Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Nick was turning into a regular McGuyver. He rigged up a fishing pole so it was tied to my wrist a little so if I got a bite, it wouldn't be yanked out of my numb fingers. He had the other hand slid in this sort of brace that was attached to the reel and velcroed around my palm. He saw my wonder at having all of this stuff readily available to use.

He smiled from beneath his fisherman's hat, "The old man who I bought this cabin from had really bad arthritis, but he refused to give up fishing. I kept all this stuff, I figured someday it may come in handy." He gave me a goofy grin, "I was right."

I tested the pole and the reel, the setup looked bizarre, but it worked. I looked up at Nick, "Ok, Nicky. Let's get this show on the road."

Nick frowned, "Don't call me Nicky, Pumpkin."

I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled as he started up the engine and brought us out to the middle of the lake.

We sat there silently for hours, just enjoying the day. I felt a tug on my line and Nick jumped as I jerked forward. Whatever had caught my line was a strong sucker! I started reeling in, being careful not to bend my wrist, letting the brace take most of the strain. It was putting up one hell of a fight. I kept jerking forward and back as I tried to reel it in, nearly losing my balance. I felt a pair of arms coming around me from behind as nick put his hands over mine, giving me a better grip and steadying me. We both worked at reeling the fish in, the two of us plastered together in our fight to get this damn reluctant fish into the boat. I turned my head to talk to Nick, having an idea of how to get this fish to cooperate. Nick turned his head to talk to me at the same moment and somehow our lips met. My mind screamed at me to move away, to stop this, but the rest of me didn't seem to want to listen. I felt Nick's hands tighten on mine, but he didn't move away. We both stood there, the fish forgotten as our lips held their embrace.

A snapping noise brought us back to reality. Before we could react, we were rather unceremoniously tossed into the lake. Howls of surprise were stopped short our two bodies made a huge splash into the lake. I surfaced after untangling myself from both the fishing pole and Nick. I looked around for him to make sure he was ok and saw him looking like a drowned rat. His hair was plastered to his head and his fisherman's hat was soaked, dripping a stream of water right between his eyes. The look on his face was priceless. His mouth was open in an "o" of surprise and his eyes were wide in amazement. From being thrown in the water or from the kiss, I was not sure.

As much as I tried not to, I broke out laughing. I floated on my back and crossed my arms over my stomach, trying to stop my sides from splitting open I was laughing that hard. Oh man, it felt so good to laugh again.

Nick looked at me in amazement and then realizing the absolute ridiculousness of the situation broke down laughing too. We must have looked like two idiots splashing in the water laughing our fool heads off. When we started to laugh ourselves out, Nick wiped his eyes with a snort of laughter, "Think that was Mother Nature's way of telling us we needed to cool off?"

I laughed again, "Maybe Nick, maybe. It certainly worked."

He swam to get the boat, chuckling the whole way. He dragged it back over and managed to hoist himself back in. He paddled the boat over to me and leaned over to try to pull me into the boat. He groaned and grunted as he struggled to lift me over the side of the boat. My arms were useless for leverage, so he had to do all the work. Finally, he got me in the boat with a huge yank that sent the both of us sprawling.

We landed with a thud a tangle of arms and legs. I head a grunt from underneath me, "KEV! Yer killing me! Get off you oaf!"

I shot up and scrambled to the other side of the boat, seeing Nick laying there making a big show of how much I almost crushed him. He wheezed and groaned about his broken ribs and whined like their was no tomorrow. I waited until he was finished and started to applaud politely.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "What are you clapping for, you fool?"

I grabbed the thermos that was on the floor of the boat, "And the Oscar for the best whining scene goes to....*gasp* Nickolas Carter for "The Two Idiots Go Fishing"!!!"

I thrust the thermos into his hands and applauded wildly, I would have given him a standing ovation, but I was afraid of ending up in the water again.

He grinned and wiped a fake tear from his eye, "I'd like to thank all the people who got me to this point. .... oh who am I kidding. It was meeeeeee, it was all MEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

I was nearly crying from laughter at this point and Nick sank onto his seat, laughing just as hard. "What do you say we call it a day? The sun is going down and we've scared most of the fish out of the lake by now."

I nodded and wiped my eyes, still chuckling, "I had a lot of fun, even if we didn't catch a fish."

Nick tried to make a serious face, failing miserably, "Laugh now, Aqua Boy, but what are we going to eat for dinner?"

I made a serious face, doing a better job of it than Nick, "Well Nicky, there is only one answer to that question. "

We both looked at each other and came up with the same answer, "JUNK FOOD!!!"

We laughed and I shot Nick a mock severe look, "Will you look at that, you've warped me. You've turned me to the dark side. We should be eating vegetables, carrots and cucumbers and some salad and...."

Nick's hand clamped over my mouth and he glared at me, "You will not swear in my presence!!! God, carrots? Bite your tongue!!!"

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head as he turned on the engine with a laugh. We headed back to the dock and I waited on the boat as he got it all moored and then he reached him hand down to grab my arm and steady me as I got out of the boat. Man, you don't realize how much your hands do until you can't use them.

We made our way inside and Nick shoved me towards the stairs, "Go have a shower and give me a yell when you're done so I can get mine."

I nodded, we were doing everything we could to avoid discussing that kiss. I stopped on the bottom of the steps and looked at him, "Nick, what happened.....you know....it just happened. I couldn't take it if things got weird between us."

Nick nodded, "I just need to think about it, that's all. Now go shower."

I went up the stairs and took my time washing the lake grime off of me as best as I could. When I finished, I toweled off and slipped on a clean pair of boxers and walked out into my room.

Nick was sitting on my bed, a first aid kit in his hands. He looked at me, still all wet from my shower and I saw something run across his face, but it was gone before I could decipher what he was thinking. "We need to clean your stitches. I called a doctor and he said that the lake water could have bacteria in it."

I nodded, good thing he had thought of it, because I sure hadn't. It amazed me how much he took care of me sometimes.

He motioned me to sit on the bed and took the sopping bandages off of my wrist, cutting off all the tape. When he had it clear, I looked at the line of black stitches that held my wrist together. They looked like little spiders crawling across my skin. I shivered when I realized that without me getting to the hospital when I did, I would be dead. He had cleared the other wrist and held both of them over a bowl that sat in his lap. He took a bottle from behind his back and looked at me, reluctance in his eyes, "Kev, I'm sorry. But this is doctor's orders."

He took out a bottle of peroxide and I winced, "Ah shit. OK, get it over with." I screwed my eyes shut and yelped as the fizzing liquid met my wrists. I bit my lip till in nearly bled, damn it hurt like a bugger, getting right into the slashes right down to bottom, feeling like it was burning my flesh from the inside out. I didn't want to face Nick, he would know by my face how much it hurt and then he would feel bad.

I felt a cloth sweeping over my wrists and then Nick's hands holding my arms. He raised them a little and I felt air over the tingling stitches. I turned my head to see Nick blowing softly on my wounds. I just watched his blond head bent over my wrists and his lips puckering to blow air. I had to close my eyes. Why the hell am I thinking like this? What the hell is wrong with me?

My eyes snapped back open when I felt Nick looking at me. His face was upturned and his blue eyes searched my own green ones.

I don't know which one of us moved first, or whether we both did at the same time, but the next thing we both knew, our lips met and my arms moved of their own volition and wrapped themselves around Nick, pulling him closer, until he was almost on my lap, as his fingers tangled in my wet hair and pulled my lips deeper into the kiss. I gasped and before I could stop myself, my tongue reached out tentatively for his, only to find his tongue meeting me halfway.
