved the looks but I wasn't up for dealing with them right now.

The middle-aged doctor came back in and stood by my bed. He didn't introduce himself but his name tag said, "C. Wallace". He said, "You're very lucky your friend found you. You lost a lot of blood. Another hour or so and you wouldn't be here with us right now."

Gee, doc, tell me something I didn't know. "When can I go home?"

Dr. Wallace looked disturbed, "Well, I want to keep you for the rest of tonight. But I would seriously urge you to stay longer but in the physchicatric wing. There are some wonderful doctors on staff there and they'll be able to help you." "I don't need that kind of help, Doctor. But thank you." "Maybe you should talk to your friend. You obviously wanted to die last night by slashing your wrist. Suicide is not the answer."

I opened my mouth to say something but I changed my mind. He wouldn't have understood anyhow. Noone would. I knew Nick didn't even understand. I didn't understand myself so how could I explain it to anyone else?

"I'd like to see my friend please, Dr. Wallace." "Of course. I'll send him in. I'll check on you later and we'll see about discharging you."

Dr. Wallace walked out and a few seconds later Nick walked in. I was holding my bandaged wrists up and looking at them.

Nick walked up and I sadly smiled at him. His eyes were swollen and not for the first time I wished I had never gotten him involved with my problems. I always had taken care of him but here he was trying to take care of me. I can't even remember when the tables turned in our relationship like that.

"I'm sorry, Nick. I am so sorry." Nick took my hand in his and squeezed, "Kevin, you have nothing to be sorry for dude. I'm just glad you called me man. Don't you know it would kill me if you died?"

My heart broke as I watched him try and not cry some more but tears slid down his cheeks. "Kev, you have to get out of that relationship. Stefanie is crazy. For God's sake, Train, she almost killed you this time. Statistics say people who abuse their partners will 9 times out of 10 go on to kill their partner finally."

"I know all that, Nick. I watch the news. But I don't know how to get away from her now. I'm too far in. And if I die at least I would finally be at peace." Nick leaned down right in my face and I could see him shaking, "Don't ever say that, Kevin Richardson. We'll get you out of this. As soon as they discharge you I'm getting you somewhere safe away from her and we'll figure out what to do about her. Maybe I ought to go get the guys and we can beat the shit out of her, let her know what she's putting you through."

I sat up and begged, "Nick, don't tell the guys. Please. I'm humilated enough that you know. I couldn't even tell the doctor here. They think I slashed my own wrists." Nick sighed, "Dammit, Kevin. Stop protecting her. The police could arrest her." I lay back down and closed my eyes, "No, Nick. Absolutely not. They're gonna look at me and laugh thinking about how a 5'5'" petite blonde could tie my hands up over the shower curtain rod and slash me with a razor blade."

I felt Nick kiss my forehead and he said, "Rest, Kevin. I'm gonna be right here taking care of you. You're not alone, Kev. Just remember that.
