Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Time stood still. The kiss lasted for what seemed like hours but in reality it was only minutes. I had never experienced the feelings I was feeling at that moment. I thought I might cry they felt so wonderful. I felt safe. I felt loved. I felt cared about. I felt like someone special.

Everytime my tongue touched his a tingle went down my spine. Nick continued to stroke my hair as my arms remained around his waist, holding him close. This had to be a sort of heaven on earth I thought to myself.

But then my mind began to clear and I realized this was Nick. My little brother. My best friend. My life perserver. I pulled out of the kiss and sighed.

Nick and I sat there staring into one another's eyes for a moment. Wanting to speak but the words did not seem to want to come.

Finally Nick stood up and said, "It's been a long day. You especially need your rest, Kevin. That's the only way you are gonna get better."

I nodded my head and slipped under the covers. Nick headed towards the door but stopped when I said, "Don't go, Nick."

He looked back at me. I said, "Please."

He nodded his head okay and turned the light off. He stripped down to his boxers and slid into bed next to me.

We lay on our sides, facing one another. We kissed again and again as we lay there.

Finally my eyes began to droop as i got sleepy. "Don't fight it, Kev. Go to sleep." My eyes closed and that night I had my first terror free, dreamless night of sleep in a very long, long time.

The sun was shining brightly the next morning when I woke up and stretched. Once the cobwebs cleared my head I realized I was in bed alone. I sat up and saw Nick sitting at the window across the room, looking out.

The sun shining in on him made his golden hair look like a halo around his head. I smiled to myself as I realized how appropriate that was. Nick was an angel. He was my guardian angel.

"Good morning, Nick."

He turned to me and smiled, "Morning. How do you feel?" I said, "Pretty good actually. I feel rested." "Good. You needed the rest."

He turned back towards the window and looked deep in thought. I could only imagine the thoughts going through his head were much like the ones going through mine at the moment.

"Penny for your thoughts."

Nick turned back to me. He said, "I was thinking about what happened yesterday, Kevin. It was nice. Very nice."

"Yes, it was."

"I'm not gay, Kevin."

"I know you're not, Nick. I never thought you were. I'm not gay either."

"I know, Kev. But I do love you. I can't imagine my life without you. I'd be empty inside without you."

"Nicky, I feel the same way about you. You're the greatest friend a guy could ask for."

Nick looked at me, trying to see if I was saying what he thought I was saying. I got up off the bed and walked over to him.

"Friends, Nick. Special friends, Nick. That's what you and I are. Anything else between us would not work and I think you know that as well as I do. You'd feel like you'd have to always take care of me and I need to get back on my own two feet."

Nick surprised me by standing up and hugging me long and tight, "You're gonna do fine, Kevin. I love you man."
